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Chapter 169 Zhu Hans Strategy of Going to the West

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These simple plate armors developed from the new technology of the Ming Dynasty not only have excellent defensive properties.

It was also light and flexible, and was welcomed by many soldiers in Chen and Han's army.

The new plate armor is light, thin and breathable, and is most suitable for use in Yunnan and Nanzhong areas, and is no longer afraid of the local hot climate.

"Now Zhu Yuanzhang not only has elite soldiers and generals, but also so many skilled craftsmen. I, a big man, must not lose these weapons." Chen Youliang frowned and said.

However, in order to buy medicinal materials, they also needed to buy weapons, which led to Chen Han's regime being extremely short of money.

How to get enough money to buy weapons, armor and medicines smuggled from the Ming Dynasty?

Already a very difficult problem.

In Chen Youliang's territory, Sichuan, Yunnan and parts of northern Myanmar, although they are considered good places with good weather conditions, they have not fully recovered due to the invasion and plunder of the Mongols decades ago.

It is still very difficult to raise so much money to purchase and smuggle Ming weapons and medicines.

At this time, Zou Pusheng suddenly said: "Your Majesty, not long ago, I read the official documents left by Dali and found that there are many copper mines in the local area! However, due to lack of manpower, the output of the copper mines has not increased. If we can

If the Burmese people are captured as slaves to mine copper mines, wouldn't there be inexhaustible money? At that time, our military strength will not only consolidate Sichuan and Yunnan, but also attack the Ming army's Guizhou, Hubei, etc. eastwards.

Land, capture some craftsmen and come back to make new armor and stomach weapons yourself."

Zou Pusheng's words made Chen Youliang immediately happy.

After driving away Duan Gong, Chen Youliang took complete control of Yunnan.

Moreover, the local barbarian leader Manghei and others in Myanmar have also surrendered to Chen Youliang.

He was now worried about how to deal with the surrendered Burmese people. After hearing Zou Pusheng's suggestion, he immediately felt enlightened.

If only the labor of the Burmese people could be used to mine the copper mines in Yunnan!

Then the Chen-Han regime will be able to truly enrich the country and strengthen the army!

"Great! Let's do it then!" Chen Youliang nodded and said.

"Those Burmese barbarians are useless if they remain under my command. They are useless in fighting, and they don't know how to farm. They are just a bunch of drunkards!" Chen Youren said beside him.

Soon, Chen Youliang agreed to Zou Pusheng's suggestion. He appointed Chen Youren as Pingzhang of Nanzhong Province, with overall responsibility for hunting down the indigenous savages of various tribes in Yunnan and Myanmar.

The Chen-Han army hunted Burmese people as laborers and began vigorously mining copper mines in Yunnan.

Chen Youren had no sympathy for these local aborigines.

He ordered his Chen and Han soldiers to take tough measures and captured a large number of young men and women into the mines to serve as slave labor.

In just three months, most tribes in northern Myanmar lost most of their young adults.

The Burmese native king Manghei, who originally surrendered to the Chen and Han regime, was also ordered to be executed by Chen Youliang in order to reduce the possibility of the Burmese people uniting to rebel.

This series of measures taken by Chen Youliang has greatly increased the output of copper mines in Yunnan.

However, it also caused the various tribes of Myanmar in the south-central region to rebel again.

They used the dense forest to start fighting against the troops of the Chen Han regime.

Chen Youliang, who had a strong army and strong horses, did not care about the rebellion of these Burmese indigenous people.

The entire Chen and Han army resolutely carried out Chen Youliang's tough tactics.

All Burmese tribes that have resistance have the same name.


Ming Dynasty Nanjing, Yingtian.

In a large manor outside the city, Zhu Han was watching a group of craftsmen operating a large number of transparent glass instruments.

Under the boiling water and the hot fire, some colorful liquids boiled among these glass instruments.

The entire manor exuded a strong aroma of alcohol and drugs.

This is the new drug Zhu Han is testing!

Zhu Han originally used the prescription obtained by signing in to the system to create Zhuge Xingjun Powder, which is very effective.

However, Ming army soldiers from various places reported that it was still inconvenient to carry Zhuge Marching Powder during the march.

Moreover, in a humid environment, this medicinal powder is extremely susceptible to deterioration due to the influence of humid weather.

So Zhu Han used his memory to make a brand new medicine.

In order to produce this medicine, Zhu Han not only mobilized the best craftsmen from Yingtian Mansion.

Moreover, many famous Chinese medicine practitioners from the entire Jiangnan region were also summoned.

Now this manor is Zhu Han's research and development base for testing new drugs.

After about an hour, a doctor excitedly walked up to Zhu Han holding a small transparent glass bowl in his hand.

"Your Royal Highness! It's done! It's done!"

The medicine in this small glass bowl is like a piece of crystal clear jelly, exuding a tangy aroma, very refreshing!

"Taiwan Balm! It's finally made. Your Highness, please take a look!"

This imperial physician is called Hu Wenhu, he said excitedly.

This Hu Wenhu was from a famous family of traditional Chinese medicine in Fujian. Because of his superb medical skills, he was recruited as an imperial physician by the Ming Dynasty.

Just in time to join Zhu Han's new drug research and development base, Zhu Han took the glass cup, put the ointment inside to his nose and smelled it carefully. A refreshing breath instantly penetrated into the nasal cavity, making Zhu Han

Han's mood suddenly improved.

Zhu Han smiled and said, "Not bad! Not bad! This is exactly the cooling oil I want."

This kind of medicine is not a rarity for modern people. It is the cooling oil that people in later generations are very familiar with. It is a paste-like cooling oil in a small iron box the size of a finger.

It is also known as tiger balm, a paste made from menthol, camphor, cinnamon oil, eucalyptus oil and other drugs, plus paraffin.

Its inventor was a Fujianese in the late Qing Dynasty. Because many people went to Southeast Asia at that time and encountered hot weather and infestation by mosquitoes and poisonous ants, this Chinese herbal medicine came into being.

It was a great success among the people in Southeast Asia and was quickly sold back to China.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It has excellent curative effect on heatstroke and colds in hot areas.

Nowadays, the Ming army is fighting in hot and humid areas in Guizhou, Guangxi and other places, and is in great need of cooling oil, a medicine that is effective and easy to carry.

So after making this snake oil.

Zhu Han knew that Ming soldiers would suffer fewer unnecessary injuries in the future.

"Great! This ten thousand gold oil level is ready for large-scale production. One hundred thousand pieces will be made immediately and sent to Lingnan and Guizhou for the soldiers to try it out. It is already May and June, and in two or three months, the southern region will

The weather is still very hot and humid, so the cooling oil will definitely be very popular among the soldiers," Zhu Han said.

At this time, the imperial doctor Hu Wenhu looked troubled. He said to Zhu Han: "Your Highness, although the preparation of this cooling oil is not very complicated, many of the medicinal materials required were paid tribute by the vassal states of Nanyang. We here have these

We don’t have much medicine in stock, so if we equip the army on a large scale, it would not only be a huge expense, but the raw materials would also be insufficient.”

Hu Wenhu's words immediately reminded Zhu Han.

Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's God's will, but Hu Wenhu, the imperial physician of the Ming Dynasty, has the same name as the man who invented cooling oil in history.

Zhu Han also paid special attention to his words.

There are really many types of Nanyang medicinal materials that need to be used here.

If this is the case, it may not be enough to rely solely on tribute from small Southeast Asian countries.

Zhu Han thought for a while and said: "Let's see. I plan to set up a special business and go to Nanyang to purchase the needed medicinal materials. All the finished Tiger Balm oil will be supplied to the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty at the cost price."

Cooling oil is a universal medicine that can cure diseases and strengthen the body in hot and humid places. Zhuge Xingjun, which Zhu Han made before, has been widely promoted in Lingnan, Guizhou and other places, and is regarded as a miracle medicine by the locals.

Moreover, Zhu Han had long heard that many of Zhuge's troops had entered Chen Han's army through smuggling channels.

However, these are all situations that Zhu Han acquiesced to.

The price difference earned can reach dozens of times!

Let Zhu Han take this opportunity to make a lot of money from Chen Youliang.

After all, the Ming Dynasty is now united. If it really wants to crack down on smuggling, there is no way that a bunch of scattered Zhuge troops will be transferred to Chen Youliang's army.

All this is within Zhu Han's plan.

With the cooling oil, Ming Dynasty will completely replace the previous Zhuge Xingjun Powder.

Nowadays, cooling oil requires a lot of Nanyang medicinal materials, and the supply will definitely not be sufficient, so priority must be given to supplying it to the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

So Zhu Han has decided to strictly control this cooling oil!

Prevent them from flowing into Chen Youliang's hands through private channels.

After making arrangements for Qingliang Oil Production, Zhu Han originally planned to return to the city, but there was still a lot of official business that needed to be handled by himself.

Hu Wenhu, who was standing next to him, said to Zhu Han: "His Highness came just in time. Yesterday, Xiaguan and others happened to experiment and made the toilet water that His Highness mentioned before! I wonder if Your Highness is free to test the results of Xiaguan and others?


"What? You made toilet water so quickly?"

Zhu Han couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the news.

He only casually mentioned toilet water to Hu Wenhu and other imperial doctors before, without explaining any specific production process.

They never expected that they would use their ingenuity and make toilet water so quickly.

After Hu Wenhu and others brought the finished toilet water, Zhu Han immediately praised it when he smelled it!

Because this kind of toilet water has a more mellow aroma than the later Liushen and Yashen.

"Your Highness, I ordered forty-three herbs to be used in it. It is not only refreshing, but also fragrant. When mosquitoes are rampant, just two drops can repel mosquitoes." Hu Wenhu said next to him.

"Good stuff, this is really good stuff! But the packaging needs to be improved. It can't be placed in such a small porcelain bottle!" Zhu Han looked at the toilet water in his hand and continued, "Mark what I said. When the time comes,

I asked the glass workshop to make some small transparent glass bottles specially used to hold this toilet water!"

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"I want Daming's toilet water to be sold all over the world through sea trade! At the very least, I want to earn back the cost of the Nanyang medicinal materials in the cooling oil with toilet water."

After such a long period of maritime trade, Ming Dynasty has trained a large number of professional navigation talents.

Especially after the fleet of Hu Dahai, the Blackwater Protectorate, disappeared.

Zhu Han even strictly ordered all municipal shipping departments and naval forces to strengthen the prevention of storm disasters.

Now the Ming Navy is familiar with the monsoon hydrology conditions in the Nanyang area.

Zhu Han's plan to sail to the West has been officially put on the agenda.

The targets of the voyages to the Western Ocean were not only the small countries in various parts of Southeast Asia, but also the Persians, Arabs and Asan in the farther Western Ocean.

In those places, there must be a lot of trade demand.

Toilet water not only smells good, but also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes and refreshing the mind. It will definitely be very popular in the West.

Zhu Han's strategy of going to the West was basically divided into three steps.

The first step was to open up the various small vassal countries in the Nanyang area and establish the image of the Ming suzerainty locally, and then acquire some land close to the coast to establish the Ming Navy's supply base and ports.

Then use these Nanyang vassal states as bases, cross the Strait of Malacca and head west to Bangladesh, India, Ceylon and other places. Next, you can officially enter the Western border.

After establishing solid trading bases in these places.

Then continue westward to the east coast of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Persia and other places.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty will have developed a truly powerful Ming Navy that can traverse the four seas.

Zhu Han's three-step strategy of going to the West was fundamentally different from Zheng He's historical voyages to the West.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In history, Zheng He's voyages to the West, although there were large-scale economic and trade exchanges, the main purpose was to promote the majesty of the Ming Dynasty. In many places, it was because of the consideration of great powers.

Face and economic benefits that should have been easily obtained have been abandoned.

Its purpose... is naturally to win over the small local countries to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

But Zhu Han set the primary goal of this voyage to the West as profit first!

That’s right, profit comes first!

Sea trade requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and there must be a huge driving force so that people can willingly overcome the huge waves and sail to the distant depths of the sea!

Otherwise, if there is no profit motive, this sea trade will be gradually abandoned in a short time.

On the rough sea, several warships are plowing through the waves!

Hu Dahai stood in front of the battleship, looking at the vast sea in the distance, feeling a surge of emotion in his heart.

Hu Dahai's fleet drifted thousands of miles in a storm a year ago and landed on a strange continent.

Now we have finally passed the most dangerous moment and finally arrived close to the coast.

Although there are big winds and waves here, Hu Dahai, relying on his many years of sailing experience, knows that he will see land soon!

Because there are many seagulls on the sea!

They rise and fall on the sea.

Hu Dahai knew that the land was not far away.

Before that, after staying on that mysterious continent for several months, Hu Dahai and the others first killed some hostile savages, and then they harvested some obedient savage slaves and replenished some supplies.

After being fully prepared, Hu Dahai ordered a few people and a boat to stay and established a local stronghold.

Afterwards, Hu Dahai led the rest of his soldiers and took the battleship back to the Ming Dynasty along the original route!

Now, seeing the seagulls rising and falling on the sea, not only Hu Dahai, but also everyone else burst into cheers!

They all knew it must be close to land!

Although I don’t know whether it is the territory of the Blackwater Protectorate or the territory of the Japanese people.

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