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Chapter 56, Blood Red Town

A few hours later, the coast of Velcro Island.

"What... happened here?"

Standing on the Delido Nord Saberu, Creek stared at the ruined town with wide eyes, his eyes full of shock.

In that familiar ruin-like town, large clumps of blood and ink were splashed on the streets and walls, dried and crusted.

The small town that was supposed to be very lively was now as quiet as a ghost.

A severed left hand lay on the stone slab of the pier, the gaps between the fingernails were filled with mud, sand and blood stains, and flies were buzzing around it.

"It must be the Black Earl!"

Ah Jin's face was solemn, with a hint of fear in his eyes: "No wonder he chose Velcro Island to meet. Sure enough, he has long been eyeing the pirates gathering here."

Things have changed!

With the pirate corpses on Velcro Island, the opponent will have the upper hand simply in numbers.

"It's too dangerous Captain, maybe we should..."

"Iron Wall" Balu looked around carefully, fearing that undead would suddenly appear from around him.

"Shut up!"

Creek looked over impatiently, and the dangerous sight made Balu tremble.

"Balu, we can't leave now if we want. If we leave, Lord Creek's majesty will be wiped out. How will we recruit people then?"

Pirates are mostly face-conscious people.

The captain is too cowardly, and no matter how much money he gives, the number of people willing to follow him will be limited.

That’s why I suggested that you should land on the island in advance...

Ah Jin sighed and said, "Let me take the lead, captain."

Creek's eyes moved: "Okay..."

"Captain Creek?"

At this time, a call attracted their attention.

Click! Click!

The flintlock muskets were set up and pointed in the direction of the sound.

Looking at the black muzzles of the guns and the several cannons that were pushed and aimed at the bow of the ship, the corner of Wallace's mouth twitched.

As expected of the Creek Pirates, they are really stupid and have too much money!

With this configuration, I'm afraid even the navy is insufficient.

But...I'm really not afraid of death.

Walking out of the hiding room, Wallace smiled and nodded.

"Master has been waiting for a long time. Do you want to start now or start later?"

"What is the difference?"

Ah Jin took out his weird cane-shaped weapon with an iron ball and asked warily.

To this, Wallace replied calmly: "The master said that although everyone intends to form an alliance, Creek is timid and will definitely send someone to investigate after seeing this tragic situation."

"So let's kill the first wave of troops and then talk."

"After all...he really doesn't like talking nonsense to a group of subordinates anymore."


When Crick heard this, he became furious and smashed the guardrail in front of him.

"If you have the ability, just give it a try! If I don't blow this island to pieces, I'll blow him up too!"

"That's it, Captain Creek."

Wallace was unmoved and remained calm.

"This is a show of force, and he is reasonable."

Ah Jin looked ugly.

If the first notification to send subordinates was still excusable, then sending people there after the other party has already landed on the island would be a complete slap in the face. How can we start talking about forming an alliance?

If the strength gap between the two sides is so great, there will be no option for an alliance.

"Hmph! How can I be afraid of him?"

Creek said stiffly, touching the golden armor on his body, feeling much more at ease.

"I also understand the rules, Ah Jin..."


He turned around and waved his hand, and a carefully selected group of taller and shorter guard pirates rushed over.


The stairs were placed on the stone steps of the port, and Creek, accompanied by Akin and others, walked off the ship with the escorting pirates.

"Lead the way!"

"Yes, Captain Creek, please."

Along the way, Ah Jin determined one thing.

The entire Velikor Island has encountered something unexpected, otherwise it would not be so quiet.

But at the same time, he was also wondering, where did the body go?

Velcro Island is so big that it can't hide people at all.

The other party did not hide anything along the way. The undead fishmen and undead humans stood struttingly on the roadside, allowing them to watch at will. The number never exceeded two hundred.

has a problem!

There is definitely a problem!

But Akin couldn't figure out what went wrong, and gaps in intelligence prevented him from finding the mystery of the missing body.

Soon, Wallace stopped at an abandoned cabin with a door hanging at an angle.

Ah Jin recognized this place. After a group of pirates snatched this abandoned tavern from another group of pirates, they took over the drinking business in this trading area.

But things have changed now.

The two black knights who left a deep impression on Ah Jin were standing at the door, one on the left and one on the right. The bodyguard could only squat and stare at them with eyes without a trace of emotion.

"This is 'Hundred Strategies' Crow and the fish-man dragon."

Wallace introduced: "After being killed by his master, he transformed into a loyal black knight."

Then he looked regretful.

"It's a pity that my physical fitness is so poor that my master looks down upon me."

In other words, can people with good physical fitness be selected?

For example, say me.

Crick's expression remained unchanged: "Stop talking nonsense!"

He took a step forward: "Black Earl, if you really intend to form an alliance, come out and see me."

"Well, Captain Creek, of course he is sincere in forming an alliance."


In the shadow of the famous tree, when the wooden door was pushed outwards, the pirates couldn't help but commotion and clenched their weapons.

Lovett stood behind the door in a black dress, his hands folded on his cane.

"It's windy outside, how about you come in and have a glass of wine to warm yourself up?"

"Huh! I don't dare to poison you even if I try!"

Creek waved his hand and motioned for the large army to wait outside the door, and then walked in with Ajin and Balu.

The tavern looks shabby outside...

It's also in tatters inside.

Not many pirates like to clean, let alone a bloody battle that just happened here.

Sitting on the sofa whose cushions were dyed strangely in a mixture of red and brown, Creek felt that his golden armor did not match this place very well.

After pouring a glass of wine for both parties, Lovett got straight to the point: "I've fought against the flying squirrel, and to be honest, I'm no match for him at all."

"I know this too."

Creek didn't touch his drink: "The Navy of the Headquarters and the Navy of the East China Sea are two different species, not to mention the Flying Squirrel, one of the sixteen lieutenant generals."

"But there are limits to one's abilities..."

"Pfft! Ahem, it's nothing, you continue."

The corner of Ajin's mouth twitched, and he forgot to tell the captain that the other party seemed unable to hear this.

"In a naval battle, numbers are the most important!"

Crick did not doubt that he was there and continued: "As long as we lead a large army to attack, the flying squirrel can only interfere with local battlefields, giving us an opportunity."

Lovett raised his head: "So I need to form an alliance with you, because the Creek Pirates will be the largest pirate group in the East China Sea in the future."


Ah Jin felt vaguely uneasy.

Sure enough, he also understood this.

"That's right!"

Creek's face was filled with pride, and he felt a little elated after being praised by a pirate who had a bounty of 55 million beli on his head.

"But I also need to form an alliance with you."

Fortunately, he did not really fly into the sky and said: "The army has a morale problem. If the flying squirrel's personal strength cannot be limited, it will be enough to destroy the courage of his men to continue fighting."

One man can guard a barrier and ten thousand men cannot open it; but one general can overcome difficulties with the courage of a thousand troops.

The world of pirates is a world that values ​​individual bravery, and it is not surprising that one person can decide the outcome of the battle.

"But my undead are different. They are born warriors and will not be disturbed no matter how tragic the situation is."

Lovett took a sip of wine.


Creek smiled proudly: "If you and I join forces, not to mention Smoker, even the Flying Squirrel can't stop it."

"But there is a premise..."

Suddenly, Lovett put down his wine glass and lay on the back of the sofa with his hands crossed.

Creek's eyelids twitched: "What's the premise?"

"I can't wait that long."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Lovett continued: "It will take you years to digest the arms you snatched this time into military strength... Moreover, the military strength is all in your hands, and the same goes for the initiative."

Creek's eyes turned cold: "So we can't reach an agreement?"

This is what Ajin told him, and it turns out that no one is a fool.

But unexpectedly, Lovett shook his head: "No, the alliance is bound to win. Apart from you, I can't find enough corpses to form an army."

Sure enough!

He must rely on us!

Creek smiled slightly, but in the next second, Ajin suddenly took action, and the iron ball hit Lovett heavily.


Black sand flew and sputtered. Looking at the "shield" extending from Lovett's left arm like a mushroom, Ajin looked down and growled.

"Captain, run!!"

what's the situation?

Crick looked confused, suddenly felt a sense of crisis acutely, and lay down hard.


A huge fist smashed through the wall and came in. Seeing that Creek was dodging, he retracted it and suddenly grabbed Balu's head along the way.


Looking at the width of the closed palm, it was obvious that Balu would not survive.

Bang... bang!

The huge arm dragged him backwards and flew out of the street.


Ajin stepped on the splattered wooden planks and landed nimbly, with a trace of blood on his dark eyes, and stopped in front of Creek.

Opposite him, Lovett was still calm, slumped on the sofa and looking at him.

"You're good at martial arts. Do you really not want to consider coming to my place? I don't have much demand for my subordinates, so I have to seize the opportunity."

"What does he mean? Gold?"

Creek asked blankly.


Ah Jin didn't say much, just silently clenched his weapon.

"I have given orders to my men. Once a fight breaks out, they will immediately bombard the town indiscriminately!"

"A boring threat."

Lovett shook his head silently: "If you are talking about that group of people, I think they must not care about the order now."


As soon as the words fell, an earth-shaking dull roar came from the direction of the port.

On the Delido Nord Saberu, a group of pirates looked at the dilapidated warship with its bow split horizontally, revealing a mouth full of fangs. Everyone looked pale.

"What the hell is this?!"

The next second, the warship opened its mouth and took a bite, like a mountain falling over, chewing the Delido Nord Saberu from the middle.

Click! Click!

After chewing a few times, human faces appeared on the outer wall of the warship, densely packed like scales.

Each face opened its mouth wrapped in an exoskeleton, making a noisy... "chirp" sound.

The Hated Battleship Levianson!

Nickname: Leviathan!

This chapter has been completed!
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