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119. Chapter 119 The First Hospital

 Chapter 119 The First Hospital

Shuize County First Hospital is the largest hospital in Shuize County with a history of more than 90 years. It covers an area of ​​more than 300 acres and has more than 2,000 employees.

If we add the patients, family members, etc. in the hospital, it is hard to say how many people there are in the hospital.

After the virus broke out, the situation in hospitals with so many people... can be imagined.

Wei Zhenguo sent someone here before to find some medicine. But he didn't expect that the entire team was lost inside. The last message sent by the team members was: Danger, don't come!

There were no crazy zombies at that time. The team members were fully armed and had sufficient firepower.

However, he was still destroyed by the regiment. The danger to the hospital can be imagined.

However, high risk means high returns.

Although the hospital is dangerous, there are many elite zombies. You can get more maximum blood volume and more zombie cores.

Therefore, there are also some brave survivors who have taken a fancy to the hospital, such as Shao Yong and Wang Tao.

Inside an electric off-road vehicle.

Wang Tao asked:

"How long until we arrive?"

Han Rui, the co-pilot, was looking at the map and calculating silently in his mind.

"At our current speed, it will probably... take another hour."

"Finally we're almost here... take a rest."

Wang Tao parked the car behind a small building, then took out several bottles of nutrient solution and handed two bottles to Han Rui.

They set out at 7 o'clock in the morning, but it's already 11 o'clock now, and they haven't reached the first hospital yet.

It's not that the distance is far, but that the road is too difficult to walk.

The further you go towards the hospital, the more congested the road becomes, with countless abandoned vehicles and more and more zombies.

Wang Tao didn't want to waste time killing ordinary zombies, so he could only take a detour as much as possible.

In addition, Wang Tao encountered some special zombies on the road and took a few crystal cores, wasting some time, so it was postponed until now.

But it’s okay, we’ll be there in another hour.

Han Rui looked around cautiously and looked at the nutrient solution in her hand, feeling very curious.

She didn't know where Wang Tao got this thing from. It was easy to carry and tasted good. She searched all over the base but couldn't find it.

It's a pity that Wang Tao didn't tell her, and she was too embarrassed to ask more questions.

After simply drinking a bottle of nutrient solution, the two continued on their way.

Just as Han Rui predicted, an hour later, the two finally arrived downstairs at the First Hospital.

However, the two of them came on foot, and the off-road vehicle was parked far away. Because there were too many abandoned vehicles here, the car could not get in at all.

"Do you really want to go in..."

Looking at this dilapidated and desolate No. 1 Hospital, Han Rui swallowed subconsciously.

She didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but she felt very uncomfortable when she came near the hospital. Especially when she looked towards the hospital, she felt a little eerie even in broad daylight.

"Don't go in yet, let's take a walk outside."

On the way to the hospital, I encountered a lot of zombies. But when I arrived near the hospital, there were no zombies here.

Wang Tao wondered if all these zombies had gone to the hospital...

"Huh? That car is different!"

Han Rui had sharp eyes and immediately pointed to a place and whispered.

Wang Tao looked where she pointed and raised his brows.

Basically all the cars around the hospital were scrapped, after all, they had been exposed to corrosive acid rain for so long.

But there is a car in the distance. Although it looks a little rusty, the key parts are in good condition.

This car was obviously parked here later.

“Go check it out!”

Wang Tao and Han Rui came to the car together. Han Rui used her powers to check and made sure there was no one inside before they stepped forward.

This is a pickup truck, equipped with steel plates and barbed wire. It looks like it was made by survivors.

The car was unlocked and the car key was inserted inside. This saved Wang Tao the effort of unlocking the car.

The two found some well-packaged food, a bundle of sharpened steel bars and two barrels of gasoline in the car.

"It seems that this is Shao Yong's car."

Wei Zhenguo said before that Shao Yong likes to kill zombies by throwing steel bars. Except for him, normal people would not prepare so many steel bars.

"Take all these things away."

Wang Tao and Han Rui took all these things away and hid them in an abandoned car. They also took out the car keys.

If Shao Yong had not died... then Wang Tao would naturally not be able to keep these things that might be useful to him.

Then Wang Tao searched nearby and found three more similar cars.

Just like this car, Wang Tao plundered all the things inside those cars, and then hid these things and the car keys in other places. If there was no key, he just blocked the keyhole.

After doing this, Wang Tao looked at the hospital again, and then said to Han Rui:

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

The two of them had been wandering around the outside of the hospital for a long time, and they didn't see any danger, not even a zombie, so Wang Tao became more courageous.


The main entrance of the hospital was open, so the two of them entered directly from the east gate without climbing over the wall. The hospital has two gates, the south gate is the main entrance and the east gate is the side entrance.

"It always feels a bit eerie..."

Han Rui muttered.

Wang Tao also feels this way.

"Use your powers to pay attention to your surroundings to prevent zombies from sneaking up on you."


The hospital was also crowded with abandoned cars, which made it difficult for Wang Tao and Wang Tao to walk.

"There are zombies!"

Suddenly, Han Rui reminded him.

The zombie was in the car, still wearing a seat belt, trying to get out with all his teeth and claws, but was tied to the chair by the seat belt.

Wang Tao took a look and saw that it was an ordinary zombie.

"ignore him."

The two of them walked slowly to the foot of the outpatient clinic building.

There is a pharmacy in the outpatient building, and there should be a lot of medicine in it. These are things that are in short supply at the base. If you can get them, you must take them.

However, looking at the dark entrance to the outpatient pharmacy, Wang Tao was not in a hurry to go in. He asked Han Rui to sense it.

"There are zombies inside! Three elite zombies!"

Hearing this, Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

He had heard before that there were many zombies in the hospital, as well as many elite zombies, which were very dangerous.

But now he had walked to the door of a building, but he only saw a few ordinary zombies, and they were the unlucky ones tied up with seat belts. This was completely different from what he had heard before.

This made Wang Tao frown a little, because there must be a monster when something goes wrong.

Now he finally encountered elite zombies, and there were three of them at once, which actually made Wang Tao breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to see what kind of zombie it is..."

Wang Tao came to the door softly, then stretched his head to look.

After getting used to the dim conditions inside, Wang Tao saw the three zombies.

The first one is a zombie wearing a white coat.

Judging from his thin and twisted figure, he might be a male doctor. Other than that, he has no other characteristics.

But its HP is [3000/3000]!

The second zombie and the third zombie were together. They were sitting on chairs. One was wearing a hospital gown and the other was wearing a nurse's uniform.

The zombie wearing a hospital gown looks like a little old man. Its blood volume is [3200/3200].

The zombie wearing a nurse uniform is a particularly fat woman. She feels fatter than the self-destructor, and its blood volume is [3500/3500].

Wang Tao frowned. With its size, it couldn't become a nurse, could it? After all, nurses are to take care of people, not to be taken care of. This is probably a mutation after becoming a zombie...

Just when Wang Tao looked at them, the three zombies spotted Wang Tao at the same time. A trace of anger appeared on the face of the doctor zombie, which was very humane. He twisted his body and walked quickly towards Wang Tao.

The other two zombies also stood up crookedly.

Wang Tao didn't dare to ask for help and hurriedly ran out.

He doesn't know the abilities of these zombies yet, so it would be better to lure them out.

"Ready to fight!"

Wang Tao quickly reminded Han Rui outside.

Han Rui was lying on the roof of an abandoned vehicle, setting up a sniper crossbow and aiming at the door of the clinic.

The doctor zombie walked out first, beating its chest from time to time and looking very angry.

Especially when the sunlight outside shone on it, it opened its mouth wide and let out a silent roar.

"Zombies are still angry? Are they intelligent?"

Wang Tao frowned when he saw this situation. He was a little curious about what the other party's abilities were.

But it doesn't matter whether you are curious or not, the important thing is to kill him!

call out--

Han Rui was the first to pull the trigger.

A crossbow arrow accurately hit the doctor's zombie head and was inserted directly into it.



"What a high defense!"

Seeing this damage figure, Wang Tao was a little surprised.

Han Rui's sniper crossbow does very high damage. Normally, one arrow can cause more than a thousand damage when hit on an elite zombie. But when hit on this doctor zombie, it can only cause more than 500 damage...

The zombie was hit in the hand by a crossbow arrow, tilted his head back slightly, and then continued to walk towards Wang Tao.

Wang Tao took advantage of Han Rui to load the crossbow and shot an arrow quickly. In order to ensure accuracy, he fired a precise shot.

call out--



It still hit the zombie's head, but this time the damage was only over 300.

Wang Tao knew that his hand crossbow was not as powerful as Han Rui's sniper crossbow, so he was not surprised.

He was fast and shot three times in a row.




After a face-to-face encounter, the doctor zombie with 3,000 health only had half of his health left, and he even had four crossbow arrows stuck in his head, which looked a bit funny.

But it was at this moment that it finally took action.

Suddenly, it took out a shiny object from its pocket and threw it towards Wang Tao.

After Wang Tao saw the zombie's movements, he suddenly felt alarmed and immediately rolled to the side, rolling behind the butt of an abandoned vehicle.

call out--

A bright scalpel fell on Wang Tao's position just now, and was inserted deeply into the cement floor!

"Good guy, is it a long-range attack?"

No, to be precise, it should be a mid-range attack. After all, it was a scalpel thrown after getting a little closer to Wang Tao.

This scalpel is somewhat similar to Wang Tao's flying ax, and it can't be thrown too far.

The zombie missed a hit and took out a large scalpel from his pocket. Wang Tao's eyelids jumped.

Fortunately, at this time, Han Rui finally loaded the crossbow.

call out--



This arrow was accurately inserted into the zombie's head again, causing its head to tilt back and unable to throw the throwing knife.

Wang Tao took the opportunity to get up quickly, took out the hand crossbow, activated the precision shooting ability, and fired three times in more than ten seconds.





The last arrow clears its health bar.


The doctor zombie fell to the ground.

Wang Tao didn't have time to check the loot because two other elite zombies also came out.


The little old zombie grinned, coughed a few times, revealing some black teeth, and some yellowish-brown breath came out of its mouth.

And the obese female nurse zombie suddenly grabbed the body of the little old man zombie, hugged its waist, and spun it 360 degrees. Then it loosened its grip and threw the little old man zombie towards Wang Tao.

"Fuck! Is this how you take care of patients?"

Wang Tao yelled: Damn it, zombies that can cooperate? Can they still play like this?

He didn't know what abilities this old zombie had, but since the fat nurse zombie was going to throw him over, it meant that its abilities probably needed to be at close range to be effective.

So Wang Tao activated his precision shooting ability again, and then charged up his right foot. When the little old man's zombie was about to fall in front of him, Wang Tao kicked it suddenly in the air.


Before the little old man zombie hit the ground, it was kicked away by Wang Tao like a ball and flew towards the fat nurse zombie.

The nurse zombie probably didn't even react before it was hit by the little old man zombie.


Both fell to the ground at the same time.

Then, the little old zombie suddenly coughed violently, and yellow-brown smoke spurted out from his mouth, instantly covering it and the fat female zombie.

This unknown smoke blocked Wang Tao and Han Rui's vision, making it difficult for them to see what was going on inside.

But Wang Tao could see the health bars. He could see that the health bars of the two zombies had dropped by more than 100, which was considered a minor injury to them.

Other than that, there was no continuous blood loss.

However, this does not prove that the smoke is not poisonous. After all, the physiques of zombies and humans are different.

So, Wang Tao directly picked up his crossbow and started shooting wildly into the smoke.

call out--

call out--

call out--

Wang Tao's shooting speed was very fast, and he shot more than ten arrows in a short time.

He just looked at the position of the health bar, and then shot directly below the health bar. He didn't know if he hit it or not. Anyway, he just shot in the right direction and that was it.

Han Rui was a little confused in the distance. She looked at the yellow smoke in the scope and hesitated to pull the trigger.

She knew that she would definitely not be able to shoot accurately in this situation, so she might as well help Wang Tao hold off the enemy and prevent other dangers.

Wang Tao looked at the smoke and saw that there was still a trace of blood left in one of the health bars, and immediately shot another arrow.



The little old zombie is dead.


Suddenly, the area of ​​​​the yellow smoke became larger! The area of ​​​​the yellow smoke was about a circle with a diameter of ten meters, but now it is at least fifteen meters in diameter!

Another elite zombie was killed, and Wang Tao's actions continued. After all, there was another zombie in the yellow smoke.

call out--



【-twenty three】


The double-digit damage obviously missed the target, but it didn't matter. Wang Tao had more crossbow arrows in his hand, which were enough for him to use up.

Boom, boom——

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the yellow smoke, and the fat female nurse zombie seemed to be coming out of the smoke.

But the speed is very slow, it only takes a few seconds to step on it.

Wang Tao continued shooting.

Finally, as the last arrow shot through the head of the female nurse zombie, the third elite zombie finally died.

"They're all dead!"

Wang Tao waved to Han Rui, who quickly put away the sniper crossbow and trotted over.

"They are all dead?"

Han Rui couldn't believe it.

From her perspective, Wang Tao just shot randomly at the yellow smoke, and then said that he shot to death the two zombies inside?

If it weren't for her trust in Wang Tao, she would definitely not have come, but would have continued to target Huang Yan.

"Well. Let's wait for a while and see if the yellow smoke will dissipate..."

Wang Tao first went to collect all the loot from the doctor zombie, and then hid with Han Rui in an abandoned car.

After about a minute, the yellow smoke finally disappeared.

Han Rui quickly looked over. After seeing the situation in the yellow smoke, Han Rui's eyes widened.

I saw little old zombies and fat zombies that looked like hedgehogs, with crossbow arrows stuck in their bodies!

But what kills them is the arrows on their heads.

"That's okay..."

Han Rui murmured to herself.

The yellow smoke has such a wide range. How did Wang Tao shoot so accurately? Although some arrows hit the zombies or the ground, they were basically in the area of ​​the zombies. This was obviously Wang Tao's deliberate aim to shoot...

Although Han Rui didn't understand the principle of this, she was greatly shocked.

Wang Tao seemed to know what she was thinking, and explained with a smile:

"When they were in the yellow smoke, they didn't move much, so I just shot them where they were."

They really didn't move much, which is an acceptable reason.

Wang Tao and Han Rui came to the two zombies together. Wang Tao pried out their crystal cores, while Han Rui helped collect the crossbow arrows.

The two of them held back so many crossbow arrows for a while.


Han Rui wiped the sweat from her forehead. She had just turned on her perception ability and was sure there was no danger around her. She was just a little tired.

"There are still zombies in this building, or elite zombies..."

Han Rui looked at Wang Tao.

"Let's rest for a while before going in."

Wang Tao is also a little tired. Although the battle just didn't last long, he kept repeating the action of pulling the crossbow string quickly. His hands were almost smoking. He had to take a break and look at the loot. He needed to know what abilities these zombies had.

, it’s easier to deal with it if you encounter it later.


There was a locked room at the door of the outpatient building. There were no zombies inside. Wang Tao opened the lock directly and the two of them walked in.

Wang Tao looked at his health bar. These three zombies were all killed by Wang Tao. Each zombie added 60 blood to him. Wang Tao's current blood volume is [3180/3180]!

Then he looked back at his backpack.

The first is three zombie crystal cores.

The first thing Wang Tao looked at was the little old man's zombie crystal core. He was curious about what the hell this yellow smoke was.

[First-order crystal core·Cough smoke]

[Quality: Excellent (40%)]

[Purity: 50% (Side Effect: Cough)]

[Cough smoke: consume energy to release a burst of thick smoke. When zombies are in the smoke, their bodies will become more rigid. When non-zombie are in the smoke, they will continue to cough]

"No wonder the two zombies didn't move much in the yellow smoke. It turned out that their bodies were stiff, which was equivalent to being slowed down..."

Wang Tao was stunned.

This ability can be used as a good range control skill. I just don’t know how big the side effects of this cough are...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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