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Chapter 573 Unique Romance

"Good morning."

Cen Li looked around to make sure there was no one, then rushed over, jumped up and threw herself into Bai Xuanyuan's arms.

She has been with her friends these days, and she doesn't dare to get too close to Bai Xuanyuan, but she misses his embrace so much.

Bai Xuanyuan immediately stretched out his hand to catch her firmly, and his gentle and pure voice fell in her ear, "Xiaoli, I miss you."

Cen Li smiled, raised her head from his arms, held his face against his forehead and said, "Boyfriend, you stole my line."

Bai Xuanyuan was infected by her smile and smiled too.

"Hey, I woke up at the wrong time." At this time, Huang Anchao's joking voice sounded behind him.

Cen Li quickly got down from Bai Xuanyuan's arms.

I turned around and saw, good guys, all the friends had woken up at some point. They were all leaning against the door and looking at them with smiles.

Cen Li's face turned red, but she still pretended to be calm and said, "Woke up so early, it seems your high reflex is healed!"

Huang Anchao spread his hands and walked around in a circle, "As you can see, he is resurrected with full health."

"Okay, you're pretty good." After saying this, Cen Li took Bai Xuanyuan's hand and ran downstairs.

Oh my god, it’s so embarrassing to be watched by so many people.


Seeing her fleeing back, the friends all burst into laughter.

After breakfast, the group took photos and officially set off.

After leaving the village, we started to climb many mountains.

The highest peak of Zheduo Mountain is 4962 meters above sea level, and the pass is 4298 meters above sea level. The altitude difference with Kangding City is 1800 meters. It is the first high mountain pass to be climbed on the Sichuan-Tibet Line, so it is known as the "First Pass in Kangba"!

"Zheduo" means bending in Tibetan. The winding mountain road in Zheduo Mountain really has nine twists and turns. It winds back and forth just like the word "duo". It turns one turn and then another.

From the name of Duoshan, you can probably tell how winding and twists and turns this mountain is!

From Zheduotang Village to the Zheduo Mountain Pass, there is a total of 21 kilometers of uphill climb. The real challenge has arrived.

At the beginning, they originally planned to divide the journey into four sections, with a break every five kilometers, but in the end they changed it to a break every three kilometers.

Because, except for her and Bai Xuanyuan, everyone else was somewhat powerless.

Fortunately, Xu came here slowly, and no one had any symptoms of high fever, which is very lucky.

Cen Li and Bai Xuanyuan slowed down and rode side by side, looking at the scenery on both sides as they drove. It was the blue sky, white clouds and plateau scenery unique to the snow area. In the distance were the continuous snow-capped mountains, which were very magnificent.

It is rare for a child from the south to see such magnificent scenery.

The main thing is that the person you like is by your side, and this beautiful scenery naturally becomes a unique romance.

"You two have good physical strength."

Despite his age, Dong Hongkang has really good physical strength, and he seemed very relaxed riding all the way.

"Thank you for the compliment, you're not bad either." Cen Li accepted the compliment with a smile.

"Hahaha, you girl, you have a temper that suits me very well." Dong Hongkang was amused by her answer, and then asked, "How old are you and where do you go to school?"

"We two grade-skipping students are now Huaqing students and will be our juniors at the beginning of school."

Cen Li said briefly and introduced the others, "They graduated from high school this year and have all been admitted to their favorite universities. This is considered a graduation trip."

"The students from Huaqing are so outstanding!"

This chapter has been completed!
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