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Chapter 271 Kongs new life

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"In such a big forest, there will definitely be prey. As long as we look carefully and drive them away, what do you have to worry about?"

Kong Mingde's scolding immediately made many people feel ashamed, but it also lifted their spirits.

After solving the morale problem, the rest of the matter was easy to handle, and everyone began to go deeper into the dense forest.

Two spears and three steel knives were used to bury the pit. At this moment, there are still two spears and two steel knives left. These are their only weapons, and they are now distributed.

Yan Xiangdong and Kong Mingde each had one of these two spears, and the remaining two knives were given to the strongest members of the Kong clan.

But to be honest, it is of little use for these people to hold these weapons, because this is the first time in their lives that they have held spears and broadswords.

It's okay to let the Kong clan people dance and write, but it's really hard for them to let them fight and kill.

But now, even if they don't understand anything, they still have to bite the bullet.

As we walked deeper into the forest, the trees became denser and the snow became deeper and deeper. Everyone continued to walk forward, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The journey was not fruitless. We also encountered a few pheasants and hares. Although it may not be enough to meet the needs of the entire family of 300 people, it also lifted their spirits. This is hope!

When everyone set out, it was not long after dawn in the morning. Looking at the time now, it should be noon.

Kong Mingde looked at the time and couldn't help but sigh, but he still called to everyone: "We have been working hard all morning, let's take a rest, and eat some dry food to replenish some strength!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately collapsed in the snowdrift, not caring whether it was cold or wet, they were really tired from this morning.

Yan Xiangdong carefully took out a ball of dry food from his arms, and gently dropped it into a piece about half the size of a palm. He carefully put it in his mouth and kept chewing it, as if it was the most delicious thing in the world.


If there is nothing else harvested today except those few pheasants and hares, this amount will be his food for the day.

There is no doubt that she won’t have enough to eat, but she will definitely not starve to death.

Looking at the Kong clan members around them, the situation is almost the same.

Suddenly, Yan Xiangdong's heart skipped a beat. He looked up at Kong Mingde, who was leaning against a big tree in a daze. He couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Mingde? Mr. Mingde..."

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Yan Xiangdong shouted several times, and Kong Mingde suddenly woke up.

"Mr. Mingde, what are you worried about?"

Hearing Yan Xiangdong's inquiry, Kong Mingde couldn't help but smile bitterly: "What else can I worry about? Of course I am worried about today's food..."

"There are three hundred members of the Kong family, old and young. If one of them dies, it's because I, the clan leader, am incompetent!"

Yan Xiangdong was silent, but still consoled him: "As the saying goes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. In such a big forest, there must be some prey!"

Facing Yan Xiangdong's consolation, Kong Mingde could only nod helplessly.

Kong Mingde also took out his dry food and was about to take a bite when suddenly, there was a rustling sound in his ears.


Kong Mingde couldn't help but look for fame. Right behind him, about thirty steps away, a huge black creature was digging through the snow, looking downwards for the roots of weeds in the soil.

"Xiang...xiangdong, take a look at what this is!"

Kong Mingde swallowed hard and couldn't help but patted Yan Xiangdong's shoulder. Yan Xiangdong was concentrating on eating solid food. He subconsciously looked in the direction Kong Mingde was pointing. Suddenly, he was stunned, even the words in his mouth were

I don’t even know if the dry food is missing.

The thing was a big black mass, like a hill, but it had a pair of huge, sharp, curved horns on its head.

"This thing... seems to be a cow? A bison?"

Yan Xiangdong looked at it for a long time and then said with some uncertainty.

Kong Mingde nodded involuntarily, this thing does look like a cow.

But this cow is too exaggerated!

It is about one foot long, and its height can reach the chest of an adult. Its head and front half of the body are huge, especially the shoulders, which have towering humps like camels!

Simply unheard of!

At this moment, Kong Mingde could only lament that there were indeed many rare and rare animals in this wild land. How could there be such a big Ming Dynasty ox?

While he was talking, the tribesmen around him also noticed the bison and came closer one after another.

They had had a serious meal of meat for a long time, and now their eyes were almost glowing green when they looked at the bison.

"Chief, let's do it!"

"Yes, look at the size of this cow. It weighs more than two thousand kilograms. Even if we eat sparingly, it will be enough for all of us to eat for three or four days!"

"That's right! Cows are docile, and hunting is easy to catch, isn't it?"

Everyone encouraged the clan leader to lead them to take action, but Kong Mingde was a little hesitant: "It is said that there must be a monster when something goes wrong. This bison has a different shape and appearance from the Ming Dynasty's cow, and its character may not be that docile. What if?

Be aggressive..."

It has to be said that Kong Mingde guessed the truth by mistake. North American bison do not have a good temper.

But at this moment, it was obvious that the Kong clan members could not listen to Kong Mingde's advice at all, and kept urging Kong Mingde to lead them to kill the bison.

Yan Xiangdong also tugged on Kong Mingde's sleeve helplessly: "Mr. Mingde, why don't you give it a try? After all, the opportunity is rare. If you miss this opportunity, I don't know when I will encounter such a prey again. By then, everyone

My son will be hungry!"

Yan Xiangdong said it very implicitly, but Kong Mingde understood it, and it was hard to disobey the public opinion. Today's food and clothing issue is a matter of life and death, and everyone can't hold it back for a long time.

"Forget it, let's give it a try!"

Seeing Kong Mingde nodding his head, everyone was overjoyed and stepped forward one after another.

The bison was quickly surrounded, but the bison didn't seem to care about anything and was still munching on grass stalks.

As for the Kong clan members, they were aggressive in wanting to eat beef at first, but now that things are really coming to an end, they all started to shrink back.

Although everyone thinks this is a cow, no matter what, this cow looks really scary.

Finally, the two young men of the Kong family who were holding the knives couldn't bear it any longer. They looked at each other, gritted their teeth, raised their big knives high, and slashed hard on the bison's crest.

I don’t know whether it was because the knife was ineffective or because the buffalo’s skin was too thick. After the knife was struck, the buffalo was fine and not even a drop of blood came out.

The bison is fine, but bison can feel pain too!

After two hard blows, the bison suddenly roared, turned around without saying a word, and rammed directly into the two boys who were chopping off its legs!



Only two screams were heard, and the two boys holding knives were knocked out and fell into the snowdrift.

Kong Mingde had sharp eyes and quick hands, and without saying a word, he stabbed the spear in his hand hard into the ribs of the bison.


The bison was in shock and pain, and let out a low and painful roar, then turned around and prepared to hit Kong Mingde hard!

Kong Mingde's reaction was much faster and he shouted: "Run!"

Turn your head and the wolf rushes away like a pig!

Kong Mingde's reaction was the fastest. Before he finished speaking, he ran out.

Although Yan Xiangdong was a beat slower, he ran to the side in a hurry.

The remaining Kong clan members were in a daze. It was obvious that they had not yet reacted. By the time they wanted to run away, it was already too late!

The bison ran away as the culprit and immediately vented his anger on the surrounding Kong clan members.

I saw its body rushing forward and backward, its four thick hooves falling hard on the Kong clan members who had not had time to run, and its huge pair of horns that knocked away countless clan members.

For a time, all the Kong clan members could be heard crying for their fathers and mothers, and the few remaining people were hiding in the snowdrifts, trembling all over and not daring to come out.

I don’t know how many people regretted not listening to the family leader at this moment.

But I still felt guilty in my heart. It was strange. He was obviously a cow, so why was he so ambitious?

Even the wild boar in the old forest is nothing more than this!

The bison finished cleaning up the people around him, his thick nostrils were still wearing rough air, his blood-red eyes determined the target, and he ran wildly in the direction where Kong Mingde escaped...


Kong Mingde bent over, pressed his knees, gasping for air, his mouth was dry, and his heart in his chest was beating hard.


So scary!

This cow... This is obviously a cow. Aren't cows supposed to be docile?

Why is this cow so vicious!

Simply unheard of!

Before Kong Mingde could take a breath, he heard the sound of rapid breathing next to him.

Kong Mingde looked around and saw that it was Yan Xiangdong.

Yan Xiangdong saw the bison going crazy. Although he was panicked, he instinctively ran in the direction Kong Mingde was running just now. Unexpectedly, the two met here.

Yan Xiangdong did not forget to greet the head of the Nankong family: "Huchi... Mr. Mingde... Huchi... Huchi... Are you okay? Are you okay?"

Kong Mingde shook his head and tried to calm his breathing: "No...nothing wrong!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Mingde's face was silent for a while, and then he burst into tears.

This frightened Yan Xiangdong quite a lot. In this freezing barbarian place, Kong Mingde was the head of the Kong clan and the basis for the unity of everyone.

If he has any shortcomings, I am afraid that the three hundred Kong clan members will immediately start civil strife, and then he, a person with a foreign surname, will not end up well.

"Mr. Mingde, where are you injured?" Yan Xiangdong asked with concern.

Kong Mingde shook his head and waved his hands: "No! It's not the pain of my body, but the pain of my heart!"

Yan Xiangdong was stunned, while Kong Mingde continued to cry: "You and I are both disciples of the saint, and what we learn is the way of the saint to manage the world, help people, and help the world!"

"Now we end up being chased by beasts, running like wolves and pigs, sweeping the floor with grace! Sweeping the floor with grace! The learning of saints will be destroyed in the hands of our generation! So..."

"After a hundred years, how can you and I see the Confucian sages under the Nine Springs? It would be better to die here with your hair covered and your face covered, which would be considered clean!"

After that, he started crying again...

Yan Xiangdong next to him looked stunned when he heard this, and then big tears fell down.

Because he suddenly discovered a terrible thing. From the moment he got off the ship, except when he saw those notebooks belonging to Kong Duan last night, most of the time, he was thinking about one thing, that is, how to survive.

How to fill your stomach, how to keep warm...

Even if I see the bison today, my first reaction is that I can eat meat, and then I am afraid of what to do if the bison goes crazy...

Yan Xiangdong thought a lot, but none of it was related to worrying about the country and the people.

When I was still in the Ming Dynasty, although my life was just enough for food and clothing, I didn't think about rice every day. Instead, I thought about my family, country and the world, and the prosperity of the Holy Science!

But since I arrived in Yinzhou overseas, I seemed to have only thought about my family, my country, my country, my country's economy and people's livelihood last night when I was burning books. The rest of the time, I spent most of my time thinking about how to survive.

It seems that seeing the saint's teachings, the people of the country and the country have become a distant dream. In this foreign land, the saint's things cannot even allow one to live peacefully...

So the saint's teachings...are they still meaningful?

A terrible thought suddenly flashed through Yan Xiangdong's heart...

This treasonous thought of questioning the saint had never happened to him in the past few decades, but it appeared today, which made him feel quite frightened.

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Just when Kong Mingde was in pain and Yan Xiangdong was doubting himself, an angry low roar sounded.

The two of them were immediately excited and turned to look, seeing that the huge bison was actually chasing after them!

For a moment, the two of them felt the hairs on their bodies stand on end. Without saying a word, they picked up their clothes and ran forward.

At this moment, Kong Mingde didn't mention anything about dying clean with his hair and face covered, and Yan Xiangdong no longer doubted himself. It was important to sign up first.

Ordinarily, two people cannot outrun a bison...

But when it came to a life-and-death crisis, the two men's running speed was greatly stimulated.

Secondly, although these two people were panicked, at least they still had some sense...

The trees here are thick and dense. There are some places where people can pass, but the huge body of this bison cannot pass no matter what.

The two of them also knew how to take advantage of the terrain and run back and forth between the woods to avoid the angry bison.

But it's not an option to keep doing this. There will always be times when I can't run anymore.

Just when Kong Mingde was desperate, Yan Xiangdong suddenly gasped and said: "Quickly... the trap, run to that side of the trap!"

Zhou Mingde was so happy, how could he forget about this?!

Without saying anything, he and Yan Xiangdong guided the huge bison towards the pit.

The location the two of them were in was actually quite some distance away from the pit, so when they were leading the bison towards the pit, it was considered to be full of dangers.

If it weren't for the dense trees in this forest that restricted the running speed of the bison, the two of them would have died under the hooves of the cattle several times.

The two of them ran for who knows how long, and finally saw the pit they had marked before!

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