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Chapter 528: Raising an army for a thousand days is spent in a moment

Cen Li: I feel good now that she is gone. Reporter Song is very good and it is quite easy to chat with her.

Bai Xuanyuan: That’s good.

Cen Li: What about you? Have your results for the postgraduate entrance examination come out?

Bai Xuanyuan: Out, passed.

Cen Li: Wow, that’s great. When is the retest?

Bai Xuanyuan: March.

Cen Li: That’s pretty fast. By the way, a few people passed the first test. Are you under a lot of pressure?

Bai Xuanyuan: Three people, okay, there shouldn’t be any big problem.

Cen Li raised her lips and smiled: Are you so confident? But there are only three of them. How many people are you recruiting?

Bai Xuanyuan: Only recruit one.

Cen Li: Heh...this is too difficult. Which major are you applying for?

Bai Xuanyuan: Aerospace Science and Technology.

Cen Li: In which direction is it mainly?

Bai Xuanyuan: Professionally speaking, it is a highly comprehensive disciplinary system based on mathematics, physics and modern technical sciences, with aircraft design, propulsion theory and engineering, manufacturing engineering, human-machine and environmental engineering as its backbone.

Cen Li: It sounds very complicated. Do you have to learn a lot? It’s mathematics, physics, and aircraft?

Bai Xuanyuan: Well, I need to learn a bit, but it’s okay and acceptable.

Seeing Bai Xuanyuan's relaxed attitude, Cen Li couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, not everyone can do scientific research, but that guy is truly outstanding.

In the end, Cen Li only said: Come on, boss, you are invincible.

Bai Xuanyuan was immediately amused: Okay, I'll lend you some good advice.

After the two chatted, Cen Li received a call from Cai Guozhong, asking Cen Li to come over for dinner on Saturday.

Naturally, Cen Li happily agreed. Now she regards Cai's house as a place to improve the food. She goes there to eat every once in a while and is always very happy.

After going to bed early, Cenli went into the space classroom to continue studying.

Now she has finished studying all the master's courses in various major subjects at the university, except for biology. However, with her current IQ, it is estimated that she will finish them all by the end of this semester, that is, after entering her junior year.

The system told her that after finishing her studies, her foundation would be basically solid and she could start to carry out special tasks.

To put it simply, whatever aspect she needs, she can directly learn the knowledge module in that area, and she can exchange it immediately after learning.

She looked at her points and knowledge points, and found that she had accumulated a lot, enough for her to redeem them, and she was eager to try.

It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it is finally time to start exerting force.

The days are still going by day by day, and Cen Li rushes between school and studio at two o'clock every day.

Time passed in March, and Bai Xuanyuan sent her good news. He passed the reexamination, and from today on, he is a master's student.

Cen Li was really happy for him: Boss, do you want to treat me?

Bai Xuanyuan: I am a master's student and I need to change dormitories. My current roommate asked me to treat me. If you don't mind, you can come with me.

Cen Li: It’s not very good for me to go. I don’t even know him.

Bai Xuanyuan: It's my treat, not theirs. They are all my friends. What's wrong with you?

When Cen Li heard this, she realized that this was true. If Bai Xuanyuan's friends were treating him, it would be unreasonable for her to join them.

But since Bai Xuanyuan was treating guests, there was really no need for her to be scrupulous.

So he agreed: OK, see you then.

Bai Xuanyuan: See you then.

This chapter has been completed!
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