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Chapter 697 Haircut Ceremony

Of course, the two people who had just fallen asleep met in the space classroom at the same time.

After studying all night, Cen Li called the publisher the next day and discussed the matter of comic publishing.

In the end, it was agreed that she would get one-tenth of the copyright fee. As for how to set the price, that was the publisher's business.

Of course, Cen Li also promoted the publication of the comics on the forum, which was regarded as speaking for herself.

When they learned that Cen Li's comic would be published, fans were very excited and said they would buy it and collect it, saying that this comic about a nuclear power plant is particularly meaningful.

There are also many people asking if there will be a book signing event.

Cen Li thought for a while and called the publishing house to inquire.

The publishing house also gave a reply, saying that there would be a book signing that would last for about a week, but because the publishing side still needs time and it wouldn’t be that fast, I didn’t tell Cen Li.

After receiving a positive reply, Cen Li replied on the forum.

Now it's good, fans are all crazy and looking forward to it.

Fans are well-known for Cen Li's excellence and beauty, and they are particularly looking forward to meeting her.

After discussing the matter of comic publishing, Cen Li returned to her daily busy schedule.

In addition to studying, I just go to the women's volleyball base to train and get in touch with my teammates. The rest is to rehearse the hairpin ceremony.

After all, this haircut ceremony is no longer her personal matter, there will be many Hanfu lovers and media coming to attend.

In order to better promote Hanfu, Cen Li strives to do everything to the best of her ability.

The day of haircut came soon and I was looking forward to it.

When she arrived at the venue, she saw that Cen Junjie and Huang Xiulan, as well as the elders and younger brothers of the Cen family, were all there!

"elder sister!"

Seeing her, little Dudu, who was also wearing Hanfu, ran up to her and exaggeratedly said, "Sister, I miss you so much!"

Cen Li was very surprised and pulled him, looked at Cen Junjie and the others and said, "Mom, Dad, grandparents, why are you all here?"

"Xuanyuan and Xiaohong told us. Although we don't understand these things, we still know that the coming of age ceremony is very important. We don't want you to have any regrets, so we came." Huang Xiulan said with a smile.

"Yes, this haircut ceremony is great. As soon as we heard about it, we immediately agreed to come and participate."

Grandma Li said with a smile, "Every lady should have this haircut gift. You did a great job."

"Then you guys are so busy with work, you really don't need to come."

Seeing her family all here and hearing these words of understanding, Cen Li couldn't help but feel a little sore in her eyes and wanted to cry.

"Today is a good day, so you can't cry." Grandma Li took Cen Li's hand, patted it and said, "As for business, it's endless. Your coming-of-age ceremony is only once in your life. If you miss it, it will be gone.

Of course you are the most important."

"Thank you, grandparents, thank you, mom and dad, thank you brother." Cen Li was so happy that she didn't even know what to say.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready, we are all watching." Huang Xiulan touched Cen Li's head and said with a smile.

As a parent, she also wore Hanfu today. She is good-looking, so she looks like a real lady in this outfit.

"Mom, you look so beautiful today."

After saying that, Cen Li wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and walked towards the locker room.

"Sister Xiaoli, come on!"

"Xiaoli, come on!"


Along the way, I realized that several of my childhood friends had also arrived. Huang Anchao was still holding a camera and waving to her, and Aunt Huang was also there.

This chapter has been completed!
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