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Chapter 38, Odin: You want to kill me?

[Nine Stars Lianzhu] is a cosmic star phenomenon that only appears once in thousands of years. The scene is so spectacular that many people have never seen it before, and they will never see it again after seeing it once.

Because the last time it appeared was when Bohr borrowed the power of the Nine Realms to seal the ether particles.

Now even Odin will die of old age...

However, the "nine stars in a row" here does not mean that the eight unlucky planets in the solar system, Pluto, are connected in a straight line, but that the nine major kingdoms of the three-layered world supported by the World Tree are arranged in a straight line.

The nine kingdoms attached to the World Tree are independent of each other, have no contact with each other, and do not interfere with each other. However, when the nine realms are connected into a line, under the influence of certain rules contained in the World Tree, the nine kingdoms will overlap with each other in a spatial sense.


The coincidence of spaces is not the true unity of nine stars.

Otherwise the earth would have been destroyed countless times.

They are spatially connected to each other in a higher dimension, but their bodies are still in their old positions.

Then, because the Nine Realms rely on the same subject, the incarnation of some abstract rules: the "World Tree".

As a result, when they are connected, the root energy that the "World Tree" supplies to the nine realms is also connected, just like nine dry batteries that were originally separated are connected together, thus generating huge energy.

And coincidentally, the earth, or Greenwich where Lovett is located, is the center of the release of this energy.

That's why Bohr sealed the ether particles in London. This is not a question of whether the remnants of the dark elves can find it, but that this "lock" only has a chance to be opened once in thousands of years.

In the movie, the first thing Malekith did after retaking the ether particles was to come to Greenwich, borrowing the energy of the World Tree to amplify the power of the ether particles, turning the universe into darkness.

God's Domain, Asgard.

Odin hurriedly walked across the Rainbow Bridge to the end. When he heard the footsteps, the golden armored warrior Heimdall turned his head and saluted.

"His Majesty!"

"No need to be polite to Heimdall, tell me what you saw."

"It's about that Your Excellency." Seeing Odin's hurried expression, Heimdall quickly replied.

"Three days ago, your Excellency returned to Earth and stayed in a city named London by humans... Out of courtesy, I did not lock his location."

"But just yesterday, he set up a white magic circle that distorted time and space. According to the information I got from other humans, that Excellency collected the souls of tens of thousands of nearby residents to clear the area. Fortunately, Master Ancient One came to the rescue.

, thus preserving the souls of most human beings.”

Heimdall's "Heimdall's Eye" also has limits.

Powerful spell effects can interfere with his perception. The same is true for this white magic circle that distorts time and space. It is equivalent to cutting off a piece of the original dimension of the earth to form a new dimension. Without the permission of the dimension master, he can only come to the earth in person.

Only by observing closely can it be possible to see through the inside of the magic circle.

Odin knew this very well.

But of course he was so nervous not because Heimdall couldn't find Lovett, but because of where Lovett appeared at this time!

"How long until the nine realms become one?"

"Three days!"

"Where is the energy gathering point of the World Tree?"

"Earth, London, Greenwich!"


Odin gasped with a headache, his vision went dark, he staggered and almost fell over.

Fortunately, a hand supported him, and when he turned around, he saw that it was his wife, the "Goddess" Frigga.

Meeting his wife's concerned eyes, Odin calmed down, patted her hand to show her that she was fine, and then said through gritted teeth: "What does this bastard want to do?"

"You can't wait until I die, so you want to take the opportunity to destroy the Nine Realms?!"

Although it is just the incarnation of some abstract rules, it cannot be touched or even observed on ordinary days, but in this special period, the energy of the World Tree will truly appear.

How huge is the energy of the World Tree that can support the nine realms?!

If used by someone with intentions, it would be easy to destroy the Nine Realms!

Normally, Odin wouldn't be so nervous even if Thanos came.

This sounds like a hidden danger, but it's not that easy to exploit.

After the energy of the World Tree bursts out, it will return to the World Tree itself all the time. Everyone knows that floods are terrible, but cutting off the flood is even more terrible.

Without the Infinity Stones, it would be almost impossible.

But the Black Earl is different. That guy is a standard mage, mastering countless mysterious knowledge, and his use and familiarity with energy are far beyond that of a warrior like himself. Coupled with the strength of his soul that can even compete with his own divine power, the two

If you add them together, you might be able to do it.

When the time comes, the Nine Realms will explode together with him, and the Universe Rubik's Cube will naturally belong to him.

"Maybe it's not that bad, Your Majesty." Frigga thought for a moment and replied.

"That Your Excellency is indeed capable of taking the opportunity to destroy the Nine Realms, but the Ancient One Master will definitely stand up and stop it..."

Speaking of this, Frigga asked: "Heimdall, can you contact the ancient mage?"

"Sorry, Master Gu Yi also entered that area yesterday and is still missing."

"That means the fight hasn't started yet?" Frigga thought for a moment and smiled.

"That master has immeasurable knowledge of space and time. If she is defeated, she will definitely have a chance to warn us."

"But not now!" Odin sighed in relief, but immediately frowned again.

"Then it means that the other party's purpose is not to destroy the Nine Realms and take away the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in my hand, but why?"

"Can he do anything else with the help of the unity of the nine realms?"

At this time, Heimdall's eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Uh, Your Majesty... I think I can answer this question."

Odin and Frigga looked over in confusion, and saw Heimdall's eyelids twitching. He was scared and speechless and said: "Just now, when the nine realms united to form a new tide, a 'door' was opened.


"Door?" Odin was stunned.

"What door?"

"A space door." Heimdall replied.

"And if I read it correctly, the patterns engraved on the stone slab inside are a symbol of the era of King Boer. The two stone pillars sandwiched between them are the ether particles that have been missing from records for thousands of years."

"I see, it's ether particles. What did I think they were..."

Odin breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes widened in the next second.

"What? Aether particles?!!"

Earth, London, Greenwich.

In front of an abandoned building, Lovett and Ancient One stood side by side.

With their attainments, they certainly don't need to take risks like Thor's little girlfriend. Gu Yi stretched out his hand and the hanging ring was like a chopping knife, directly tearing the space apart.


Suddenly, a powerful aura hit his face.

Through the gap as thick as an arm, the ether particles feel the breath of strangers, emitting evil waves to lure the visitor in, making it easier for them to parasitize.

Then its charming eyes were cast on the blind man.

With some admiration, Gu Yi imprinted the seal placed by Polbu in the fragmented space in his mind for future research, and then said: "I guess it's almost done, Your Excellency, the Black Earl."

"I need a spell that can stabilize the external space. The [Yuanjie Peeling] recorded in the Book of Emperor Weishan is good."

"Well, okay...it's really troublesome!" Lovett also remembered those lines in his mind, and after a little calculation, he found that Ancient One really didn't mean to cause trouble for him.

The space structure here is complex and fragile. If you use your own rules and magic to move it, the consequences will be the same as when he threatened Im, which will inevitably cause the space to collapse.

By then, it will no longer be a matter of which corner of the universe the ether particles will be thrown into.

Instead, we have to consider the question of whether we are still in this universe.

"I need about ten seconds to prepare, you can set the time yourself."

After saying that, Lovett turned his left palm, and a mysterious book emitting a hazy white light appeared in his hand.

He closed his eyes, controlled the soul energy to extend out, quickly guided the white magic [Yuanjie Peeling] from the Book of Emperor Weishan, and began to release it.


I got off work on time today, turned on my computer, clicked on Diablo 2, and started frying beef. Damn it, No. 32!

After so many years, my pure recruitment nec is finally taking off.

I happily raised the steel stone demon and ran to find Xiaoni to get the key... but before I could wait for a few minutes, I met a bug snake.

I knew there was a bug snake here, but I didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly. In an instant, all the mercenary bone stone demons died suddenly.

So, after s4, I lost Diablo 2 to a USB flash drive and sealed it.

I'm going to play c tomorrow, I don't believe anything can happen.

This chapter has been completed!
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