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Chapter 37 New business3

"Thank you grandma."

The elders were grateful for the gift, and since they had already brought it over, they really wanted to give it, so Cen Li and Bai Xuan accepted it without refusing.

Mainly, it's almost lunch time now, so I'm really hungry.

Cenli took a bite.

The soup is delicious, the vermicelli is smooth, the tofu pudding is soft and tender, the marinade is oily, and paired with crunchy diced radish, the taste and touch are satisfied at the same time, and the teeth and tongue can enjoy all kinds of beauty in this small world. It is really wonderful.


Cen Li raised her head and said in surprise, "Grandma Li, what you cook is so delicious, it's even better than the ones sold outside!"

She was telling the truth. She had eaten a lot in her previous life, but none of them could compare to this skill.

Sure enough, the masters are among the people, and many traditional crafts are in the hands of the older generation.

"Hahaha, it's fine if you like it. In fact, grandma was in business when she was young, specializing in selling bean curd vermicelli." Seeing that the children enjoyed the food, Grandma Li was also happy and said with a smile, "But when I got older, I couldn't do it anymore.

That’s when I stopped making a living.”

"So that's it, no wonder it's so delicious." Cen Li nodded, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

Yes, Grandma Li’s craftsmanship is so good, she can ask her mother to come and learn from her. Selling this thing can make more money than doing odd jobs!

Didn’t the idea for starting this business come from here?

Now she happens to have some money on hand, enough to afford a car and some tools.

Thinking of a new way out, Cenli was also happy and enjoyed eating even more.

"If you like to eat, eat more. Grandma still has it at home." Seeing that Cen Li was eating happily, Grandma Li was also happy.

Grandma Li not only prepared one for Cen Li, but also prepared one for Huang Xiulan.

When Huang Xiulan came back, Cen Li gave her the fans and talked about her ideas.

"However, I heard people say that it is easy to lose money in business. If there are no customers and no sales, wouldn't all these investments be in vain?"

Upon hearing Cen Li's thoughts, Huang Xiulan's first reaction was to shrink back, "Although Mom doesn't earn much now, fortunately it's very stable. She can earn money every month, so you won't be hungry."

Most people are like this, repelling the unknown and afraid of taking risks.

So some people can make money, and some people can't. In fact, what they lack is the courage.

"But Mom, how long will the money you save last?" Cen Li analyzed, "The money you earn every month now is just enough to eat, and you can't save any money at all. We still have future rent and water and electricity bills.



Hearing this, Huang Xiulan was silent for a long time, and finally shook her head, "No, doing business is too risky and too busy. It's not suitable for my mother."

After hearing this, Cen Li knew what Huang Xiulan was worried about.

She was worried that if the business got busy, she would have no one to take care of her. Cen Li was moved and sad.

In the past, the scumbag father never took money home, and the mother could only take care of her child while working. But there was no good job that could take care of the child at any time, so she could only find some odd jobs, and did not dare to go too far from home.

Dare to work too late.

I still remember one time when my mother found a job that was relatively far away. She was still young at that time. She was hungry and scared at night when it was dark. She later ran to the neighbor's house next door to hide in tears.

After her mother came back, she hugged her and cried together. From then on, her mother rarely came home late.

In the final analysis, it was her existence that was dragging down the mother and preventing her from letting go.

This chapter has been completed!
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