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Chapter 191 Bloodbath in Nanyang

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Using local indigenous slaves, Uka City was built quite solidly.

Not only does it have tall walls and strong fortresses, but it is also equipped with many huge trebuchets.

Once these trebuchets arranged on the city walls start firing, they can smash all approaching ships on the sea to pieces.

For such a strong city, if the Ming army attacked rashly, it would inevitably encounter strong resistance.

Malu Ali knew the main purpose of the Ming army's voyage to the West this time, and did not really want to waste time and precious supplies on such a thing.

However, as a businessman, Malu Ali obviously could not understand Tang He or Zhu Han's deeper purpose behind it.

Ming Dynasty did not care how much time and resources were wasted in conquering small city-states like Nanyang.

"A small country with the same size as a booger dared to collude with pirates and sneak attack the Ming Dynasty. It's exactly what the sage Kong said. My aunt can tolerate it, but my uncle can't!" Although Tang He's cultural level is not high, he has always learned from Zhu Zhu.

Han handed over their essence.

Since Suleiman III of Uka City dared to sneak attack the Ming Dynasty fleet, it would be Tang He's dereliction of duty not to crush them to ashes.

"Pass my general's orders!"

"The fleet turns around!"


"Uka City!"

After Suleiman III led his defeated troops back to Uqa City, he ordered the defenders to close all city gates and strictly prohibit entry and exit, and made sufficient defense preparations.

On the other hand, he sent his confidants to investigate the situation outside the city.

Suleiman III still had some illusions, hoping that the Ming army would not discover that he was the initiator of this sea attack.

In other words, Suleiman III also hoped that the Ming army would not care about this maritime conflict with him.

After all, Suleiman III knew that the Ming army's goal this time was distant Persia. If the Ming army turned against him, they would have to face the solid defense of Uqa City, which would greatly delay their departure to Persia.


"I don't think those Ming soldiers are rude barbarians. Whether they are buying things or having fun in the city, they have never been renegade or arrogant. I believe that even if the matter is exposed, as long as I can send someone to show my repentance and

If you are respectful, you should be forgiven by the Tanghe Grand Duke!"

Su Laimansan was sitting in the palace in the city and began to think about how to deal with the future situation.

No matter how he thought about it, Suleiman III felt that whether it was war or peace, he could rely on Uqacheng's solid defense and remain invincible.

However, as bad news came one after another, Suleiman III gradually began to realize that the situation had exceeded his prediction.

"Master, the warships of the Ming Army are coming to Wuka City!"

"Master, the Ming army killed the envoy we sent to negotiate! And brutally chopped off his head!"

"Master, the fleet in our port has shamefully escaped!"

The succession of bad news made Suleiman III very angry.

He originally sent someone to argue in front of the Ming army, but he didn't expect that the Ming army directly chopped off the envoy's head.

What is even more devastating is that the fleets that escaped with Suleiman III actually fled directly from the port of Uqa City after hearing the news of the Ming army's retaliatory attack.

These shameful cowards looted many shops in the port before escaping, causing great chaos.

Now in the entire Uka city, no one knows that the Ming army will come to retaliate with thunderous means.

"Hurry up and send people to gather all the strong men in the city. As long as they can go up to the city wall to participate in the defense, each person will be rewarded with one silver coin. No... each person will be rewarded with three silver coins!"

"Calling all Pasils, whether they are men, women, old or young, they must stand up at this time to protect the city of Uka, the true god. We must not let the heretics of the Ming army succeed!"

Suleiman III began to place all his hopes on the defense of the city wall.

Most of the residents in Uka City are local indigenous people. Many of them believe in Brahmanism, Buddhism or local witchcraft. They usually have to pay a large religious tax to Suleiman III.

Now that they heard that the Ming army would take revenge on Suleiman III, many people were gloating about his misfortune.

It is simply impossible to help Suleiman III to defend Uqa City with all his heart.

After all, there are many merchants in Uka City who have dealt with the Ming Army. They know that the Ming Army treats its enemies harshly, but they will definitely not offend the local indigenous people and merchants who have not offended them.

"The Ming Dynasty is the kingdom of gods!"

"Gods are merciful and will not inflict sin on innocent people like us!"

"Sulaiman III, this abominable Tianfang cultist, is a robber, thief, and despicable pirate. He was originally a goat-fucking slave in Baghdad. He dared to provoke the Ming Dynasty. This time he will be destroyed!"

The residents of Uka City began to spread opinions that were beneficial to the Ming army. They already deeply hated foreign colonists such as Suleiman III.

Suleiman III, who had always been stingy, could not recruit many indigenous men to help defend the city, even if he offered a bounty of three silver coins per person.

At this critical moment, only those Pasir remained loyal to Suleiman III.

Because these Pasils were just like Suleiman III, they were Tianfang colonists who came from Baghdad, Persia and other places to establish their rule.

In addition to serving as a soldier, Pasil also served as an official. As the ruling class of Uka City, he naturally did his duty.

They want to live and die with Uka City.

Even young children and women with veils all picked up bows, arrows and spears in their hands and stood on the top of the city, preparing to deal with the Ming army outside the city.

At this time, the Ming army had already arrived at the city.

The city of Uka is heavily guarded, and the four city gates have long been closed.

All ships, large and small, in the originally bustling port had completely escaped. Only some merchant ships flying the flag of the Ming Dynasty took the initiative to approach the Ming army.

These Ming merchants, who were familiar with the hydrological conditions of the local port, provided Tang He with information on the port, which places were convenient for docking, and where there were dangerous reefs and shoals, and they were all pointed out on the map one by one by Tang He.

"General, what should we do with such a strong city?" Maru Ali looked at the heavily guarded Uka City and couldn't help but feel confused.

"The thieves in the city only have some trebuchets, old-fashioned gadgets. Let them see what thunder is like today!" Tang He waved his hand confidently, and the guard beside him immediately gave the order.

I saw several of the most majestic warships of the Ming army sailing forward. After reaching a suitable distance, they aimed the heavy long guns under the warships at Uka City.

Boom! Boom!


With a burst of white smoke spitting out, the twenty-four-pound heavy guns in the Ming army's warships fired one after another.

The power of these artillery is huge, and because of the load of the ship, the distance and distance can be easily adjusted.

Soon, the Ming army used artillery bombardment to destroy the strong defenses that Uka City was proud of.

Large tracts of rammed earth and gravel were scattered on the city wall.

There were still a few unlucky ones who stood on top of the city wall and were hit by the debris from the roaring cannonballs.

The tragic scene of bloodshed made many Pasil warriors in Uka City tremble with fear.

The old, weak, women and children were even more frightened and cried out.

"Counterattack, counterattack quickly!"

Suleiman III, who was hiding on the city wall, immediately shouted out and ordered the catapults on the city top to attack.

Although the trebuchet gunner knew that it was impossible to hit the Ming warship at this distance.

But in order to fulfill their master's orders and vent their fears, these huge trebuchets soon began to launch.

Plop! Plop!

The heavy projectile drew a graceful arc in the sky and landed far away in the sea.

Even the farthest projectile is still dozens of steps away from the Ming army's battleship.

The heavy trebuchets in Uka City could not cause any damage to the Ming army at all.

"These bastards still don't surrender!"

Tang He knew that there were about 30,000 to 40,000 Tianfang believers in Wuka City. Although most of them were old, weak, women and children, if they really wanted to fight in the street with them, the Ming army would suffer more or less losses.

Therefore, if Wuka City can take the initiative to open the city and surrender after the Ming army's shelling, this is the situation that Tang He would be most happy to see.

But now they not only refuse to surrender, but also dare to fight back.

Tang He had already strengthened his determination to eradicate the problem.

"Let the mortars fire!"

Tang He gave another order.

On several battleships of the Ming Army, a group of soldiers were seen manipulating several short cannons on the deck.

These artillery pieces were like a fat, big winter melon, only two feet long but more than a foot in diameter. The muzzles were pointed upward, almost perpendicular to the deck.

This kind of artillery is the mortar invented under Zhu Han's order. It is specially designed to fire heavy solid bullets or lime bullets. It can cross all obstacles and bombard enemies hiding in the rear.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the sound of cannons one after another, these heavy mortars of the Ming army were fired one after another.

The heavy projectiles flew towards the sky, and then fell from the sky carrying terrible potential energy.

The projectiles of these mortars crossed the city walls and crenellations and hit the defenders' positions behind them hard.

Especially some explosive lime bombs, which not only contain eye-burning lime, but also a lot of finely ground chili powder. As long as the defenders in the area all wail in pain, the burning sensation of the chili powder makes them unable to help but throw themselves at them.

They went to the bucket next to them and tried to wash the chili powder out of their eyes with water, but the lime mixed together gave off heat violently when it met the water, burning them all blind.

The Tianfang believers in Uka City have neither seen lime bombs nor know what chili powder is. They only think that it must be a weapon of the devil and can blind people's eyes.

The panic instantly destroyed the morale of these Tianfang believers.

The accuracy of the mortar cannot be guaranteed, especially when fired on rough seas, which is a great test of the gunner's ability.

Therefore, many artillery shells fell on the residential buildings inside the city, causing many indigenous people to suffer casualties.

This terrible lime bomb made the natives terrified.

They did not want to be buried with the Tianfang cultist Suleiman III.

Led by some powerful indigenous people, the indigenous people in Uka launched a riot.

At this time, the heavy long artillery of the Ming Army had collapsed two gaps in the city wall, and a large number of Ming Army soldiers landed on the shore.

As soon as he saw the blazing flames burning in Uka City, Tang He already guessed that there must be civil strife in the city.

As the saying goes, opportunities cannot be missed and they will never come back.

The Ming army took advantage of this opportunity to launch a fatal assault on Wuka City.

It only took less than an hour!

The city of Wuka, which was the pride of all Tianfang believers in Nanyang, fell completely under the control of the Ming army.

Suleiman III led the defeated soldiers and retreated to his mansion. He originally wanted to fight until death, and then he could devote himself to the true God and ascend to heaven with seventy-two virgins.

However, the Ming army, which was as fast as the wind, did not give Suleiman III any chance to his enemies.

The Ming army followed closely and rushed into the residence of Suleiman III, capturing Suleiman III, his men, Jiajuan and others.

When Suleiman III, who was tied up like a big fat pig, was thrown in front of Tang He, the red flag of the Ming army was already flying on the city of Uka.

Tang He had no intention of arguing with Su Laiman and his prisoners.

"Sulaiman, his crime is unforgivable, behead him in public!"

"All family property was confiscated and belonged to the Ming Dynasty!"

"Wuka City will be the territory of the Ming Dynasty from now on!"

"All male Tianfang believers in the city will be beheaded for treason, adult women will be rewarded to the surrendered indigenous martyrs in the city, boys will be turned into eunuchs and sent back to the Ming Dynasty to serve, and girls will be included in the Ming Dynasty Jiaofangsi!"

The series of punishment decisions announced by Tang He can be described as extremely severe.

But it received cheers and support in Uka City!

Because after the Tianfang believers were eradicated, many of their lands and properties were awarded to the rioting indigenous people.

"Wuka City has been the territory of the Ming Dynasty from now on, but I have no power to set up any government offices. If this kind of matter needs to be decided by Your Majesty and His Royal Highness!" Although Tang He acted decisively, he also knew that some things must not be overcome.


Setting up a government office or a governor's office is tantamount to treason if done by anyone other than the imperial court.

But Tang He also knew that the terrain here in Uka City was very important.

Now, due to a strange combination of circumstances, we must follow the people's will and win this place. Naturally, we cannot give up easily.

Tang He immediately dispatched a clipper and reported everything that happened in Wuka City to Yingtian in a special memorial.

As for how to rule and manage Wuka City in the future, that is a matter for Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han.

Tanghe left three battleships and hundreds of sailors here.

With the cooperation of local Ming merchants, preliminary management has been established. The next thing is to wait for the court to deal with it after returning from the Ming Dynasty.

After Tang and himself finished taking care of Wuka City, they led the Ming fleet to embark on a voyage to the West again.


The capital of the Ming Dynasty was Yingtian.

The Mid-Autumn Festival of the fifth year of Hongwu has just passed, and there is still a festive atmosphere in Yingtian City.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Hongwu has adopted a strategy of recuperation and recuperation for the people of the world, and the taxes collected have become less and less year by year.

Naturally, people's lives are becoming more and more relaxed.

If you have spare money and savings on hand, you will naturally be willing to spend it during the holidays.

This year, every pastry shop in Yingtianfu City has sold out all its mooncakes.

In all the years that I have been working as shopkeepers, I have never seen so many ordinary people willing to spend money to buy snacks.

Whether they are traders, lackeys, or wealthy businessmen, everyone knows that today's Ming Dynasty is prosperous and can be said to be the best situation in hundreds of years.

Even the Ming Dynasty used troops to conquer in Mobei, Japan, Southwest, and Southeast Asia.


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