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Chapter 343 Acropolis of Athens

 Cen Li's eyes shone and she said with great interest, "Look, coach, we came here a week in advance, and then the competition started on the 13th. My women's track and field competition started on the 20th as well. Such a long time in between is enough for us.

Visited the whole of Athens."

After hearing what Cen Li said, He Wenxing raised his forehead helplessly, "Girl, are you here for a competition or a vacation? Are you really not nervous at all?"

Cen Li laughed twice, then patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I promise I won't let you down."

"That's right. After all, you have almost half a month of free time." He Wenxing said helplessly after thinking about it, "It seems that you have thought about it before coming here?"

"That's necessary." Cen Li said with a smile, "I even borrowed a camera in advance, just to keep a good souvenir. This may be the only time I come to Athens in my life."

It is not easy to go abroad. The main reason is that the procedures are cumbersome and you need time.

"Okay, I will risk my life to accompany you this time." He Wenxing thought about it, there is really nothing to do in the past half month, so why not go around and have fun.

"Then thank you, teacher!" Cen Li thanked her happily.

In the following days, other team members were working hard to train on time. Only two people, Cen Li and He Wenxing, came over every day to show their faces, but they disappeared.

Although the other team members were confused about this, they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the coach was following him personally.

The first place the master and apprentice went to was of course the most famous Acropolis.

It covers an area of ​​about 3 hectares and is located on the hill of the Acropolis. Solid city walls are built around it. The natural mountains allow people to climb the Acropolis only from the west side.

To the east, south and north of the highland are cliffs, and the terrain is very steep

It is the most outstanding ancient building complex in Greece. It was built in BC. It is a comprehensive public building and a religious and political center.

This is an extraordinary archaeological site, consisting of several historic sites, such as the Temple of Athena Nike, the Great Temple and the Parthenon.

When she arrived at the place, in order to better understand the local history, Cenli was not stingy and directly hired a tour guide.

The tour guide’s name is Apu.

Apu can speak English.

After all, the popularity of English in Athens has reached more than 90%, and almost everyone can speak English.

Apu, on the other hand, seemed a little surprised after hearing that Cen Li could speak English very fluently.

After all, she has yellow skin, black hair, and obvious Asian features.

He Wenxing was also quite surprised. After all, Cen Li had just graduated from the third grade of junior high school this year, and her command of English at this time should not be so proficient.

"I have already passed IELTS, and speaking English is not difficult for me." Cen Li said truthfully.

This answer surprised He Wenxing, and at the same time he realized the authenticity of Cen Li being a top student.

"Wow, Xiaoli, you are really awesome." Hearing this, Apu praised him seriously, and then asked, "I wonder which country you are from?"

After all, people from Sakura Country and Kimchi Country look very similar to Chinese people.

"We are Chinese." Cen Li said truthfully.

"Okay, nice to meet you."

After Apu finished speaking in a friendly manner, he began to lead the two of them around the Acropolis, and introduced in detail all the scenic spots they passed.

During this period, Cen Li also took many photos with the scenic spots, and of course helped He Wenxing take many photos.

He Wenxing is a very good-tempered elder. He took great care of Cen Li throughout the journey, so the two of them got along quite happily.

This chapter has been completed!
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