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Chapter 497 The whole building knows that you two are in love

Bai Xuanyuan had an idea in his mind and his face turned slightly red, but Cen Li felt calm and calm.

The teacher's teaching was very serious, and the waltz movements were not difficult. After learning the basic movements, the teacher asked the two of them to work together.

The two hold each other's hands with one hand and place the other on each other's backs. Then, following the rhythm, their steps advance or retreat, move sideways, or join their feet together to form a basic rotation.

The close contact between the two made Bai Xuanyuan's ears turn red. For some reason, Cen Li felt that her body was a little heavy and her back was slightly sweaty.

"Very good, you have made great progress. Let's get here first today." Seeing that the two of them cooperated without making any mistakes, the teacher was very satisfied. "Let's learn the basic dance steps today, and then start learning the complete set of moves tomorrow. Don't be late."

"Okay, thank you, teacher." The two of them thanked each other before leaving.

Once outside, with the cool night breeze blowing, Cen Li felt that the heat had dissipated a little. She exhaled deeply and said, "Boss, I'm hungry, can we open up?"

"Okay, whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you." Bai Xuanyuan and Cen Li walked side by side, looking down at her tenderly.

Under the neon lights of the night, there seemed to be countless stars twinkling.

Cen Li didn't see it, thought for a while and said, "Steak!"

Steak is her only favorite food in her two lives, and she never gets tired of eating it.


Bai Xuanyuan nodded. He would naturally agree to whatever Cen Li wanted to eat.

The environment of the restaurant is very good, and the steak is delicious, but the portion is a bit small, and Cen Li feels a little underfed.

Bai Xuan was far-sighted and let people get another serving.

Cen Li was satisfied and whispered while eating, "How did you eat until I wasn't full?"

"It's obvious." Bai Xuanyuan took a sip of juice gracefully and said with a smile.

After all these years, he still knows her little habits. If she is full, Cen Li will show an expression like a satiated kitten, which is particularly cute.

"Hehe, he is indeed a big boss, he pays close attention to every detail." Cen Li swallowed a mouthful of meat and gave Bai Xuanyuan a thumbs up.

After dinner, Bai Xuanyuan put on his bicycle and took her directly to the downstairs of the dormitory.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." After Bai Xuanyuan said that, he rode away.

After that, after class every day, Bai Xuanyuan would ride his bicycle directly to Cenli downstairs to wait for her, and then personally take her back to the dormitory.

After this continued for a month, as soon as Cen Li came back to say something, her roommate couldn't help but gossiped and came forward, "Xiao Li, you are telling the truth, are you in love with your little sweetheart?"

Hearing this, Cen Li laughed directly, "No, where did you get the unreliable news?"

This display of no guilt left the roommates stunned.

Liang Jun quickly said, "Don't deny it. Bai Xuanyuan sends you downstairs in our dormitory every day. Our entire dormitory knows that you two are in love. The girls are envious of you."

Chen Ruolin also nodded and said, "Our school forum also has photos of you two. They say they are the most suitable couple."

"What?" Cen Li was stunned, and quickly turned on the computer, "Really or not, my God, we have something to do, we just happened to be together."

"Isn't it?" Knowing that Cen Li wouldn't lie, it was the roommate's turn to be surprised, "Who does this and rides in a car like this every day?"

This chapter has been completed!
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