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Chapter 404, How can I know that it is not a blessing?

Diul instantly remembered the speculation that Lovett told him. Even as an undead, his scalp felt numb at this moment, and he pronounced the name with great solemnity.

"Ancient weapon, Hades!"

If this is not Pluto, Diul can't think of anything else that deserves the title of "Pluto"!

Without hesitation, Diyul decisively gave up the siege on the remaining navy, jumped back and forth in the magma pool, and quickly approached on the gravel.

He saw a person on Hades.

No matter how terrifying a "weapon" is, it still needs a user.

The revolutionary army's finding of Pluto was undoubtedly beyond his expectation.

But as long as the opponent is killed, the weapon will still belong to the owner!


"Hey, how can I let you get close so easily!"

Kerra suddenly noticed that Sabo was wearing a prosthetic steel glove on his hand. At this moment, he pressed the button on his index finger and pointed it at Diyul.

Clang Clang Clang Clang!

Suddenly, pieces of armor on one side of the ship were retracted upwards, and strange cannons with barrels less than the size of a fist stretched out from inside.

Diyul's pupils narrowed as he was advancing, and he jumped back without even thinking.





The dense red cannon fire immediately suppressed the light brought by the magma. In just one second, thousands of cannon muzzles fired at the same time, completely covering Diyul's position.

The huge explosion attracted everyone's attention. Both the undead and the navy stopped their movements one after another, staring dumbfoundedly at the snow that had been forcibly cut out with a diameter of tens of meters in diameter, with horrified expressions.

This is not a simple solid cannonball, but a laser weapon that Pluto condenses the energy brought by the magma through internal instruments and fires it out.

Diyul stood in the middle of a large pit full of magma cracks. He looked at the huge steel battleship in front of him with disbelief in his eyes and his mouth moved.

But nothing was said.

Then he suddenly fell forward and his body burst into flames.

Fierce flames shot out like crazy from every gap between his armor and his body, several meters away, turning him into a human-shaped torch in an instant!

Soon, even the iron armor could not withstand the high temperature and began to melt. The hot molten iron wrapped the body in a gurgling manner, like brown sugar melting in hot water, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Even Sabo couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

He knew that this kind of laser weapon was terrifying. It could even melt rocks into magma when hit on a wall. But the power of the weapon that could burn a monster like Diyul to death simply by relying on the residual high temperature was beyond his expectation.

And this is only the power of close-quarter weapons. The power of the main gun, which he has yet to find a way to use, is even more unimaginable!


"We must have this kind of power before we can rush out!"

Silently clenching the steel glove on his left hand, Sabo turned back: "Senior!!"

"I will report you when I get back, bastard Sabo!"

After finally extinguishing the flames on his body, Senior, the last revolutionary soldier, took advantage of the chaos and climbed onto Pluto. However, he came up and proved that the pursuers were not far behind. The enemies on the ship could not be beaten down with laser weapons. Sabo took advantage of the chaos.

Take off the gloves.

"You take control, Korla!"

He quickly said: "Twist the button on the index finger to control the aiming of the laser cannon, press it to aim and launch, press the button on the thumb to control the bow drill, and twist it to control the direction!"

Kella: "..."

Then what?

Just these few functions?

Sabo seemed to understand what she was thinking, and looked serious about it: "I don't know the rest of the buttons, but I believe you can take us away, right?"

Kella: "..."

If she hadn't been too weak right now, she would have wanted to hit him in the face with a five-thousand-watt punch.

What the hell!

She suddenly understood why Sabo appeared in that way.

Because he doesn’t understand the operation at all!

They are lucky if they are not killed!

"You have to control the steering first!"

Staring at Sabo fiercely, Kerla gritted her teeth and limped towards the cabin.

At the same time, the new world, Auroville.

Aka stood cautiously beside the desk.

The future kingdom has already been focused on, and with the help of temporarily dispatched nodes, what he saw was seen by them immediately.

But Aka didn't understand why the expression on Lovett's face was like that.

That cheerful smile was completely incompatible with the current situation.

Could it be that he was laughing in anger?

Aka thinks this is the only possibility.

Because they can't do anything about the future kingdom far away now.

The soul network also has limits.

The more nodes and the closer the connections, the more energy Lovett can transmit, and even come to the battlefield from a long distance. But the future kingdom is far away, and there are too many gaps in the middle. With those few nodes,

It is already very difficult to barely maintain communication, and it is beyond our reach.

Therefore he was very careful not to offend his master.

But he was obviously overthinking it. Lovett was indeed in a good mood at the moment, without any trace of water.

"Prehistoric civilization is indeed prehistoric!"

Under Aka's respectful gaze, Lovett smiled and said: "Six Naval Styles, Old Man Boxing, I have long suspected that there is a prehistoric civilization in this world that is far more civilized than the modern ocean, but there is no data to confirm it."

"Now it can finally be proven that there is an ancient civilization in this world with incredible technological levels."

Is this talking about Hades?

Aka was thoughtful.

Indeed, such a weapon with astonishing destructive power is not something that people of this era can produce.

The navy’s standard weapon is still the flintlock musket!

Just because he doesn't understand technology doesn't mean Aka doesn't even have this knowledge.

From laser weapons to flintlock muskets, there is more than one generation between them!

"This shows that the hidden treasures in this world are more valuable than I imagined, and getting it is more meaningful than getting a backward era."

"Master, I..."

Aka understood that Lovett said what he said after seeing what he was thinking, and he immediately lowered his head in shame.

Lovett smiled.

"There's no need to blame yourself, it's an ancient weapon after all, but think about it, when have I ever suffered a loss?"

After hearing this, Aka thought carefully and carefully, and said cautiously: "...East...East China Sea?"

Lovett: "..."

"That's what I planned too, do you understand?"

There was a hint of threat in his tone, and Aka had a strong desire to survive.

"Of course! I'm so stupid, please forgive me, Master!"

"Well, children can be taught."

Skipping this non-awkward topic, Lovett continued: "So, go and notify the troops to retreat."


Akkar was stunned for a moment, not sure why: "Master, it seems that the Revolutionary Army cannot completely control Hades. If all the troops are transferred there, there should be a chance to stop them."

No, we can definitely stop them!

Aka said it more modestly, but he was full of confidence in the army of the undead.

Until then!

Aka couldn't hide his excitement.

"Pluto is yours, master!!"


"Then Kaido and I turned against each other, and the Revolutionary Army and the World Government simultaneously sent large armies, with red hair and white beard, to form an unprecedented world coalition to jointly siege the City of Auroville?"


Lovett shook his head.

Telling a terrible situation that was the only way for him to fail at the moment made Aka's heart shake.

"Even have to watch out for air attacks from the golden lions and sieges from powerful men from all over the sea?"

"Do you know why Kaido knew that I had the whereabouts of Neptune and Pluto and still cooperated with us boldly without even mentioning it?"

Aka was silent.

"Please give me some advice, Master!"

"Just because you know it, doesn't mean you get it."

"Just because you get it doesn't mean you can take it out."

Lovett said calmly.

"In this world, there are some things that can only be seen through, not spoken out about, let alone acted upon."

In Aka's silence, Lovett knew that he still didn't understand and reminded him.

"The world government would rather let us compete with them and pin their hopes on the naval recruitment than admit that they have something suspected to be an ancient weapon in order to increase the confidence of the participating countries... Do you think they are stupid?



Yes, he survived that thunderstorm.

How could you forget this?!

Combined with what Lovett said just now, Aka understood instantly.

"They are afraid, just like the navy was afraid of the master's black prison cannon at that time!"

You dare to use that thing to destroy the City of Auroville, and I also dare to use the Black Prison Cannon to destroy the Navy Headquarters!

You have it and I have it = none!

"That's right..."

Lovett laughed: "But there must be a source of fear. What if they bring it out to speak?"

Aka was not a fool and immediately replied: "Then everyone will unite to fight against the World Government, or at least destroy that weapon!"

Whether it is for the sake of preventing the world from being destroyed, or simply to stop the ambition of the world government!

If it weren't for that thing, Rayleigh and Whitebeard wouldn't have had any reason to stop them in the first place.

Because if Kaido becomes the Pirate King and forces the government to do so, and the government uses the power of ancient weapons, the consequences will be difficult to estimate.

Therefore, this rule must be followed not only by the world government, but also by any force in the world.

You can get ancient weapons and use them as a trump card to fight against the enemy in life-and-death situations. Everyone will see through it without telling you.

As long as you don't use it indiscriminately to disrupt the balance of the sea, then everyone can turn a blind eye. Secretly competing for and deceiving each other is another matter.

But if you take it out in a big way...

It was even said that it would be used as a basis to declare war!

Then I'm sorry, let's fight to the death!

For world peace, for the survival of the sea!

Hundreds of years of legends and the government's absolute ban have made the ancient weapons that can destroy the world become a taboo in the eyes of everyone in the sea.

Even though Lovett, as an outsider, didn't care, others did.

This era includes fierce people such as Whitebeard, Red Hair, and Rayleigh, and of course it also includes countless strong men in the past.

It was their joint efforts that took eight hundred years to weave the rules of the sea.

This is an iron rule that all careerists don’t want to admit!

Since we know that ancient weapons do exist and the World Government is the most likely winner, doing nothing seems illogical.

And this is the rule that the strong men of the sea established after a hundred years to prevent the world from being destroyed!

Even the world government has to abide by the tacit agreement.

Only Rocks 40 years ago successfully broke this tacit understanding!


There's no after that.

His fate is well known.

Even if they gathered a series of strong men such as Kaido, Whitebeard, Big Mom, etc., they were still attacked by the forces represented by Roger and Garp!

Of course, that is another story that has many twists and turns.

"Being an enemy of the world sounds exciting, but it really can only be listened to."

This is the reason why Lovet knows that the future kingdom may hide a big secret but is only willing to search secretly. Judging from the current situation, it is also the reason why Long knows that Pluto is hiding in the future kingdom but is only willing to send a small group of troops to search deeply.


During the Water Capital incident, everyone except the naive Kerra and Nico Robin believed that Lovett would "destroy" the deepest reason for Pluto's design.

"So, ancient weapons cannot be brought to the world."

"It can exist, but it cannot be taken out."

No one wants to be the enemy of the whole world, and no one dares to be the enemy of the whole world.

A secondary disease won't make a big difference.

In the dark, Lovett answered the questions that troubled the group of old men and Sabo and said.

"The dragon will definitely not make mistakes, but we can force him to make mistakes!"

Aka instantly felt a chill running down his spine. He understood Lovett's idea of ​​borrowing a knife to kill people, and he bowed respectfully: "As you command!"


I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm going to take a break today.

Originally, the number of words was three chapters, but after coding, Dashu's eyelids were trembling and he was too lazy to divide it, so he simply divided it into two chapters and published it.

Isn’t such a conscientious author worthy of a vote?

Please, this is really important to me, bang bang bang!

This chapter has been completed!
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