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Chapter 365, the undefeated Kaido!

It's not that Rayleigh is willing to watch Shanks die. If possible, he doesn't mind trading his old life for Shanks's.

But awareness!

Beckman was prepared to die for Shanks when he stayed, but Rayleigh and others obviously were not.

The gap in awareness made him, who had a very high IQ, think of that possibility as soon as he noticed the throbbing coming from the sky. While Rayleigh was still looking at the sky with wide eyes, he had already stepped forward.


After being hit so many bones were broken, Shanks couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs fragments, creating a long string of water floats on the sea surface. However, because of this, the arm that was supposed to cover him failed.


It fell on the wreckage of the island, leaving a huge palm print.

As a five-star spell of soul magic, this move does not have much physical destructive power, but its ability to destroy souls is even greater than Soul Apocalypse.


Shanks endured the severe pain and floated out of the sea. His eyes were full of astonishment as he looked at the huge arm that gradually dissipated.



He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. The tall figure staggered, but instead of kneeling down, he took a step forward, regained his balance, and straightened his back.


Eyes full of violence looked at Shanks on the sea, and the tall figure had a bloody mouth.

"Because...I am a pirate!!!"

Under everyone's extremely shocked gaze, Kaido raised his head ferociously: "Who did you just say you won? You bastard!!!"

Shanks looked at Kaido blankly.


On the opponent's chest, a beating heart and white bones were exposed under the terrifying gap. From the shoulders to the abdominal cavity, the gray trousers were stained red and crusted with blood. The gurgling blood dripped down the trousers and fell to the ground, soaking the sand.

Although he had suffered such heavy injuries, Kaido still did not fall, standing tall between heaven and earth like a demonic god.

He even took the Black Earl’s terrifying killing move!

Everyone was shocked.

I don't understand why Kaido does this.

But upon hearing this answer, everyone present was speechless.

Rayleigh's eyes slowly darkened, and he grinned: "Yes, he is a pirate, and he can do whatever he wants."

"If it's not as shameful as the pirates he despises, then he's still a pirate."


On the sea, Shanks gritted his teeth and made a "squeaking" sound.


Is this a real pirate?

Such arrogant and unpretentious ambition, such heroic and reckless courage.

A great sense of loss surged into his heart. Looking at Kaido, who was so angry that his body was dripping with blood, he was silent for a long time. Shanks lowered his head.

"I lost."

As a pirate, he completely lost!!

The sound is not loud, but it spreads in all directions.

Facing Kaido like this, Shanks no longer has the courage to fight.

Not just now...

Possibly, including in the future!

"Hehehehe, hahahahahahaha!!"

In response to this, Kaido laughed wildly, his overlord color and domineering aura shook the heavens and the earth, stirring up all directions.

At this moment, even Rayleigh and the others were shaken by this tragic overlord lust, and felt an incredible sense of powerlessness similar to Shanks's.

With such "young people" existing, is there really any chance that the captain's legacy will be realized?

"Killing is the bottom priority, and heart attack is the top priority. Is Kaido so smart?"

Frowning silently, Lovett suddenly shook his head: "No, maybe, that's what he really thinks."

"After all, he is a pirate."

Proud and arrogant pirate!

Ambitious pirate!

Pirates sailing the sea!

And myself...

"Just a young, pitiful, helpless...and evil necromancer!"

Opening his mouth evilly, Lovett smiled and said: "After all, there are no fellow travelers of mine in this sea."

At this time, Lovett was stunned for a moment and looked attentively.

"Black Count!!!"

After laughing like a cow, Kaido turned his head and stared at the sky, roaring: "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, I tell you, dream!"

Lovett: "..."

"What I want from our alliance with you is war, more, bigger and crueler wars!"

"If you want to rule the losers, go ahead and do it yourself!"

"If you dare to disturb me again, I will kill you too!!"

This is no joke!

When he read the original work, Lovett knew that Kaido's ambition was the most direct among the four emperors and even among all the pirates in the entire sea.

He just wants war, the greatest war, the war that sweeps the world!

Including becoming the Pirate King is also to serve this goal.

The Lord of Beasts is the Lord of War.

Therefore, the meaning of Kaido's words is clear at a glance.

For the sake of more battles, Kaido can tolerate his actions this time.

But there will be a next time, and the two sides will immediately become irreconcilable!

After all, if there is no opponent left, Kaido's target can only be on him.

For some reason, after hearing these words, Rayleigh even hoped that the Black Earl would become angry and continue to take action. However, to his disappointment, he did not.

Instead, a stream of pure soul energy fell from the sky, turning into a rain of light and falling on Kaido.



"What is this?"

Kaido was stunned for a moment, and his tense muscles slowly relaxed.

Because he could feel that the heartbreaking pain in his body was rapidly weakening under the light and rain, and even the burning wounds felt a chill.

Although I don’t know what it is, it is beneficial and harmless.

Kaido has personally experienced the terrifying power of the Black Earl's soul magic. To be honest, after receiving this slap, he was ready to run away if the other party turned against him.

If you really want to fight, you can't fight now until you recover from your injuries.

This is the only guy so far who has given him such a strong death threat!


"You know the truth!"

With a "hum" sound, Kaido looked at the figure lying on the edge of the island's wreckage and nodded.

"It's a good dog! What a pity..."

Just like Lovett let Nami go, the flower of courage is the most dazzling light of the soul. Neither strength nor weakness can block the brilliance of humanity.

Kaido would not... no, would not deny such an act full of courage and consciousness.

These words woke Shanks up, and he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the edge of the island.


He paddled across like crazy, letting the blood dye the ocean red, leaving a red streak. He gritted his teeth and rushed to the shore. Shanks knelt on the ground and held Beckman in his arms.

"Why are you so stupid, you bastard!"

A terrifying killing move that can knock a monster like Kaido almost off his feet, but its aftermath is enough to kill all living beings.

After being wiped by the curse from the Underworld, Beckman, who had experienced a bloody battle and was seriously injured, fell to the ground in despair, but for some reason, his bloodless face revealed two completely opposite emotions of fear and joy.


I was afraid that the attack was launched too quickly and I couldn't catch up.

Fortunately, Kaido rushed out at the critical moment.

"Am I asking for trouble?"

At that last moment, the idea came to Beckman like a lantern.

"I thought I was calm all my life, but I didn't expect that at the last moment, I would be impulsive after all!"

One impulse is the separation between heaven and man forever.

The year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar has just begun, and the heroes of the sea have fallen one after another, marking the beginning of this darkest era.

"He is not a dog, he is my companion."

Watching Shanks carrying Beckman's body and leaving with Rayleigh and others, after hearing this, Kaido, who sat down on the ground, said "cut" without any argument.

Then he opened his pants and bandaged the wound without any image. Suddenly he remembered something and asked: "That's right!"

"When did the Navy lose?"

He is really not stupid!

Lovett understood what was happening long before he took action.

After all, on a battlefield like that, the Black Earl, who was outnumbered, had to fight quickly, otherwise he would be dragged down by the opponent's superior combat power, and the outcome would be unpredictable.

Therefore, the battle will not last long.

Therefore, if the Navy wins, then they have no chance to fight for so long. Kaido knows the methods of the old man in the Warring States Period and will definitely send someone to investigate the situation.

But it didn't.

The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights without anyone interrupting it.

This shows that...the Black Earl has won!

Only he would let himself and the red-haired man fight, regardless of his sinister intentions.

After a few seconds, there was no answer.

Kaido raised his head impatiently: "Don't think I don't know the use of your net. Is it so difficult to say something? Are you pretending to be mute?!"

Continue to be silent.

When the veins on Kaido's forehead swelled, a loud reply came from the sky.

"Seven days!"

“Is it over for the day?!!!”

Kaido suddenly widened his eyes and raised his head in disbelief: "Black Earl! I%...¥%*(&...!!!"

Lovett: "..."

Hey, you’re in for a good time, right?!

Do you really think I can’t kill you?!!

This chapter has been completed!
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