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Chapter 46 Just kidding3

Huang Xiulan would cry every time she came, so she really hated this auntie.

Cen Cuizhi looked at the hot soup pot, her eyes widened, and she stared at the pot, "Second younger brothers and sisters, I heard from Xiaoling that you were selling bean curd vermicelli here, so I brought my children over to have a look."

"Mom, Douhua vermicelli, I want to eat Douhua vermicelli." Before Huang Xiulan could speak, Cen Zhisong shouted loudly.

"Then you do it, and I'll serve it for you." They were all relatives, and they had children with them, so Huang Xiulan was too embarrassed to drive them away.

"I want the braised eggs and more braised intestines!" Seeing Huang Xiulan cutting the braised ingredients, Cen Cuizhi stretched her head and emphasized loudly.

"I want braised eggs too, I want five braised eggs!" Cen Zhisong also shouted.

Of course, Huang Xiulan didn't listen to their unreasonable demands. She gave each of them a braised egg and then continued her business.

Seeing that Huang Xiulan ignored it, Cen Cuizhi's face turned ugly for a moment, but the movement of his hands did not stop, scooping up the vermicelli and eating it in big mouthfuls.

When he was satisfied, he raised his head and said angrily, "Didn't you say that you and your second brother are divorced? Why do you still have money to run a business? Isn't there someone else outside?"

After hearing this, all the diners pricked up their ears and listened to the gossip.

Huang Xiulan's face turned red instantly, she looked at Cen Cuizhi in disbelief and said, "What do you mean by this!"

Divorce is not a good thing to hear at this time, and for Cen Cuizhi to say so, it is simply giving him a bad reputation.

"Literally, how else would you, a widow with an oil bottle, get the money to set up such a big stall?" Cen Cuizhi said matter-of-factly, as if it was true, "I just said that you have been honest for so many years.

To be honest, why are we getting divorced all of a sudden? My second brother is really pitiful. He works hard to earn money outside, but ends up supporting other people’s wives."

Hearing this, Cen Li really saw the way the diners looked at Huang Xiulan change. Some even got up and left in a hurry before finishing their meal.

Huang Xiulan had a temperament that would not quarrel, otherwise she would not have tolerated it for so many years. Now she was so angry that her whole body was shaking, and her words were stuck in her throat and she could not speak.

Cen Li couldn't stand it anymore and said in a cold voice, "Auntie, I heard someone said two days ago that you were intimate with a strange man when you hugged each other."


Upon hearing this, all the diners were immediately attracted and turned to look at Cen Cuizhi.

"You...what the hell are you talking nonsense here, you damn girl? I'll tear her mouth to pieces!" Cen Cuizhi was so angry that she pointed at Cen Li and yelled at her when so many people were looking at her.

"Oh, you also know that this is nonsense." Cen Li was very calm, looked at Cen Cuizhi and said coldly, "My mother and my father divorced because my father beat my mother. How did you know that there was someone outside my mother?"


"I...I was just joking, why are you so serious?" Cen Cuizhi said sarcastically after being wronged.

"Then I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously, uncle." Cen Li replied calmly.

"This damn girl, why has your temper become like this? I am your aunt, how can you talk to elders like this!" Cen Cuizhi couldn't defeat Cen Li, so Cen Cuizhi started to save the country in a roundabout way.

"I have never seen an elder from any family who would just throw dirty water on a relative."

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