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Chapter 179 Assessment

 Huang Anchao took a look and immediately told Cen Li, "Hongke originated in 1999 and is a patriotic hacker organization..."

Balabala said a lot, nothing more than the reason and time of its creation, etc.

"You understand it very clearly," Cen Li said with a smile.

"That's necessary. Although my hacking skills are not as good as Brother Yuan's, I still know a little bit." Huang Anchao compared with his fingers, then continued to look at Bai Xuanyuan and said, "How about Brother Yuan, do you want to join? With your help

His skills will definitely pass the assessment."

"Xuanyuan, just add it."

At this time, in order to understand the dynamics of the matter, Cen Li also advised Bai Xuanyuan, "Your dream is to build the motherland. Since this Hongke Alliance is a patriotic organization, it is good to join."

Maybe it will be used in the future.

"Okay." Bai Xuanyuan, who was still hesitant at first, agreed when he saw that Cen Li had already spoken.

After getting the assessment group, Bai Xuanyuan quickly got the assessment questions.

"Penetration gets all the permissions of a designated website and puts a black page on it."

"Penetration? What does it mean?" Cen Li, a layman, didn't even understand the words.

"This is a code word, which can be simply understood as a hacking skill." Bai Xuan said from a distance, having already chosen a website and started to operate it.

Seeing his skillful operation, Cen Li was completely confused.

Seeing Cen Li's confused look, Bai Xuanyuan thought for a while and said, "To penetrate a website, the main thing is to get the webshell through loopholes. This webshell is the management authority of the website."

"Oh, that's it." Cen Li nodded with some understanding.

However, she didn't ask any more questions.

It must be very complicated to explain this thing. She has never learned programming. Even Bai Xuanyuan explained it to her and she couldn't understand it. She might as well just be a quiet bystander.

This question didn't seem to be difficult for Bai Xuanyuan. He just glanced at it and quickly started typing on the keyboard with his fingers.

Looking at his rapidly tapping fingers and the code filling the screen, Cen Li couldn't help but look at her hands.

She has lived two lifetimes, but she still needs to look at the keyboard to type. As a result, she can type blindly, so fast that it can fly.

Really, people are more shameful than others!


Not long after, Bai Xuanyuan stopped and sent the results.

And soon, a reply came from the Hongke Alliance, and Bai Xuanyuan officially passed the assessment.

"Wow, Brother Yuan deserves to be you!"

Huang Anchao gave a thumbs up, and then immediately logged into the computer QQ, "I want to tell my uncle the good news, so I said you can definitely do it."

"Awesome." Cen Li also clapped her hands happily.

Who can believe this? A primary school student actually has such powerful hacking skills.

"This is actually a very basic thing. You will know it after you learn it. It is not difficult." Bai Xuanyuan was a little embarrassed by the praise.

"No, no, no, you are really amazing. I can't even understand you."

Cen Li felt very emotional, so she said that the boss is humble and strong without knowing it.

However, she is not in a hurry and eats her food one bite at a time. After she has completed all the basic courses, it will not be too late to learn this again. She must always be given a space to grow.

As for Bai Xuanyuan, she will follow his footsteps little by little, she firmly believes!

This chapter has been completed!
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