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Chapter thirty-six, the girl's determination

Although he has only been in this world for a few months, Lovett has experienced surprises more than once from those small characters with facial expressions.

Mengka becomes ruthless for power, Crowe is cold and confident as a big pirate, the little guy Zangao is trying to survive in the cracks, and the navy...the dark justice, the greedy mouse, the scheming flying squirrel, each of them...

It showed him everything that people in this era need to go through in order to survive.

They are real people, not puppets.

Faced with all this, Lovett was angry, surprised, and distressed, but in the end everything turned into a bottle of fine wine for him to taste calmly.

The only thing that really shocked him so far was Sheldon, who committed suicide to prove to him that he was willing to keep secrets in exchange for the safety of his family.

But now, there is one more one.


The calm and majestic voice echoed in the room. Nokigao and Kensuke were suddenly startled and looked back at him in horror.

Although Nami couldn't see it, she could hear who it was.

Hearing this, she said with determination on her face: "I'm not stupid. The fighting outside is so fierce, but this room is the only one that has not been disturbed... You also want me to work for you, right?"

Kensuke's face trembled. Aren't you afraid of irritating the other person by saying this?!

But he didn't dare to speak, because if he was disturbed, he would be more likely to anger the other person.

"That's right."

Clinker, Lovett nodded calmly.

Click... click...

Bones emerged from the wooden board and formed a bone throne, allowing Lovett to sit down.

Crossing his legs, Lovett placed his cane horizontally on his legs, crossed his hands and looked calm.

"I know your talent in navigation, so I want you to follow me. Killing dragons is to collect materials, and you can help me find more satisfactory materials."

"But you ruined your eyes..."

"Don't you know how capable you are?"

"Distance" is an unavoidable problem in this world. Without the brilliant and highly developed civilization of the Mage World, transportation in the Pirate World relies entirely on navigation.

Navigation is naturally indispensable for navigation.

In the dangerous waters of the Grand Line, a qualified navigator is indispensable, otherwise annihilation will only occur in an instant.

Without Nami, it would be a miracle for the Straw Hat crew to survive over the Upside Down Mountain alive, let alone the New World.

There's no way Lovett wouldn't be interested in such a talent.

"Of course I know."

A confident smile appeared on Nami's face: "Every time I get involved in a pirate ship, as long as I show my navigation knowledge, no matter how ferocious the pirate is, I won't dare to attack me."


Nami's face was full of hatred, like an angry kitten.

"After I succeeded, I wanted to kill myself!"

"It's because this power exists!"

She said: "The evil dragon threatens everyone's safety and I work for him! But I must also rely on this power to protect the village..."

"I also know that 100 million beli can redeem the village. It's all lies!"

"But there is nothing I can do about it, the fishmen are too strong, we are no match at all... So I can only deceive myself, tell myself that hope exists, and work hard to survive for everyone."


Nuoqi sat on her knees, clenching her fists and biting her lower lip.

It turns out that Nami has been enduring such torture for so many years?

It was they who became a burden and made Nami suffer.

"Dreams are built on pain. As the chief culprit, it is understandable that you hate pirates."

After listening to the voice of the 15-year-old girl Nami, Lovett nodded slightly.

"But if you destroy your eyes and become a useless person, you are no longer valuable."

As the words fell, the soul breath spread.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?"

The depressing and terrifying aura caused the three people in the room to tremble suddenly. In their eyes, Lovett turned into a terrifying beast.

"Don't be afraid!"

Suddenly, Nami's stubborn voice sounded.

"Rather than living in pain, I want to die with a smile."

"Even if you give up your dreams?"

Lovett suddenly asked.

Nami's expression froze.

"You don't really want to die, do you?"

Just because you are not afraid of death does not mean you want to die.


Lovett didn't say much. He already got a lot of things from Nami's expression. The most obvious one was the reason why she didn't go to sea now.

Raising his hand and rubbing his eyebrows, Lovett said: "If I can transform you into a wise undead, it will be the same as taking away your body."

He calmly said the terrifying words that made the three of them tremble, and then stood up.

"You're lucky, I can't do that yet."


Flesh Magic·Limb Suture!

Two bloody eyeballs floated up from the floor and fell into Lovett's palm. He grabbed Nami's chin and then shoved the eyeballs into their sockets.



Nuo Qigao and the two wanted to rush forward to stop them, but skeletal arms stretched out from the floor and grabbed them tightly.

"This won't be the last time we see each other, Nami."

"Since you have a dream, cherish it."


Terrifying mana fluctuations appeared around Lovett, and chart fragments and other debris slowly rose up in the magic position, ignoring gravity.

"One day, you and I will meet at sea. At that time, we will discuss your salary."


There was a slight coolness in the eyes, like ice slag stirring in the flesh, and Nami bit her lips to bleed due to the irritation.

"Oh, it's not up to you!"

Lovett slowly opened the distance between his palms and his eye sockets. Scarlet liquid clung to the tips of his five fingers. Before Nami could breathe a sigh of relief, the five fingers ignored the barrier of flesh and blood and pierced into various parts of the skull.



When the light dissipated, Nokigao immediately rushed over. She nervously shook Nami's body and found that she still had a heartbeat, and breathed a sigh of relief.


Turning around, Nozhigao glared at Lovett.

"Nogigao, calm down!"

Kensuke stood in front of her and pointed downward.

Nokigao looked down and realized that Nami's eyelids, which were supposed to be shriveled, were trembling slightly, as if something was moving inside.

"This is……!!"

Nuo Qigao was extremely shocked and covered her mouth in disbelief.

Nami’s eyes actually grew back!

Lovett watched this scene with heartache. If his broken arm was still there, it could grow back now. Unfortunately, when it was cut off by Skinner, the arm fell into the sea and became a fish.


"Your eyes will be back to their original state within a year at most."

Shaking his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, Lovett clamped his cane and took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on his hands.

"When your eyes recover, Nami, I will wait for you at the sea."

"Next time we meet, I will take you away even if it's a corpse..."

After saying that, Lovett turned around and walked towards the door.


Suddenly, Nami struggled to sit up, closing her eyes and facing the direction of the door.

"I will never work for a pirate!"


Lovett smiled slightly: "Let's wait and see."


Ravens rushed out of the body one after another, flying crowded in the narrow space, waiting for the commotion to subside and the corridor to be empty of people.

"Who is he?"

Kensuke finally relaxed at this point. Such methods were unheard of!

However, he looked back at Nami and Nokigao, who was holding her and crying silently, and gave up the pursuit.

"Whatever! The future will be solved in the future. At least for now, we are alive."


Thanks to the book friend ~Burial of the Ancient Era~ for the 500 reward, thank you for your support!

Regularly asking for recommendations and favorites!!

During this week's holiday, I always felt like I had run out of wine after a day of drinking. Thinking about having to go to work the day after tomorrow, I realized that I had never gone out to play!

I feel so tired. My vacation is gone in a dizzy state.

This chapter has been completed!
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