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The ninth chapter, the masters of cross-border smuggling

Lovett is not afraid of going to war with Odin. The Nine Realms were conquered by Odin. Not everyone is willing to surrender to him. His long lifespan makes hatred even longer, and forgetting is almost impossible.

In addition, the Rainbow Bridge has not yet been repaired, so if there is a fight, he will never give the opponent a chance.

So in summary, all he needs to do is start a war with Asgard.

But that would be unwise.

Odin's past achievements and the peak of divine power in his body are undeniable. There are not many people in the universe that Thanos would be afraid of, but Odin is definitely one of them.

Without him, he might also be seriously injured. Then Thanos wouldn't have fun like the runaway Leviathan?

By then, with the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, it may not be a problem to blast him out of this universe.

As academic talents, of course, fighting should be put after discussion.

Unless there is nothing to talk about!

Lovett is now asking Odin questions.

To talk or not to talk?

One is the Lord of the Nine Realms whose lifespan is about to reach its limit and is famous throughout the universe.

One is an outland mage with a boundless soul, like the true incarnation of death.

Not to be outdone, the two of them continued to stare at each other.

But in the end, it was Odin who gave up first for the sake of the Nine Realms.

He waved his hand to signal the God of War and other protoss who sensed the collision of forces to leave the hall, and then sighed.

"Okay, I agree to give you the space gem, but it must be after my death!"

From Odin's point of view, although he is nearing the end of his life, he still has some years left to live.

Maybe waiting is an opportunity.

But of course Lovett would not tell him that he knew the plot. Odin could not wait until the day he died.

Hearing this, he also restrained his soul fluctuations and signaled the soldiers to go back.



After the words fell, a silver wine glass was held in his hand, and another was thrown to Odin. Although the latter's magic skills were not as sophisticated as Frigga's, he could still feel a powerful curse from the wine glass.


But he did not hesitate and raised his glass as well.

"Crudent Necromancer! It seems that life is not easy for you in the outer lands."

Lovett smiled and ignored the teasing.

"Cheers to our friendship!"

Then Lovett left, knowing that Frigga would tell Odin the effect of the curse.

Soul slavery!

Whoever breaks his promise will have his soul at his mercy.

This is the power of law that even death in the creation of this world cannot interfere with. The first time he came to this world, Lovett discovered that the masters of the Marvel world also had their own style.

Get out, take control!

They both transcend the law and are dependent on the law. Just like the magic practiced by the ancient one, they first gain power and then learn how to use it.

So this curse has no solution in this universe!

Because it is part of death!

The group of people left the palace, escorted by the divine soldiers.

Aka followed him and asked: "Master, even if Odin's death is not conducive to our plans, there is no need to tell him this, right?"

The Cosmic Cube serves as a container for the space gem but also limits its power. Based on their ability, Aka thinks it is not difficult to get it.

Such as stealing!

However, Lovett shook his head and explained: "No, there is no point in getting a mere Infinity Stone."

"Of the four Infinity Stones that have been exposed, only the Time Stone has some research value for me. The Mind Stone, Space Stone and Power Stone are of limited use to me. They are just keys that are born under the will of the universe.

That’s all.”

"That thing hidden behind the door is the truth of this universe."

"What's behind the door?"

Aka was startled for a moment, and then he understood.

Regardless of the nature of the power, they are treasures with powerful power. By gathering the six Infinity Stones, Thanos thought of wiping out half of the population, but little did he know that he could directly use the power of the origin of the universe to find the core of the universe.

By then, won’t this universe be squeezed as much as it wants?

It might even be possible to permanently maintain the balance among the stars in the universe.

Typical people suffer the consequences of being uneducated!

"Also, the remaining two infinity stones are more difficult for me."

Aka looked over curiously and Lovett replied.

"The Reality Stone, and the Soul Stone."

"Thousands of years ago, the ether was sealed by Thor's grandfather and Odin's father Bol. I have studied the seal. It is based on the Nine Realms and borrows the power of the Reality Stone itself to set a seal. It is equivalent to

A perfect body-sealing curse within a perfect body!"

"If we don't wait for the next time when the celestial bodies gather and the nine realms line up in a straight line, let alone whether it can be unlocked in advance. Forcibly cracking it will also destroy the foundation of the nine realms. It is no different from starting a war with Odin. You will bear the consequences."

At this point, Lovett laughed.

"And the Soul Stone"

Under the interference of the power of the soul, someone must give their love to unlock the power shrouded in the soul gem.

That's a coincidence, isn't it?

Lovett has no true love.

If there is, then it is knowledge!

Give up knowledge for knowledge

Who likes to have fun?

He had only been at Marvel for a few days, and he had barely made it through the opening scene of One Piece: World Collapse. Lovett didn't think it was a big problem to wait a few more years.

Rather than the benefits he could gain, he was more curious about what the Emperor and Mistress were doing now.

Have you been discovered by the five creation gods of this world?

Fortunately, what Lovett "praised" didn't happen.

At this moment, Xandar.

This is a technologically advanced planet. Its skyscrapers and silver-white streets prove that the advancement of this civilization is not cold-blooded and violent. However, in the universe, friendship means weakness.

So, hundreds of years ago, a war began that continues to this day.

The two warring parties are the Xandar Nova Corps, which bravely defends their homeland, and the notorious space bug Kree Empire. Of course, this is an evaluation made from the Xandar people's perspective.

The long war has overwhelmed the two super empires of the universe. Not surprisingly, they will sign a peace treaty two years later. Although the result is not very good, the motivation is indeed there.

It's true that the Kree Empire is warlike, but they invade Xandar for resources. They don't want to waste too much time in a place where there is no benefit if they can't conquer it.

But some people don't want them to stop, and it would be best if the motive disappears.

This is the hospital where the Nova Corps stays behind. In the medical cabin, which is full of technology, a Nova Corps soldier who retreated from the front line seems to be suffering from some kind of nightmare. Cold sweat is flowing from his forehead and his whole body is twitching.

"Come, find me and I will give you power!"

"Don't you want to avenge your dead compatriots?"

"Faith is vulnerable in the face of strength. Didn't you prove this with your actual actions?"

"Don't refuse this gift, Mohawk, this is your destiny!"

The rustling voice, like a devil's whisper, echoed deep in the soul of this battle-hardened warrior, and the unusual movement quickly attracted the attention of others.

Just before they were about to approach, the warrior named Mohawk suddenly opened his eyes.

Dragging his seriously injured body, he limped towards the door.

The call behind him fell on deaf ears, and he only had one thought in his mind at the moment.

"I need power!"


The door was knocked open by him, and when he saw the sunshine in the sky, Mohawk suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the corner.

I saw a pineapple-shaped, orange-yellow, strange fruit with moiré and spiral skin lying quietly in the corner.

The sound became more obvious now. Mohawk rushed over with red eyes, grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth.


“What a disgusting smell!”

Even the Predator made of molten steel cannot resist the anti-human taste of Devil Fruit.

Yesterday it was Frigga, not Scarlett. I was able to code it easily. With intelligent recognition, I could type a letter and it would come out. She looked almost the same. I laughed and cried without paying attention.

I'm going to ask for a day off today. We don't have a day off during the Dragon Boat Festival. We only have an afternoon off today. I can't bear it anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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