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Chapter 106, Death passed away!


Light and darkness exploded like ignited dynamite barrels. The moment of destruction caused by the conflict of laws was gorgeous and dazzling, just like the whole world was shattered into a kaleidoscope, and various illogical and bizarre fragments appeared one after another in the space.

But it gets annoying after watching it for a long time.

Then, the black whale that covered the sky suddenly slid down and swallowed everything.


But just a second before the whale swallowed everything, a gray figure flew out of the air.


Since it is impossible to avoid the enemy's double-sided attack at the same time, then "the lesser of the two powers"... Compared with the consequences of being completely shattered by the source of destruction of one's own law of death, of course the emperor's backlight and darkness are weaker.

One chip.

After resisting the Emperor's attack and dodging the Hell's Annihilation Slash, Death launched another surprise attack, waving down a canopy of death and falling towards Lovett.

With one strike, his dodge space was directly blocked!



The red gemstone ring representing "reality" on Lovett's left hand suddenly exploded, like melted powdered sugar, rapidly dissolving in the void.

Unlike any other time in the past, the power used by Death, who was pushed to the limit, was so terrifying that the aftermath of the spread was enough to shatter the Infinity Stones!

After all, they are things bred in a certain multiverse. There are countless identical Infinity Stones in the Marvel Universe. A simple metaphor is Infinity Stones<Multiverse<Creation God. There are two big concepts missing!

Now locked by the terrifying power of death, even the infinite gems, which claim to be able to control the origin of the universe, cannot withstand it. It is like a female gourd meeting a male gourd, and it fails.

But Lovett didn't care.

Although the Infinity Stones are easy to use, they must be effective under the Marvel multi-system. Here, the laws do not exclude and no longer provide support, so the six Infinity Stones become a plug-in for the Arm of the Gods, acting as

Backup energy source.

Now that one has been broken...

"Then the remaining five will be given to you." With an evil smile on his face, he raised his hand and the four infinity gem rings on his fingers and the soul gem brought by Infinity in his wrist were at the same time.

Throw it out and turn it into five rays of five-color divine light, shooting towards death.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

However, this was of no use. The gray mist shadow cast by the death scythe clearly seemed to be floating and dispersed when blown away, but the five-color divine light directly exploded into ashes after falling on it. The five shards that had not been fused could not be fused together.

The law-bearing objects each erupted with their final afterglow, and were then swept away by the gray mist, leaving not even an inch of trace.

All this is just complicated to say. Only a short second passed from the attack by Lovett and the Emperor to Death's counterattack. At this moment, seeing Lovett throwing the infinite gems, Death had a sneer on his face.

"Are these your last words, little one?!"

"Then suffer death!"

Having said that, the death scythe has arrived at the top of Lovett's head, and will tear open the flesh and blood body in the next moment.

But at this moment, Lovett suddenly raised his left hand and squinted sideways.

"Sorry, there are so many of us..."

The left hand held the sword fingers together in front of the chin, and diamond-shaped magic marks emerged from the void like a flock of birds returning to their roosts, and disappeared into the fingers.

The right hand is raised and the arm is straightened, aiming at death in front of you.

"Seal the Heaven and Forbidden Earth!"

At the same time, the same vast divine light erupted from behind Death.

"...Binding Spell!"

The emperor also raised his palm, but changed the direction, holding the sword with his right hand and raising his left palm to point at death.

Then they both started drinking violently at the same time.

"The ban on demon sealing is up!"



The piercing whine instantly spread to the entire universe, and the invisible force spread and spread, filling every inch of the universe. Even the world swallowed by the Sea of ​​Death stagnated for a moment, and then moved forward again.

The death scythe was less than half a meter away from Lovett's scalp, which was completely negligible given the opponent's size. However, at less than half a meter, the distance of 50 centimeters was as insurmountable as a natural chasm.

"No...impossible!" The thick fog on Death's body cleared away, revealing his eyes full of disbelief.


She tried hard to turn her head, but her neck broke when she tried hard.

Click... clatter!!

The flesh and blood body shattered like ice cubes, and the ice cubes were dotted with things like white and black iron worms. As the body cracked, those iron worms dispersed from the solid atomization, causing the power of law in the death body to begin to break away.


Like a deflated balloon or a dry ice making machine, the thick gray mist squeezed you and me, twisting and circling in the closed spherical space, gradually converging at the center.

As we all know, there are only three types of magic research that mages like to conduct most.

1. Innovation.

2. Fusion.


Bricks fly with great force!

Infinite, who was entangled with Annihilation in the distance, suddenly shuddered. The different yet similar fluctuations reminded her of Galactus when she was cornered.

Initially, she thought she was like an innocent audience member asked by a magician to come on stage to help pull the rope. When she realized something was wrong, she had become an accomplice in murder.

"It's this terrible move again!" Infinite's eyes were filled with fear.

"A forbidden place where even the rules cannot escape!"


At this time, Annihilation rushed up. She clearly had the advantage in strength, but Annihilation seized the opportunity and knocked her backwards. A large number of the origins of the laws collapsed and dissipated.

But Annihilation didn't have the time to pursue him. He raised his head and widened his empty eyes with surprise on his face.


In space, a translucent crystal ball as huge as a star system and emitting a faint blue light appeared on the battlefield where the laws collapsed.

The Xandarians and the black giants who raised their palms to face each other had circles of "water waves" left on the sphere in front of their palms, making the spheres look extremely fragile and could break with a single poke.

But the law that can bring death back to its purest form and suppress it at the center obviously cannot be seen to be believed.

If "Resurrection of the Dead" is a typical representative of the Necromancer's power, similar to the aunt in Chaoyang District; then "The Forbidden Curse" is a professional player and Olympic champion!

In the list of spells that the Necromancer has a lot of power over, it is the one with the least upper limit!

And, the effect is outstanding!

Using a star and a planet as an energy source is enough to seal an old monster like Egg that has lived for who knows how many years. Now if it were the Emperor and Lovett, the power of the seal would be even more terrifying than ever before!

Coupled with what the emperor had done to her before, death was declared defeated in just an instant!

Then, in Annihilation’s frightened eyes,

The ghostly howls that filled the crystal sphere and rose and fell on the surface of the gray mist gradually disappeared as the sphere stabilized, and the gray power of death soon calmed down and no longer struggled.

Annihilation opened her mouth slightly, showing an incomprehensible expression.


As death, if even the most basic phenomenon of wronged souls is dissipated, it only means one thing.

That is that the personal consciousness of death has completely dissipated and returned to nature!

The horror of this move was so shocking that even the majestic master couldn't bear it and died on the spot!

This chapter has been completed!
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