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Chapter six hundred and ten, the final battle (five)

New World, Dressrosa.

At this time, Dressrosa had been reduced to ruins. After learning that not only Luo but also Scarlett, one of the twelve cursed spirits, was coming, Doflamingo immediately activated the birdcage and destroyed all the people.

People are trapped inside.

When he was defeated, except for a small area in the center of the city, the land was cut into pieces. As far as the eye could see, it was full of broken walls and ruins.

In the bright yellow submarine of the Heart Pirates, Bebo and others are performing emergency surgery on Luo, but the style of the painting is a bit off.

"Captain, please move this intestine over a little bit."

"Do you think this is human talk? How can a patient move his own intestines?"

"Ah? What are you talking about, Captain? I am originally a fur tribe?"

"Hurry up, I can't stop the bleeding!"


Luo took a sharp breath, but gritted his teeth and started ROOM honestly.

Even with the skills of Dr. Doriel, Chopper's master in the Sakura Kingdom, he would not dare to operate on a torn internal organ easily, but in the Heart Pirates, this has become the norm.

The ROOM space of the surgical result allows them to bypass the trauma and directly perform suturing and inspection of the internal organs instead of incising the skin and flesh like normal doctors.

Big White Bear Beibo and others gathered around the operating table like cannibal doctors in horror movies, waving scalpels at the corpses that were not yet dead. The style of the painting was strange and chilling.

However, even with the help of the surgical fruits, Luo's injury still kept everyone busy for a long time.

When the operation was over, not only did Beibo and others collapse on the ground, but Luo also had no strength at all.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!


Not hearing the fight among the crew members outside, a pirate stood up and walked toward the hatch.

Bebo and others did not doubt his presence and asked: "Captain, are we going to the City of Auroville next?"

"Ah, you're right."

Luo, who looked pale, said with a smile: "Although that guy is not a good person, I can't go to sea with peace of mind if I don't repay such a huge debt."

Looking at his men with sad faces, Luo comforted them and said: "Don't worry, I have seen the look in the Black Earl's eyes. It was just a look in his eyes that was curious about the results of my surgery. I believe that in a few years, when he is tired of studying it, we will

It’s time to leave.”


"Of course it's true. With such a big piece of pure gold, he still lacks immortality?"

Everyone suddenly became energetic.


It's embarrassing to say it, but their captain's greatest treasure, the surgery for immortality, seems to be nothing in the eyes of the other party.

Pirates also have their own righteousness.

The other party had done them such a big favor this time, so it was only natural that he should help them for a few years.

"No, I guess you don't have to think about that much, Trafalgar."

The unfamiliar old voice echoed in the cabin, as if he had thought of something. Luo Man turned his head in disbelief.


After defeating Doflamingo, if there is anything Luo can't let go of, besides taking risks with his friends, it is the world government that is the culprit of his miserable life!

Im made a statement to the sea after his official appearance. It was only a few words, but it was firmly remembered in his mind.

But isn't he fighting the Black Earl?

Luo's pupils shrank when he thought of the noise coming from there before.

Could it be!!

At this time, Bebo and others noticed their companions who had fallen beside the cabin door, and they were all shocked.

"Molly! What's wrong with you Molly?!"

A group of people ran over and picked up Molly. They were the best doctors on the ship and immediately discovered that although there were no external injuries, Molly was already dead.

"Asshole! What did you do to our companions?!"

At this moment, Bebo revealed the feral nature of the fur bear people and rushed towards the opponent with a roar.


Luo anxiously wanted to speak to stop him, but it was better to speak softly. When he opened his mouth and shouted, the injury was immediately affected and the wound burst.

With just such a pause of less than a second, Im had completed everything.

His body flickered on the spot like a phantom for a second, and then solidified again, with his palms covered in blood.

The group of pirates suddenly froze in place, their faces still angry and filled with hatred, but they remained motionless.

Immediately dropping a handkerchief to his left hand, Im wiped the blood on it while squinting at them with disdain.

"I'm a bit afraid of the Black Earl. Who are you, and you dare to attack me?"

The voice fell.



A body with severed limbs was blown up and scattered, hitting the wall with a "dong-dong" sound.

Luo's eyes gradually turned red.

Those companions who were smiling playfully with him just a few seconds ago died in front of him.

At this time, Im snapped his fingers.


Click! Click!

Two pairs of handcuffs and two pairs of shackles appeared on Luo's body and limbs, firmly fixing him on the operating table.


"Don't make any noise."

Raising his hand again, a piece of tape sealed Luo's mouth.

As if he had killed a few annoying mosquitoes, Imhun didn't care and looked at Luo condescendingly: "Sa, let's get started."

As a golden sword floated up from under the operating table, the King of Heaven was actually at Im's feet all along, but before they could see clearly, everything was over.

The moment he held the king in his hand, veins popped up on Im's forehead.


A terrifying suction force came from the palm of his hand, and a large portion of his life force was taken away by the King. Im, who had only a short time left, could clearly feel the weakness of his body being hollowed out, and even his soul was trembling.

At this time, he only had the power of one blow.

After one blow, a child could give him a fatal blow with a knife.

However, no one has that chance.

The soul web was broken, and Lovett was on the verge of death. In order to ensure safety, Dressrosa was also bloodbathed by him before coming to find Luo. Scarlett and her new pet Tianyaksha were killed on the spot. At this moment,

There is no one in Dressrosa who threatens him.

If he didn't want to waste time, Im wouldn't even mind killing everyone including the small humans in Dressrosa to ensure they were safe.

So for the age-defying surgery, he is bound to get it!


A sword penetrated Luo's scarred body. As he struggled violently, Im laughed wildly: "Is the past really unimportant, Black Earl?"

"Obviously you should have ordered your men to kill him immediately after you discovered that, but you're not giving me an advantage now."

"It sounds simple to condense the vitality of all the fruit-powered users who died at that time, but what is the method?"

"That gentleman only has one ability: Devil Fruit!"

"Surgery for immortality, suturing life!!"

Luo's eyes widened in shock.

This is a secret he discovered not long ago. Although the fruits of the operation have not yet been developed to the extreme, he has already touched the limit and knows what method the legendary immortality operation uses to make people immortal.

Although I cannot understand that state, the four words "life suture" are undoubtedly the most appropriate term!

This guy in front of me actually knows?


Are you still able to ripen your own fruits?!!

This chapter has been completed!
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