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Chapter 568 A bumpy road

Now her Tianya account has more than 300,000 fans, which is a very good result among Tianya.

I first selectively replied to a few posts, then wrote a travel diary of today’s ride and posted it.

Once all of this is done, it's almost time to rest.

Looking back, Gu Jiajia fell asleep at some point. Cen Li quickly turned off the headlights and only turned on the bathroom light.

Then, after washing, I went to bed to rest.

After falling asleep, he continued to study in the space classroom without hesitation.

Originally, she only wanted to study medicine recently, but she was delayed for several days due to redeeming the C ring, and now she has to make up for it.

When she woke up the next day, everything was fine.

But after I went out, I saw that my friends all looked melancholy.

It turned out that all the muscles were sore.

She subconsciously looked at Bai Xuanyuan, saw his calm face, and asked, "Aren't your feet sore?"

"I run every day," Bai Xuanyuan said.

"As expected of you, do you want to continue traveling today?" Cen Li looked at everyone and asked with some worry.

"Must go."

Unexpectedly, when Huang Anchao heard this, he immediately said loudly, "I'm sore now. I won't let it go after the ride. How could I give up on the second day?"

"That's right, keep going. The meaning of riding is persistence." The others also had firm faces.

Seeing their persistence, Cen Li also agreed.

However, as they say, the meaning of cycling is indeed to persist, and this kind of soreness will gradually ease as the riding time increases and you get used to it later.

So, after breakfast, everyone continued to set off.

Today's mission goal is to reach Xingou, a total distance of 91 kilometers, which is shorter than yesterday's trip.

However, it is not easier.

Since we officially entered the mountain from now on, the altitude began to climb. It was a gentle uphill climb almost all day long, which was quite exhausting.

Leaving Ya'an is the Ancient Tea Horse Road. The group took photos as usual, and then went upstream along the Qingyi River.

There are high mountains on both sides, and you can see many tall green trees and jagged rocks. The environment is very quiet.

That is, if there weren’t those ubiquitous warning signs “Enter geological areas prone to flying rocks or collapse”, I would feel better.

Everyone was riding with trepidation, and they even dared not take off their hats.

Cen Li couldn't help but think that if she had delusions of being persecuted, she probably wouldn't dare to pass.

The terrain from Ya'an to Tianquan County is relatively open and there are many cars.

However, the section from Tianquan County to Xingou Town completely enters the ravine.

Along the way up an unknown stream, the road condition was also in bad condition. Some sections of the road were still under repair, it was dusty, and there were many large puddles.

The bike couldn't be ridden at all, so a few people had to get down and use the pusher. Fortunately, they brought rain boots in advance to avoid getting their shoes dirty.

Their bicycles are not easy to move, but the two cars behind them are quite easy to ride, because they have the foresight to drive off-road vehicles, and the ground is high enough, so they are not afraid of bumps.

When they passed by, they saw several vans driving very slowly, and the whole vehicle was swaying, probably because they were afraid of being scraped into the ground.

The road was really difficult to drive. Based on the speed of the car, Cen Li estimated that it would take at least one or two hours longer than usual to drive out.

This chapter has been completed!
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