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Chapter 5, Summoning the Undead

How to make people evaporate?

Answer: Secret execution.

Of course Aokiji doesn't want to kill people carelessly, and he's not Akainu. So what he means is to erase all traces of Lovett's original existence!

As long as "Lowett" disappears, the government will have no time to dwell on this trivial matter.

By behaving in this way, the navy is familiar with the road, and the old horse knows the way.

It depends on whether branch 153 is willing to keep Lovett's secret... and Lovett's own wishes.

But the answer is also quite obvious.

A few days later, East China Sea, Shields Town, 153rd Naval Branch.

The broad square was filled with mourning crowds. The crowd was dense but silent. The bodies of the killed soldiers had been sent to the cemetery for placement. Today was a collective funeral for them.

After several days of rest, Lovett, who had recovered from the high fever, was pale and showed no obvious weakness. Of course, the injuries to the soul cannot be repaired overnight. Many great lichs recovered hundreds of years after their phylacteries were destroyed.

Don't come.

Standing in a hidden corner at the edge of the square, Lovett turned around, his empty sleeve on the left swinging with his movements.

"Is it really okay to let me come here? Colonel Monka."

The above meaning has been conveyed to Branch 153. Mengka successfully became a colonel and took charge of Branch 153. And Lovett, because of his meritorious service in assisting in the capture of Crowe, canceled the reward and was appointed as a second lieutenant in the navy...

Except for a few staunch opponents who disagreed, most of the outsiders thought it didn't matter.

Anyway, the meaning from the headquarters has been very clear. Lovett cannot be promoted in any form, does not hold real power, and cannot even leave the East China Sea. He is simply regarded as a mascot by them.

With the endorsement of Qing Pheasant, I can also have an explanation to the World Government.

Lovett didn't care that his superiors wanted to erase all traces of his existence. He didn't belong to the "past" in the first place.

I just took this opportunity to realize that the name I was used to was not in line with the habits of this world, so I changed it to Francis Lovett and changed the direction.

As for "Triangle Breaker" Lovett...

He died in that battle a long time ago.

If you catch the magician, what does it have to do with me, Lovett?

Hearing this, Mengka, who had a bandage on his chin, stared at the square not far away and replied: "Since everyone agrees to keep it secret for you, then the past things are in the past... As a navy lieutenant, is there anything wrong with you coming here?


There is something wrong with his character after all!

Based on the information Lovett heard in the past few days, Mengka was originally a very old-fashioned guy.

But it suits me just fine.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and Lovett smiled: "I understand."

"That's it... I'm going over there. There is a pharmacy in the town. You can take a look around at your leisure."

After saying that, Mengka followed the line of sight from the front and strode away.

"It's so touching, you take such good care of me..."

After Mengka left, Lovett's smile faded, and his expression was indifferent as he spoke.

"It's a pity that everything is a lie made by me...it's not even as good as the feeling of raising a pet!"

Lowering his head and clenching his fists, Lovett lowered his eyelids and looked sideways at Mengka's back behind his hair: "I really look forward to what your face will look like after you discover the truth and awaken your memory."

"You who have tasted the beauty of power and know the taste of food...it must have been very interesting at that time."

He unclenched his fist, and a dim ball of soul light magically appeared in his palm, flashing continuously.

Lovett spread his fingers, put his palms on his face, and took a deep breath.


The soreness and stinging pain instantly rushed through his body, making Lovett tremble all over.

For the Necromancer, soul-eating is not only a technical job, but also a physical job. Without a strong soul at the bottom, this is the end result.


His head was buzzing, and messy memory fragments were swarming in. Lovett skillfully controlled them and quickly cleared them out.

Memory can affect personality and even distort cognition.

Therefore, although the Necromancer can directly devour other people's soul fragments and deprive them of their memories through "Soul Eating", most of the time they will only choose to "Search for Souls" to watch movies.

The volume of the soul light ball that had been discarded of impurities plummeted again. The actual soul energy remaining was less than one-tenth of the original, but the purest and harmless nutrients remained.

With Lovett's current soul condition, this is enough to sustain him.

Putting his fingers under his nose and taking a deep breath to relieve the pain in his head, Lowit took a long breath and turned to look at the forest behind the town.

"Ten days should be about the same, right?"

The moon and stars are sparse, and the magpies fly south.

In the silent forest, a black shadow was moving swayingly. From time to time, the eerie whimpering sounds of unknown animals could be heard in my ears. Coupled with the darkness of the night obscured by dark clouds, the picture penetrated people's bones.

After an unknown amount of time, the dark shadow stopped beside a man-made fence. The bright moonlight in the sky broke through the dark clouds at the right time and fell like a curtain, illuminating the gray and broken tombstones in front of him.


This is Shieldstown Cemetery, immediately behind Branch 153.

"The town cemetery has a history of several decades and was expanded once in the process. This half of the area belongs to the older generation and almost no one worships it."

Relying on the map he had memorized during the day, Lovett tightened his black cloak tightly and looked at the other half not far away with a face that was paler than a tombstone. It was obviously much brand new.

"Is it there?"

The scene of rustling footsteps and walking alone in a gloomy cemetery under the moonlight is enough to make ordinary people stand on end, but for a necromancer, there is really nothing exciting.

Do you feel intimidated by the braised pork on the table?

This is probably the mentality.

When he came to the tombstones in the newly built area, Lovett took a look at the cemetery caretaker's cabin in the distance. Through the window, he could see the little old man guarding the tomb sitting on a wicker chair with a newspaper in his hand.

The dim lights in the room were on, but he fell asleep for a long time.

After making sure no one was around, Lovett leaned down and put his ear against the tombstone.

What can you hear in the cemetery at night?

Only Lovett knows the answer.

He held his breath and waited quietly...

Suddenly, boom!

In the cemetery where there were only dead people, there was a dull crash!

Through the tombstone transmission, Lovett could hear clearly!

A smile appeared on his pale face, and the corners of Lovett's mouth raised, and he chuckled: "Good luck, a good start!"

There are three basic and five major branches of necromancy magic, but it is okay to only remember the five major branches, because they are classified into categories after distinctive types have evolved from the three major foundations.

These five branches are summoning magic, bone magic, flesh and blood magic, soul magic and curse magic.

Among them, there is a basic magic in the soul magic branch that is equivalent to the "Skeleton Resurrection" of the summoning system. It is not the soul shock he used on Sam and Butch of the Black Cat Pirates, but...

Forced obedience!

This technique was originally developed by necromancers when they went on expeditions to certain Death Jedi to clean up those naturally raised undead creatures.

Some powerful undead have an immortality that even a necromancer would find troublesome to deal with.

Later, it was improved by the necromancers of the soul school and became a thing with an extremely high upper limit and an extremely low lower limit.

The most significant change is that powerful mages can use this magic to forcibly deprive other necromancers of their control over summoned creatures.

It's control, not elimination.

The impact is unprecedented!

When this spell was improved, it coincided with a thousand-year war in the necromancy academia, and the result was...

The enemy quickly improved its summoning magic and strengthened its control over summoned objects!

It's really... gratifying, congratulating, congratulating.

Therefore, the Necromancer is good at fighting because he is forced to do so by his own family.

However, Lovett doesn't have such complicated ideas at the moment. He just wants to find some tool people to help him work and subdue some... artificial wild undead.

Obscure and low singing filled the empty and cold cemetery, and the chirping of insects quickly stopped, as if some unspeakable monster had descended here, shocking everything.

The old man in the guard's cabin felt his nose was a little itchy, so he rubbed it and turned over, and continued to sleep.


The airflow around him suddenly began to flow faster, blowing the corners of his clothes.

Lovett spread his only right arm outward, and the chant changed its rhythm and began to become passionate and powerful, but the strange thing was that the sound in the outside air did not become louder, and those syllables only vibrated in the soul.

Swish! Swish!

Suddenly, a black smoke column appeared with the sound of wind, flying around him.

Then came two, three...

When dozens of black smoke appeared around him, sweat dripped from Lovett's forehead and his eyes were no longer so bright.

"That's almost it. Even if I cast the spell in an energy-saving way, this is my limit... The conversion rate of nearly one-fifth is already perfect in its current state."

Not every corpse can be transformed into an undead creature, and not every undead will naturally obey the necromancer. Controlling twenty-seven zombie puppets at one time, Lovett would give himself a nine out of ten points.

Stay humble with the remaining points.

Pulling his arm back to his chest, controlling his little mental strength, Lovett pushed it out hard.

call out!


The black mist shot out, each looking for its own path, making a circle in the air, and accurately submerging into the brand new tombstones. It was less than ten days old.

That’s right!

Long before the reinforcements arrived that night, Lovett had planted a corpse curse on every corpse on the ship, waiting for them to trigger the corpse transformation.

What's the use of the old corpses in the cemetery being resurrected? He needs fresh undead warriors!

If he wasn't mentally strong enough to use large-scale resurrection magic, he wouldn't have let go of the people on that boat.

Small curse spells such as the Curse of Corpse Transformation are even difficult to work on living people, and in most cases they will only be treated as skin diseases.

However, when placed on a dead person, the effect is outstanding!

After doing all this, feeling the twenty-seven weak but real connections in his mind, Lovett took a deep breath and smiled.

"Stand up, slaves! I order you in the name of my master, stand up!"

Click... click!

After the words fell, a pale palm with obvious corpse spots penetrated the soil and stretched towards the sky.

The soil began to tremble everywhere in the cemetery, and the coffins were opened with palms, breaking the soil. The scene was extremely strange.

Not long after, twenty-seven zombie puppets of different heights, short, fat, and thin crawled out of the tomb one after another and stood quietly under the moonlight.

Looking at the army of undead (?) missing arms and legs in front of him, Lovett's tired face was filled with a smile.

"This will be an epic adventure."

Even though it doesn't look good, the appearance of this group of undead declares that the profession of necromancer has officially established its foothold in this world!


The title of Chapter 4 disappeared, changed and reappeared, so the question came... Is there any difference between "Answer from the Navy Headquarters" and "Answer from the Navy Headquarters"?


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By the way, it’s been so long since the review ended, and it’s been more than 10,000 words and I haven’t waited for the signing notice. To be honest, I’m a little panicked now.

This chapter has been completed!
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