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Chapter 301, rob people!


At this time, the sound of pushing the door sounded.

Before the doctor in a white coat could take off his mask, Barry rushed up and grabbed his hand.

"How are you, doctor? Is Mr. Bingshan okay?"

"Very complicated."

The doctor did not throw away his hand. Carrera Shipbuilding Company is the largest enterprise in the Seven Waters Capital, and these foremen are also the big stars and protectors of the Water Capital.

Something like this happened to Iceberg, and Barry was so excited that he understood it very well.

Tilstone pulled Barry away and asked, "What's going on?"

What is complexity?

The doctor sighed and replied: "How much hatred does the person who poisoned... have with Mr. Bingshan?"

"This is a deep-sea sea snake venom that I have only read about in books. Because it is very rare, there is currently no targeted serum, at least not in our water capital... But in a short time, it

It will not kill Mr. Bingshan, it will only make him slowly weaken from the pain and torture until his organs fail."

"Then what? What happens when the organs fail?"

Barry opened his mouth and immediately found that everyone around him was silent.

"How much time do we have, doctor?"

Lu Qi asked.

"Three to five days at most, no, three days!"

The doctor replied: "Mr. Bingshan's body has become sick due to overwork, and now it is even worse."

"Can the antidote be found within three days?"

Tillstone and Bipley Lulu, who was also the top five foreman, looked at each other and saw the solemn look in the other's eyes.

It's too short!

Even a doctor has not seen it, which means it is not a sea snake from the nearby sea. It is even more difficult to find the serum.

"But you can't give up!"

Khalifa said: "I'm going to issue a notice to ask for help from citizens. Doctor, can you draw what that sea snake looks like?"


"By the way, where is Kaku?"

Just as a group of people were preparing to divide their work to find the antidote, Barry suddenly remembered something.

"Huh? Isn't he back yet?"

Lu Qi frowned strangely.

"you know?"


Lu Qi nodded: "He said he found that some guys were not very honest, so he asked me to tell Mr. Bingshan that he was going to take leave for a day or two. Today is already the third day."

The Water City is different from other islands. The foremen and workers of Carrera Shipbuilding Company are the island's peace officers. Among them, the five foremen of the No. 1 Dockyard are the strongest.

But the troubles that require leaving the Water City to solve may only happen once or twice a year.

"Who is the opponent?"

"Frankie's Breakdown House."

Everyone was shocked: "It's actually him?!"


A few hours later, on the sea train from the City of Spring Queen to the Water City, Kaku shook the bloody dagger in his hand.

"Oh? In other words, they don't know either?"


"Hey, that would be troublesome."

Sitting on the chair in the bloody carriage, Kaku rubbed his eyebrows: "If even Barry and others don't know, have we arrested the wrong person?"


Lu Qi shook his head and said.

"You take him back and hide him first. Barry is a little nervous at the moment and is suspicious of you leaving."

"Humph, who told him that his shipbuilding skills are not as good as mine, yet he always comes to compete with me?"

Kaku said: "Okay, I'll be back soon."

Said and hung up the phone.

Looking at the man at his feet who had his hands and feet screwed off and couldn't move, Kaku grinned and said, "Hey, Mr. French, can you please tell me who you are?"

"Cough...cough cough."

Trying to open his eyes, Frankie looked at him unwillingly: "This question... I want to ask you too."

"Who are you, Kaku!"

Isn't the other party the foreman of Carrera Shipbuilding Company?

Why do it to yourself?

Bingshan is his senior brother, how could he let Kaku do something to him?

So there is only one answer.

"Are you from the government?!"



In response, Kaku smiled and punched him in the face, knocking him out completely.

"I do not care who you are."

Throwing away the dagger, Kaku's eyes turned cold.

"The commander's order is to kill the wrong person rather than let him go. If it falls into my hands, you will be unlucky."

The plan of Lu Qi and others is very simple, to control Bingshan and Franky at the same time, and then assign the crime of poisoning Bingshan to Franky.

If Barry and others knew about the relationship between the two, they would definitely point out the irrational logic in it.


Then they can determine who Franky is.

but failed.

Bingshan kept the secret very well, and even Barry, who was born and raised in the Capital of Seven Waters, didn't know.

But the impact is not big.

Regardless of whether Barry and others know Franky's true identity, they will not let each other go.

And that's not all.

Kalifa deliberately spared Iceberg's life in order to find out the whereabouts of Pluto's blueprints.

But at that time, it was a complete showdown, so I didn’t think about it for the time being.

Bingshan missed something. He had already forgotten what happened when Lu Qi first joined Carrera Shipbuilding Company a few years ago.

The better he protects the information, the more certain Lu Qi becomes that Franky is related to him.


On the other side, the revolutionary army and others are also taking action.

In order to prevent the news from leaking out, the World Government did not send more agents. Only CP9, a very unfamiliar person to them, took action. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that the enemy is overt and we are covert. They have identified an accurate CP9 agent through the list left by Carlos Hart, and he is listed on the list. He is definitely an important role in this latent mission.

Knowing his existence can avoid unnecessary trouble.

But the disadvantage is that the enemy is overt and we are in the dark.

Whatever they do, they have to carry the enemy on their backs and lose the upper hand.

Of course Long didn't want this situation to continue. When he learned that something had happened to Bingshan, he immediately made a decision.


It's night, Carrera Shipbuilding Company.

"The murderer who poisoned him has not been found, but Mr. Bingshan is not dead. They will never give up!"

Now in front of countless Carrera Company workers, Barry shouted loudly: "In order to protect Mr., everyone is on duty in shifts. No corner can be left unattended. Not a single fly is allowed to fly in!"


"Don't worry, foreman, leave it to us!"

The Carrera company is excited.

There is currently a lack of evidence, especially since Barry is still suspicious of Kaku, who left at this time, so in order to avoid causing civil strife in the city, everyone decided to conceal the fact that the murderer may be the French family.

But the protection of the iceberg remains unchanged. Everyone gathers tonight to prevent the enemy from poisoning him and killing him again.


"It's a pity that they don't know that the real murderers are us."

At the door of Bingshan Ward, Kalifa pushed up her glasses, her expression no longer as guilty or sad as during the day.

The rest of the people went out to help Bingshan find the antidote that was close at hand, leaving only the three of them to protect Bingshan, but they didn't know that the prisoner was here.

"Be careful what you say."

Lu Qi crossed his arms and closed his eyes to rest: "Kaku will be back tomorrow. If Franky's mouth cannot be opened by then, it won't be too late to have a showdown with them."

All the government wants is Pluto's blueprints.

As for Iceberg and Franky, they don't care.

Which method to use is entirely up to cp9 itself.

"This is an opportunity."

Rob Lucci's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

"A chance to prove us!"

There are so many criminals running rampant in the sea, but he can only succumb to the good-for-nothing Spandam. Rob Lucci is not worth it for himself and for his companions who grew up with CP9.

Kalifa nodded.

Thinking of the officer on Judiciary Island, a trace of disdain appeared on his delicate and cold face.

At this moment, Rob Lucci suddenly raised his head and frowned.

"Wait a minute, we seem to have guests."


Kalifa was stunned for a moment.

Are they themselves the murderers?

At the same time, Sabo, who was wearing a mask, was lying on the edge of the balcony on the second floor, looking at another revolutionary army cadre opposite.


The explosion shocked the entire Water City, and Barry's pupils narrowed.

"No! Someone broke into the building!"

And in the distance, a golden light flashed away.

He squatted on the roof of a building a few blocks away from Carrera Company, looked at the firelight from Carrera Company headquarters, and smiled.

"Hey, the master guessed it right. Something big happened in the Water Capital."

This chapter has been completed!
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