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Chapter 223: Capturing the Princess

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The river cavalry led by Timur had also returned to the Delhi Sultanate's position. He was very disdainful of the Delhi Sultan's order to attack again.

In Timur's view, the Ming army's defense was tight and there were no flaws. If they continued to attack, they would only die in vain. The best countermeasure was to find a way to make the Ming army move.

No matter how strict the army is, as long as it moves, there will be flaws in the formation!

Only in this way will you have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But the foolish Sultan Firuz Shah of Delhi did not realize this at all, and would only charge blindly to death. Timur secretly told his generals that they would try their best to preserve their strength in the subsequent battles.

"Humph, I won't shed tears until I see the coffin!"

When Zhu Han saw the Delhi Sultanate's cavalry preparing to charge again, a cold smile appeared on his lips.


Zhu Han gave the order, and the Ming army's artillerymen immediately aimed at the enemy.

Boom boom boom!

With the sound of artillery, the artillery shells flew towards the enemy's position. Amidst the wailing sounds, the infantry of the Delhi Sultanate was bombarded again and their morale plummeted.

At this time, the cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate gathered again and launched an attack on the Ming army.

After learning the lesson from the last time, the cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate charged as fast as possible from the beginning, striving to engage the Ming army in the shortest possible time.

The Ming army's artillery continued to target the cavalry positions.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of artillery were fired again, and the shells fell into the cavalry position.

One after another, the cavalrymen were killed, and their bodies lay scattered on the ground.

Seeing that his own cavalry were as fragile as ants in front of the Ming army's artillery, Firuz Shah's eyes turned red.

This was an elite person that he spent a lot of money to train, but he didn't expect that he would lose so much in one day.

At this time, the firepower of the Ming army's artillery became a little more intense, and cavalrymen kept falling off their horses.

Seeing this scene, Firuzisha felt confused and almost fainted.

"Report to Your Majesty! The enemy has once again strengthened its artillery offensive. This time the cavalry suffered heavy casualties!"

The army of the Delhi Sultanate knew how to use artillery, but they had never seen artillery like the Ming army, which could hit accurately and hard, and fire very quickly.

Firuz Shah gritted his teeth and said: "Damn the Eastern barbarians, God's hell has been prepared for you!"

Firuz Shah saw that his army suffered heavy casualties, but he still had no intention of withdrawing his troops. Instead, he urged the messengers to continue delivering the signal for the entire army to launch an attack.

However, the development of things was beyond Firouz Shah's expectation. When the cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate rushed towards the Ming army's position, the Ming army's infantry also moved.

They formed a long formation, and under the cover of musketeers and musketeers, slowly forced the cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate.

Although the Ming army was moving throughout the army, it was in an orderly manner and the formation was not chaotic at all.

In war, once any team forms a large scale, its discipline is the first combat power.

Otherwise, an extremely chaotic situation will result.

The Ming army's long dragon formation was advancing steadily as soon as it was formed.

They moved slowly while using various weapons to attack the enemy.

Timur was greatly shocked by what he saw in front of him!

The infantry of the Ming army had high tactical quality and was far superior to the cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate.

Even though the cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate were equipped with armor, they still could not withstand the attacks of the Ming army's muskets and spears.

One after another the cavalrymen were stabbed or shot.


Prince Manuel, the cavalry commander of the Gracchi Guards, saw that his army was seriously at a disadvantage, so he persuaded his brother Firuz Shah Sultan.


However, Firuz Shah was stubborn and believed that the Ming army's tactics could only temporarily suppress him, and that he would win only if his own army pressed forward.

"Gracchu Cavalry, follow me and continue to charge forward until we break through the enemy's defense line!"

Firuz Shah personally went into battle and led the cavalry to continue the charge.


However, the Ming army fought more and more smoothly, constantly compressing the enemy's movement space.

Under the order of Firouz Shah, the Gracchus cavalry had no choice but to charge bravely.

The result was tragic. Under the suppressed firepower of the Ming army, the Gracchi cavalry was defeated all the way, leaving no room for them to fight back.

The Gragut armored cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate were completely disorganized and fled in all directions.

Firuz Shah Sultan's mount was also hit by the Ming army's artillery shells and fell to the ground. If Firuz Shah had not been lucky and had just fallen into disgrace, he would have been crushed to death by his own horse.

The embarrassed Firuz Shah, after escaping from death this time, completely lost the courage to continue fighting.

Prince Manuel, the commander of the Gracchi cavalry, looked at his defeated men with fear in his heart.

He knew that if he didn't leave, he would have no chance to escape.

"Retreat! The entire army retreats!"

Prince Manuel replaced Firouz Shah and took over the command.

Prince Manuel immediately gave the order to retreat, and then he took dozens of personal guards to escort Firuz Shah to the rear.

At the same time, Prince Manuel also ordered Timur to lead the river cavalry to charge the Ming army in the name of the Sultan, trying to use the lives of the river cavalry to delay the pursuit of the Ming army.


Timur and his mercenary generals were not fools.

How could they listen to such an order to commit suicide?

Timur led his river cavalry to pretend to attack, only launched a pretentious charge forward, then turned around and fled at high speed from the flank of the battlefield.

The Gracchus' guards and the river cavalry escaped before the battle, causing the main infantry force in the center of the Delhi Sultanate to fall into chaos.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Han would naturally not miss such a crucial opportunity.

Zhu Han immediately ordered the Ming army to charge forward across the board.

Even in the midst of a rapid attack, the Ming army's array remained very neat.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Soon, the Ming army caught up with the retreating infantry troops of the Delhi Sultanate. Under Zhu Han’s order, the Ming army began to massacre the Delhi Sultanate crazily.

of infantry.

The cavalry of the Delhi Sultanate has been defeated, and the infantry has lost its backbone and has no fighting spirit.

Under the attack of the Ming army's swords, guns, swords and halberds, the soldiers of the Delhi Sultanate abandoned their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

As for the soldiers of the Delhi Sultanate who were lucky enough to escape, they all fled in panic and did not dare to turn back to resist.

Although the battle is not over, there are already cheers in Dali City behind.

"Long live! We are victorious!"

On the city wall behind the battlefield, Duan Gong and his generals shouted excitedly: "We won!"

"we won!"

Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. Zhu Han only used a thin front line and exerted the power of the Ming army's guns and artillery to defeat an enemy ten times his own.

The defeated troops of the Delhi Sultanate fell into chaos on the entire battlefield.

Lan Yu and Yang Wudi led the elite Ming army to pursue and kill them desperately. Any Delhi Sultanate army that dared to resist was immediately wiped out.

Some of the more sturdy infantrymen of the Delhi Sultanate, seeing that they could not escape in the chaotic battlefield, gathered together and formed a very dense hedgehog formation.

These Delhi Sultanate infantrymen faced outwards with their swords and guns, surrounding themselves in the middle like a giant hedgehog, making it impossible for the Ming cavalry to attack them.

When Zhu Han saw these enemies who dared to resist, he naturally could not tolerate their arrogance.

"Where are the artillery? My artillery is coming up quickly." Zhu Han shouted to the artillery behind him.

Soon dozens of artillerymen followed with two nine-pound cannons.

"The Ming Dynasty's artillery must also charge like infantry!"

Zhu Han shouted loudly and ordered the artillery to load solid ammunition.

The infantry phalanx of the Delhi Sultanate was very dense, with hundreds of people gathered together. It was more effective to use solid bullets than shotguns.

Under Zhu Han's order, the artillerymen stuffed solid bullets into the barrel, then aimed at the enemy and lit the fuse.


The deafening sound of artillery spread across the battlefield, and the dense infantry phalanx of the Delhi Sultanate was instantly blown over, and countless soldiers were torn apart by the shells.

A few unlucky guys were hit by this round of shelling, and their bodies were directly pierced, turning into a pile of rotten flesh on the ground.

Even the soldiers of the Delhi Sultanate in the center of the hedgehog phalanx would still be very miserable if they were hit by these solid bullets. They would either lose arms or legs, or have their bodies and internal organs shattered.

The originally rock-solid hedgehog phalanx instantly turned into chaos.

The wounded soldiers hit by the artillery lay on the ground, wailing in pain, and the remaining soldiers dropped their weapons one after another and ran towards the rear, no longer having the courage to resist.

"Haha, artillery is indeed the god of the battlefield!"

Zhu Han said with a smile.

At this time, the Ming army's musketeers had installed spears on the muzzles of their guns.


In the battle of chasing death and chasing north, the Ming army's musketeers had an absolute advantage without any doubt.

In this kind of close-range hand-to-hand combat, the occasional brave warrior among the defeated troops of the Delhi Sultanate would have no use at all. The spears and muskets of the Ming army would immediately turn him into a corpse on the ground.

Under the overwhelming firepower of the Ming army, any resistance of the Delhi Sultanate was in vain.

Under the escort of the Gracchi Guards, Firuzisha ran for his life and was unable to assemble his soldiers again.

Timur and others led his river cavalry back to the camp, took away the property they had robbed, and then continued to escape.

Anyway, there were a large number of Delhi Sultanate infantry behind them to delay the pace of the Ming army. Timur and the river cavalry were not worried that they would be overtaken.

But just to be on the safe side.

Timur decided to delay the Ming army's pursuit a little longer.

Under the command of Timur, the river cavalry set fires everywhere in the military camp while escaping. The flames and thick smoke would further hinder the Ming army's pursuit.

The Sultan of Delhi, Firuz Shah, led the Gracchi Guards to run for their lives, completely forgetting that his daughter, Princess Alina, was still in the military camp.

At this time, a raging fire was burning in the military camp, and all the guards around Princess Alina had already fled, leaving only a dozen maids.

They were like frightened deer, running around in the chaotic crowd.

Princess Alina was collided by deserters and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

She lost all her strength and looked desperately at the chaotic camp.

This once noble and beautiful Princess, now looked very embarrassed, with disheveled clothes and tears on her face.

Princess Alina felt that she was about to be killed in the rebellion. She clenched her fists and didn't know where to go.

Just when Princess Alina was hesitant, a cry of killing suddenly came from behind her.

Like a strong wind, several Ming troops cut down several Delhi Sultan infantrymen beside Princess Alina to the ground.


They had already seen Princess Alina in gorgeous clothes and a dozen weak maids beside her, and they immediately knew that they had caught a big fish.

"Tie me up."

Lan Yu shouted loudly and ordered several of his soldiers to rush forward and tie up the hands and feet of this group of Tianzhu women.

Princess Alina of the Delhi Sultanate, who was originally going to marry Chen Youliang and become the queen, became a prisoner of the Ming army.

"What do you want to do?" Princess Alina asked angrily.

Lan Yu snorted coldly and said, "Take it away!"

Princess Alina's face suddenly turned pale. She did not expect that her majestic princess would actually be reduced to a prisoner's situation.

But it was too late to say this now. Princess Alina was being carried away by two soldiers and kept struggling, but to no avail.

With the help of several local indigenous translators, the identities of these captives were quickly determined.

"Your name is Alina?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zhu Han rode a horse and walked slowly to Princess Alina and asked.

Princess Alina raised her head and saw the young man in front of her, her eyes were slightly red.


"Princess Alina choked with sobs and said.

Princess Alina, who had become a prisoner, originally wanted to hide her identity, but the maid next to her quickly betrayed her.

Under the threat of the translator, the maids immediately confirmed the identity of Princess Alina.

And even why Princess Alina came to this dangerous military camp was explained one by one.

When Zhu Han heard this, he was overjoyed. He never thought that he would cut off Chen Youliang's potential queen halfway.

"Okay, that's great!"

As Zhu Han spoke, he looked up and down at Princess Alina in front of him.

It must be said that Alina, the princess of the Delhi Sultanate, is a stunning beauty with a strong Indian style, both in appearance and temperament.

Her big eyes and long eyelashes gave her a charming aura even when she was crying.

Moreover, her skin was fair and as smooth as milk. The skin that was accidentally exposed between her neck was full of charm that made Zhu Han's breathing quicken.

Not only does she have a beautiful face, but Alina's body is also the best in the world.

A simple curvature of the front and back cannot describe her charming figure.

Princess Alina's appearance and figure can be said to be a first-class beauty.

Zhu Han couldn't help but have many imaginations that were inappropriate for children.

"You...who are you?" Princess Alina asked.

"I am Zhu Han, the prince of the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Han said with a slight smile.

Princess Alina was stunned. She knew that the Ming Dynasty and her husband Chen Youliang, whom she originally wanted to marry, were the enemies of the Ming Dynasty, which meant that she was now in the hands of double enemies.

"I am the princess of the Delhi Sultanate. My father will pay you a ransom. Now I am going to rest." Princess Alina said strong and calmly.

In the battles between the various Tianfang Sect countries, they were often able to capture the opponent's nobles. However, they all followed the same rules in dealing with these nobles, that is, they rarely killed them and often demanded a valuable ransom.

Moreover, in the Middle Ages, the credibility of Tianfang religious countries was much higher than that of Catholic countries in terms of obtaining ransoms and releasing hostages.

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