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Chapter 70 Are you a devil?3

Cen Li sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at it. She was gradually fascinated and didn't pay attention to the time anymore.

By the time she realized what she was doing, Bai Xuanyuan was already sitting next to her.

I glanced at his book, "Introduction to Interstellar Navigation", author Qian Xuesen.

Cen Li: "..."

She wondered if she had read it wrong, so she rubbed her eyes and read it again. Yes, it was really a book about aerospace.

Cen Li was shocked. She is only a primary school student. Are you sure she can understand?

I stepped forward and took a look. The entire article was in traditional Chinese!

There were also a bunch of calculation formulas involving various aspects of mathematics and mechanics, which she couldn't understand at all.

So I couldn't help but ask, "Do you think this is for aerospace?"

Bai Xuanyuan then raised his head, smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"This seems quite difficult?" Cen Li asked again.

"It's quite difficult. You need to learn a lot of knowledge, such as mathematics, mechanics, computers, etc." Bai Xuanyuan explained.

"Then you...you know all these?" Cen Li was a little in disbelief.

"Well, it's almost the same. I learned mathematics and mechanics by myself in high school. There are no relevant books in the Huang family for college. Computer programming is relatively simple and I can basically do it." Bai Xuanyuan said calmly.


Hearing this, Cen Li was dumbfounded. What kind of monster is this?

Moreover, programming is relatively simple...Are you a devil?

Suddenly, she remembered the last time she went to Lao Bai's house, "So, were you reading those programming books at your house before?"

Bai Xuanyuan nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, you saw it?"


For a moment, Cen Li didn't know what to say, but she suddenly remembered something, "You said you didn't want to skip a grade before because you have something you want to learn, so you came to Huang's house to study, right?"

Bai Xuanyuan, "That's right."

Cen Li was really shocked, and suddenly understood why Bai Xuanyuan was so outstanding in his previous life. The boss is the boss. From being outstanding since he was young, he was really beyond the reach of ordinary people like them.

She took a deep breath and then continued, "Then why are you reading this? Do you want to be an aerospace designer?"

Bai Xuanyuan smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

Cen Li was a little surprised, "Why?"

Generally speaking, things that are highly professional like this are from family studies. Especially in this era of limited information, it is difficult to have such a broad vision without being influenced by what we have heard and seen.

She didn't believe that the previous Bai family could give Bai Xuanyuan such a good education.

Could it be because of the Huang family?

"I saw a piece of news a few years ago about China's aerospace industry."

Bai Xuanyuan's face became a little more serious, his eyes were deep and firm, "On February 15, 1996, the International 708 communication satellite was launched in Xichang using a Long March-3B high-thrust rocket. The rocket ignited and exploded 22 seconds after liftoff, causing 6

One person died and more than 50 people were injured. It was the biggest setback in China's space history and the fifth largest space accident in the world."

Bai Xuanyuan paused and continued, "Although the investigation later revealed that the failure of the electronic components caused the inertial reference to tilt, and the rocket corrected its attitude according to the wrong attitude signal. This tragedy occurred, but it has great impact on China's aerospace industry.

It caused a very heavy blow and was laughed at by the whole world, saying that China's aerospace industry was backward and its technology was not up to par."

Cen Li didn't study aerospace and didn't know much about this matter, so she didn't know about it, but just hearing it made her feel very sad. China's aerospace industry had just started at that time, and the impact of such a thing could be said to be huge.

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