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Chapter 647 Sifting and baking


Then, while she was picking it up, she heard the sound of taking pictures.

Only then did Cen Li remember, "Hey, I didn't take any pictures when I was picking tea!"

"I took the picture." As a result, Bai Xuanyuan raised the camera and said with a smile, "You were so serious about picking tea just now that you didn't even notice that I took the picture of you."

"Really?" Cen Li smiled and hurried over to take a look.

Sure enough, Bai Xuanyuan photographed her very well, including her front face, side face, and close-ups of hand picking, which shows that he took very good care of her.

"My boyfriend is just right." Cen Li couldn't help but praise.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Uncle Zhao coughed several times on the side.


Cen Li was embarrassed and hurried back to pick tea leaves.

After the selection is completed, the next step is withering, which is also the core process of white tea.

This step is the process of tea testing. The quality of withering directly determines the quality of white tea.

First of all, the tea leaves need to be spread evenly on the dough sieve, and they should be spread as thin as possible without folding the sheets, and then placed in a cool place to wither naturally to ensure that they lose water slowly and evenly.

This leaf spreading is a technical job. Without certain experience, the work efficiency is very low. After Cenli has laid out one dough sieve, other workers have already laid out many more.

But everyone just urged them. They were originally meant to come and experience it.

After successfully laying out a surface of sifted tea leaves, Uncle Zhao took them to see the difference in tea leaves with different withering times.

After reading it, I directly gave them the tea leaves that had withered to a certain extent to carry out the second process, which was to sift together.

"When the tea leaves have been dried to a certain extent and the tea leaves have gathered together, two or three sieves of tea leaves must be combined into one sieve. This is a very critical process, and the rolling of white tea is here."

Uncle Zhao began to explain the key points to the two of them, "The leaves will stick to the sieve. You need to shake them loose first, and then sift them together. At this time, the speed should be slow, and you can't just pour them over at once. Let the leaves roll.


"Why do you do this?" Hearing this, Cen Li asked in confusion.

"Because, during this process, the leaves will be lightly scratched and make some small gaps. These are the holes for future fermentation and are also the source of the aroma of the tea." Uncle Zhao explained patiently.

"I see, there are so many details." Cen Li nodded clearly.

After that, under the guidance of Uncle Zhao, I did it again, and of course, all the photos were recorded.

After sifting, the last step is to roast the tea leaves that have been withered for almost three days and have completely dried.

White tea is better as it ages, so the focus is on later storage and transformation. If high-grain roasting is used, it will not be conducive to later transformation.

Therefore, white tea is generally roasted at low temperatures. As for how low the roasting temperature should be, each tea factory is different.

Here, Uncle Zhao uses fifty degrees for baking.

Naturally, both of them tried it. In almost two hours, the tea leaves were dried enough.

After drying, it must be bagged and stored immediately, because the weather in the south is too easy to return to moisture.

"Okay, now do you want to taste the tea you made?" Looking at the finished product, Uncle Zhao said with a smile.

"But these are not the ones we picked ourselves." Cen Li couldn't help but whisper.

This chapter has been completed!
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