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Chapter 748 Exactly the same prediction

"Yes, if you lose, you don't lose the formation. In fact, you can't lose!" This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone.

"Baga! Baga! Baga!"

So, in an instant, the Chinese fans burst out with a loud response, and the momentum was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, rushing straight towards the fans in the Sakura Kingdom.

They are usually bullies and fearful of the strong. Seeing such a tough attitude from the Chinese fans, the Sakura fans were instantly frightened and sat back down one after another, not daring to say a word.

Now, Hua Guo’s fans are satisfied.

They still understand how to be merciful and merciful. As long as the other party doesn't provoke them first, of course they have to be polite people!

Naturally, all the players from the two countries below saw what was going on in the audience, so their eyes were burning with fire when they looked at each other.

For the Sakura Country, this is a hatred between the country and the family that has been inherent in history. Now they are facing each other not only for honor, but also for face. No one wants to lose.

Cen Li also clenched her fists tightly. In her previous life, she lost to the most hated country at home, and she was really upset.

I just hope that this time I can get what I want.

The game starts soon.

After the opening, Sakura Country took the lead in taking an attacking stance, making many direct passes in a short period of time, with the obvious intention of hitting behind the Chinese team's defense.

In the 4th minute, Han Duan and Ma Xiaoxu cooperated on the left side. The latter was intercepted when breaking through, and Sakura Country quickly counterattacked.

Shinobu Ohno stopped the ball on the right, got rid of it, cut inside quickly, and fired a low shot from the penalty area.

Fortunately, he was blocked by Zhang Ru from the Huaguo team.

Compared with Sakura Country, which strives to speed up the game, the Hua Country team strives for stability in the opening stage, focusing on defense.

In the 10th minute, the referee determined that Li Jie committed a foul in front of the penalty area and Sakura Country received a free kick.

"Come on China!"

"Steady, steady!"


Seeing this, all the Chinese fans cheered and encouraged loudly.

Listening to the shouts in their ears, all the women's football players had a fire in their hearts, and they must not disappoint the fans' expectations.

Fortunately, this mistake did not give Sakura Country an advantage, and the game continued.

In the 14th minute, Sakura Country got consecutive left-wing corner kick opportunities. Miyama Aya passed the ball to the center of the penalty area, and Sawaho Nozomi scored with a header.

Sakura National Team 1-0, leading by one point.


"Pa bang bang..."


In an instant, the audience in Sakura Country burst into warm applause.

Even the players from Sakura Country smiled provocatively at the players from China Team.

However, only the Chinese team members know how shocked they are to each other now!


All of this was predicted by Cen Li’s pre-match predictions, and they were exactly the same!

Thinking about it, all the Chinese team members couldn't help but look at Cen Li.

Seeing her waving towards me, I instantly felt confident and courageous.

Damn, I don’t know how many times Cen Li has told them this drill. If they still lose, they are really stupid!

That ball was regarded as a welcome gift from them as the hosts. Next, they were not polite!

The game restarted. Seeing the fighting expressions of the Chinese players, as if they were not affected by the loss of the ball just now, the Sakura players frowned.

This was different from what they expected.

What's going on? Could it be that Chinese people are the type that become more courageous the more they are frustrated?

This chapter has been completed!
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