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Chapter 327, Advance the chaos in the city, Garp's trump card!

lv.4, scorching hell.

The structure of the Searing Hell is like a huge iron pot. Unlike other places, people here can only walk on the corridors built tens of meters above the ground. Below the center is a boiling pool of blood and sea of ​​fire. Once they fall,

The consequences are by no means as simple as burns.

Sabo led his companions on a rampage, and when they came here, they couldn't help but be on guard.

"The accuracy of the previous data on the road has been verified, so if nothing unexpected happens, the director of Impel Down City, Magellan, is on this floor."

Sabo said as he ran: "It is said that it is a monster with strength comparable to that of a naval admiral. The poisonous fruit is even more lethal than the three admirals of the navy."

Speaking of this, Sabo suddenly stopped.

"Morrie, Betty, you take the rest of the people and move forward. I will be responsible for blocking the enemy."

For this operation, all four commanders of the Revolutionary Army came to the Grand Route!

But they were not all involved in the action, even if they had the idea.

Saab was the chief of general staff, and Long was away. He forcefully ordered Lindbergh of the "Southern Army" and Karas of the "Northern Army" to stay, in case their operation failed and the revolutionary army would not be able to leave a single spark.

Moreover, Sabo did not leave the spark of fire brainlessly, but in his plan, compared with those two people, the abilities of the "Western Army" Commander Mori and the "Eastern Army" Commander Belo Beti were more important.

Helps even more.


The pace gradually slowed down, and the others fell silent. They wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start.

Betty, who was silent for a long time with a cigarette in her mouth, glanced at him and then turned around first.

"keep going!"


The invisible power spreads to everyone, making their blood boil and full of courage.

"Thanks, Betty."

Sabo took off the water pipe from his back, leaned his back towards his companion, and grinned.

"The Black Earl will not lie to us on this matter. After you arrive at level 5, ask Mori to dig up the ground immediately. The sooner you join senior Ivankov, the greater our chance of rescuing the leader."

"You should pay more attention to yourself, little Sabo."

Betty held her cigarette in her mouth and turned back: "I don't want to do Impel Down again."

"Helping those scum out of trouble makes me sick."

Sabo smiled bitterly: "I...try my best."

Then he looked at the several huge figures appearing in the distance. The heavy pressure from a distance made people breathless.

"come yet?"

Sabo clenched the water pipe in his hand, his armed domineering wind wrapped around it.

"The specialty of Impel Down, Jailermon!"

The unfavorable situation exposed in Level 1 Red Lotus Hell forced the Revolutionary Army to speed up and rush downwards. At that time, not to mention the jailer beasts who needed to be commanded, even the jailers did not have much reaction.

But now the good days are over.

This is level 4, the core hinterland of Impel Down City!

If it's too late for the army to assemble to stop the invaders, Wulaoxing estimates that it's time for a general purge.

Looking at the army of Jailermons coming from all directions, Sabo's face slowly changed color.


"It seems...a bit much!"

But at this moment, little Sadie, who was standing in front of the Jailer Beast army with a whip in hand, suddenly turned around and struck a huge fist towards her face like lightning. The roaring murderous intent made her heartbeat suddenly accelerate and her breathing become rapid.

will die!!

Fortunately, the big jailer beasts around me are not vegetarians.

They moved in front of little Sadie at a speed completely inconsistent with their demented expressions, and helped her block the blow.

But under the horrified gaze of the latter, the Minotaur, the jailer beast that has always been known for its tenacious vitality and rough-skinned skills, the moment it came into contact with the fist, half of its body split open like soap, red and white. of splashing around.

The terrifying power directly destroyed its body, then continued unabated, and then penetrated the red nose of the Mino Koala that was blocking the way, and emerged from the back of its head.


Only then did the sonic boom explode.

Little Sadie was hit by the airflow, spitting out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs fragments, flying backwards like a cannonball, flying past Sabo and crashing into the wall.

After killing two jailer beasts in the fruit-awakened state, the aftermath caused the impel city jailer chief, Satie, to be seriously injured and fall to the ground!


The violent fist wind raged through the passage like a flood, causing the floors and walls to dent, leaving deep ravines.

And all of this is even just the power of one punch!

"As expected, he followed!"

Looking at the tall figure, cold sweat broke out on Sabo's forehead.

"Eight-armed monkey demon!"

When he boarded the ship before, he discovered that the most eye-catching muscle monster was missing.

At first, he thought the other party had left in advance to prevent CP0 from seeing through it.

But now it turns out that not only did the other party not leave, but he stayed with them all the time!


At this time, the bodyguard said softly "Eh" and retracted his fist.

Looking at the body of the Jailer Beast in front of him that did not explode even after resisting his own punch, the bodyguard thought for a moment, grabbed the body of the Mino Koala with a cut in the middle of its face, and bit it.


Click, click, click!


Under the horrified gaze of a group of people, he spat out the meat foam in his mouth and fanned his nose: "Human meat is not tasty and nutritious."

Sure enough, since it is the human soul that is swallowed, then no matter what it looks like, it is still human.

The bodyguard frowned in displeasure.

A living person has nothing but his soul.

Everyone: "..."

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?!

Then Sabo saw that the bodyguard's cold gaze turned around, and he suddenly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.


With disdain on his face, the bodyguard said: "Hurry up and rescue your leader, the brat of the revolutionary army, otherwise we won't be able to leave today."


What's the meaning?

Sabo looked confused.

But he soon understood.

Sabo's pupils shrank as he watched the man slowly taking off his cloak, folding it and handing it over to the subordinate next to him in a white suit accompanied by a demonic man.


"Why is he here?!!"

At the same time, Lovett, who was far away in the new world, slowly opened his eyes and shook his head speechlessly.

"The person who knows you best is always your enemy. This saying really makes sense."

The bodyguard was half a fruit user, and he was not allowed to lie on the bottom of the boat and endure the pain of losing his powers to follow Sabo to Impel Down to protect them.

Rather, it was to take the opportunity to release the dangerous prisoners at level 6 so that the navy would be unable to do anything else.

Including letting the revolutionary army rescue the dragon, it is just a cover, a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.

However, some people expected this.

Even in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, this is a fantasy and unbelievable. With the natural danger of the Maelstrom, unless Kaido and the Black Earl arrive in person, who can break through?

But he still firmly believed that his judgment was correct. At the critical moment when the navy's conspiracy was exposed and heavy losses were incurred and the entire army had to be dispatched, he still chose to stay at home and wait.

Now, he made the right bet.

At this moment, the navy also received the news.

Warring States' face was extremely gloomy, and he understood everything in the blink of an eye.

"Earl Black!"

No matter how he sends people to Impel City, he will be the biggest beneficiary if something happens to Impel City.

And without him, the Warring States Period did not believe that the revolutionary army would have the ability to break through the maelstrom.

In response, there was silence in the cabin.

The three generals also had ugly faces and remained silent.

After a long time, it was Garp who broke the silence.

"This kid..."

"There's something different!"

No matter how dangerous the other pirates are, they are just dangerous. If they like them, they are only willing to use their strength to crush everything. A conspiracy is a conspiracy, and it is an outright evil.

The Black Earl is different, he knows the art of war!

What is virtual is real, what is real is virtual.

Use every possible means!

This time they built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang. At the moment when they had no time to take care of it and did not expect to need to take care of it, they launched a fatal blow to their rear area.

Even before the war started, their side suffered repeated setbacks.

Thinking of what happened to Cha Dou and others before, Garp looked at Warring States.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Wulaoxing will call us soon to ask us to come back for reinforcements... There is nothing we can do about it, Warring States, just do as I say."

The last time he went to the Holy Land for a meeting to decide on war against the Black Earl, Garp did not simply act as a spectator.

He went to visit someone.

I got a trump card for the navy.

Warring States hesitated.

This is the trump card that my old friend earned with his lifelong glory!

"No need for the moment. The Black Earl may not have thought that much. He may be good at conspiracy, but there are not so many analysts at hand to tell him what to do. We may still have a chance."

But at this time, a soldier knocked on the door and came to the cabin.


"Trace of Doflamingo Tenyasha was found on the front line. 'Fujitora' smiled and asked for dispatch. Please give instructions!"


Akainu was covered in lava and slapped the table, leaving scorch marks on the table.

"Marshal, let me go!"

Warring States looked ugly and did not answer.

What are you afraid of?

He understood Tenyasha, and things were not as simple as Akainu thought.

Looking at each other with Garp, Sengoku finally nodded helplessly.

"Okay, just do as you say."

This chapter has been completed!
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