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Chapter 199: Ming Dynastys Stock Market

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"The Ming East India Company adopted a joint-stock system, which meant dividing the company into several shares, then selling shares to people all over the world, and obtaining the corresponding shares according to the amount of money paid. After making money, dividends will be distributed according to the proportion of the shares. If

If you are a rich man, you can spend more money and enjoy big dividends. If you are an ordinary person, you can also buy three to five taels of silver and earn pocket money a year!" Zhu Han said.

Old Guo Zhu Yuanzhang was a little puzzled when he heard it. It was just a big deal. Why did it have to be a joint-stock system?

"The East India Company you are talking about actually doesn't cost much money. If it is an ordinary one hundred thousand, it can be made up by asking the big businessmen in Suzhou to contribute. Why bother to spend so much money?" The old man said.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

In fact, Zhu Han had already considered this issue.

He wanted to turn the East India Company into a joint-stock system with many people participating. He did not simply want to gather funds.

The Western Age of Discovery in history is actually divided into two stages.

The first stage was dominated by Portugal and Spain. The royal families of these two countries invested large sums of money and troops and seized a large amount of land and resources.

However, the dividends from these New World expeditions did not make Portugal and Spain more glorious in the subsequent historical process. The large amount of resources and money became a tool for the upper class nobles to compete for luxury.

When the barbarism of the Age of Discovery receded, Spain and Portugal no longer had resources to squander.

The second stage is the rise of late-developing countries such as Britain, France, and the Netherlands. During the Age of Discovery in these countries, although the officialdom also occupied a mainstream position, the level of private participation was very high, and a large number of explorers were ambitious.

Entrepreneurs and adventurers formed joint-stock companies one after another, and came into contact with a steady stream of profits on the newly opened routes.

Therefore, in the real Age of Discovery, in addition to the participation of the Ming Dynasty, talented people and strangers among the people must also participate.

The most effective way to bring these people together is a joint-stock company.

In joint-stock companies in the Age of Discovery, not only money can be regarded as shares, but pilots with experience can also obtain shares, and a desperado who dares to fight can also obtain shares.

As long as Zhu Han makes the East India Company a model for joint-stock systems, when the Age of Discovery begins in the future, the explorers of the Ming Dynasty will inevitably follow suit.

A two-pronged approach to make the country strong and the people prosperous is the true internal strength of the Ming Dynasty to dominate the world in the future.

Zhu Han's explanation made his brother Zhu Yuanzhang praise him repeatedly.

"We are really convinced. Qiwu, you really don't know how you got this brain. The stars of Wenquxing and Wuquxing all fell into your lap!"

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang thinks that Zhu Han is the descendant of both Wenquxing and Wuquxing, but your people are more willing to believe that Zhu Han is the God of Wealth.

Soon after, news spread throughout Yingtian Mansion that the Ming Dynasty official was going to establish the East India Company.

What surprised everyone was that behind the scenes, the East India Company raised funds from people all over the world to invest in shares.

Each share was worth no more than one tael, and the entire East India Company issued a total of five million taels of shares.

Many people have a vague idea of ​​what exactly the East India Company is doing.

But when everyone knew that the East India Company was organized by His Royal Highness, everyone immediately went crazy.

"His Royal Highness the King of England is in charge of national affairs. This Ming Dynasty has never been short of money!"

"Your Highness, if you focus on business, you won't be able to make a profit without losing money!"

"Although I don't know what the East India Company is doing, I'm determined to buy the shares!"

"If you want to get rich, you have to follow His Majesty the King of England!"

The hot scene of the East India Company's stock began to erupt in Yingtianfu.

After all, this kind of thing is unique in the world. No one has ever issued stocks before, so this burden naturally falls on Zhu Han himself.

Zhu Han rented a small shop next door to the British Prince's Palace and specialized in handling the issue of East India Company stock sales.

One month later, it was the day the court announced the public issuance of East India Company shares.

In Yingtian City, the path leading to the back door of Prince Ying's Mansion was blocked.

Businessmen from all over the country, all carrying large amounts of cash or banknotes, lined up to buy stocks at the East India Company Agency at the back door of the Royal Palace.

The hot scene frightened Ying Tianfu Ke.

Almost half of the rich people in the world have crowded here, and the Prince of England's residence is right in front. If anything goes wrong, Yingtian Mansion Yin will have to walk around without food.

The third team of government officials from Yingtian Mansion almost checked every street entrance.

The hot scene of the Ming East India Company's share sale was not limited to this day.

Five million taels of stock is a lot if you say it's a lot, but it's not a lot if you say it's a small amount.

Many big businessmen who had traveled far away came to Yingtian with large sums of cash but lost everything.

As the Ming Dynasty court released more and more news, everyone knew that India, known as Tianzhu in ancient times, was really a rare Feng Shui treasure land.

Not only does it produce valuable spices, ivory and other rare treasures, but the land is fertile and does not freeze all year round. There is as much rice as you need, and you can dig out baskets of precious stones in the mountains with just a hoe.

As the news gradually spread, a large number of large businessmen who had not bought the East India Company shares began to increase their prices and buy them from others.

A stock that originally cost one tael of silver per share soared to 30 taels of silver per share just half a month later.

Even with this surge of three times, not many people are willing to sell stocks.

At this time, a fleet sent by Duan Gong, Marquis of Dali in India, sent congratulations, confirming these news.

Although Duan Gong sent people to bring only three ships to congratulate him, each ship was filled with gold, gems, ivory, tiger skins, pearls, rice and other valuable goods.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Moreover, even the humblest soldier in Duan Gong's fleet is wearing gold and silver, and is served by two dark-skinned indigenous Indian slaves.

Duan Gong, a bereaved dog who was originally beaten by Chen Youliang and fled from Yunnan, is now so rich and generous.

Everyone is more confident in the prospects of the Ming East India Company.

After this news, the price of each East India Company stock soared from thirty taels of silver to twelve taels.

In less than two months, the East India Company's stock price soared tenfold.

Many businessmen with precise vision have made reselling stocks their main business.

After all, there were only a few people who bought East India Company stocks. Many businessmen who were originally cautious and wait-and-see now had money but no way to buy stocks.

Once the East India Company was established, it would almost be like taking the big guys to India to pick up money!

Faced with this huge benefit, many businessmen who had no chance have contacted some large merchants. They simply wanted to open up a way to make money by doing business in India.

As for the business model, it is natural to learn from the existing East India Company.

In just one month, at least ten companies imitating the East India Company were established. Although these copycat versions of the East India Company did not have the official background of the Ming Dynasty, each of them had one or two large companies with strong reputation and strength behind them.

The stocks of these knock-off versions of the East India Company actually sold very well.

Because the gold and silver mines in Japan and Liaoyang were too rich, and the Ming Dynasty was gradually experiencing inflation, it instantly had a channel for hot money.

Large sums of money flowed from the East India Company, large and small, into fields such as shipbuilding, navigation, and weapons manufacturing.

It's just a commercial nine-pound naval gun manufactured by Yingtianfu Machinery Manufacturing Bureau. It is a bulky cast iron gun. It is a product that has been eliminated by the navy. The starting price has doubled in a month. This kind of ship The pick-up time for the cannon was half a year away.

After all, the sea route to India is not smooth. Who knows whether pirates of all sizes will pounce on us and cause trouble?

Therefore, if any of these Ming merchant ships did not have more than a dozen naval guns for self-defense, the sailors would never agree to go to sea.

Of course, these naval guns are used for self-defense on the one hand, and there is another aspect that everyone knows very well, but never mentions.

That's it. The merchants and sailors who only care about money have already heard from various channels that India is in a state of fragmentation and separatism, and the various indigenous chiefs are not strong. If they do business well, then that's it. If these Indians If the sense of indigeneity offends the Ming Dynasty in the slightest, these merchant fleets filled with adventurous thieves and green forest heroes will also return to their old profession with cannons and swords.

Zhu Han knew exactly what these potential desperadoes were thinking.

But Zhu Han had no intention of stopping them.

In today's era, barbarism is not an obstacle to survival, but weakness is a fatal flaw.

If the Ming Dynasty could bring all the criminal thieves in the country to India to commit crimes, kill people and set fires, wouldn't the world be at peace within the Ming Dynasty?

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die but a poor Taoist.

India's Asan was having a hard time, but Zhu Han didn't care.

But if it can make India's Asan live a bad life and make Ming Dynasty's life get better and better, Zhu Hanke will be very happy to see the results.

From the Southern Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, pirates along the southeast coast never stopped.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the defense stations in various places were so powerful that the pirates did not dare to return to their old ways. They all peacefully became good citizens.

Nowadays, the Ming East India Company and the prototypes of many copycat versions have made these good old pirates active again.

However, these pirates were not active at sea, but came to Niujia Street in Yingtianfu one by one. This was not only the place where the Ming East India Company sold stocks, but also the place where other companies were established.

Every maritime merchant who aims to make a fortune naturally needs the help of these pirates who lick blood at sea as thugs.

This group of illiterate pirates and merchants, all their illusions about India at this time were just to make a huge fortune.

They didn't realize that it was from this moment on.

When a Ming Dynasty ship sails to the coast of India and sets up a few cannons, it can conquer an Indian city.

In the fifth year of Hongwu's reign in the Ming Dynasty, almost everyone in the southeastern important areas centered on Yingtianfu set their sights on the newly established East India Company of the Ming Dynasty.

The East India Company represents wealth, and the settled southeastern merchants will naturally focus their attention on more profitable directions.

Different from the prosperous Jiangnan, in the cold Moxi grassland.

Prince Baobao, the regent of the Great Yuan Dynasty, was still busy gathering food and supplies for the winter.

The place where Mongolia gathers in the desert has abundant water and grass, but it is a good place for grazing and breeding.

However, the more than 100,000 subordinates led by Wang Baobao are definitely not able to feed themselves on a piece of pasture.

Especially after the Oara tribes surrendered to Wang Baobao, if Wang Baobao could not lead the Oara tribes to steal more wealth, then these Oara Mongols who had no faith at all would definitely betray again.

Wang Baobao's eyes naturally listed the Eastern Chagatai Khanate as his first choice.

Poor Eastern Chagatai Khan Turhei Timur was never a match for the Oara Mongols. Now with Wang Baobao, a more powerful leader, the remnants of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and the Oara coalition forces, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate is even more powerful.

Beaten to pieces.

In less than two months, Eastern Chagatai Khan Tuluhe Timur lost more than a dozen cities.

Moreover, unlike those barbaric Oara people, the Dayuan army led by Wang Baobao did not plunder these cities and then abandon the city. Instead, they left some local officials to manage the cities and win over the local tribal leaders.

It looks like he wants to take root here.

Wang Baobao's behavior really cost the life of Eastern Chagatai Khan Tuluhe Timur.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The original Wala people robbed them and left. Wang Baobao was lucky because he wanted to dig out his own lifeblood.

Therefore, even though he was retreating steadily, after leading his army to retreat to Huozhou City, Tulu Heitamur made up his mind to coexist with Huozhou City.

Although the Eastern Chagatai Khanate was large, there was a large desert behind it.

Tuluhei Timur has no way out.

The autumn wind is fierce and the sky is filled with yellow sand.

Outside Huozhou City.

Tulukhe Timur led his 20,000 troops and stood ready outside the city.

Wang Baobao led his Mongolian and Yuan imperial guards and Wala army, totaling 10,000 people, to the outside of Huozhou City.

Huozhou City is a must-pass place on the Silk Road. It not only has trade routes that can collect commercial taxes, but also has a large fertile oasis where you can grow food and graze cattle and sheep.

Not only agriculture and animal husbandry, there are also a large number of craftsmen in Huozhou City. They are all slave craftsmen brought from the Central Plains, Persia, Khorezm and other places when the Mongol Empire conquered all directions. After several generations of inheritance,

These slave craftsmen still have very good skills and can make weapons and armor for the army.

Therefore, once Tuluhei Timur lost Huozhou City, he would have no choice but to go to the desert and wait for death, without any chance of making a comeback.

And if Wang Baobao captures Huozhou City, he can declare the demise of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, and a large number of the local population can legitimately accept the rule of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty.

This decisive battle will determine the final fate of both parties.

"The true God is above, and every warrior will be blessed by the true God!"

"Kill all these bandits, and everyone will be eligible to go to the Holy Land!"

Eastern Chagatai Khan Tuluhei Timur shouted loudly in front of his army.

Although Tulu Heitimur was a Mongolian, he had long converted to Tianfang religion. Not only was he a devout Tianfang believer, but he also vigorously promoted Tianfang religion in the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, not only establishing Tianfang religion

Temple, and also forced each tribe to convert to Tianfang Religion. If any tribal leader refused to convert to Tianfang Religion, the leader of the tribe would be levied a pagan tax, and the worst case would have his head chopped off.

Therefore, the entire Eastern Chagatai Khanate had already been punished by Tuluhei Timur, causing great anger and resentment.


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