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Chapter 377, the collision of justice!

Xiaodu suggested this, and of course Vegapunk gave up the idea.

If he gave something to the navy now, what would Akainu think?

And holding his things, what would Qing Pheasant think?

You do bad things with good intentions!

However, he still handed the design to Xiao and asked him to find a suitable opportunity to hand it over to the navy.

Vegapunk believed that General Aokiji would stand up and oppose Akainu at this moment of unity because of the issue of the position of marshal.

Yes, we are united!

Ever since they learned that the Marshal had proposed the abolition of the Shichibukai system, even though the lower-level soldiers did not know about it, from the 16th Lieutenant General onwards, officers at all levels were excited and responded to the Marshal's call one after another, and began to...well, work hard to earn performance.

In conjunction with the frenzy brought about by the Great Recruitment, they want to prove to the Five Old Stars during this period that even without the Shichibukai, they can still intimidate the madmen of the Grand Line.

A defeat did not break their backs, but instead gave everyone in the Navy an opportunity to wash away the shame that had hung over their heads for more than twenty years.

This is a good thing, but why doesn't Qing Pheasant agree?

Staff Officer He couldn't understand Qingzhi's thoughts, so he took some free time and came to the headquarters hospital.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in."

The ward door opened, and He found that there was already a person inside.

"When did you come back?"

"More than an hour!"

In the ward, Garp moved a stool and sat beside the bed, with a smile on his face: "It seems that my detention time will be postponed again. At this critical moment, the Navy cannot do without me, an old man."

The smile on Garp's face never stopped when he thought that the Five Old Stars obviously wanted to kill him quickly, but the situation forced him to let him run around outside.

But He couldn't smile and remained silent after hearing the words.

"Actually... you can escape, no one can stop you."

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the ward stagnated for a moment, and then Karp's voice sounded.

"But that would leave Sakaski with no way to explain!"

"The navy, whose situation has just improved a little, will slip into a bigger abyss because of me."

Garp sighed: "I am a member of the Navy, born as a Navy man, and dead as a Navy ghost!"

"If brothers die because of me again, I..."

The atmosphere was silent again.

For that matter, no one can take away Karp's responsibility.

It would be great if Ace died!

In this way, Wulaoxing can forgive him.

Crane couldn't help but think.

Zefa is gone, and so is the Warring States Period. Now there are only a few of her friends who fought together in the past, and she really doesn't want to lose another one.

Immediately, Crane was startled by his own thoughts.

What is the difference between this kind of myself and those navy scum?

As human beings, we can be greedy for life and afraid of death.

But as a navy, when they all start to look for escape routes and excuses to live in shameless existence, what qualifications do they have to bear the word "justice" behind them!

Who can still bear the word justice?

Just as the crane was breaking into a cold sweat, the sound of the blue pheasant broke the silence.

"Ms. He, why did you come to see me today?"

His voice was slightly weak, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he spoke, his lips were white and his eyes were black. The green pheasant, which had not eaten for many days, looked skinny and skinny, as if it could be blown over by a gust of wind.

The tiredness in his eyes now is not the lack of energy before, but real tiredness.

Seeing such a green pheasant, Crane decisively cut to the chase.

"I'm here to ask you why you don't agree to abolish the Shichibukai system?"

"The disobedience of Hancock and others is enough for the government to see clearly the true face of the pirates. They are unreliable!"

"But when have we ever relied on them?!"

Anger flashed in Aoki's eyes: "What did they do when they besieged Wanguo? What did Crocodile and Moria do behind the government's back?"

"Peace was bought with our blood! The Shichibukai don't matter at all!"

"They are unreliable. Are we the first to know?"

"Then why don't you agree?"

Crane asked in confusion: "Shouldn't this be the reason for your agreement?"

"Yes, I should agree."

With a wry smile, Qingzhi leaned on the pillow and panted, and after a while he said: "It's different!"

"Sakaski wanted to abolish the Shichibukai system for two reasons. First, Hancock and others disobeyed orders, blatantly violated the Shichibukai Treaty, and slapped the government in the face; second... he saw that 'Qing

The importance of Ghost Tori to the Black Earl and others is to suppress their power, right?"

He nodded, everyone understood this.

Especially Dongli.

The changes brought about are too great!

At first, even Lovett didn't even pay attention to this line. He thought that it would be enough to increase his income through money laundering every year and win over more allies. As for the original speculation, he thought it would be difficult to realize it in a few years.

However, he underestimated the greed of people.

To be precise, he has been in this world for such a short time that he does not understand all the living beings in the sea.

But the Golden Emperor understands!

He is worthy of being called a business wizard who built his own golden empire from scratch in just over ten years. He understands those rich people.

What is authority?

What is strength?

What is fear?

It's all bullshit!

The geographical environment and transportation difficulties determine that this is a world where the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

Don't take advantage of the bastard, this is the truth that this world believes in.

With his matchmaking and strength suppression, and cooperation with Dongli, the Golden Emperor quickly attracted a large number of franchisees. The legal right to plunder the King's Shichibukai is really easy to use, and I heard that it is the Black Sea

The king supported this matter, and some eager nobles brought the business in without saying a word.

Let's put it this way.

During the first six months of planning, everything was normal.

As Lovett expected, he only received less than 10 billion in dividends. Tezzolo did not have the guts to lie to him about this kind of thing. He only received less than 10 billion, which means he only made so much.

But half a year later, he immediately received hundreds of billions in dividends!

The amount has increased tenfold!

Up to now, people are bringing ships full of Bailey's gold, jewelry and other goods to the City of Dawn every month, so much that the warehouse can't even accommodate them. Aka, who is in charge of statistics, said that although we are not good

Take action against the Golden City, but Master, do you want to consider buying Alabasta?

That's Alabasta!

A rare large island in the Grand Line, a place where a horse race from east to west would take ten days and ten nights!

And now, as he defeated the navy and the Black Beast Federation competed with the World Government in the new world, the benefits in the future will only be greater.

By then, he will not only have personal wealth, but he will also be able to pretend to ask at the end of the year: "How is the empire's fiscal revenue this year?"

If he wasn't strong enough and acted like Tezzolo to secretly expand his influence in the alliance, Lovett would slap him to death with a backhand.

Who should sit in the third position, right?

If Tianyaksha wants to fight, let them fight.

Therefore, it was an extremely wise decision for the government to strictly guard against allowing Shichibukai to join forces with others.

Look at now, after discovering that the world government cannot give itself absolute protection and has ways to circumvent taxes, the wealth of the entire world is slowly being transferred to the new world and to the Black Beast Federation.

Until one day, the sea will lose the gap between rich and poor.

Because at that time, only the rich and their slaves were left.

When people face a mountain, they will ask how high it is, but when they see the sea, how many people will ask how wide it is?

It was precisely because Akainu had seen that terrible future that he was unwilling to tolerate their misbehavior.

"But have you ever thought about how many vested interests this will affect?"

Qing Zhi closed his eyes to save energy and said briefly: "Which is more important, our face or the lives of the people?"

He believed that Crane understood what he meant, and Crane... did understand.

Shaking his head sadly, He sighed: "I understand what you mean, Kuzan, but that is impossible..."

"Even if one east benefit is solved, there will be a west benefit, a north benefit, and a south benefit in the future. As long as the Shichibukai system exists for one day, the wheel of history will definitely turn back."

"Since the problem lies in the Shichibukai system, we should solve it from the root cause. The long-term pain will be worse than the short-term pain."

Qing Pheasant fell silent.

After a long while, he said: "You were... not so radical before."

At this, He smiled coldly: "You have never been so merciful before!"

"Everything has changed!"

Garp sighed.

"Shut up!"

Garp: "..."

After glaring at Garp, He stood up and turned his back to them: "You haven't gone to pay homage to the Warring States Period, have you? It's in the Heroes Cemetery, where you can see the Oaks Bell."

After that, He walked to the door, opened it, and left without looking back.

After she left, Garp pursed his lips in displeasure: "This temper really hasn't improved in decades. She should have passed menopause long ago, right?"

Then he looked at Qingzhi and smiled bitterly: "She is right, Kuzan... Warring States is dead, and the current marshal is Sakaski. We should believe him."

"As a member of the Navy, yes."

The determination in Qingzhi's eyes did not waver: "But as human beings, he and I have different views."

Karp was speechless.

He knew that this was Qing Zhi's "lazy justice".

He believes that "justice" will have different opinions among people from different positions and will change according to their positions, so he will not question other people's "justice"; but when others want to hinder his own justice, he will never give up.

pass the other party.

Even if it is a former companion, the same is true.


La la la, the third update is here!

This chapter has been completed!
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