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Chapter 684 Rumors

Because she knows very well how outstanding Cen Li and the others are, and she doesn’t want to be left behind in the future, and wants to move towards a farther and better future with her friends.

"But just because of this, they began to exclude me and often laughed at me, saying that I couldn't get a good ranking even though I was so serious."

Yu Qiaorong said and couldn't help but shed tears, "Our university is actually very good. There are many people who are better than me. I don't think there is anything wrong with losing to others, but they always say this, just

It puts me under great psychological pressure.”

Of course, if this is just the case, Yu Qiaorong is not that fragile. At most, it's because they have different paths and don't work together, so they can't play together, so it's fine if they don't get together.

What really caused Yu Qiaorong's emotional breakdown was something he encountered in the first semester of his freshman year.

The fat girl who shared the same dormitory with her fell in love with a fellow villager of Yu Qiaorong.

In fact, Yu Qiaorong and he were not familiar with each other, it was just an ordinary relationship where we made appointments when we went home on vacation.

The fat girl took the initiative and asked Yu Qiaorong for the QQ account of the fellow villager. Yu Qiaorong refused at first, not wanting to get too involved with this person.

Because it was the fat girl who took the lead in isolating her in the dormitory.

However, the fat girl asked several times later, but Yu Qiaorong couldn't stand her pestering and gave up. This would cause trouble for what happened next.

The fat girl and the fellow fell in love not long after, and they even had sex while drunk.

The fat girl later happily shared this matter with Yu Qiaorong.

Yu Qiaorong was not very happy when she found out because she didn't really want fat girls to enter her circle.

But she didn't say much, she just chatted privately with the fellow countryman and expressed her congratulations to him.

As a result, the fellow told her that he was a scumbag, that he didn't want to fall in love yet, that the fat girl was too pure, that he would be sorry for her in the future and that he wanted to break up with her.

Hearing this, Cen Li couldn't help but twitch her eyes, "How pure can a person who will take the lead in isolating you and then have a relationship with someone else not long after meeting you be?"

When Yu Qiaorong heard this, he was stunned for a moment and murmured, "I...I really didn't think about it that much. I was really moved by the fellow villager's sincere words at that time, but I still persuaded him, saying that since he has already

When we are together, we should treat fat girls responsibly and well. He also told me that he would think about it carefully..."

"But the two of them broke up in the end, right? You're just too naive!"

Cen Li sighed, touched Yu Qiaorong's head distressedly, and then gritted her teeth and said, "Later, did the fat girl spread rumors that you were the third party who caused their breakup?"

Yu Qiaorong nodded, "Yes, actually I showed the chat history to the fat girl that day. She was not angry and said she understood, but..."

At this point, Yu Qiaorong's eye circles turned red, which showed that something bad must have happened in the meantime.

"It's okay. Speak slowly." Cen Li held Yu Qiaorong's hand and gave her strength.


Yu Qiaorong wiped away her tears before continuing, "The next day, she and her friends blocked me at the door of the dormitory. She called me all sorts of names, calling me a bitch... a bitch, green tea, and even said that my fellow villagers have it.

I still chatted with him when he had a girlfriend, saying that I deliberately ruined their relationship..."

The more Yu Qiaorong talked, the more aggrieved she became, and she couldn't help crying again, "She...she was even more outrageous later on. She not only pointed at me behind my back, but also scolded and ridiculed me in front of me, and even made my textbook wet.

Move my chair away and hang the things that slander me on the confession wall... Now I... I..."

Before Yu Qiaorong could finish speaking, Cen Li had already stepped forward and hugged her tightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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