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Chapter 10 Final Instructions!

Tang He even suspected for a time that Zhu Qiwu must have been a gangster in his previous life. Otherwise, why would he be so good at robbing families and homes?

A whole day.

Everyone ate and slept in the ruined temple, and then ate and slept again. It was not until the second watch that Zhu Qiwu got everyone ready to go.

Before setting off, Tang He, as the big brother, gave everyone his final instructions.

"Everyone is not allowed to talk or poop or pee on the road. If anyone dares to regret it halfway, I will be the first to chop him down!"

Everyone was already gearing up and wanted to fly to the Diao Family Courtyard immediately. They all responded happily.

"Brother Tang, don't worry!"

"Remember, let's go!"

"Whoever is afraid will kill his whole family!"

Under the cover of darkness, more than 20 people arrived outside the Diao family compound smoothly.

"Light up!"

Zhu Qiwu said softly, and Xu Da next to him immediately handed over the fire seal.

As a Kongming lantern rose, the door of Diao's house quickly opened slightly.

This was followed by three more 'coo-coo-coo' sounds.


The code was confirmed to be correct, and everyone immediately rushed to the door of Diao's house.

Seeing that Zhu Qiwu, Tang He and others finally arrived, Zhu Chongba finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hold on, they have been sleeping for two hours, and they don't know when they will wake up!" Zhu Chongba opened the door and said to Zhu Qiwu and others.

Inside the gate of Diao's house, seven or eight servants were already lying on the ground, sleeping like dead pigs.

"Brother, don't worry, this sweat medicine is very powerful, keep it until tomorrow morning!" Zhu Qiwu said.

The anesthesia powder obtained by signing in is extremely powerful. These people will not wake up until at least tomorrow morning, and even if they wake up, their heads will be dizzy and their hands and feet will be weak.

Therefore, they are not a threat at all now.

"Everyone, please be smart and guard the sentry and gate first, and then go to the mule and carriage shed!"

Following Zhu Qiwu's arrangement, everyone quickly took complete control of the Diao family's front yard.

A large number of mules and horses should also be attached to the cart, ready to handle the transportation of property inside.

Then, under the leadership of Zhu Chongba, they all opened the weapons warehouse in the front yard.

A room full of weapons made everyone very happy.

"Brothers, copy the guy!"

Zhu Chongba gave an order, and everyone threw away the wooden sticks and bamboo guns they brought and replaced them with gleaming steel knives and spears.

"Chongba, look!"

Tang He shouted, and Zhu Chongba immediately walked over.


Zhu Chongba was overjoyed.

In the corner of the weapons warehouse, there are several pieces of cowhide armor hidden. Although they are not as protective as iron armor, they are not afraid of ordinary swords at all.

In cold weapon warfare, the status of armor is far above ordinary weapons such as swords and guns.

With a solid armor, he can easily defeat five or six unarmored soldiers on the battlefield.

Therefore, in all dynasties, people have been strictly prevented from privately possessing armor. Three pairs of armor is enough for a death sentence, while swords, guns, swords and halberds are basically ignored.

It was because of the chaotic rule of the Meng Yuan Dynasty that powerful people like the Diao family dared to hide armor secretly.

This really gave Zhu Chongba and the others a huge advantage.

"Brothers, put on your clothes!"

These pieces of leather armor were quickly put on by Zhu Chongba and the others. Although they were the simplest armors, they felt much more at ease after wearing them.

Zhu Qiwu also wore leather armor. The hard leather had been treated to protect his vitals.

"With the armor, things are really different!" Zhu Qiwu couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw everyone looked majestic.

"Brother, everyone has changed. Let's go to the inner courtyard quickly!"

Zhu Qiwu urged.

"That's right, good guys, follow me!"

Zhu Chongba held a long knife in his right hand and an ox-headed shield in his left hand, and took the lead in rushing towards the gate of the inner courtyard of Diao Mansion.


In the inner courtyard of Diao Mansion, in a secluded study room.

The head of the Diao family, Diao Kui, known as the White-faced Yama, was looking at Xia Shou's account books in the study.

The situation this year has been bad again. There was a drought, followed closely by a locust plague.

However, there was no decrease in the Diao family's rent collection account.

Those tenants who were unable to pay the rent must still pay the Diao family's rent, even if they sold their sons and daughters, or pawned their wives and sold their bodies.

After some troubles, the Diao family's granary was even fuller.

"These bastards, if you don't give them some color, they will always cry about poverty."

Diao Kui finished checking the account books and stretched himself.

Under the service of the little maid next to him, Diao Kui got up and walked out of the study, preparing to spend the night with the concubine in the sixth room he had just taken in.

The concubine in the sixth room is the daughter of a tenant of the Diao family.

He was completely obedient to himself, and it just allowed Diao Kui to try some of the health-preserving techniques he had just learned in the house.

Diao Kui was walking in the yard. Under the dark night, he felt something strange, as if something was wrong.

As for what was wrong, I couldn't tell for a while.

Diao Kui was puzzled and couldn't help but wonder if he was overworked.

As he walked, he came to the gate of the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard of Diao Mansion has strict rules. Except for a few close friends, no men are allowed to enter. Even the gate guards are maids and old women.


Diao Kui suddenly stopped. He finally thought that something was not right!

It's so quiet.

The entire front yard of Diao Mansion was so quiet, there was almost no sound.

Even the usual wake-up calls were silent.

"Ah Fu, Ah Fu!"

Diao Kui shouted towards a house next to the inner courtyard.

A fat figure rushed out immediately. It was the fat housekeeper who invited Zhu Chongba in.

"Master, please call me!" the fat butler said quickly.

"Why is there no movement in the front yard?" Diao Kui asked worriedly.

"Really?" The fat butler Ah Fu was in a deep sleep and didn't pay attention at all. Now that he heard the master's doubts, he pricked up his ears and listened.

At this moment, a faint sound of footsteps came from the front yard.

"Master, isn't there some movement?" the fat butler said with a smile on his face.

"Well, then why is there no banging sound?" Diao Kui's doubts were relieved.

When the fat housekeeper heard this, he immediately looked angry.

"Master, the guy who's doing the watch must be lazy again. I'm going to teach him a lesson right now!" said the fat butler, rolling up his sleeves.

"Go to the front yard and inspect it. Don't let those cheap guys be lazy." Diao Kui ordered.

Although Fat Butler Ah Fu's explanation was reasonable, Diao Kui was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll go right away."

As the fat housekeeper spoke, he walked towards the inner courtyard door and prepared to pull the door bolt and go to the front courtyard.


Suddenly, a loud bang came from the gate of the inner courtyard.

"Ghost!" The fat housekeeper jumped up in fright and fell to the ground with a thud.


The head of the Diao family, Diao Kui, was also frightened and shouted angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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