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Chapter 279 Golden Rome

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"There are not thirty warships, only five merchant ships have entered the port. Looking at it, they look more like they have gone ashore to do business!" Hamid said with a strange expression, and he was secretly relieved.

Regardless of what he said in front of Sitarama that day, he was very knowledgeable, but when he finally got the news that the Ming Dynasty fleet was about to land, he was almost scared to the point of peeing!

Hamid thought that he had secretly ordered Shark Teeth to rob Ming Dynasty merchant ships, and that people were coming to take revenge.

Fortunately, the entourage noticed that something was wrong with the prince, and quickly made it clear that only five merchant ships had entered the port, and the others had not come. This calmed Hamid down.

On the throne, Sitarama finally recovered: "Five merchant ships? What is going on!"

Hamid coughed lightly and then came slowly: "According to the official guarding the port, this morning, the twenty-five armed warships in the Ming fleet slowly left this sea area.

Then, just now, the remaining five merchant ships were preparing to land in Maradi!"

Sitarama has never felt like today that the ups and downs of life have come so fast.

He calmed down and then said tentatively: "In other words, your previous speculations were correct? Is this huge fleet really just to escort these few merchant ships?"

Speaking of this, Hamid couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction on his face: "That's what it looks like!"

Hamid's heart was full of luck. He just wanted to appease his father and get the lake across that day. Who knew that by accident, he actually guessed right.

"Huh!" Sitarama let out a long sigh and fell down on the throne tiredly.

"Just a merchant ship, just a merchant ship!"

Sitarama murmured to himself, and he looked at the eldest son with a smug expression calmly.

Suddenly an idea came to my mind, otherwise, from now on, the pirate power of Shark Teeth will no longer be used?

Sitarama felt more and more that the disasters brought by this unprecedented force were far greater than the benefits it brought!


In the majestic Sophia Cathedral, Patriarch Alexius was performing an Orthodox baptism on a baby.

While performing the baptism, Alexius muttered something.

"May the glory of God be with you forever."

After the baptism, Patriarch Alexius handed the baby into the hands of a woman wearing the robes of a Mongolian noble.

This woman is officially the mother of the baby, Empress Dowager Dayuan and Empress Dowager Qi.

As for this newborn baby, it is another son of Wang Baobao and Qi.

Not long ago, Wang Baobao led the Mongolian army to defeat the armies of John V and the Pope, consolidating the orthodox status of the Orthodox Church in Rome.

In order to express his gratitude to Wang Baobao, Patriarch Alexius personally proposed to baptize the newborn baby.

"Oh! God, look at his beautiful black hair!"

"As expected of a true Roman!"

"Only European barbarians have red hair!"

The Eastern Roman nobles in Sophia Cathedral began to praise the newly baptized child in a low voice.

These Eastern Roman citizens now regard Wang Baobao and his Mongols as their great benefactors!

The Eastern Roman Empire, which was originally in danger, immediately transformed due to the arrival of 100,000 Mongols. It was transformed from a sheep that was beaten on all sides into a mighty army.

In the Battle of Adrianople, the Mongols led by Wang Baobao killed tens of thousands of Catholic coalition troops.

The original Roman Emperor John V was completely reduced to a trash that was despised by the Roman citizens.

Because of this victory, the Eastern Roman Empire recovered its commercial privileges from the Venetians, Genoese and Pisa people, and many taxes were resumed.

In just three months, the finances of the Eastern Roman Empire were greatly improved.

Roman citizens throughout Constantinople also enjoyed better treatment.

And all of this was brought about by Wang Baobao, that is, John Timur.

Therefore, it is the most basic courtesy to give a few compliments to John Timur's son.

After the baptism in Sophia Cathedral, the top dignitaries of the Eastern Roman Empire left the church and came to the palace together.

They will continue to discuss the next strategic layout of "Golden Rome".

Yes, the Eastern Roman Empire now has a new nickname, and that is the Roman Empire that incorporates the blood of the Golden Family.

That is, the ‘Golden Rome’.

Although Bayan Timur, the current Great Khan of Mongolia and Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, has neither the blood of the Golden Family nor the blood of the Roman Empire, he was still supported by Wang Baobao and ascended to the throne of the emperor.

Of course, all power is still firmly in the hands of Wang Baobao.

Inside the Roman Palace.

Wang Baobao sat on the most noble throne. The two rows on the left and right were his Mongol generals, Han generals of the Imperial Guard, Han officials, Slavic vassal generals, and of course the local Patriarch, Bishops, and Senators of Constantinople.

Nobles and others.

These people from different places are now gathered under the name of the Roman Empire.

"The King of Hungary, the King of Bulgaria, and the King of Serbia have all sent people to request peace talks. I don't know what you mean. Do you want to continue the war, or do you want peace talks?" Wang Baobao said to a group of people.

Today, three official languages ​​are popular in the Roman court, namely Greek, Mongolian and Chinese.

Therefore, after Wang Baobao said something, the most busy people were the translators.

Now everyone has just boarded a ship, and the languages ​​have not been integrated well, so they can only rely on these translations.

"The Hungarians are the most cunning. Even if they negotiate for peace, they will definitely betray in the future, but we are too far away from Hungary to teach them a lesson." Patriarch Alexius said.

"As for the Serbs and Bulgars, they are our Orthodox brothers. We can forgive their mistakes and accept their peace talks."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wang Baobao did not have a good comprehensive understanding of the current situation in various European countries, so he naturally accepted the advice of Patriarch Alexius.

"Okay, then I will immediately issue an order not to accept the Hungarian peace talks unless they compensate me for Dayuan's losses!" Wang Baobao said to his officials.

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Now one hundred thousand Mongols and almost the same number of Slavs have poured into Constantinople, causing the strength of the entire Eastern Roman Empire to skyrocket and giving them the confidence to humiliate the Kingdom of Hungary.

At the Battle of Adrianople, the Mongols became famous and the Catholic Church was in ruins.

I heard that not long ago, the Catholic Pope Innocent VI of Rome was angry to death, triggering great chaos in the Catholic world.

This made the Romans crazy with joy.

Many Romans hoped to launch a full-scale war against Catholicism and restore the former territory of the Roman Empire.

"This is a holy war!"

"We must launch a full-scale war against the heretics, recapture the Apennines, recapture the city of Rome, and recapture Gaul!"

Patriarch Alexius said excitedly.

Many Roman nobles in the palace were very supportive of this proposal.

However, Wang Baobao did not express his position immediately, but put forward his own opinion.

"The power of the Catholic Church is still far away from us. Now, I think we should deal with the enemies right under our noses first."

Everyone understands that the enemies under Wang Baobao's nose are referring to the Ottomans on the other side of the strait. The Ottomans were originally a small tribe under the Sultanate of Roma. Later, they developed rapidly and not only got rid of the Sultanate of Roma.

control, and frequent wars against the Eastern Roman Empire, almost eating up all the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire in Anatolia.

"Honorable Caesar, the Ottomans have so many troops that they may not be easy to deal with." Patriarch Alexius said with some worry.

In recent decades, the Eastern Roman Empire was really frightened by the Ottomans, and was almost certain to lose in every battle.

"Haha, we Dayuan warriors are never afraid of crowds!" Wang Baobao said proudly.

After such a long period of fighting, Wang Baobao has already seen that these countries and forces in the West, no matter how famous they are, are basically vulnerable to the Yuan Empire's army.

Wang Baobao almost lost his confidence when he was defeated in every battle by the Ming army, but now he has regained all his confidence.

at last.

After a day of deliberation, Caesar of the Eastern Roman Empire and Wang Baobao, the auxiliary grandmaster of the Yuan Empire, made a decision!

First go east to defeat the Ottomans, and then attack the Catholic countries with all your strength.

As a neighbor, the Ottomans had naturally noticed the great changes in the Eastern Roman Empire.

Anatolia, Bursa city.

As the capital of the Ottoman Empire, the city of Bursa is indeed a bit less impressive.

A small city cannot reflect the majesty of this powerfully rising empire.

Ottoman Sultan Murad I doubled the territory of the Ottoman Empire in nearly twenty years.

Originally, according to the historical process, Sultan Murad I was going to march into Thrace and advance to the core area of ​​the Eastern Roman Empire to capture cities and territories.


The layout of all this seems to have encountered a very big obstacle now.

A group of Mongolians from the east actually took over the Eastern Roman Empire, making this weak empire for thousands of years instantly stronger.

"The great Sultan, our spy, has just sent back the news that the Mongolian John Timur, who has taken control of Constantinople, is ready to go to war with us!"

A wise old man wearing a silk green robe and a big bun knelt on the ground and said to Sultan Murad I on the golden throne.

This old man is Ahmed, the palace prime minister of the Ottoman Empire, and a famous scholar in the Ottoman Empire.

"These hateful Mongols are simply devils from hell!"

Murad I scowled and cursed.

The appearance of these Mongols seemed so sudden and disturbing.

First, news of the demise of the Golden Horde came from the Rus Grassland.

Then the Mongols crossed the sea and arrived at Constantinople. Finally, the Catholic coalition army of more than 100,000 people was defeated by the Mongols.

Everything shows how powerful this Mongolian group is.

"What is the relationship between these Mongols and those Mongolians back then?" Murad I asked quickly.

Ahmed replied: "I heard from businessmen who have been to Rus that these Mongols are the direct descendants of those Mongolians, but they did not rule well in Taohuashi and were expelled by the local Taohuashi people.

, and then fled all the way to the Ross Grassland, and then destroyed the Golden Horde."

The Ottomans once lived in the Amu Darya River area, and the name for China there has always been Peach Blossom Stone.

However, Central Asians cannot distinguish between the various dynasties of China. Whether it is the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Liao Kingdom and the Jin Kingdom, they all call them peach blossom stones.

"So, the terrible Mongols are really back?!" Murad I couldn't help but become nervous.

The Ottomans migrated here from the Amu Darya River because the Mongols drove them away in their first western expedition.

"Yes, the terrible Mongols are here again, and they are very hostile to us. After all, they have converted to the Roman Orthodox Church, and this John Timur has always been hostile to our Tianfang Sect. I heard that he once massacred

One hundred thousand Muslims!" Ahmed said.

Although Murad I was a little nervous about the hostility of these Mongols, he was not very afraid.

After all, today's Ottoman Empire is no longer the small tribe that fled back then.

The current Ottoman Empire owns more than half of the Anatolian Peninsula, has a population of millions, and has an army of 300,000 people!

Moreover, among the 300,000 troops, there are about 100,000 cavalry!

As for the Mongols in Constantinople, it is said that the total number of men, women, old and weak is only 100,000, and the real army may not exceed 30,000!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Thirty thousand versus three hundred thousand, no matter what, the advantage lies with me, the Great Ottoman!

"Immediately order all tribes to gather troops to Bursa!"

"Send the navy to guard the Sea of ​​Marmara again. If there are any Mongolian transport ships, attack them immediately!"

Murad I issued an order to prepare for war.

The Ottoman Empire not only had a powerful combination of infantry and cavalry, but also a considerable navy. Although it was not as good as the naval powers Venice and Genoa, it was enough to guard the coast.

The Ottoman Empire Navy, which was responsible for the vigilance, soon discovered the incoming attack of the Eastern Roman Empire Navy.

The navy of these Mongol-Roman empires was small, with only twenty ships, far less than the sixty ships of the Ottoman Empire.

Facing an enemy fleet with fewer numbers than its own, the Ottoman navy was naturally unafraid and charged head-on.

Countless slaves rowed the oars desperately, increasing the speed of the Ottoman galley to the fastest speed, preparing to use high-speed collision to send all the Mongol-Roman navies on the opposite side into the rough sea water.


When the Ottoman Navy's warships approached step by step, the Mongolian Navy suddenly turned the warship's direction and faced the Ottoman warship with its weak side.

Then, before the Ottoman navy could react, roars sounded from the battleships.

Boom boom boom!

The artillery installed by Wang Baobao on the battleship once again exerted an unexpected effect.

In less than half an hour of fighting, most of the Ottoman Empire's fleet was destroyed, and nearly 10,000 people were buried at the bottom of the sea.

The entire Ottoman Empire's navy was declared to cease to exist.

This naval battle exceeded everyone's expectations in the Ottoman Empire.

Sultan Murad I did not expect that his navy would be so vulnerable.

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