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Chapter 20, The Elder Revenge

Human temperament likes to be reconciled and compromised.

For example, if Ethan says, admit it to Natasha, the Fruit of Sin is real and the government is launching a secret operation, then Natasha will definitely not admit it.

But if Ethan wants her to admit the existence of SHIELD, she will reconcile herself and admit the existence of the Fruit of Sin.

As Skye typed on the keyboard, this horrifying video message immediately spread all over the world.

New York, Queens.

Peter Parker, who is still young and has not yet mutated into Spider-Man, is holding an Iron Man figure in his hand and watching the TV in stunned silence.

"...This is a video of a gun battle that took place in the Hawaiian Islands during the day today. We can see that after the man in the video was hit by a bullet, his body became like rubber and absorbed the kinetic energy of the bullet..."

The first step here is to prove Ethan's identity as a superpower through the surveillance video on the beach during the day.

Then the screen on the TV changed and the host introduced with a serious expression.

"...and the following paragraph is more appalling."

Natasha's voice sounded on the TV.

[Ethan Hobson, right? I am Nova, an investigator with fruit abilities from the National Security Agency. There is something I want to ask...]

[I am here just because you are a new fruit-powered person. The government has enough research materials. It is not interested and cannot treat you as a freak...]

This is the second step, using Natasha’s mouth to admit that the government is related to the Fruit of Sin!

Finally, the third step...

The picture continued to change, and the images left by people with fruit abilities were spliced ​​and edited one after another, and they were all accompanied by subtitles showing the time and location. If you didn't believe it, you had a strong confidence to check it yourself.

The Rising Tide organization had obviously made sufficient preparations for this day, otherwise just a few hours would not have been enough to collect so much evidence.

An unexpected storm swept the world.

Until it happened, Nick Fury was confused.

This was an accident. No one could have imagined that Ethan would become a person with abilities.

But after Ethan contacted them and told them clearly what happened to him, the Rising Tide organization immediately adapted to the situation and used Ethan to attract important figures, S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Use the particularity of their identities and the police station's response to obey orders to increase authority and verify the authenticity and reliability of the video content!

"May...Aunt May?"

The little spider turned his head and called his aunt's name in a weak voice.

"What's wrong, Peter?" From the kitchen, a middle-aged and elderly woman with wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and dry, white hair sticking to her head came out.

Wiping the water stains on her hands with her apron, Aunt Mei looked at him curiously.

"I remember you said that one of the apples you bought for the apple pie last week was broken. Did you lose it?"

"Of course I lost it, otherwise why would I keep it?" Aunt Mei replied matter-of-factly.

"At first I thought it was a toy, but when I cut it open I realized it looked like that...and the smell was so disgusting."

"You... tasted it?!" The little spider was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

"Yeah, I saw it wasn't rotten, so I took a bite out of curiosity, but don't worry, I didn't swallow it."


But it says on TV that it takes effect once you put it in your mouth!

Although he has not yet become Spider-Man, Peter Parker keenly smells an ominous premonition.

Just as he was thinking about how to organize his words to remind his aunt tactfully without scaring her, the door was opened.

"Bah, what the hell is this!" Little Spider's uncle Ben Parker walked in with a plastic bag, took off his coat with one hand and hung it on the hanger at the door, and threw a weird-looking apple into the trash can with the other hand.

"You can't go to that supermarket because there are bad apples today."

After complaining, Ben Parker sniffed and his eyes lit up: "Eating curry tonight?"

"Welcome back, dear." Aunt Mei walked over and kissed her husband, no doubt that he was there.

"The supermarket run by an Indian owner has a discount on curry ingredients today. I bought some when I passed by... Are you hungry? The food will be ready in a moment."

"Oh, that's great, thank you for your hard work, Mei!"

One walked to the kitchen and the other sat in the living room. The two of them smiled and exchanged their family stories easily. It seemed that maybe, maybe, indeed... no one noticed anything wrong with each other.

But little spider is different!

Looking at the strange fruit in the trash can that quickly rotted away after being bitten, his whole scalp felt numb, and a chill shot up from his tailbone to the sky.

What should I do if my aunt and uncle become superpowers?

Waiting online, urgent!

Lovett did not expect that everything would be such a coincidence. The number of uneaten artificial fruits in New York was less than 30. In a metropolis with nearly 10 million people, two of them were encountered and eaten by the Parker family one after another.

If he had the time to investigate, he would even find that not only Spider-Man's uncle and aunt, but also the original Ant-Man, Dr. Hank Pym, and Hydra's Alexander Pierce, were interfering with some kind of force called "Destiny"

Next, I ate the fruit of sin by chance.

That’s enough to form a senior Avengers team!

The next day, the video controversy predictably triggered large-scale demonstrations and protests.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick Fury spoke with an ugly face on the phone to the then-President of the United States' sidekick. The other party strongly condemned S.H.I.E.L.D. for violating the contract. According to the plan, all this should have been kept secret from the public until the fruits of sin were thoroughly studied.

After he finished handling the situation, his deputy, Agent Hill, said helplessly.

"Strong castles always collapse from within. What's next, Director?"

In order to curb the circulation of fruits, countries around the world have pooled their resources and even taken risks to make deals with fruit hunters in gray areas, trying their best to control the situation.

Unexpectedly, before the enemy took action, something went wrong among their own people.

Hill was a little pessimistic at the moment.

"War is not the only way to conquer a nation. Making the enemy surrender is also one of the methods."

Nick Fury didn't answer, but his skin color became darker again.

What is the most troublesome thing about the fruits of sin in the eyes of various countries?

Secret and elusive?

Social problems caused by superpowers?

The pace of alien invasion?


The most critical question is actually only one...

It is a fruit!

A fruit that anyone can get!

To put it simply, this is an opportunity.

An opportunity that not many can refuse!

Could it be that the name "Sin Fruit" didn't have SHIELD's own thoughts in it?

Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

But now this has been exposed, and everyone knows that the opportunity to become a superpower is just around the corner.

In total, there were demonstrations in more than 30 cities in more than a dozen states. Some asked the government to disclose the truth, some asked the government to register people with abilities immediately, and some asked the government to hand over the fruits of sin they had confiscated, saying that they were treasures belonging to all mankind.


Less than 24 hours have passed since what happened yesterday.

The world is in chaos.

Skye's own purpose is to investigate his own life experience, but Rising Tide is serious about causing trouble for SHIELD.

Nick Fury thought for a long time and suddenly said: "Based on that image, release some less important information and immediately contact the World Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to discuss whether to disclose the suspicion of alien invasion."

Hill can understand the first half.

The Rising Tide organization has investigated so much. Although announcing it as a real official statement may cause panic, if it is not announced, the blow to official authority will be too serious.

There is actually no difference between the Marvel universe and the One Piece world. The rulers are both a bit pissy.

But the last thing...


Hill nodded and prepared to leave vigorously.

...Then they were blocked at the door, and Tony Stark, whom they hadn't seen for many days, appeared in front of them with dark circles under his eyes.

"Can we talk about it? Braised eggs?"

Nick Fury: "..."


Nothing happened all night. I slept until 11:30 and had lunch today. It was great!

Today's update is early. What is this, a blessing in disguise?

Forget it, go take a shower. Is it normal to feel a little tired?

Even after finishing a set of fat-burning warm-up exercises, I feel like I'm sweating.

This chapter has been completed!
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