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Chapter 219 The mysterious power from the east

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All kinds of alchemy and wizards have exhausted almost all their brain power, but they still can't figure it out.

In fact, the most critical problem is that European thermal furnace technology has always been very weak. Their furnace temperature is far from the standard for firing porcelain. Therefore, no matter how many craftsmen and alchemists try repeatedly, it is impossible to make Oriental porcelain.


This phenomenon did not occur until England in the 18th century used beef bone powder to make European porcelain, which gave them a glimpse of the way to make porcelain.

In the eyes of Pietro, a Venetian in the fourteenth century, the tea cup in front of him was a priceless treasure.

He even suspected for a time that this treasure was used by Zhu Han to test his character.

So he confidently took the tea cup and went out to ask for a translator, hoping to prove his noble character.

But the Ming translator, who was born in Nanyang, looked at him like a fool and told Pietro that this was just a cup for him to drink water from.

After Pietro heard the news, he burst into tears with excitement.

He held the teacup in his hands, returned to his cabin, and carefully wrapped the teacup in the cotton cloth on the bed, lest the porcelain might get lost in the rough sea.

I have to say that Pietro has a good sense. Although these water cups on Zhu Han's battleship are only used for drinking water, they are made with exquisite workmanship. They are all from the top official kilns in Jingdezhen, even if they are sold in the Ming Dynasty.

This tea cup can be sold for one or two silver coins.

In addition to this teacup, many other items in the cabin were also regarded by Pietro as extremely precious treasures.

For example, there was a palm-sized glass mirror placed on the bedside, which once again surprised Pietro. Such a flat glass mirror had not yet been invented in Europe at this time.

On the ships of the Ming Dynasty, almost every room had such a mirror.

This shows that Daming's technology is not only superb, but also able to reduce costs to an astonishing degree.

Otherwise, there is no need to install very expensive glass mirrors on rough seas.


Pietro also found two jars in the cabin cabinet.

One jar contains white crystals, and the other jar contains black particles.

Those black particles were tea leaves, and Pietro only needed to smell them lightly to know.

These tea leaves smell fragrant and fragrant. Although they only have a small jar, they can easily be sold for one gold coin in the city of Venice.

As for what was in the other jar, Pietro couldn't smell it for a long time.

Driven by curiosity, Pietro decided to take a bite.

Almost instantly.

A pleasant sweet feeling rushes from the tip of the tongue straight to the brain.

"What is this?"

Pedro couldn't believe it at first.

These are actually candies!?

You must know that sugar cane cannot be grown in Europe, and the commonly grown sugar beets are not the selected varieties used for sugar production in modern society. Therefore, if Europeans want to take a bite of sugar, they must exchange real money and silver with Arab merchants.

Even after paying such a high price, the sugar purchased by Europeans is often very impurity-rich.

Zhu Han had already put Ming Dynasty on the road to producing pure white sugar.

The white sugar produced by Daming not only tastes pure, but also has no trace of impurities. It really looks like white snowflakes.

The mouthful of white sugar that Pietro took instantly made him understand what a magical existence the Ming Dynasty was.

He was just a small official promoted from a slave, but he actually enjoyed an independent cabin, exclusive precious porcelain, magical leaves from the East, and sugar that was as white as snow.

This was just the treatment of an ordinary Ming official. Pietro could not believe what kind of luxurious life the noble Ming prince would enjoy.

In fact, Pietro didn't know.

Zhu Han's real life at this time was so simple and boring.

The Ming Dynasty's fleet sailed on the sea. Although there were abundant reserves of canned fruits and vegetables, the smell of these things would make people sick after eating them for a long time.

Even if Zhu Han is the highest-ranking prince of the Ming Dynasty, there is no other better choice in this boundless ocean.

What made Zhu Han even more bored was that there were no women on board the ship.

It has to be said that there is no way around this.

There were at least several hundred men on each ship, and they were all of the right age.

If there is a woman on board, it will arouse a lot of jealousy and jealousy, and the whole ship will not be safe.

In this case, Zhu Hanzhu just hoped to reach his destination as quickly as possible.

The Tianzhu area where Duan Gong is located belongs to the Bangladesh area closest to Yunnan. Although the native people of Tianzhu there are generally dark, there are still some fair-skinned high-caste people among the local upper-class nobles.

After such a long period of patience, Zhu Han couldn't wait to experience the Indian customs.

At this time.

Zhu Han's fleet suddenly received important news from a passing merchant ship.

"What? Duan Gong is retreating steadily, and there is only one new Dali city left?!"

After Zhu Han got the news, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Duan Gong had previously led the remnant of the defeated generals, cutting melons and vegetables all the way, killing the Tianzhu troops like bereaved dogs.

How come Duan Gong has become so passive after such a short period of time!?

After some more inquiries, Zhu Han learned that the Delhi Sultanate had almost devoted all its efforts to attack Duan Gong.

The Delhi Sultanate not only mobilized 100,000 troops, but also hired more than 20,000 Tianfang cavalry from the Hezhong area to fight.

The person who commanded these mercenaries from Tianfang Cult was actually the famous lame Timur in history.

Only then did Zhu Han understand.

No wonder Duan Gong retreated all the way, leaving only a new Dali city.

Lame Tamerlane was, after all, a powerful man who left a great name in history.

Duan Gong now not only does not have the advantage in numbers, but he may not be the opponent of the lame Timur in commanding troops in combat.

Duan Gong's current situation is somewhat critical.

Zhu Han immediately ordered the fleet to move forward at full speed.

He absolutely cannot tolerate losing Duan Gong, the springboard to enter the Tianzhu continent.

Ming's fleet immediately took action.

Dozens of large and small warships and merchant ships sailed out of the anchored coast in an orderly manner.

One warship after another is like a moving castle on the sea.

Pietro stood on the deck, and what he saw in front of him made him feel extremely shocked again.

He was a former slave and could only stay on the lowest deck without knowing anything about the situation outside.

A few days ago, while repairing two damaged warships, Pietro saw some of the situation of the Ming fleet.


What I saw then was far less realistic and shocking than what I see now.

After two days of sailing, Pietro finally recovered a little from the numerous shocks.

The two translators assigned to him by Zhu Han taught and learned from each other.

I have to say, this guy Pietro is really a language genius.

In just a few days, he learned some tips on learning the Mandarin of the Ming Dynasty.

In order to exercise my writing skills, but also to record my magical experience.

Pietro made a special request to Zhu Han and asked for some ink pens and paper.

"What do you want those things for?" Zhu Han asked with some confusion.

In the Ming Dynasty's fleet, in order to prevent people with ulterior motives from recording the waterway along the way, no one except the clerk and captain could record log documents at will.

After all, in this day and age, a smooth sea route is a road to wealth.

"I won't record the relevant navigation conditions. I just want to record some experiences. I hope that one day when I return to Venice, I can let my friends know what the Eastern Ming Dynasty was like!" Pietro said.

"Okay, then I will agree to your request." Zhu Han smiled and agreed to Bidlo's request.

These sea routes sailed by the Ming fleet were completely unfamiliar to Europeans.

Even if Pietro recorded detailed logbooks and coordinates, they would be of no use to the Venetians.

What's more, this sea road is all vassal states of the Ming Dynasty, and no external force can cause any trouble.

After getting Zhu Han's permission, Petrobian recorded what he saw and heard about the Ming Dynasty every day on the boat.

Through the two translators who worked with him, Pedro learned what kind of country the Eastern Ming Dynasty was.

The Venetians and Genoese in Europe both had considerable trade contacts with the Golden Horde, so they all knew that the people who ruled the east were the Mongols who came from the same lineage as the Golden Horde.

Pietro originally thought that the Ming Dynasty was a dynasty established by the Mongols.

But after these days of understanding, Pietro discovered that the Ming Dynasty had only been established a few years ago.

The Mongol Empire that originally ruled the east had collapsed under the attack of the Ming Dynasty.

And today's Ming Dynasty is still fighting everywhere.

Pietro's heart immediately suffered another great shock.

A hundred years ago, the Mongols caused a great shock to Europeans. They occupied a vast land and once monopolized all trade routes to the East.

And now.

In the east where the Mongols once rose, another more powerful Ming Dynasty was born.

The Ming Dynasty was not only invincible on land but also invincible.

What's even more terrifying is.

The military strength displayed by the Ming Dynasty on the ocean had already completely awed Pedro, a young nobleman from Venice.

Pietro had a vague feeling in his heart that the future expansion pace and intensity of the Ming Dynasty would probably surpass that of the Mongols.

The Mongols were simply brutal conquerors.

After so many days of understanding, Pietro clearly realized that Ming was not only a conqueror, but also a creator who opened up the world.

No matter who becomes the enemy of the Ming Dynasty, he will not only be conquered physically, but will also be conquered by the Ming Dynasty spiritually.

Anyway, Pietro felt that he was a devout Catholic, but when he saw those precious porcelains, magical oriental leaves and sweet sugar, Pietro felt that the heaven depicted by Jesus was probably not above the blue sky and white clouds, but above the blue sky and white clouds.

In this great Ming Dynasty in the East.

For the once pious Pietro, this was simply a spiritual decline.

How could the kingdom promised by the gods be lived in by a pagan?

But such a bizarre inner change happened to Pietro, a devout Catholic.

So Pietro kept recording and describing everything he heard about the Ming Dynasty in his daily diary.

He wrote his diary not only for himself to read, but also for his friends who would return to Venice in the future, and even more for God to read.

He wanted to let God know that his idea of ​​Ming Dynasty as a heaven on earth was not a fall, but merely an objective judgment.

Petrololedan's curiosity allowed him to fully utilize his language talent in communicating with the crew.

Within a few days, Pietro, a curly-haired man with lustful eyes, got to mingle with the Ming soldiers on the ship.

In the process of communicating with these Ming army soldiers with different origins, Pietro learned more specific details about the mysterious country of Ming Dynasty.

"Luo Lidan's Journey, The Seventh Day of the Sea Voyage."

In the past two days, we encountered headwinds at sea, and the sailing speed was not very fast. The sailing speed desired by His Highness the Prince of Ming Dynasty was not achieved, but I discovered a very magical phenomenon. When the sails of the Ming Dynasty warships were sailing against the wind, the speed

It’s actually more than double the size of our Venetian ships. I really don’t understand how their magical sails and rigging can play such a magical role.”

"Seventh day of sailing, afternoon.

With the help of two translators, I finally learned a gambling game that Ming soldiers liked to play. Although I would lose miserably every time, the fun in it made me unable to extricate myself. Of course, after I lost everything

After I got the last coin on my body, other people would help me leave the gambling table. It was after leaving the gambling table that I discovered another magical phenomenon, that is, these Orientals are obviously not religious, but in their mouths,

But they often worship the gods of various religions. Whether it is Buddha, Supreme Laojun, True God, Poseidon, or even fox monsters, they will become the objects of their prayers when praying for luck at the gambling table! However, these Eastern people's respect for gods,

It often passes by in a flash. As long as the gods cannot grant their wishes, their next sentence will be to directly greet the mother of the gods. Poor, it is so pitiful! I am not saying that these oriental people are pitiful, but those who are these oriental people.

The gods are pitiful. For Easterners, the gods are not sacred and inviolable, but more like a transactional relationship. They have given piety to the gods, and the gods must give them the results they want, otherwise these people will die in the next second.

They say that gods are blind and deaf, but I hope that one day God can let these Eastern people know what true faith is!"

"Luo Lidan's Journey, the Eighth Day of the Sea Voyage."

This morning, while talking with these Ming soldiers, I felt that there were some serious errors in yesterday's records. It's not that these Easterners have no faith, but the gods they believe in are not God, nor are they gods anywhere. The gods they believe in

They are my ancestors! During the conversation with them, I heard many myths and stories about our ancestors. The ancestors of these Eastern people also experienced the great flood, but they did not build Noah's Ark to save the survivors, but opened mountains.

The man who dug the river and channeled the floodwaters to the sea, and then led them to control the floods, became an ancient god and a famous emperor named "Yu".

Almost all of these soldiers knew how glorious and great their ancestors had been. During conversations with them, I learned that their ancestors had once been an emperor, or a powerful person equivalent to a cardinal.

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