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Chapter 135 Princess Zhao Mins revenge! Zhu Han supervises the country!

The land of Liaoyang Province in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty was very large, and it could even be said to be so big that it was boundless, because Liaoyang Prefecture was only the southernmost point of Liaoyang Province, and if you went further north, you would have to at least reach the outer Xing'an Mountains.

Even further north in Kamchatka Peninsula and other places, there are many tribes under the jurisdiction of Liaoyang Province.

The Northern Expeditionary Army order given by Zhu Han to Mao Gui was to conquer as many local Jurchen and other tribes as far north as possible.

The White Mountains and Black Waters are a treasure, and you must not give up just because of the bitter cold.

Liaoyang Prefecture is basically full of fat that cannot be escaped. The future focus of the entire Liaoyang Province will naturally be to conquer the local Jurchen tribes.

"General, I obey!" Elhaqi immediately responded, and then said cautiously: "Sir, general, the general consumes a lot of baggage, especially salt and sugar cubes, which are good things for conquering various tribes!"

Hearing Elhaqi's words, Mao Gui smiled proudly.

Zhu Han sent people to the south of the Yangtze River to bring a large amount of refined salt and cane sugar. Many Jurchen tribes in the inland Liaoyang Province were very short of salt. They often needed to exchange fur ginseng and other mountain products with the Mongolians in Liaoyang Prefecture.

However, the Mongols were very greedy and always sold their salt at high prices in exchange for furs, ginseng, etc. in the hands of the Jurchens. This resulted in the Jurchen tribe often being short of salt.

The Jurchen servant army of Elhaqi can easily gain support from other Jurchen tribes by using this salt.

What's more, the Ming court sent a lot of sugar!

Sugar is an unheard-of good thing for the Jurchens living deep in the mountains and forests. Many tribal leaders and nobles have never eaten sugar in their lives.

Such a sweet thing immediately aroused the strong interest of the Jurchens. A pound of sugar can now be exchanged for almost ten good mink skins.

With these two things, Elhaqi can be said to be able to do everything to his advantage.

"The things you want are not a problem. As long as you serve Ming Dynasty well, I will naturally prepare everything for you." Mao Gui said with a serious face.

"Thank you, sir!" Elhaqi responded immediately.

Mao Gui stroked his beard and continued: "Elhaqi, I have recommended you to the imperial court. It won't be long before the imperial court calls you to the capital. Don't embarrass me then."

"What? Entering Beijing?"

As soon as he heard Mao Gui's words, Elhaqi was suddenly surprised!

According to Zhu Han's suggestion, as long as "Yiren" generals like Elhaqi and Li Chenggui are promoted to official positions above command, they must first go to the capital for inspection and training.

As for the purpose, of course, it is to brainwash these barbarian generals to prevent them from having the potential ideological threat of separatism.

Only by showing them how powerful the Ming Dynasty's military and political power can shock their souls can they truly be convinced to serve.

"Haha, I am optimistic about you!" Mao Gui said with a smile.

Li Chenggui, who was on the side, immediately cast an envious and jealous look at Elhaqi. The Jurchens had a vast territory. If they wanted to conquer the Jurchens, they would naturally need a Jurchen loser like Elhaqi. This was Li Chenggui.

An advantage that Cheng Gui cannot match.

"Don't worry, sir, the general will definitely sweep away all barbarian tribes for the imperial court!" Elhaqi said excitedly.

If Elhaqi could be allowed to go to Yingtian Mansion and see the Ming Dynasty Jiangnan where silk, sugar, gold and silver were everywhere, then Elhaqi would feel that his life was worth it.

The admiration of barbarians for civilized superior countries can be said to be instinctive.

However, when this civilized country does not have strong force to protect its own security.

This kind of admiration for barbarians will turn into greed for wealth, and then into the ambition to plunder.

Fortunately, today's Ming Dynasty is as tyrannical as a tiger out of the mountain, and it is definitely not something that Shangougou Jurchens like Elhaqi can provoke.

All Elhaqi could do was to wholeheartedly help the Ming Dynasty massacre the disobedient Jurchen tribes, and discipline those Jurchen tribes who surrendered to pay tribute of furs, ginseng and other products.

The capital of the Ming Dynasty, Jinling Yingtian Mansion.

The Royal Palace of England.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang, despite Zhu Han's objections, very strongly ordered the construction of a Prince's Palace for King Zhu Han of England.

A huge British palace rose from the ground in Yingtian City. After several months of construction, it can be said to be splendid and magnificent.

"Brother, Mao Gui sent someone to report that Naha Chu of Liaoyang is already hesitant, but his son Chahan has promised that Naha Chu will stay in Liaoyang and surrender, and will not follow Meng Yuan to Mobei.


In his palace, Zhu Han was talking to his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang about the situation in Liaoyang.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang was wearing casual clothes of Songjiang cotton, sipping tea with a leisurely look, "I'll leave all the affairs of Liaoyang to you. Anyway, didn't you already say that the key to the stability of Liaodong is not the Mongols?"

, but among the Jurchens and Naha, whether they surrender or not, they are not all the same."

Because of the comprehensive defeat of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, Mongolians from Daruhuachi Prefecture in various places fled to the northern grasslands.

However, the harsh weather conditions on the grasslands scare many Mongolians.

Especially the Mongols in Liaoyang Province were closer and knew the grassland environment very well. Many of them were not willing to escape at all, but wanted to surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

"Hey, the Mongols are already in full decline. The Jurchens in Liaodong have long been frightened. As long as we use both soft and hard methods, we can ensure that everyone in the northeastern part of Liaoyang surrenders." Zhu Han said with a smile.

"Mao Gui's memorials basically require some military supplies and supplies, but there is no shortage of military strength. It seems that you can safely leave it to him." Zhu Han continued to hold the memorials and said.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "It seems that the luggage Mao Gui wants is basically some salt and sugar. It seems that the Jurchen tribe recognizes these things."

"In the bitter cold region of the Northeast, salt and sugar are both life-saving things, so they are naturally suitable for buying off those Jurchen tribes," Zhu Han said.

The strategy of using salt and sugar to conquer the Jurchen tribe was basically decided by Zhu Han himself.

He didn't expect... these two products could be so powerful. Many Jurchen tribes were rebellious, but under the persuasion of Elhaqi and other Jurchen generals, they quickly accepted the jurisdiction of the Ming army.

Of course what they covet is the salt and sugar.

"These barbarians have always been very cunning. They won't stop listening to orders and causing chaos after eating them all, right?" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became worried.

These Jurchen tribes are basically barbarians who drink their hair and drink their blood. Forget about loyalty, benevolence and righteousness, there is no such concept at all.

Therefore, brother Zhu Yuanzhang's worries are definitely justified.

"Brother, don't worry, these Jurchen tribes must have these thoughts, but I have long thought that it is impossible to let them run away so easily." Zhu Han said with confidence.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became interested and asked curiously: "Qiwu, tell me quickly, what are your plans?"

"These Jurchen tribes are hiding in deep mountains and old forests. It is difficult to find their traces, so they are very difficult to rule." Zhu Han said.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, this makes sense.

As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang's current cultural level can be said to be very good, especially he has a very in-depth understanding of the historical materials of past dynasties.

Between the white mountains and black waters of Liaoyang Province, those barbaric Jurchens have nominally accepted the jurisdiction of the Central Plains court since the Tang Dynasty, but only in name.

Even in the Khitan Liao Kingdom, which had a strong dominance, the control over the Jurchens was very limited, otherwise they would not have been allowed to cause riots, and the Liao and Song Dynasties would have been ruined.

As for the Yuan Dynasty established by Mongolia, its dominance was even more diluted. In just a few decades, the Jurchen tribes returned to their own way of doing things. In addition to paying some fur tributes to the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, they also produced some strong men as servants.

The army is gone, and there is no such thing as any alliance control.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to subdue the various Jurchen tribes. What is difficult is how to rule and restrain them effectively for a long time.

"The warehouses know the etiquette. These Jurchen tribes are too poor. Even the tribal leaders are very poor. Even if they rebel, they have no scruples. If they can live a good life with good food and drink, then they can be manipulated from time to time.

Once they hit their vital points, you can completely control them." Zhu Han said.

"Then how to control them?" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang asked curiously.

How to rule these barbarians in the deep mountains and old forests is a problem that the Central Plains dynasties have not solved for hundreds of years.

"It's very simple. On the one hand, we use our powerful force to set up leading parties like Elhaqi, so that the Jurchen tribes can see the benefits of following us, and then build towns locally, using salt, cotton, cloth, silk and sugar from the Central Plains.

If you wait for the goods and exchange them for the mountain furs in the hands of the Jurchens, you can make the Jurchens rich quickly." Zhu Han said.

"Being rich?! Doesn't that mean they can use more money to buy weapons and equipment? Then if they rebel, they will be even more powerful, right?" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang asked doubtfully.

"No, we can control the inflow of weapons and other items. After these Jurchen tribes become rich, we will grant official positions to their noble leaders, let them bring their money to the Central Plains to enjoy, and slowly manage the affairs of local tribes.

If they are handed over to the officials appointed by us, over time, these Jurchen tribes will forget their identity as Jurchens and completely live as Han people." Zhu Han said.

His idea was not actually his own original idea, but was based on the historical conquest strategy of Tsarist Russia.

Many nomadic peoples in Central Asia were assimilated by Tsarist Russia's series of tactics. If the old man hadn't been too greedy and squeezed the locals too hard, causing them to resist repeatedly, Central Asia would have been built long ago.

A back garden of Tsarist Russia.

Zhu Han's method is even more effective when used in Liaoyang Province.

The Jurchen tribes in Liaoyang Province were scattered in strength, and there were many conflicts between the tribes. As long as the Ming Dynasty used force and trade, it was only a matter of time before they assimilated these barbarians.

"Haha, Qi Wu, you must have many clever ideas! In this way, my Ming Dynasty will be able to expand thousands of miles in the future!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a satisfied smile.

He saw the world map given by Zhu Han!

Liaoyang Province covers a vast territory, almost equivalent to half of the Central Plains.

Moreover, Zhu Han also told his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang that there was a large area of ​​fertile black land in Liaoyang Province!

There are also gold mines all over the place, waiting for the people of the Ming Dynasty to dig them up.

Therefore, when he heard that Zhu Han had a way to completely conquer Liaoyang Province, his brother Zhu Yuanzhang was naturally very happy.

"As for the matter in Liaoyang, I will handle it as you say. Give Mao Gui all the salt and sugar he wants." Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand.

Immediately afterwards, my elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang said again: "There is also the war in Huguang. It has become more and more strenuous recently. I have to go and do it myself to boost morale. I will also leave the affairs of Yingtian Mansion to you."

Since Hu Dahai, Zhang Dingbian and other generals led their troops to attack Chen Youliang, they have been making great progress.

Relying on their huge equipment and training advantages, the Ming army quickly drove Chen Youliang's Han army out of Hanyang and retreated to the east of Kuizhou.

Chen Youliang relied on his own methods and the exhaustion of the Ming army from long battles, which allowed him to gain a firm foothold.

"Chen Youliang really has two skills. He is not a simple person. We have our pursuers behind him, and he even beat Ming Yuzhen away. You have to be careful with this skill." Zhu Han said with a solemn expression.

Although Chen Youliang was unpopular and loved to play tricks, he was still very powerful in Xingjun combat.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Ming Yuzhen, who originally occupied Chongqing, did not last two rounds under Chen Youliang, and was beaten and fled into the vast mountains without knowing where to end.

"When we go to Huguang this time, our requirements are not high. As long as Chen Youliang is completely driven out of Huguang, that will be enough. We must first stabilize the people's hearts in Huguang, and then we can slowly deal with Chen Youliang." Brother Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Regarding the strategy of attacking Chen Youliang, Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang basically put safety first. The terrain advantages in Xichuan and Chongqing are huge, and rushing for success will only give Chen Youliang an opportunity.

The Ming Dynasty is now booming in strength, and the advantage of time is on Zhu Han's side.

"If Huguang is familiar with it, the world is sufficient! Stabilizing Huguang is much more important than eliminating Chen Youliang." Zhu Han also nodded and said.

As long as Chen Youliang's remaining forces are driven into Xichuan, it will be difficult for them to advance eastward to Huguang.

"When we go to Huguang and you are in charge of the government affairs in Yingtian, we have asked Liu Bowen that we can let you supervise the country and perform the emperor's duties on behalf of the emperor!" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

When Zhu Han heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

"Liu Bowen, this old guy, can really trick me! What a supervisory country, brother, are you trying to keep me busy? Just let Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen handle ordinary things. For big things, come to me. What a supervisory country, it doesn't matter how big or small it is.

Did you come to me for everything?" Zhu Han shook his head repeatedly.

"Who makes you our biological brother? Our biological brother who fights tigers. We went to Huguang. If you don't supervise the country, we won't worry." Brother Zhu Yuanzhang continued.

"I'll say it again, I don't want to be the superintendent of the country. Let Biaoer supervise the country. He is the crown prince, and it is only reasonable for the crown prince to supervise the country!" Zhu Han said immediately with a smile.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless and said: "Qiwu, Biao'er is only two years old! He peed his pants yesterday, how can he supervise the country? It's all nonsense!"

However, Zhu Han refused to give up easily and said: "If Biao'er is still young, I can let my sister-in-law act as an agent in the government. I think my sister-in-law is very talented and is not inferior to Li Shanchang, Liu Bowen and the others."

Zhu Han's words are not to brag about his sister-in-law Ma Xiuying. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Sihai Trading Co., Ltd. managed by the second brother-in-law Li Zhen has become the internal financial resource of the royal family. Under Zhu Han's suggestion, the second brother-in-law Li Zhen has now formed

Zhen is in charge of the business, and her sister-in-law, Queen Ma, is in charge of the internal treasury.

The entire internal treasury is kept in order by my sister-in-law, Queen Ma, who is a standard internal affairs talent.

"No, no, your sister-in-law has just become pregnant again. We can't make her tired anymore." Brother Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head repeatedly. Brother Zhu Yuanzhang has always seen the queen's hard work. If it weren't for Zhu Han's suggestion,

, he just wanted Queen Ma to be a stable husband and raise children in the harem, so he would not make her work so hard.

"Oh, okay, but can this matter be kept low-key? Since I am also the Prime Minister of Zuo, I don't need the title of Supervisor of the Country." Zhu Han said.

The political significance of supervising the country is of great importance. Now that Crown Prince Zhu Biao is young, if he takes the title of supervising the country, some ambitious people may have other ideas in the future.

It’s not that I think my elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang or nephew Zhu Biao will doubt me in the future, I’m really afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble.

However, his brother Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care at all about Zhu Han's worries.

"No! You must support us as the Supervisor!" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang's tone was unquestionable, fully demonstrating the authority of the Nine-Fifth Emperor, lest Zhu Han would not accept the Supervisor.

"Okay!" Zhu Han was slightly helpless.

Yangzhou, canal dock, a large ship slowly left, heading south.

The cabin was very crowded.

Many men and women were waiting in the narrow cabin to go to their destination - Yingtian Mansion.

Today's Yingtian Mansion is the capital of the Ming Dynasty. I heard that countless workshops and businesses have sprung up there one after another, requiring a lot of labor.

The people on this ship are basically refugees.

I went to Yingtian Mansion in the capital just to get a chance to survive.

In fact, these refugees are so poor that they don't even need to pay for ferry tickets.

All you need to do is sign a contract and repay it after Yingtianfu introduces you to the boatman.

Of course, this is not an act of kindness from Yangzhou boatmen.

It's because the workshops and shops in Yingtianfu are very short of manpower.

Every time you introduce a worker, the boatman will be given a certain amount of compensation, which is much higher than the boat ticket.

Therefore, shipowners from Yangzhou, Sizhou and other places introduced northern refugees to Jinling Yingtian Mansion.

The air in the cabin was so filthy that Zhao Min couldn't bear it... so he walked to the deck to get some fresh air.

There were really too many people on this ship, even on the deck. Each of these refugees talked about their future life after arriving in Yingtian Mansion, as if they would have a new and good life after arriving in Yingtian Mansion.

There was sarcasm on Zhao Min's lips, "Daydreaming!"

Zhao Min, who was dressed in men's clothing, was different from these refugees. She spent real money on the ship ticket to board the ship.

As the princess of Runan Wang Shaomin in the Great Yuan Dynasty, it was naturally impossible to use Minmin Temur's original name again, so she changed her name to Zhao Min and started her own road of revenge.

After leaving Bianliang, Zhao Min first went to Shandong, intending to assassinate the Ming general Qi Xiang, the Ming general who killed his father Chahan Timur in the Battle of Qufu.

However, Qi Xiang, who had just been promoted to Marshal of Shandong's marching capital, had many troops and horses, and the security was tight. Zhao Min lurked in Jinan Mansion for more than two months, but failed to find any chance.

Even because of his carelessness, he exposed a lot of his hidden possessions, which led to an interrogation by Jinan government officials, and he had to flee, losing almost all his gold and silver.

After Zhao Min fled all the way south to Yangzhou, he used his remaining money to buy a boat ticket to go to Jinling Yingtian Mansion.

"Although my father died in the hands of the Ming army Qi Xiang, in the final analysis, Qi Xiang was just an ordinary general in the Ming army. The real messengers were the rebel leaders Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han. If we can kill these two

He is a traitor, and he has taken revenge, and he has eliminated a great harm to the Yuan Dynasty. Maybe the Yuan Dynasty can reverse the situation in the world!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It was with this fantasy in mind that Zhao Min began to disguise herself as a man and go to Jinling Yingtian Mansion.

The ship headed south and soon entered the Yangtze River along the canal, and then sailed to the dock outside Jinling Mansion.

After everyone disembarked, those refugees who owed their tickets on credit were taken away by the shipowner. As for Zhao Min, a ship passenger who paid his own money, naturally no one cared about him and he could go wherever he liked.

Zhao Min followed the crowd and marched towards Jinling Yingtian Mansion. Everything he saw along the way made Zhao Min more and more surprised.

Today's emerging Ming Dynasty can be said to be extremely warlike!

Whether at sea or on land, the Ming army attacked from all sides. Zhao Min originally thought that the Ming Dynasty was so aggressive that the Yingtian Mansion in the capital would be boiling with public dissatisfaction and the whole place would be dilapidated and desolate.

Unexpectedly, the prosperity outside Yingtianfu City alone made Zhao Min stunned. It was even more prosperous and wealthy than the capital city, and there was no sign of depression caused by military violence.

"The Zhu thieves really have some tricks to scare the people of Jiangnan." Zhao Min naturally didn't believe that Zhu Yuanzhang and brothers Zhu Han were good people.

Unparalleled Dayuan confrontation.

Zhao Min followed the crowd and arrived at the gate of Yingtian Mansion.

Just as he was about to walk in, he was suddenly stopped by the city guards.

"Stop! Who are you?"

With a scolding, a guard came up to interrogate Zhao Min.

Zhao Min's dress was incompatible with the refugees, which naturally aroused suspicion.

"Master Jun, I am a scholar who came to the capital to take an exam." Zhao Min stabilized his expression and said calmly.

"Scholar? Where did the scholar come from?" When the guard heard this, he immediately felt relieved!

Today's Ming Dynasty, in addition to the original imperial examinations and new academic examinations, also recently restored the Imperial Academy and the Imperial College.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, issued an edict that all students from all over the world, regardless of their origin and age, as long as they were loyal and obedient citizens, could go to the capital to take the exam. Anyone who passed the exam could enter the Imperial College or the Imperial College to study.

All candidates who are admitted to Imperial College or Imperial College can spend two years in the capital free of charge with room and board.

As soon as the conditions were announced, many scholars from all over the world who were interested in taking the imperial examination but were not prepared for it, flocked to the capital to take the exam.

After all, the probability of passing the imperial examination and imperial examination is much greater than that of the imperial examination, so it is naturally easier.

The teachers at Taixue and Guozijian can help students improve their level and pass the imperial examination more easily.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers of Yingtian Mansion were not surprised that the Juren students from all over the country entered Nanjing.

The guards at Yingtianfu City Gate are already accustomed to these students coming from all over the country.

After they saw that Zhao Min was a student from Henan, they lowered their guard. After a brief interrogation to verify his identity, they let Zhao Min enter Yingtianfu City.

After entering Yingtianfu and establishing it, Zhao Min saw that there were many shops on both sides of Yingtianfu city, and pedestrians were walking shoulder to shoulder.

"The wealth in Jiangnan is indeed what the world says."

Zhao Min looked at the shops lined up on both sides of the street and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This prosperous scene did not look like a militaristic dynasty capital at all, but instead gave off an air of peace and tranquility.

The scene in Jinling City made Zhao Min very curious about the talents of brothers Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han.

This prosperous scene, if there is no skill, it would be impossible to manage Jinling to be so prosperous.

Zhao Min first arrived and found an inn to stay.

When the waiter saw that he was a scholar, he immediately asked, "My guest has just come to Jinling, but is it to enroll in the Imperial Academy of Imperial College?"

"Yes." Zhao Min nodded.

"The guest is right to come today. There will be an open class at the Capital Imperial Academy tomorrow. If you want to go, I can buy a number on your behalf and keep a seat in the front row." The waiter said.

"What open class? What is this?" Zhao Min looked confused.

"Whether it is the Imperial College or the Imperial College, the professors and gentlemen there will give public lectures twice every month. Anyone who buys a ticket can go in and listen to the lectures," the waiter said.

"What?! Selling courses in public, this is simply insulting to politeness!" Zhao Min immediately said angrily.

Although she comes from a family of Mongolian generals, she has been living in the Central Plains since her grandfather's generation. Her father, Chahan Timur, is also a well-known scholar. The Confucian education Zhao Min received since she was a child can be said to be honest and honest. Naturally, she cannot see this kind of selling talent and learning as a commodity.

the behavior of.

Unexpectedly, the waiter in the shop was not surprised and said: "Your Majesty, what you said is that the rules set by the King of England can not only allow the professors of Imperial College to earn more money to support their families, but also let the students know whether they are suitable or not.

Go and learn more, it’s the best of both worlds.”

Zhao Min became even more curious when she heard that the waiter in the shop spoke well and even used two idioms.

"Do you think this public lecture was set up by you, oh, our Ming Dynasty King Ying?" Zhao Min asked.

When the waiter heard this, he was immediately very proud and said: "Of course! Our King, His Royal Highness, is a model of a loyal minister, a good general, and a relative of the royal family, regardless of his literary and military talents, or his character! Moreover, His Royal Highness often

I went to Taixue to listen to the lectures of those professors and great Confucians!"

"Would King Zhu Han of England also attend the lecture?" Zhao Min immediately captured this important information.

She already knows that the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang has gone to the Huguang front line to conquer Chen Youliang in the west, and there is only one British king Zhu Han in Jinling City.

If you go to the Imperial Academy to attend classes, it will be very helpful for Zhao Min to assassinate Zhu Han.

Zhao Min touched the sword at her waist. She was very confident in her swordsmanship.

As long as you can get within ten steps, you will definitely be able to get the head of the traitor Zhu Han Shuzi!

"That's right, His Royal Highness the King of England is the star of Wenqu in the sky. He often goes to Taixue. Sir, but you want to go?" The waiter in the shop looked like he had succeeded in his scheme.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Almost 100% of students who come to the capital Yingtianfu from other places will want to attend the open classes of the Imperial Academy. In addition to learning many new things, they can also

I took the opportunity to make friends with many professors from Taixue and Guozijian or scholars from various places.

Each inn will also earn a lot of hard work from this.

Of course, Zhao Min would not miss this opportunity to avenge his family and his country.

She gave her son five taels of silver and bought herself a very expensive seat in a public lecture at Taixue University.

After settling everything, Zhao Min had a simple dinner in the inn, and then walked to the street, preparing to explore the terrain of Taixue and make some preparations for his escape after assassinating Zhu Han.

When Zhao Min left the inn, the sky had darkened.

The entire Yingtianfu City was still bustling with people, all the shops were open, and there were more men and women than during the day.

The cool night breeze blew on the street, giving Zhao Min a very comfortable feeling.

This feeling only occurred when father and daughter were wandering in the market when his father, King Chahan Timur, was alive.

Now that she experienced this feeling in Yingtianfu City, Zhao Min felt a burst of sadness in her heart.

"Now my father is gone, and the Yuan Dynasty has been destroyed in the hands of these rebellious officials and traitors. Although I am a daughter, as long as I can kill the traitors to become the Yuan Dynasty and avenge my father, my life will be in vain!"

Zhao Min walked on the street and secretly made up his mind.

She originally wanted to look into some dark corners of Yingtian Mansion and look for some helpers like Dayuan Yi Zhong.

However, after walking around for a while, Zhao Min found nothing at all.

For the people of Yingtian Mansion, Meng Yuan seems to have been a long time ago, and no one shows any signs of missing Dayuan.

Even on the stage of Yingtianfu Night Market, every time the scene of "Zhu Long Xing Hongze Lake Kills the Tatar Emperor" was performed, the people of Yingtianfu would cheer for joy.

When Zhao Min saw this, he was already angry and annoyed.

"These ungrateful rats, I, the Great Yuan, govern the world with benevolence, why do they have no gratitude at all?"

The more Zhao Min thought about it, the angrier he became, so he went back to the inn to sleep.

The next morning, under the guidance of the waiter, Zhao Min went out and walked in the direction of the Capital Imperial College.

Because he gave the waiter five more coins, Zhao Min got an excellent Yingtian Mansion guide.

From the waiter's mouth, Zhao Min learned the difference between Imperial College and Imperial College.

Guozijian belongs to the original Confucian classic Neo-Confucianism, which basically inherits the Confucianism of the Tang and Song Dynasties in one continuous line, and belongs to the old school.

Taixue, on the other hand, teaches all the new Confucianism. Although it is said to be new, it is also very old, because it is Confucius' thousand-year-old unique learning enshrined in Nankong.

"Young Master, it is now common knowledge for everyone to learn how to be an official. For example, His Highness the King of England often goes to the Imperial College's classes, but His Highness the King of England has never been to the lectures given by the old scholars of the Imperial College.

." the waiter said.

"So that's it." Zhao Min responded casually.

In my heart, I was even more disgusted with Zhu Han, the great rebel.

"Confucius's Confucianism is the right path, and Lao Shizi's restoration of new learning must be something created by the Zhu thieves to deceive people's minds! Maybe it's the ghosts and gods of the White Lotus Sect!"

Zhao Min had an additional reason in his mind for the assassination of Zhu Han, which was to eliminate demons and defend the righteous way of Confucianism.

While the two people were walking on the street, suddenly a loud sound of gongs and drums came from behind.

"Supervise the country's honor guard!"



Before Zhao Min knew what was happening, he was pulled back to the corner of the street by the waiter.

"Sir, the King of England is here, stand up quickly!"

Zhao Min then saw everyone on the street standing at attention on both sides of the street.

"You don't need to bow down and kneel down?" Zhao Min couldn't help being surprised.

According to the rules of the Yuan Dynasty, let alone the emperor, who was in charge of the country, even if Daruhuachi from a certain state capital was traveling, Han people on the road would have to kneel down to avoid him.

However, although there was no need to kneel down to evade, the ceremonial guards of King Zhu Han of England were still on high alert and were quickly deployed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Min saw a line of honor guards coming out of the street corner.

The first is a series of flags and honor guards, namely the 'King of England', 'Shang Shuling', 'Prime Minister Zuo', 'General Governor of the Central Army', 'Prince Taibao', 'Zhili Province Pingzhang', and 'Jinyi Qinjun' The commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief of the model pro-army army, the Yingtian Fuyin, and more than a dozen officials and nobles lined up dozens of steps away as a guard of honor.

Zhao Min's heart suddenly sank, and he thought to himself: "For such a large battle, even if we go to Taixue, I'm afraid it will be even more tightly guarded. With this sword of mine, I'm afraid it will be difficult to successfully assassinate."

It is also very rare for Zhu Han to travel in such a grand manner today.

The people on the entire street also let out bursts of exclamations at the magnificent sight they saw today.

Such a grand guard of honor was an eye-opener for the people of Yingtian Mansion.

"Your Highness, the people are very happy for such a grand ceremony today." Lan Yu, the commander of the British Royal Guards and the Royal Army, said riding a horse next to the carriage.

Zhu Han was sitting in the carriage and naturally saw the scene outside clearly.

"In the past two days, envoys from Goryeo, Japan, and Nanyang foreign countries have come to perform pilgrimage. The purpose is to build up momentum and not let these small foreign countries look down on the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Han said with a smile.

Although today's Ming Dynasty has not conquered the whole world, with its majestic power of attacking from all sides, it has frightened the surrounding small countries. Each and every one of them hastily came to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, fearing that the Ming Dynasty would be angry and send The soldiers killed themselves.

Especially in Goryeo and the Japanese and Southern Dynasties, two places where the Ming army was stationed, one must be even more careful.

Zhu Han is now supervising the country for his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang, so naturally he has to show his momentum.

The majesty of the Heavenly Kingdom, which cannot be offended, must be brought back to each vassal state by these envoys.

The ceremonial guard of Zhu Han and his entourage soon entered the Imperial Academy.

The officials and teachers of Taixue all came up to greet him. Zhu Han waved his hand and told them not to be formal. Anyway, the students in Taixue were all his own people, and there were no foreigners.

"Your Majesty, Tao Guangyi, please see His Royal Highness the Supervisor!"

As the head of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, Tao Guangyi of ten thousand households led everyone and still finished the salute.

"Wanhu, you have lost a lot of weight. Studying new knowledge for the Ming Dynasty is a big deal, but you can't be too tired." Zhu Han saw that Tao Guangyi was dark and thin, so he immediately helped him up and said.

Tao Guangyi, also known as the "Wanhu" who was the first person in China's aerospace dream, had a prosperous official career because of Zhu Han's appreciation. He not only obtained the hereditary position of commanding Wanhu in the army, but also became a knight at the founding of the country.

He is the only person who can be crowned an earl without military merit.

The credit that Wanhu relies on is naturally a series of inventions and creations represented by the invention of military hot-air balloons.

Now, under the recommendation of Zhu Han, he has become the head of the Taixue Academy in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and has become a leader of the "Scientific School" with the name of the new Confucianism.

However, as if it was fate, since the hot air balloon flew into the sky, Wanhu became more fascinated with how to fly into the sky. He not only experimented with making larger and more capable hot air balloons, but also tried to develop other flying tools.

Zhu Han knew clearly how dangerous flying instruments other than hot air balloons were, so he had already sent guards to strictly guard Wanhu and did not allow him to take risks easily.

This is a once-in-a-millennium technological madman, and he must not be allowed to be in danger easily.

"What course are you teaching today?" Zhu Han asked Tao Guangyi, the head of Taixue Mountain, as they entered the lobby of Taixue.

"Reporting to Your Highness, what we are talking about today is the 'Theory of Insufficiency of Five Elements'!" Tao Guangyi of Wanhu said.

"So it's this, very good, very good!" Zhu Han immediately became happy upon hearing this.

The history of the development of science and technology native to China has a big shackle, which is the Five Elements Theory that has been popular since the Spring and Autumn Period.

The so-called metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can be used to explain all things in the minds of many people, and even derive a set of self-justifying theories.

However, Zhu Han knew the original appearance of modern technology. Not to mention the vast variety of compounds, the simple periodic table of elements is definitely not something that can be understood by the simple Five Elements Theory.

Therefore, after Zhu Han signed in and received a set of science and technology development encyclopedia, he studied it and then taught it to Wanhu Tao Guangyi and others, allowing them to understand and use it themselves.

Unexpectedly, in just one or two months, Wanhu Tao Guangyi achieved such great results. He had already realized the absurdity of the Five Elements Theory.

Especially after Zhu Han briefly listened to Tao Guangyi's understanding, he was even more pleasantly surprised.

"It seems that I have planted the seeds of modern science in the hearts of thousands of households in the Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Han said in his heart.

"Okay, get ready to start class!" Zhu Han ordered.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of Taixue opened under the protection of pro-military guards, and a large number of students and scholars who had already received tickets to attend the lectures lined up and entered Taixue.

Zhao Min, who was mixed in the crowd, had already been waiting impatiently outside the Taixue gate. When he saw the gate finally opened, he followed everyone into the university courtyard.

But as soon as they entered the gate of the compound, the guards on the side stopped everyone and asked them to leave all the swords they carried with me and all the weapons.

During the Yuan Dynasty, ordinary people were not allowed to travel with weapons, even famous scholars.

Now that the Ming Dynasty was established, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered all students across the country to wear swords at will. Among the six arts of a gentleman in Confucianism, the natural emphasis is on both civil and military skills, so it is natural and reasonable for students to wear swords.

This chapter has been completed!
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