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Chapter 8, Kapu's Journey to the East

A few days later, Branch 153.

"I understand, please don't worry, sir...yes!"

In the office of the branch director, Meng Ka stood at attention and saluted, wearing a ferocious iron chin. Then he put down his phone and raised his head.

"Have you all received the notice? Our headquarters Lieutenant General Garp has crossed the windless zone and arrived at the East China Sea. He will pass by our branch tomorrow. All units should be prepared to welcome him!"

"Lieutenant General Garp? Is he the Lieutenant General Garp who arrested Roger, the Pirate King?!"

"Of course, who else would like to cross the windless zone besides him?"

"I really didn't expect that the famous Lieutenant General Iron Fist would come to a small place like ours."

In the office, the generals immediately started talking excitedly.

The name "Vice Admiral Iron Fist" Garp is a household name in the East China Sea, and is also known to everyone around the world. As a navy born in the East China Sea, their admiration for Garp lasts more than a day or two.

Mengka did not stop him and allowed them to discuss.

That's "Iron Fist" Garp!

The idol in the hearts of almost all the East China Sea Navy!

If he hadn't just taken over and wanted to maintain his dignity, he wouldn't have been able to help but join in.

In the corner, Lovett, who was listening with half-closed eyes, thought silently for a moment and said: "Lieutenant General Garp passed by on purpose, probably... because of Crowe's matter."

Branch 153 only had about two hundred people in total, and almost half of its combat strength was wiped out in the battle with Crowe.

For such a heavy loss, it is understandable that Garp only needs to return to the East China Sea and come to express condolences on behalf of his headquarters.

This is a pain that no one can forget.

The atmosphere was momentarily silent. A major seemed to want to scold Lovett, but was forced back by Mengka's gaze.

"Anyway, Lieutenant General Garp will be here soon... Cheer up, everyone! Tell the headquarters that the bones of our 153rd branch are not broken!"

"Now, disband!"

After the meeting, Lovett walked on the path back to his dormitory, thinking silently.

He felt that as time went by, some generals were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with him.

Perhaps some of the big shots above have good intentions, not to blame themselves too harshly and to appease the soldiers to return home. However, any order has timeliness, and as time goes by, it is inevitable that the foreign emperor's order will be rejected.

"Perhaps Garp's arrival is an opportunity."

In the summer of 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar, half a year has passed since January 1st. In Lovett's eyes, Karp's return to the East China Sea is not an accident, but an inevitable one.


January 1, 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar is the 17th birthday of Portcas D. Ace, the posthumous son of the Pirate King.

A man should go to sea at the age of seventeen!

I don’t know who left this custom behind.

Including some members of the navy, they all join the army at the age of seventeen.

Half a year is enough for Garp to hand over the daily affairs of the Grand Line G3 branch he is responsible for, and then rush back to the East China Sea to visit his remaining grandson, Monkey D. Luffy.

"This world is going to be in chaos!"

Looking through the curtains at Shields Town outside the wall, Lovett murmured softly.

In the future "Evil Generation", the center of the whirlpool of the times may be the Straw Hat Pirates, but they are not the beginning.

The real beginning comes from the betrayal of Teach Blackbeard.

The pinnacle of the generational vortex stems from Ace's defeat and identity exposure.

After the Battle of the Summit, this era of great pirates, which had been stable for more than ten years, completely went berserk.

Ambition clashes with ambition, dreams collide with dreams!

Courage, fame, friendship, wealth...

Thousands of sails compete, hundreds of boats compete for the current.

It was the best of times and the worst of times.

And the key to deciding what attitude to take is only strength!

"There is no hope in branch 153. The souls have been eaten up and there is no way to replenish them. After all... we still have to go to sea."

Now that he has decided to leave, Lovett will not miss any opportunity.

As for the consequences...

Scarlet light gathered in the eyeballs, and a stench of rust spread out in the wind. Red threads were drawn out from his fingers and clasped on his face. Through the gaps between his fingers, Lovett's eyes were full of violence, which made people shudder.

"Whoever blocks my way will die!"

The next day, it was cloudless.

"stand at attention……!"


In the drawn-out tone, there was a steady sound of pacing.

The residents of the town gathered curiously outside the port, standing on tiptoes to look towards the center. Outside the small port, a unique-looking warship was docked.

From the side, this warship looks normal. It has a familiar blue hull and a familiar white flag. However, at the bow of the ship, instead of the familiar three cast-iron cannons, there is a... cute dog head.

Even sticking out his tongue!

"Pfft hahahaha, you're all in good spirits!"

Hearty laughter came from the center of the crowd. The sound was loud and deafening, but you could also hear the passage of time.

What makes people laugh even more than the dog-headed warship is that the famous "Vice Admiral Iron Fist" wears a hat that also looks like a dog's head. As he laughs, his two dog ears flick and shake, which looks unexpected...


"Yes, thank you Lieutenant General Karp for the compliment!"

Mengka saluted with a standard military salute, resisted the temptation to turn his eyes towards the dog ears, and then put his hands behind his back, motionless.

If you look carefully, you will find that his left hand is grabbing the tiger's mouth of his right hand and pressing it hard, making his skin turn white.

"No, I should be the one thanking you!"

Suddenly, Garp said in a deep voice.

Looking at the eyes around him that showed either reverence, perseverance, doubt, or...suppressed laughter, Garp slowly raised his palm.

"The East China Sea is my hometown, but I don't have time to protect it... It is your efforts that maintain the tranquility of the East China Sea."


A military salute was arranged, and among countless stunned eyes, Garp spoke solemnly.

"You are the heroes!"


A famous general, including ordinary soldiers, blushed and stood at attention excitedly when they heard this and responded.

"For justice!!"

With his arms raised high, among the crowd, Lovett's only one hand stood out. Karp glanced at him, then lowered his arms and continued.

"Pirates from all over the Grand Line gather together. Some people say that the East China Sea is the weakest sea. The navies there are all soft-footed shrimps who bully trash..."

The soldiers were excited and breathing heavily.

"But I don't think so!"

Garp chanted loudly, scanning every soldier with his majestic gaze.

"The East China Sea is the weakest, but she is also a symbol of peace! Are there no pirates in the East China Sea?"


"but why?"

Lovett narrowed his eyes silently when he heard this: "It's not easy!"

This was the first time he saw Garp, and his impression of him remained on paper.

But the Garp in front of us is obviously inconsistent with the character in the original work who is neither upright nor down-to-earth, does things haphazardly, and is more funny than serious.

As the saying goes, "You will become a thief if you grow old but never die." From being able to transform from a gangster boy riding a tiger in the forest to the iron-fisted lieutenant general known to the world today, Garp obviously has more than just one pair of fists that are getting stronger.

As expected, Garp's eyes widened and he said angrily.

"Because it's the East China Sea Navy, and it's because of your bravery that the East China Sea Pirates never get ahead!"

As the soldiers' emotions grew, Karp's voice was loud.

"So this sentence is very problematic!"

"The weakest in the East China Sea is a shame for pirates! The weakest in the East China Sea is your pride!"

"On behalf of the trash of the Grand Line, I salute you!"

Where are the craziest pirates?

Answer: The Grand Line.

There is also a navy stationed there, but it cannot make the situation as stable as the East China Sea. There are even revolutionary troops stirring up trouble everywhere.

So in terms of actual results, all the navies stationed on the Grand Route can afford to be called "trash".

Including the Navy Headquarters!

However, the complexity of the Grand Line is obviously not comparable to that of the East China Sea. Garp's words were indiscriminate, and even the Warring States Period was criticized.

Look at the adjutant half a step behind him...well, his face is indeed dark.

But it's very effective, isn't it?

A smile quickly disappeared from the corner of Lovett's mouth, and he saluted seriously.

Even without looking at him, he knew that the soldiers around him were flushed with excitement because of what Garp said, and they wanted to fight the pirates right away.

After suffering a blow, the morale of the 153 branch is most important, and morale is often something that can be easily controlled with words.

"Ah, Lieutenant General Garp actually thinks of us like this? It's really..."

"To be honest, I even regretted joining the navy when I heard the bad news. Now...how should I put it? I have endless energy!"

"Me too!"

"Since the East China Sea pirates are synonymous with weakness in the eyes of outsiders, let them continue to be weak!"

"That's right...er, Lieutenant Lovett!"

Passing the corner of the corridor, the soldiers who were talking excitedly noticed Lovett approaching and quickly stood up and saluted.

In the eyes of uninformed soldiers, Lieutenant Lovett, apart from his somewhat mysterious origins and his pale face and cold eyes, was still very intimidating.

Especially the broken arm, which had gone through some dangerous battles.

After nodding in greeting and letting the soldiers trot away, Lovett stopped in front of the door of Mengka's office and knocked on the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Come in!"

"Report... Colonel Mengka, you come to... me..."

As he pushed the door open, Lovett's pupils shrank.

There was not only Mengka in the office, but also Garp... He was still thinking about how to make an excuse to leave, but he didn't expect Garp to come to the door on his own initiative.

This is undoubtedly good news, but Lovett has no time to pay attention to it at the moment.


With only a wall separating him, he didn't even notice Garp's existence!

With Garp's strong breath of life, ten extraordinary knight kings combined can't compare. This situation is like someone playing a disco and singing upstairs in your house, but you are completely unaware of it.

"My mental power is blocked? No! I avoided this place unconsciously."

A chill ran down Lovett's spine, and he quickly figured out the problem.

As a kind of energy evolved from the soul, mental power is emitted all the time, as natural as hair growing on the skin. Shielding it is a method that only mages have, and no one in this world knows how to do it.

Another thing that can achieve the same effect is the sixth sense.

As mages, their sixth sense can be said to be quite keen, and can even transcend the mage's personal consciousness to help them avoid danger unconsciously.

Lovett encountered the same situation more than once. When he was named the "Black Earl", the "Holy Ten" sages who presided over the ceremony made him unconsciously avoid it mentally.

Only by looking with your eyes can you feel their huge, bright, and vast aura that is as bright as the stars.

That is the strength of the soul that can make a planet tremble and collapse!

It also happened when he crossed the River Styx to go to the underworld and met the "Lord of the Underworld" Emperor Kushan. He was only one meter in front of him when he realized there was a "person" in front of him, even because the other person took the initiative to cough.

Although mental power diffusion perception is as uncontrollable as hair, a powerful mage can still restrain this behavior. After becoming a formal mage, casually sensing other people's conditions is a more serious provocation than pointing at the nose and insulting them!

Therefore it is extremely dangerous.

That is to say...

"The life form is not beyond the limits of my cognition, but is it no less dangerous than the Holy Ten Venerables and the Bone Mountain Emperor...?"

Lovett thought secretly.

No, never.

It's quite a threat to me!

Rather than being on the same level as the Holy Ten Venerables.

However, this speculation cannot be proven at present.

Perhaps only when his soul recovers can Lovett get the answer.

after all……

If Garp was really that strong, this world would be a little too dangerous.

This would disrupt Lovett's overall plan.


I am working hard to save the manuscript. Once the contract status is changed, I will update it stably twice immediately, so I ask for your patience.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this book, you can feel free to leave a message in this chapter. The trouble is that the mobile assistant I downloaded yesterday doesn’t know what’s wrong with the phone. When I open it, the screen goes black, and then it doesn’t respond... It’s very annoying.

This chapter has been completed!
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