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Chapter 155: Three Thousand Ocean Horses! To benefit the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty!

Therefore, in order to avoid future troubles, Zhu Han decided to directly take back the houses and land left by the Mongolians to the imperial court. Anyone who is useful to the imperial court will be rewarded with the right to use the houses and land. This land and houses are only for their use.

Without giving them property rights, it would be convenient for the court to take them back at any time in the future.

Zhu Han, as the ruling class now, naturally wants to use all resources to the extreme. Once his soldiers and civilians have a very rich family background, they will definitely not be willing to work and contribute to the Ming Dynasty's Northern Expedition. It is better to use these properties and land to raise money.

It whets their appetite and gives them the motivation to work hard and forge ahead.

As an evil feudal ruling class, Zhu Han's method is a basic operation.

After hearing Zhu Han's considerations, his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang extended his thumbs up in admiration and praised Zhu Han repeatedly.

"For the sake of the future of our Ming Dynasty, Qiwu, you are so thoughtful..."

The retreat of the Mongols basically turned the capital city into an empty city, leaving nothing behind except some Han people.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty opened a warehouse to store grain in Dadu City for ten days, leaving enough food for every household to ensure that they would not go hungry for a long time in the future. Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that Dadu City be stocked with food.

The books, files and other important information left by the Inner Mongolians were all transported back to Yingtianfu, Nanjing.

The Mongols had no interest in taking away these inedible or drinkable books and archives, or even in destroying them, but in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, they were all priceless treasures.

A few days later, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty promulgated an imperial edict in Dadu City, ordering Dadu to be renamed Beiping Prefecture and setting up the Peiping Dusi to handle internal and external military and political defense.

Although the Ming army recaptured Dadu City, there were still many small counties and fortresses outside Dadu City that were under the control of the Mongols. Although these were minor troubles, the subsequent battles consumed a lot of time.

As the king of a country, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally did not have much free time to stay in Beiping Mansion to deal with these small matters. Zhu Han had important matters that needed to be handled by Tianfu personally, so after discussion, the two brothers decided to leave a general to sit in Beiping.


The candidate for the general in charge of Peking was Xu Da. As the most valiant general in the Ming Dynasty and the person Zhu Yuanzhang trusted the most, it was naturally the most suitable for him to be in charge of Peiping.

Nowadays, the Ming army is invincible in the northwest, and not only is Xu Da in the northwest, but also Chang Yuchun, who is brave and good at fighting, is also in the northwest. It is really a waste of talents to have two generals hunting for small fish and shrimps in the northwest.

Therefore, letting Xu Da take charge of Zhen Beiping can also give Chang Yuchun an opportunity to practice on his own.

In the third year of Hongwu, on the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty appointed Xu Da as the Grand Governor of the Peking Division. Xu Da commanded 100,000 Ming troops and stationed them in Beiping to defend the Mongols on the grasslands. Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han led the Jin Yiwei back to Nanjing to respond.


After a month of long journey, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han finally returned to Yingtian Mansion at the end of July.

As soon as he returned to Yingtian Mansion, Zhu Han's buttocks were still hot, and he was immediately surrounded by mountains of official documents.

Although Li Shanchang and others were left to handle government affairs in Yingtian Mansion, except for Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Shanchang and others could not make the decision at all on many important matters. They could only wait for the two to come back before handling them personally.

So for three days in a row, Zhu Han was dealing with these mountains of official documents in the palace. The concubine Liu Sanniang was very distressed after reading it, and directly arranged nutritious food such as ginseng and deer antler for Zhu Han, fearing that her man would be exhausted.


At noon that day, Zhu Han finally took care of his official duties.

I just wanted to hold hands with Liu Sanniang in the boudoir and do some of my favorite things.

Zhu Han just stretched, stood up from the Grand Master's chair, and was about to walk to the back.

At this moment, a report from Chen Baodao, the commander of the personal bodyguard, suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, Yingtian Mansion sent someone outside to report that a Persian businessman came to Yingtian Wharf and wants to see you." Chen Baodao said.

"Persian merchant? What Persian merchant, how can I..."

When Zhu Han was halfway through his words, he suddenly remembered.

This so-called Persian merchant must be the Persian merchant who previously sold a group of Slavic female slaves, also called Maru Ali.

Zhu Han calculated the time and it was already a year since Maru Aliban trafficked a group of Slavic female slaves. One year was enough time for him to make another round trip.

As foreign merchants, Malu Ali's team could come to Yingtian's dock, but they had to obtain permission from the court if they wanted to unload the goods for sale.

Therefore, Malu Ali immediately sent someone to report to the Tianfu Yamen, requesting an interview with His Royal Highness King Zhu Han.

"Hahaha, this Maru Ali must have brought good stuff when he came." Zhu Han couldn't help but smile and rub his hands together.

After the last batch of Slavic female slaves were carefully selected, only two were left, and the rest were all sent to the Women's Imperial Academy for training and learning Chinese. They were also just mailed recently, and their language progress has improved.

He was taken back to the palace by Zhuhai.

Zhu Han had finished handling the government affairs in the past two days and was just thinking about using these big horses, but he didn't expect that Malu Ali had brought a new group of female slaves.

"Send someone to bring that Maru Ali over." Zhu Han waved his hand and said.

"Your Majesty," Chen Baodao turned around and left.

Suddenly Zhu Han called him from behind and stopped him again.

"Forget it later, I'd better send someone to arrange a carriage and I'll go to the dock myself." Zhu Han said.

What Zhu Han was really interested in were the Slavic female slaves brought by Maru Ali.

Instead of Maru Ali, a bearded Persian, it was more in line with his wishes to go see those women directly.

"My subordinates will arrange escorts and carriages immediately!"

As a carriage drove out of the British Palace, Zhu Han arrived at Yingtianfu Pier as quickly as possible.

"Where is Maru Ali?"

As soon as Zhu Han arrived at the dock, he immediately asked the officials in charge of the dock.

"Your Highness, wait a moment. I will go find him right away." Several officials on the dock immediately ran out.

After a while, Malu Ali, who looked haggard, was brought to Zhu Han.

"Your Highness, I finally see you again!" As soon as Malu Ali came to Zhu Han, he immediately knelt on the ground and kissed the ground at Zhu Han's feet.

This kind of etiquette is the highest etiquette among Tianfang believers, and it is almost only seen when visiting the king.

In fact, for Malu Ali, let alone kiss the land in front of Zhu Han, even if he is asked to kiss the soles of Zhu Han's shoes, he is now ten thousand willing.

You know, the last time Maluali trafficked a shipload of Slavic slaves to the Ming Dynasty, he got back a shipload of porcelain, silk and sugar.

This piece of porcelain, silk and sugar was transported back to Persia by Malouari and sold to Arab merchants at fifteen times the price. These merchants then transported it further west to Syria, Egypt, and André.

Tyke, Anatolia and other places.

Malu Ali's family has gained a huge increase in strength because of this transaction.

Zhu Han smiled appreciatively at Malu Ali's respect.

Whether under the rule of the Arabs or the Mongols, these Persians were able to exert their commercial genius. This ability to adapt to the situation was definitely the key to their survival.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has become a rising and powerful political power, it is normal for Maru Ali to treat him respectfully.

"How many Slavic female slaves did you bring this time?!" Zhu Han asked directly.

"Your Highness, this time I have brought all the female Slavic slaves in Persia, a total of three thousand people!" Maru Ali said with a proud face.

Zhu Han was shocked when he heard this number. Three thousand people was really beyond his imagination.

"I remember you only brought a few hundred Slavic female slaves with you last time. How did you get 3,000 slaves this time?" Zhu Han couldn't help but wonder.

The place where the Slavs lived belonged to the territory of the Golden Horde, while the Persians like Maru Ali lived in the Yinlang Plateau area, which was still far away from the Golden Horde.

It is almost an impossible task to bring 3,000 female slaves at one time.

"Your Highness, the Golden Horde is at war on all sides. Their Great Khan no longer has much gold coins to hire troops and build weapons. Therefore, the Slavs in the ruled areas often robbed women and children and sold them as slaves to the Eastern Roman Empire.

People and Turks, and then these slaves were sold to Arabs or us Persians. For the Mongols of the Golden Horde, selling three thousand Slavic female slaves was not a problem at all." Maru Ali looked proud.


Obviously, Maru Ali is very proud of being able to control such a tight supply.

The three thousand female slaves were actually collected by Maru Ali from all over the country with great effort, but in front of Zhu Han, a powerful buyer with both power and money, he had to show his matching strength.

After all, Maru Ali has targeted this market with huge potential. If he wants to monopolize all the benefits, he must monopolize this industry himself.

Only by making Zhu Han, a big customer, believe in his strong supply capacity can he guarantee his monopoly on the slave trade.

Zhu Han was very happy after hearing Maru Ali's words.

The Persian businessman in front of him was able to obtain so many Slavic female slaves that he could almost provide a female Slavic maid for the entire Jinyi Guard.

Zhu Han had a huge appetite for these Slavic female slaves.

Zhu Han's huge appetite for these Slavic female slaves was not only to satisfy his own selfish desires, but also to benefit the Ming Dynasty soldiers.

Because of the brutal rule of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty for many years and the wars in recent years.

The entire Central Plains region has already experienced a massive population shortage.

This resulted in tens of thousands of soldiers throughout the Ming Dynasty being unable to solve their own life-long affairs.

Even though these soldiers of the Ming Dynasty had good military pay and large tracts of fertile land, they still could not successfully solve their single problem in the face of rising betrothal gifts.

Zhu Han had sent people to investigate in the morning and afternoon. In today's Jiangnan area, because the people's lives are relatively affluent, they are not very interested in the business of serving as soldiers and eating food, and the business of licking blood with a knife tip. A yellow-flowered girl wants to marry

If you want to enter, then the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty must spend two years of their salary as betrothal gifts.

An ordinary Ming soldier's annual salary was at least thirty taels of silver, which could buy almost ten acres of good land, so the issue of wedding gifts troubled them.

Moreover, if you really want to marry a wife and live at home, a simple betrothal gift is far from enough. There are also various subsequent expenses and favors, which are also difficult for many military soldiers who are used to being single to adapt to.

Especially now that the Ming Dynasty's army is still fighting everywhere, many families are unwilling to let their daughters marry soldiers and go to the far northern border to suffer hardships.

Take the newly established Peiping Dusi in Peiping as an example. Among the 100,000 soldiers, more than 40,000 are standard bachelors.

Moreover, the training schedule of the Ming Dynasty's army is full, so it is nonsense to expect these big soldiers to solve their marriage problems on their own.

Within the territory of the Ming Dynasty, any form of human trafficking is prohibited, and of course the target is only the people of the Ming Dynasty.

And if a large number of female slaves were purchased from foreign countries and distributed to Ming soldiers, that would be perfect.

"Where are the three thousand Slavic female slaves? Take me to take a look." Zhu Han said.

"Your Highness, your loyal servant obeys your will and will arrange for the female slaves to dock." Maru Ali said happily.

Zhu Han's impatient gesture made Malu Ali happy. These three thousand female slaves could definitely be exchanged for priceless silk, porcelain and sugar.

When this batch of precious goods from the Eastern Ming Dynasty arrives in Bosna, the Maruali family will become the most admired top merchants in Persia.

Following the orders to dismount, Ruali commanded his Persian team and docked at Jinling Port.

As the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Nanjing was officially named Yingtianfu, while the port still followed the original name of Jinling Port.

The fleet that Maruali brought this time consisted of six ships, and the ships did not look very large, but these six ships carried three thousand Slavic female slaves.

As these three thousand female slaves came from the cabin to the dock, a strong smell wafted in the air.

Zhu Han couldn't help but cover his nose, "What does it smell like?"

"Your Highness, our ship has been sailing on the sea for a long time. These female slaves have not had a good bath. You only need to wash them carefully and then you can enjoy them to your heart's content!" Maru Ali said with a lewd smile.


Zhu Han frowned, waiting for the breeze on the pier to blow by, dispersing some of the weird smell, and then walked forward to check.

After a long voyage, it was obvious that the condition of these Slavic female slaves was not very good. They were all sallow and thin, their bodies were already smelly, and their hair was as messy and dirty as a bird's nest.

"Slaves won't bring any plague, right?" Zhu Han couldn't help but said worriedly when he saw the poor hygiene conditions of these people.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, as long as these slaves get a little sick at sea, I will throw them into the sea and they won't bring any sick people." Maru Ali said with a smile.

Obviously, for Maru Ali, these Slavic female slaves are no different from ordinary goods. In order to prevent a sick slave from affecting other slaves, it is most common to throw a few people into the sea to feed the sharks.

This chapter has been completed!
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