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Chapter 31, race against time!

"It is not a pity to die for an ignorant person!"

Greed is not the original sin, ignorance is.

Looking at the rat's body with disgust, Lovett took a deep breath and closed his eyes in thought.

what to do?

Call it a day?

The situation has changed. Knowing that the flying squirrel has noticed that there is a problem here, the evil dragon must be under surveillance. Now that it has passed, there is no guarantee that he will not fall into the trap.

When Lieutenant General Tangtang's headquarters leads a large army to encircle him, even if he joins forces with the evil dragon...

No, wait.

still have a chance!

Suddenly, Lovett's eyes lit up.

It is impossible to encircle the army!

The screen of the mouse's soul clearly shows that the flying squirrel is still floating on the sea.

I almost fell into a misunderstanding.

Distance is an insurmountable problem on the sea!

The world of pirates is not the world of mages. They don't have portal technology. Knowing the information doesn't mean they can arrive immediately.

"Knowing the village of Kraer can only prove that the Flying Squirrel's spy has been nearby, but he himself was taken for a stroll, far away from here."

Without evidence, Flying Squirrel has no reason to bypass Branch 16 and forcefully investigate. Then outsiders will instantly understand that there is something wrong with Branch 16, triggering discussion.

Showing one's own dark side to the world is an outcome the Navy cannot tolerate.

"And the mouse even concealed his true location from the flying squirrel, so the real time he arrived here is not within the other party's knowledge. Without contact, the other side will not notice the abnormality for the time being."

"Even if it is detected, a warship accelerates..."

Lovett glanced at the warship stained red with blood, and raised the corners of his mouth.

It’s not like I don’t have any!

After all, he has the mouse to thank.

Not only did it provide transportation, it also bought him precious time to get ahead of the flying squirrel and destroy the evil dragon's territory.

"Black Knight, take all the zombie puppets on board and set off immediately!"

After understanding the key point, Lovett suddenly turned around and issued an order.


It only takes a few hours to get to the Dragon Realm from here.

As long as he moves quickly, the flying squirrel can't defeat him.

The cunning lieutenant general of the headquarters gave him a wonderful intelligence report. If he had attacked without haste according to the original plan, the flying squirrel would have been happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then reap the benefits.

The Navy has a long track record in this regard.

But he certainly didn't expect that he could use soul searching to obtain information and find the key to breaking the situation.

"Inexplicably, I feel that I am becoming more and more familiar with my identity."

Standing on the deck of the warship, Lovett looked thoughtful.

Isn't it the daily routine of a pirate to battle wits with the navy to evade pursuit?

Three hours later, the navy warship.

"What did you say?!"

Behind the desk, Flying Squirrel glared and stood up angrily.

"Something happened to the mouse?"

The lieutenant colonel who came to report the situation was sweating coldly. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at him: "Yes... yes, according to common sense, the colonel should have arrived long ago, but he has not sent any news back until now."

Even if there is a battle, three hours is a bit too long.


The flying squirrel was furious and its domineering power was scattered everywhere.

He was not angry with the mouse, but with these subordinates.

He always thought that the mouse was hiding far away and it would take a day to get there. He never thought that it only took a few hours, from afternoon to dusk.

The reason for delaying reporting such important information until now was very clear to the flying squirrel. They didn't want to know what the mouse had done for fear of being implicated.

But now that the mouse has lost contact, the lieutenant colonel and others suddenly panicked...

"It's really a big fish!"

The flying squirrel looked gloomy.

It was possible to prevent hundreds of soldiers from sending out distress signals, so one can easily imagine the other party's intention of hiding in Kraer Village.

If it weren't for him, they would have had a fight with the fishmen!

"Lieutenant General, do you want to rush there now?"

the adjutant asked.

At the normal speed of pirate ships, three hours is not too long, and we can still catch up.

No matter how big of a problem the rat has, he still represents the Navy, and doing this is a slap in the Navy’s face!

However, the flying squirrel thought for a moment and shook its head decisively.

"No, no need! Don't forget our true purpose."

They only have one warship and cannot divide their forces at all. Compared with chasing the unknown group of criminals, rescuing thousands of civilians in the Dragon Realm is their top priority.

This is a tough choice.

Is the authority of the navy more important, or the life and death of the people?

The adjutant was stunned and then saluted respectfully.


Immediately, Flying Squirrel glanced at the frightened Lieutenant Colonel of Branch 16 in front of him and snorted coldly.

"How far is it from here to the Dragon Realm?"


The lieutenant colonel knelt on the ground, trembling.

It’s a murderous night with a dark moon and high wind.

The world was dark, and even the stars in the sky hid in the dark clouds at some point. Unable to understand, and with fear, I looked down at the sea and people were fighting each other.

Standing in front of the evil dragon, Cloobi and others did not dare to breathe.

The terrifying killing intent licked their necks coldly, causing them to sweat profusely.

I don't know how long it took, but the evil dragon moved its stiff neck and chuckled.

"It seems that I have been content for too long..."


Jiu couldn't help but look up: "Now..."

"This is not the time to act impulsively...I know."

The evil dragon interrupted him: "With all the rats wiped out, the flying squirrels will surely be impatient to launch a massive attack. If they don't leave tonight, they won't be able to leave again."

The evil dragon also knows how far the flying squirrel is from the evil dragon's territory.

"But, are you willing?"

Staring with a pair of beast-like eyes, the evil dragon showed its fangs: "If we meet him at sea in the future, shall we make way for him?!"


"The sea belongs to us fishmen. We are born stronger and better than humans. We are a truly advanced race!"

"Why can humans ride on our heads? Have you forgotten the slave market in Chambord?"

Fish-Man Island is the hometown of fish-men. Most of those who can follow the evil dragon to the East China Sea have witnessed the bloody, dark, and shameful reality of the Shampoo Islands.

There is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason.

The cruelty of evil dragons to humans is the result of human intervention.

After saying that, the evil dragon turned its head.

"You said that from a distance of more than ten meters, he made the rats and all the soldiers on the warship turn into black crows?"

Croobie took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"Yes, I speculate that it is some kind of fruit ability that can be released remotely... In addition, the man in black robe next to him is so fast that he can even run on the sea, which should not be underestimated."

Since you are not ready to leave, you can only fight!

There is no doubt about the power of those with fruit abilities, but the speed displayed by the black-robed man is even more unbelievable, so we should not be careless.

"[Black Earl] Lovett...? I have always underestimated him."

The evil dragon tapped his fingers on the table and raised his head after a moment.

"Go back to sleep and keep your spirits up."

"Since you dare to provoke the fish-men, be prepared to die!"


With strong hatred and racial pride, the murlocs responded loudly.

The long night has an end.

When the first ray of light shines on the earth in the morning, everything wakes up, and the bright light dyes the sky golden, like gold reflecting the sky, which is beautiful.


The azure warship sailed straight towards the thin port of Cocoyasi Village, breaking the tranquility of the early morning.


The stairs were thrown heavily onto the stone steps on the shore. Lovett, holding his cane under his arm, walked down slowly.

"A desolate land."

Cocoa West Village is not wealthy, it looks like something out of an American western. The loess on the streets will turn into mud once it rains, highlighting poverty.

"You stay here and wait, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Wallace bowed his head respectfully and returned to the boat.

The black knight passed him by, and the strong death aura made him shiver.

"Hundred Strategies" Crowe, what a powerful hero he was back then?

He was even able to fight his way out of numerous naval encirclements and suppressions, making him one of the greatest pirates in the East China Sea.

As a result, he was killed by that adult, and even his corpse was driven by him.

Wallace stood on the left side of the road with his hands tied, shivering.


When the Black Knight walked down the stairs, more zombies emerged from the sea and climbed up to the shore one after another.

It was also the efforts of this group of tool people that allowed the completely overloaded warship to rush all night and arrive here in the early morning.

"Let's go!"

Lovett peeled off a piece of orange and chewed it in his mouth, scanning the houses on both sides of the street with his peripheral vision.

The village was already in a state of turmoil, and not even a navy warship dared to show up.

Being weak is not a sin, it is just a kind of sadness.

Living in troubled times without the power to protect yourself is understandable and painful.

Of course, Lovett did not come here to be a savior, so he ignored the villagers peeking at him from behind the door.

He led the black knight and the undead army towards the dragon realm.

This battle is a race against time!

"The direction they went to...is the evil dragon realm!"

In the dark room, through the crack in the door, Nuo Qigao's eyes widened, he whispered and ran towards the door.


Kensuke quickly grabbed her and lowered his voice: "You don't want your life? Don't you see those are monsters?"


Nokigao clenched her fists: "Nami is there!"

Last night, the evil dragon and his group spent the whole night carrying weapons and preparing for battle. This kind of thing could not be hidden from the Cocoa West Village, which was only a stone's throw away.

Now the enemy is coming, and as a member of the Dragon Pirates, Nami is also an "enemy".


Kensuke's tone paused, he looked back at the shivering villagers hiding in the room, and said, "I'll go with you!"


"There is no need to persuade me. As the village chief, how can I leave Nami alone?"


By the way, I would like to ask for a recommendation, collection, and test the water. It is estimated that it will be difficult to push more than 1,000 yuan. This result is not bad, but it is definitely not good.

The collection is not enough, so I recommend collecting them.

For next week’s recommendation, Dashu kindly asks all book friends to please don’t forget to vote for free recommendations every day.

Thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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