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Chapter 250 The New Yuan Dynasty

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Through this tribal alliance meeting, the determination and achievements of the Ming Dynasty in governing the grassland were truly demonstrated.

After seeing all this, the leaders and princes of the grassland tribes who are rich in Peiping will also reject any ambition to return to the grassland and regain power.

Even if they have the ambition to return to the grassland, they are destined to fail.

The current grassland is already the grassland of the Ming Dynasty officials and ordinary herdsmen, not the grassland of tribal leaders and princes like them.

Earth-shaking changes have taken place on the Mongolian grasslands in the east.

On the distant plains of Eastern Europe, a similarly earth-shaking change is taking place.

Soon after Wang Baobao led a hundred thousand Mongolian troops to capture Bergossa, he immediately announced that all Mongolians would convert to Orthodox Christianity.

This is definitely breaking news for the entire Eastern Europe.

Hundreds of thousands of Mongolians converted to Orthodox Christianity, making it possible for them to integrate with the local Slavs.

Both sides were originally incompatible pagans, but now they have become religious brothers who believe in the same god.

Wang Baobao used his powerful military capabilities to wipe out all opposition forces in just a few months, completely inheriting the prestige of the original Golden Horde here, and even taking it to a higher level.

He asked eighteen Slavic countries to send their heirs as hostages to the city of Salai for custody.

These eighteen countries established by Slavs all obeyed Wang Baobao's orders.

They also support Wang Baobao very much, because Wang Baobao not only led hundreds of thousands of Mongolians to convert to Orthodox Christianity, but they also became the Lamb of God, and he also greatly reduced the taxes of the Slavs.

After the Slavs came to Salai City, they swore allegiance to Wang Baobao.

They also received a promise from Wang Baobao that he would help them punish the Poles and Lithuanians in the west.

Historically, Poles and Lithuanians had a very good relationship, especially now that they almost wear the same pants.

After the Poles and Lithuanians put on a pair of trousers, their biggest hobby was to attack the Slavs eastward.

The Polish-Lithuanians massacred the Slavic people, plundered their livestock and food, and often destroyed the Slavic Orthodox churches.

Because Poles and Lithuanians are fanatical Catholics, they feel that the Orthodox Church worshiped by Slavic barbarians is a heresy and should be destroyed and should not be allowed to be established on the earth.

Originally, the scattered Slavs had no way to deal with the Poles and Lithuanians.

After all, the Poles have a stronger military advantage.

The Poles have a more advanced civilization and cities, and they can build more weapons and armor. Even the heroic and capable Teutonic Knights have been beaten to shame by the Poles, not to mention the Slavs whose weapons and equipment are even more backward.

The Slavs could only let the Poles and Lithuanians ride on their heads and run wild without restraint.


All this seems to have become a thing of the past, because the Slavs who believe in Orthodox Christianity have welcomed their great savior, that is, the auxiliary grand master of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Baobao John Timur.

Yes, this is the new name Wang Baobao gave himself after converting to Orthodox Christianity.

John is the name of a saint in the Orthodox Bible.

In the biblical story, St. John is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

And not only did he gain the qualification to be called St. John, he was also the only disciple among the twelve disciples who lived a long life and died alive.

After Wang Baobao learned about some biblical stories, he naturally had a special preference for this Saint John. He named himself John in accordance with the customs of the Orthodox Church. Not only that, he also named the Great Yuan Emperor Ba which he supported in accordance with the Orthodox tradition.

Timur also gave him the name John.

it's good now.

They are father and son, Wang Baobao is the illegitimate son of Big John, and Bayannur is the illegitimate son of John the Great.

Little John.

It can be regarded as another recognized father-son relationship.

Because he led his Mongolian tribes to migrate long distances, Wang Baobao's position has become very important and solid.

Wang Baobao named himself John, and his generals and nobles naturally followed suit. Within a few months, at least thousands of names named John emerged among the Mongols.

Now all the orders issued by Wang Baobao are signed by Wang Baobao John Ku Kuo Timur.

If Wang Baobao's official position and title are included, the length of this name is comparable to that of the Slavic people, which makes the Slavic people very worried about calling Wang Baobao by his full name.

Many Slavs called this powerful official of the Yuan Dynasty John Timur.

"John Timur" is a name that is full of the flavor of merging East and West, but Wang Baobao accepts it happily.

On the banks of the Volga River, the city of Johnsalai.

The current capital of the Yuan Dynasty has been renamed from Pergossa to Johnsa.

Wang Baobao, the Grand Master of the Great Yuan Dynasty and the Mongolian Kingdom, was summoning envoys from various Slavic tribes in his residence.

This time, he wanted to discuss with these Slavic envoys and send troops to attack the Poles.

Because not long ago.

The Poles attacked several Slavic countries again. They killed the local people and destroyed the Orthodox churches. Before leaving, they uttered wild words, claiming that their Catholicism was the only true teaching of God. The Mongols and

The Orthodox Christianity respected by the Slavs is a damned heresy. The Poles boasted that sooner or later they would kill the city of Salai and wash away the shame and blood feud caused to the Poles by Batu's Western Expedition.

After receiving this news, Wang Baobao John Tamerlane naturally could not tolerate it.

The Yuan Dynasty traveled thousands of miles to the city of Salai on the banks of the Volga River. Like a dragon crossing the river, how could they let Poland, a little shrimp, scamper under their noses?!


This time Wang Baobao planned to launch another Mongolian Western Expedition to establish the prestige of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, in order to consolidate the city of Salai in the rear, the scale of the troops dispatched in this Western Expedition was very small. Wang Baobao's general Hao Hai led 10,000 Wala cavalry, and combined with 30,000 troops and horses from 18 Slavic tribes, a total of

Forty thousand soldiers and horses.

It mainly launched punitive attacks against the Poles and Lithuanians, only for the purpose of massacre and destruction, without occupying land.

Wang Baobao summoned these Slavic envoys and quickly made plans for the expedition.


Before this military operation could even begin, it was hindered by other forces.

In the southern part of the Eastern European plain, on the Crimean Peninsula on the edge of the Black Sea, there is the famous city of Kaffa.

The city of Kaffa was founded as a trading city by the Genoese people.

Here, goods from Europe and West Asia are mainly transported by sea and sold to Slavic tribes and the Mongolian Golden Horde. Then the Golden Horde's Eastern goods and Slavic slaves transported from the Silk Road are transported to Egypt.

Eastern Rome and Europe.

After decades of development, the Genoese people have become very powerful in the city of Kaffa. They not only have an elite city defense force, but also an invincible merchant fleet on the Black Sea.

After hearing that Wang Baobao was planning to use troops against the Poles, the Genoese people in Kaffa immediately sent people to express their opposition.

The reason is that the Genoese are Catholics just like the Poles.


For these profit-oriented Genoa people, this was just an excuse for them to oppose Wang Baobao's sending troops.

In fact, the Genoa people did not want a Yuan Dynasty more powerful than the Golden Horde to be born under their noses.

Moreover, this Yuan Dynasty also converted to Orthodox Christianity and united eighteen Slavic countries under their banner, which was absolutely unacceptable to the Genoese people.

Because the city of Kaffa exists mainly to acquire Slavic slaves from the grasslands of Eastern Europe, and also from

Oriental goods transported along the Prairie Silk Road.

Now, because of the migration of Wang Baobao's Mongolian army, they destroyed it along the way, cutting off the Silk Road on the northern route.

The Genoese could hardly purchase any oriental goods in Kaffa.

And once the eighteen Slavic countries were united under the auspices of the Yuan Dynasty, there would be no more wars.

Without war, there would be no prisoners.

Without captives, there were no Slavic slaves to sell.

This is equivalent to cutting off the Genoa people's financial resources.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.

The Genoese people naturally did not want to see a Yuan Dynasty that protected the Slavs.

What they need is a chaotic group of Slavs.

Therefore, the Genoese people firmly opposed the Mongols sending troops to attack the Poles.

Once the Poles were defeated, the Slavs would rise, even under the leadership of the Mongols, which was unacceptable to the Genoese.

Wang Baobao did not intend to buy into these Genoese people who appeared out of nowhere at first.

However, many Slavs who surrendered advised him to think carefully.

Moreover, these Slavs have repeatedly stated to Wang Baobao the importance and power of the Genoese people on the Black Sea.

Only then did Wang Baobao realize where the Genoa people had the confidence to dare to point fingers in front of him.

Especially after he heard that the location of Kaffa City belonged to the land of the Golden Horde, Wang Baobao could not tolerate these Genoyan people jumping up and down.

"How can we allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? A group of businessmen who do business with us dare to point fingers at our national policy of the Yuan Dynasty. This is intolerable. We must punish them well and let them know who is in charge of this land.

's master."

As the saying goes, it is disrespectful to come back without reciprocating, so Wang Baobao also sent an envoy.

Wang Baobao sent an envoy to condemn the Genoese people's interference in the internal affairs of the Yuan Dynasty. He also ordered the Genoese people to withdraw from Kaffa City immediately within the specified period and return the land to the Yuan Dynasty. Otherwise, once the Yuan Dynasty

When the dynasty becomes angry, it will attack the city of Kaffa with a million troops.

At that time, the Genoese people would be massacred mercilessly.

If it had been more than a hundred years ago, when the Mongols had just begun their western expedition, such fierce threats of massacre would have scared the shit out of the Genoese people.


More than ten years ago, the Golden Horde threatened the Genoyan people with the same tone. However, after a year of siege, they retreated in disgrace and failed to attack the city of Kaffa.

From that time on, the Genoese people felt that Kaffach was indestructible.

They did not take Wang Baobao's words to heart at all, but immediately counterattacked Wang Baobao's threat in their own way.

The Genoese used their powerful sea fleet to attack many cities and ports in the northeastern Black Sea.

These were all naval bases built by the Mongols during the Golden Horde period, but they were all destroyed by the Genoese attack.

This was a naked declaration of war against the Yuan Dynasty.

Later, the Genoese did something even more egregious. They also blocked the envoys from the Eastern Roman Empire coming from Constantinople to the Yuan Dynasty.

Because the Eastern Roman Emperor John V was overjoyed when he heard that a powerful group of Eastern Mongols had replaced the Golden Horde and converted to Orthodox Christianity.

John V felt that this was a powerful ally that could save the decline of the Eastern Roman Empire, so he sent envoys from the Eastern Roman Empire to come and conclude an alliance with the Yuan Dynasty.

The Genoese people naturally did not allow this to happen, and they detained the Eastern Roman envoys.

This also announced that the Genoese had launched a bottomless provocation against the Yuan Dynasty and the Eastern Roman Empire at the same time.

Emperor John V of the Eastern Roman Empire had already hated the greedy Genoese merchants.

Even if there are a lot of Geno among his mercenaries,

The Asians still could not make John V calm down the anger in his heart.

John V sent the only remaining elite fleet of the Eastern Roman Empire to launch a punitive attack on the Genoese.

The two sides fought several battles on the Black Sea.

The entire Black Sea is filled with flames of war, and billowing black smoke rises from time to time on the northern shore of the Black Sea.

All countries around the Black Sea know that the Genoese are not afraid of any opponents in order to safeguard their interests on the Black Sea.

What happens next depends on how the Yuan Dynasty and the Eastern Roman Empire deal with Genoa's powerful navy.

Since Wang Baobao converted to Orthodox Christianity, he has learned more about religion and a lot about the Roman Empire.

He knew that although the current Eastern Roman Empire was weak, it was bullied by various surrounding countries and had become a weak regional country.

But the glorious history possessed by the Eastern Roman Empire is an intangible wealth.

If an alliance can be concluded with the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, then the Yuan Dynasty and the Eastern Roman Empire will inevitably establish a powerful Orthodox Christian alliance here, which will be very helpful for the Mongols to consolidate their position.

But now the hateful Genoese intercepted the Eastern Roman Empire's envoys, making it impossible for Wang Baobao to negotiate an alliance with the Eastern Roman Empire.

Faced with this situation, Wang Baobao was very angry.

But no matter how angry Wang Baobao is, there is nothing he can do against the Genoa people now.

Because Mongolia has no navy, and the Genoese navy is too powerful.

They have more than a hundred warships of various sizes in the Black Sea, but the naval legacy of the Golden Horde that Wang Baobao received only has less than ten warships.

These only ten warships were all very small in tonnage and could not cope with the powerful galleys of the Genoese people on the sea.

Therefore, Wang Baobao decided to give up the Black Sea for the time being and slow down the alliance with the Eastern Roman Empire.

First, we must concentrate on reorganizing the internal affairs and teaching the Poles in the west a lesson.

Since Wang Baobao united with various Slavic slave countries to prepare to attack Poland westward, King Kami III of Poland launched a nationwide mobilization. An army of almost 34,000 people has been mobilized.

Poland has never assembled such a large army, which shows that they attach great importance to the Yuan Dynasty.

Because they have also heard that these Mongolians from the east are the original Mongolians who roamed the Eurasian continent.

Otherwise, there would never be such a powerful fighting force that could defeat and eliminate the powerful Golden Horde in one fell swoop. Latest website:

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