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Chapter 395, The Awakening of the Revolutionary Army! (1/3)

The reason is simple. Since people who know them have been searching for them on the island for a year and still haven't found anything, there are only two situations left.

First, the revolutionary army cannot be found; second, the revolutionary army can be found.

This is nonsense.

But if you think about it carefully, they represent two situations respectively.

First, the Revolutionary Army, like him, only knew that Pluto's design was related to Vegapunk, so they ventured to the future kingdom to find clues from Vegapunk's legacy.

Second, the revolutionary army already had some information that he didn't know, and they were sure that clues about Pluto were on the island, and they came prepared.

Therefore, the answer can be calculated from the time the other party evacuated.

If you leave directly after a cursory search, it proves that the answer is the former one.

If not...

And even if they knew it was a trap, they couldn't hide it from their spies.

The initiative is still in Lovett's hands.

It was easy for Sabo and others to come, but it was not so easy to leave.

The Grand Line, the Kingdom of the Future.

The avalanche three days ago made the residents at the foot of the mountain panic. Fortunately, the Snowy Mountains are vast enough and the open terrain delayed the impact of the white waves. When they fell at the foot of the mountain, except for a few houses on the edge of the town that were buried, there was no damage.


However, such a huge avalanche made the search work of the undead not smooth. All traces of the place where the battle took place that day were buried by heavy snow, and the navy was also dispatched after hearing the news, so they did not dare to stay for a long time.


"They're still alive!"

Stepping on the thick snow, Duer said with great certainty.

"The mountain didn't collapse, so they weren't washed away! There was no movement under the snow, and they weren't underneath it either!"

After becoming undead, without external sensory stimulation, his hearing is stronger than when he was alive!

What's more, with the strength of those people, it is not so easy to be suffocated to death by the snow.

"Keep looking, and you will never let the master down!"

Behind him, each undead did not answer, and the atmosphere was oppressive and silent, but the redness in his pupils became brighter and brighter at this time.

These undead are all transformed undead, and the reason why they accepted transformation is very simple.

Suffering from terminal illness!

Just like Diyul who quit the dispute eight years ago and prepared to die.

It was Lovett's appearance that brought them hope and gave them new life. In terms of loyalty, this group of people was even more obedient than the summoned army.

After the words fell, each of the undead quickly dispersed without saying a word and began to search in all possible directions.

As an undead, you don't need food, drink, or supplies, so you can hide in the snowy mountains for several months without any problem.

Diyul and others were able to lurk in the future kingdom for a year without being noticed by the navy, which is indispensable.

Even if they meet unexpectedly, they can pretend to be victims on the snow-capped mountains and conceal the truth.

At the same time, in a hidden cave two hills away, a group of revolutionary soldiers were huddled together miserably, using a small bonfire to bake their clothes.

Just as Duyul expected, the revolutionary army did not die.

But the heavy snow swept away the packages, and now a group of people didn't even have to change into dry clothes.

Korla silently ate the rations she carried with her, not feeling cheerful because of Sabo's explanation.

"The Black Earl must have blocked the port now, and we can't leave."

Not to mention Sabo's schemes, even if they weren't, as long as they appeared, the Black Earl would never let them go again.

The situation is already a dead end.

They shouldn't have been here in the first place!

"Contact the leader, Sabo!"

Kerra said: "Otherwise, even if we find the remains of Pluto, we won't be able to take anything out."

The others also turned their heads and looked at him expectantly.

But Saab shook his head decisively at this suggestion.



Kerla said anxiously: "How can we fight against the Black Earl on our own?"

"Then die here!"

Sabo's tone was cold and ruthless, and he looked around at everyone: "Don't forget, the Black Earl has been planning here for a year! No matter whether my plan can come true or not, once the leader comes to rescue him, he will be sure that we have something important in our hands.

Exact information about Hades!”

"Because we are afraid of death and expose such important information, are we worthy of our dead comrades?"

Everyone was silent.


Sabo sighed: "Once the Black Earl knows the exact information, the revolutionary army will inevitably start a war with him. Have you ever thought about how many people will die by then?"

Rather than searching for the clues left by Vegapunk yourself, why not just steal it from the revolutionary army?

Today's Black Beast Federation is a behemoth that even the world government does not dare to start a war with!

There is no "easy", just don't dare!

The Black Earl and the Hundred Beasts are two of the Four Emperors, and they have many strong men under their command.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the revolutionary army is no match at all.

Everyone continued to be silent.

They all understand the truth, but in the face of death, how many people can face it calmly?

But there was one thing Saab didn't say.

That is, since the Black Earl knows that Vegapunk is related to Pluto, and now that the latter is dead, he must be looking for Vegapunk's successor.

Fortunately, because of the "Vegapunk attack", the Five Old Stars began to block the news to prevent outsiders from knowing about the new leader of the scientific force, otherwise Rhine would be in danger.

Even if he doubted it now, he could only doubt the bear who actively devoted himself to the pacifist plan.

And the bears are one of their own.

With him as a shield, even if the future is really exposed, Rhine can take the opportunity to escape.

And this is where he gained the confidence to make a comeback.

According to Rhine's intelligence, what is left behind in the future kingdom is the remains of Pluto!


Not a blueprint!

There is a real thing!

According to Rhine's speculation, no matter how badly decayed the Pluto wreckage is, some things on the ship should still be well preserved.

Such as weapons!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain where the firepower system in Vegapunk's design drawing came from.

There is definitely a sample of that kind of cross-era cannon that is joked about being used to deal with Neptunes or Moonmen!

Find the remains of Hades, find weapons, and fight your way out!

This is Saab's real plan.

When that time comes, the revolutionary army that has successfully obtained the complete blueprint of Pluto will not be afraid of being exposed and will have the confidence to fight the Black Earl!

But it's all based on the unknown.

Gambling one's wealth and one's life on a series of unknowns and possibilities. If there is a slight deviation, the result will be death. Speaking out will definitely hurt morale more than facing death head-on.

Insufficient hope is more likely to lead to collapse than complete despair.

The general is unkind!

For the sake of a larger goal, not only should we not act emotionally, but we should cold-bloodedly use our companions as pawns!

Sabo now somewhat understood why the dragon became like that.

That cold-blooded look that sometimes made his heart palpitate.

"Okay, isn't it just death?"

Suddenly, Sabo smiled and said: "Since we have decided to join this operation, aren't we mentally prepared to face death?"

The matter was of great importance, and they were informed before setting off that this mission was extremely dangerous, and if they were not careful, they would be "dead".

"I'm afraid of running away now. I don't know about you, but I don't have the dignity to go back alive."

Everyone chuckled.

They understood that Sabo was enlightening them, and they also understood that not being afraid of death would not change anything.

But after hearing these words, a group of people still felt hot in their hearts.


Joining the revolutionary army is inherently a dangerous thing to do with your head in your belt. Being an enemy of the World Government is something that many people would not even dare to think about.

So why should we be afraid now?

This is the consciousness of our revolutionary army!

This chapter has been completed!
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