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Chapter 133 Need to change direction

 She didn't sleep every night and kept reading in the space classroom.

It took her five days to read that book, and she still had only a partial understanding of it.

However, she finally understood that if she really wanted to learn how to build a nuclear power plant, there were too many things she needed to learn.

Engineering mechanics, basics of mechanical design, electrical and electronic technology, engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, control theory, testing technology, nuclear physics, nuclear reactors, nuclear thermal power devices, thermal equipment, etc. The aspects involved are really too wide.
However, fortunately, she is still young and has time to learn these things. Moreover, these things are not only useful in nuclear power, but can also be used in other scientific research areas.

That is, she needs to change her direction.

She put down the book, opened her eyes, came out of the space classroom, and started looking for the DAN information package in the system mall.

She decided to focus on DAN knowledge first, and then learn other knowledge related to nuclear energy.

There were too many things to learn, and she had to stretch out her timeline and do it step by step. Just like aerospace, she needed to learn many subjects, and she couldn't rush it.

Bai Xuanyuan started learning aerospace knowledge when she was 8 years old. Even though her IQ is so much higher than hers, it took her 4 years to learn it. She will definitely not be too fast.

But she will do her best.

Just think about it this way, those scientists are really amazing and great, and scientific research is really too difficult!

The DNA information package was found quickly, and it was indeed relatively cheap, only costing 700 knowledge points.

Open redemption request:

Requirements for redeeming nuclear power plant information package.

1. The host must be familiar with DAN-related knowledge.

2. The host must pass the relevant knowledge assessment of the system.

3. The host must complete corresponding experiments in the simulation laboratory.

4. The host must have enough knowledge points.

The requirements are the same as before. Anyway, Cen Li must learn it by herself first.

Then, Cen Li checked again and found that the classification of DNA research was relatively simple. It belonged to biology, and all that needed to be learned were within one major, unlike nuclear energy, which required spanning multiple majors.

However, before that, basic mathematics, chemistry, and physics must be learned, because these things are complementary to each other to some extent.

Therefore, what Cen Li has to do now is to first learn mathematics, physics and chemistry in junior high school, high school and college.

Cen Li sighed deeply and lay flat on the bed. She felt that there was a long way to go!

However, it is impossible not to learn.

The system obviously wants to train her to become a top student, so even if she doesn't learn these things now, she will still have to learn them in the future, sooner or later.

After making the decision, Cenli's study plan became that in addition to completing daily homework during the day, she would read more extracurricular books to increase her knowledge points, and then start self-study of the second volume of Six Years of Mathematics at night.

The content of primary school mathematics was relatively simple, but now that she has an IQ of 140 and a photographic memory, she finished it in just three days.

After that, it took another three days to finish the second volume of the sixth-grade Chinese language.

[It is detected that the host has completed the second volume of the sixth grade elementary school course. Do you want to take the test?]

At this moment, the system asked.

Cen Li, [Can I gain knowledge points by taking the test?]

[Yes, different knowledge points will be given according to the quality of the results.]

This chapter has been completed!
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