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Chapter 566 The decisive battle begins!

A name that had been forgotten for a long time blurted out. The bald five-star was stunned for a moment and sneered: "Oh, that's right."

"You were the one who beat Don Quixote's men to death. It's no surprise that you recognized this move."

"But I am different from Rao G. The old man's boxing skills are not even qualified to lift shoes in front of my resurgence of all things!"

It didn't take him, Lovett, to see that.

Lao Weng Quan starts from a young age and stores excess life energy. The older it gets, the more it stores and the more powerful it is when it explodes, hence the name Lao Weng Quan.

But the current state of the five bald stars is obviously different.

Every cell in his body was surging with huge life energy, the energy intensity was exaggerated to an absurd degree, and in a manner that was contrary to common sense, it was like water lilies blooming in the yellow sand, with vigorous vitality.

"Is that why it's called the Resurrection of All Things? What a good name."

Lovett said calmly: "But the price is lifespan. It's really...nothing new at all."

On the surface, it does appear that everything is resurrected, but energy does not come out of thin air. It must have a source.

Invisible to the naked eye, the cells in Bald Five Old Star's body are rapidly dividing, failing, and regenerating, repeating themselves over and over again.

This is much more intense than Garp's original life-returning state.

After all, the latter just made a hole in the body, and the firewood needed to be replenished as needed for cooking. The former directly set the entire forest on fire, leaving no way to retreat.

The recovery of all things is predicated on the decay of all things.

"I thought the Five Old Stars were all greedy for life and afraid of death, but I didn't expect them to be quite brave, you guys."

"Hmph! Arrogant!"

The bald Five Old Star didn't answer and was about to rush forward. Suddenly, a thin and withered arm blocked him.

The explosive momentum all over his body instantly subsided, and the five bald stars bowed respectfully.

"Lord Im!"

"Well, calm down, don't be fooled by this ghost."


Everyone was shocked, and their hearts palpitated as they looked at Lovett's slowly fading smile.

Im, wearing a robe like snow, looked at Lovett condescendingly, and explained: "Currently, our strength has the absolute upper hand. The combined threat of you all far exceeds the high-end combat power of their team. If you are left alone, defeat will only take time."


"That's why he wants to provoke you and provoke you, delay time by himself, and create opportunities for the army."

Amidst the gasps, Im looked down at his feet.

"Am I right, Black Count?"


Lovett pursed his lips in displeasure: "Sure enough, being too old to die is a thief!"

Kaido suddenly realized at this moment: "So, you are really despicable!"

Lovett: "...How about you come?"

Kaido: "..."

"Okay, let's stop chatting here."

At this time, Im pressed his palm down, and the clouds slowly descended, level with the warship.

Kaido didn't know when he stood up, veins bulging on the back of his hands, ready for battle.

"You should know that I am stronger than you and the two of you combined. Add in the high-end combat power I brought from the Holy Land, and your winning rate is less than 10%."

"Black Earl Kaido!"

Yi Muyun said calmly: "I will give you one last chance."

"Surrender, or perish."

Boom... boom boom!!

As Im's last words came out, thunder rolled in the sky, and Jiu, who had turned into a puppet, was suspended in the air, standing upside down like a Saiyan with short silver hair.

His curse fruit can use most of the unique fruit abilities of devil fruits. This one alone is enough for two people to have a headache. With the addition of the three less powerful Five Old Stars, Cyborg and other older generation strong men, this

The words have their own confidence.


"What's the difference between surrender and destruction?"

Kaido took a step forward, his whole body trembling with excitement: "Hey, Im."

"Do you really think you've got me?"

Im tilted her head: "Oh?"


Kaido suddenly raised his mace and roared: "The Beast Pirates, attack!!"

After the words fell, the horn horns sounded louder again, and the black army of beasts gradually accelerated and charged towards the steel fleet.

Seeing this, Ingersoll quickly issued an order: "The entire army will fight as planned and don't underestimate the enemy!!"

Ingersoll is cautious, he knows that even if Im comes to suppress the formation, his winning rate against them will only be between equal.

In a grand war involving millions of soldiers, it not only requires tit-for-tat tit-for-tat confrontation among high-end combat forces, but also requires the three armies to fight fiercely to the death with their lives.

"Master, we..."

Seeing the beast army charging, Aka came to Lovett and bowed to ask.

In this regard, Lovett thought for a moment and nodded.


There was only one word, an order filled with murderous intent.

Phew! Phew!

A series of ferocious bone spurs sprouted from Aka's back, tearing through his suit. The devil-like eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he responded with a ferocious smile: "Understood!"

Huh... boom!

In the distance, a dozen bone dragons with a wingspan of 100 meters breathed out will-o'-the-wisps, providing fire cover for the charging army.

The blue flames fell on the deck, instantly causing panic.

However, someone soon took action to kill the colleagues who were about to mutate. The steel fleet remained motionless and the artillery changed direction.

"The mantis is trying to act like a chariot, and he overestimates his own capabilities!"

Im looked at the scene in front of him calmly, shook his head and ordered.

"Don't fight with them, just go in!"


Kong and others responded in unison, and then each showed their magical powers and rushed towards the enemy camp on moon steps.

It can be seen from the bald five old stars that the Sixth Form of the Navy was actually born from the Holy Land. They even hid a secret to prevent the Navy from rebelling. As a hidden master guarding the Holy Land, whoever can't move on the moon will not be able to do it.

Talented and generous.


The fastest one is not Cyborg, but the bald five old stars.

He jumped directly onto a beast battleship and stamped his feet suddenly.


The hundreds of meters long pirate ship fell down in response. The damage caused by this kick split open the center of the deck like an axe. Each of the beast pirates had no time to get close. The vibration of the broken hull threw them away, wailing.

All over the fields.

Later, Kong and others followed closely, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, with no scruples.

"court death!!"

Kaido angrily grabbed the mace and stomped it hard. The flagship weighing dozens of tons was dented forward and backward. With this brute force, Kaido flew out like a cannonball and swept the stick towards the bald head.

Five old stars.

Bagua thunder!

"Strike the barrier!"

After all, the other party was also one of the former masters of the Holy Land, so how could he easily take risks?

However, the person who came to help surprised Kaido. Before the mace reached the position with the strongest inertia, a translucent square barrier hit him, forcing him back.


The barrier created by the barrier fruit ability, which is known as absolute defense, was cracked, but Kaido didn't have it easy either and fell towards the ocean.

"God's punishment!"

Another attack came, and thunder surged from the top of the sky, converging into a thunder pillar with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and struck him down.

This brought back some bad memories for him.

Kaido: "Seeking death!!!"

Boom boom boom boom!!

Seeing that the thunder was about to fall on him, five hot breaths tore through the sky and traveled across the earth.

Before the mighty thunder could explode with force, it was blown away by the heat wave.

At the same time, Lovett suddenly appeared behind Im, and slashed with the Blood Hell Sword.

Blood River Cut!

Ding... click!!

The blood on the bedding was thick and smelly, but before it hit Im, there was a strange collision sound.


The sea of ​​​​blood that rushed straight away stopped surging for an instant, and then turned and rushed towards Lovett.

He clearly felt that the power contained in the sea of ​​blood belonged to him.

That is to say, the attack is not weakened, but simply distorted!

"Devil Fruit Power!"

Lovett suddenly ducked down to avoid the slashing attack. The sea of ​​blood swept past, and several warships that were too close to each other were slashed and split into pieces.

At this time, a figure approached with broken steps, assumed a boxer's stance, and punched hard.



The exam is coming soon, the questions are wrong, and the new information was just obtained yesterday, so... Dashu was unable to vomit blood and started memorizing the questions again.

This chapter has been completed!
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