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Chapter 440, General Peach Rabbit!

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Directly in front of the fortress, at the Crescent Bay Port that leads directly to the Gate of Justice, warships are arrayed here, flags waving and hunting, and navy soldiers in white military uniforms stand motionless on the deck holding long guns in their hands, with no expression on their faces.

Just by looking at it, one can feel the terrifying iron-blooded military power.

During this period, the navy launched a war against the rebel countries left behind by the revolutionary army. Although the original intention was that the Five Old Stars were beating up the unruly naval headquarters and posing problems for them, war was still war, cruel and tempering.

Many of the showy navies brought in by the Great Recruitment, who had no skills but had never experienced a major battle, this time realized the cruelty of war from the flames and smoke of gunpowder, knew the responsibilities and missions they shouldered, and crawled out from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

, transformed into an elite soldier and a strong general.

It has to be said that if it weren’t for the great innate advantages of undead creatures, the navy would definitely be the strongest force in the sea, bar none!

Not to mention the idiots like pirates, even some countries with super strong seas do not have the powerful troop-building capabilities of the Navy Headquarters.

But precisely because of this, the world seems very unfair.

No matter how hard the weak resist, in front of the truly strong, they are still just a laughing stock.

At this moment, at the top of the magnificent fortress with the word "Justice" written on it, in the Marshal's office, a discussion was going on.

There were very few participants, only Akainu, Tsuru, Kizaru, and Fujitora.

The content of today's meeting is also very simple.

Decide who will take over as the third general!

Fujitora and Kizaru were sitting in their seats, one was cutting his nails and the other was concentrating with his eyes closed.

This kind of thing can be big or small.

But at this juncture when Fujitora killed the green bull, one of them didn't want to participate in the discussion because it was too troublesome, and the other was because of the trouble itself, so it was best not to speak.

Of course, Akainu and Tsuru also understood this truth, and apart from glaring at Kizaru with evil eyes, they just pretended that they didn't exist.

And now, preliminary results have been obtained.

"Sure enough, Peach Rabbit is better!"

Staff Officer He, a thin and wrinkled navy veteran, closed the folder in his hand and said softly: "Although the performance of the tea dolphin is good, it lacks decisiveness in major matters."

"In the previous battle on the White Earth Island, if he had chosen to divide his troops into two groups to encircle the east side, 'The Monster King' Ivankov and the group of revolutionary troops would never have been able to escape."

Akainu nodded at this.

"I think so too."


He casually glanced at the two guys who were looking at each other, and snorted impatiently: "The navy in the new era needs new vitality. Does it feel dead all day long, waiting to be put into the coffin?"

Kizaru, Fujitora: "..."

Don't blame us for your mistakes?

Kizaru breathed softly and looked at the crookedly cut nails with a wretched expression.


Then he suddenly turned around when he heard the sound of breathing, his wretched expression instantly filled with fear.

Are you really asleep?!

Every great admiral in the navy must have a militant element.

This is not a coincidence, but a necessity!

A general who is tough on others and hates evil can double the overall morale of the navy.

During the period of the three generals, there was Akainu, the leader of the hawks. In the previous era, there was Garp, the "Navy Devil" who was better than a general but not a general. He used countless dazzling achievements to frighten the pirates and laid the foundation for the navy to be the strongest force in the sea.

And think about it, if the top brass of the Navy were all Kizaru... no, people like Aokiji, what would the sea look like?

I shudder just thinking about it.

What is an army called an army if it loses its sharpness?

Regardless of other considerations, just based on this point, the Peach Rabbit gets 10 points and the Tea Dolphin gets 3 points.

Although the latter is as gentle on the outside and strong on the inside as the former, and has his own insistence on justice, but with two "lifeless" generals at the bottom, the navy wants a more decisive third general to serve as the navy's flagship.

And Peach Rabbit...

He is the idol in the hearts of all female soldiers, and she is the idol in the hearts of all soldiers!

Suitable for both men and women, young and old!

When it comes to influence, Tea Dolphin was left behind by another 7 points.

At this moment, in the bay port, among the ranks of warships waiting in full formation, Cha Dou and Peach Rabbit stood at the bow of the warship they were in charge of, waiting quietly.

They were only called back at this busy time of starting a war against the rebel country, and they knew exactly why.

With his left hand holding the famous sword Kinpila hanging on his waist, Taotu stood upright, facing the sea breeze with a heroic figure.

The tea dolphin, as always, was chewing a cigarette and smiling playfully, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and wearing flip-flops at his feet.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn.

The soldiers behind him seemed to know what was about to happen. They straightened their backs so as not to embarrass their superiors, and faced off tit-for-tat with their opponents.

It was in such silence that suddenly, a golden light rushed out from the top of the fortress and fell to the edge of the port in the blink of an eye.

"It's General Kizaru!"

Everyone was in high spirits.

Feeling the heat in the eyes of the two people on the warship who looked at him, Kizaru felt his scalp numb.

Why do you have to do this kind of trouble for me?

But thinking of Akainu's sinister eyes, Kizaru knew that he couldn't escape, so he said helplessly.

"Lieutenant General Taotu, the marshal invites you."

Hearing this, Taotu, who had been motionless, raised his head slightly and gave a serious military salute: "Yes!"

Watching Peach Rabbit and Kizaru leave, the port was deserted.



A howl of ghosts and wolves!

Cha Dou stared at the group of cheering soldiers on his ship with his mouth open, and did not even notice that the cigarette fell to the ground.

Don’t be such a bully!!!

Soon, word spread across the sea that Momotu had taken over the Navy's third-largest general seat, which had been vacant for many days. As the navy's anchor, the position of general, known as "the world's strongest combat power", was finally secured.

In an instant, the whole world was excited!

The morale of the navies fighting against the rebel countries from all sides soared. For a time, they were really unstoppable and regained lost ground one after another.

Whitebeard Pirates' waters, Moby Dick.

Holding the newspaper in his hand, the eyes in the narrow eyes of the white beard paused for a moment, and then smiled.

"Gu la la la la, as expected, the peach rabbit defeated the tea dolphin and became a general."

In response, Marco put his head on his hands and sighed.

"What a trouble! That woman is an incredible radical."

Hearing this, "Diamond" Jozi cocked his head like a giant monkey and asked doubtfully.

"But I heard from intelligence that Taotu is a friendly person, and he can be amiable to even a soldier under his command. He is not like that hawkish navy, right?"

The importance of the admiral goes without saying, and the Whitebeard Pirates cannot ignore it. Everyone is concerned about what kind of person the new admiral is.

Regarding this issue, Marco explained.

"That's because in that woman's eyes, there are three types of people in the world."

"The just, the bullied, and the unjust."

"The just ones are family members and partners; the bullied ones are the weak and have a mission, so they naturally care about them."

"But it's unfair...she won't even treat us as human beings."


Everyone gasped.

The meaning behind these words... is even more terrifying than that of a hawkish officer!

General Peach Rabbit, is he this kind of person?


At this moment, Marco suddenly turned around.

When Whitebeard looked over, he said helplessly.

"I need to tell Ace and Thatch to be careful. The new officer has taken office with three things in mind. Now that they are alone, they may be targeted by the other party."

Thinking of Ace, there was silence on the deck.

Ace is Luffy's brother, but Sabo is also his brother?

After the previous battle, not only did Red Hair not know how to face Luffy, Whitebeard also didn't know how to face Ace?

Now that so much time has passed, it's time for Ace to know the truth.

Marco was not only reminding Whitebeard to inform Ace, but also telling him that no matter what, he had to face what he had to face.

White beards are good at everything, but when it comes to dealing with family members, they appear to be hesitant and indecisive.

Hearing this, Whitebeard was silent for a while, then grinned.

"Gula la la la!"

"You guy... you are so unpleasant."

Marco shrugged: "Even if you say so, you don't want to take another sip of wine."

White beard:"……"


I just discovered that the automatic update time I set yesterday was wrong. It turned out to be 11:30 instead of 10:30. I couldn’t cover my face and drank too much. Fortunately, it was not set to 11:30 today.

I went back to Mianyang this afternoon and will resume the third watch tomorrow, so go to bed first!

This chapter has been completed!
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