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Chapter 281 The Ming Dynasty expanded its territory

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"It's not a bank, it's a bank!" Zhu Han explained this brand-new concept, "This bank can issue gold and silver coins, as well as Ming Dynasty banknotes. In the future, Ming Banks will be spread across all cities and towns in the world, and people will issue banknotes."

Used and circulated together with gold and silver.”

"Your Highness is right, isn't this a bank?" Shen Jin thought he understood.

"It's different from a bank. If you deposit money in a bank, you need to pay the bank. But if you deposit money in a bank, the bank will pay interest to the customer." Zhu Han said.

"Ah! If that's the case, wouldn't this bank be in ruins?" Shen Jin immediately became worried.

"We can lend the money deposited in our bank and earn it back by charging other people's interest!" Zhu Han said with a smile.

Only then did Shen Jin somewhat understand the concept of a bank, which is completely different from a bank.

"Moreover, in addition to collecting deposits, this bank will also issue Ming Dynasty banknotes. With these banknotes, you can exchange them for genuine gold and silver coins at any bank, eliminating the trouble and danger of carrying them long distances."

Zhu Han said.

After hearing this, Chen Jin's eyes immediately lit up.

Because, everyone knows that issuing banknotes is a profitable business.

A piece of worthless paper, printed with a few words and stamped with a few seals, can be worth a lot of money. It is simply more enjoyable than highway robbery.

If they hadn't amassed money by issuing banknotes indiscriminately, the Mongolians wouldn't have left so quickly.

Even if there is a risk of national subjugation, the Mongols will issue banknotes, which shows how huge the benefits are.

"The banknotes issued by our bank are different from the banknotes issued by the Mongolians. The banknotes of the Mongolians are some dirty money-making methods, no different from forced buying and selling. The banknotes of our Ming Bank will always be good.

To exchange gold and silver, no matter who you are, as long as you hold banknotes, you can exchange them at the banks of the Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Han said.

As soon as Shen Jin heard this, he was immediately overwhelmed by Zhu Han's grandeur.

If the Ming Dynasty Bank were run according to the model mentioned by Zhu Han, wouldn't it be able to rival half of the Ming Dynasty Account Department?

"Your Highness, is everything you said true?" Shen Jin asked.

"Of course it's true, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you. Now everything is ready, except for a big business like your Shen family." Zhu Han said with a smile.

Shen Jin immediately asked: "But aren't Qihai trading companies spread all over the world? Can't we use them?"

Regarding this sentence, Zhu Han understood Shen Jin's inner worry as soon as he heard it.

Qihai Trading Company was founded by Zhu Han himself. Now it is managed by his second brother-in-law Li Zhen and others. The profits paid every year are definitely worth the tax level of a province.

Seven Seas has stores all over the world. If you want to open such a bank, it is logical to use Seven Seas.

"No, banking is an industry of great importance to the national economy and people's livelihood in the future, not an ordinary industry. Although Qihai Company also invests in shares, I will not let Qihai Company affect the operation of Daming Bank. Specific personnel and industries must have

Daming Bank has an independent team." Zhu Han said seriously.

Zhu Han is full of expectations for the future of Daming Bank.

Nowadays, Ming Dynasty's business and maritime trade are getting better and better, and money from all over the country has begun to pour into popular industries, instead of all investing in buying houses and land like before.

The role of Da Ming Bank is to make good use of this money.

Naturally, regulatory measures must be very strict, and other companies or industries cannot be allowed to affect the safety issues of Da Ming Bank.

"I won't beat around the bush anymore. What the Ming Bank issues is banknotes. The people who were exploited by the Mongols many years ago included these banknotes. Therefore, I established the Ming Bank because I wanted to use your Shen family's business name and

Credibility makes people accept it more quickly," Zhu Han said.

Zhu Han was looking for big businessmen to cooperate with, not just Shen Wansan and his family in Suzhou. Zhu Han also sent people to invite other big businessmen from the south of the Yangtze River one by one.

After receiving Zhu Han's explanation, Shen Jin immediately agreed.

"Our Shen family immediately mobilized the most capable people, prepared high-end stores, and fully cooperated with His Highness's opening of Daming Bank!" Shen Jin said.

"Okay, you prepare these things first. Anyway, when it opens, you can just wait and make money. Even if the money-saving and lending business doesn't make much money, I can still use the top of Xiaojin Mountain in Yinzhou

!" Zhu Han said.

When Shen Jin heard this, he immediately rubbed his hands excitedly.

In today's Ming Dynasty, almost everyone knows that Yinzhou, thousands of miles away, is a continent full of gold.

Twice a year, large sailing ships transport gold back to the Ming Dynasty, half of which is the private property of His Royal Highness.

This 'Little Gold Mountain' is one of the many gold mines under Zhu Han's name.

In fact, Zhu Han's most fundamental basis for planning the Daming Bank is the gold mines in the New World.

With these gold and silver reserves, the reputation of the Ming Bank will never go bankrupt.

After gaining credibility, Zhu Han could easily achieve financial leverage of four taels by operating the issuance of banknotes, and use the least amount of money to do the greatest things for the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Han visited Suzhou, Songzhou, Huzhou and Hangzhou for more than a month and persuaded more than a dozen large businesses.

Coupled with the manpower and material resources allocated by Qihai Trading Co., Ltd., the Daming Bank planned by Zhu Han is basically completed.

After returning to Yingtian Mansion, my brother Zhu Yuanzhang was very surprised to learn so quickly.

"Qi Wu, you are going too fast. In another month, won't you be able to invent the Ming Dynasty treasure banknote?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked with expectation.

Zhu Han had already ordered painters and craftsmen to make the withered version of the Ming Dynasty banknotes, and also produced finished products with exquisite craftsmanship.

Zhu Yuanzhang liked these Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes with the Hongwu era name printed on them very much, and he wished that these Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes could be circulated all over the world immediately.

"I'm afraid I'm still a little anxious after one month. I want to send people to the grassland to establish the Ming Bank's business name first, and then officially start to issue the Ming Banknotes. After all, the most suitable place for the pilot right now is the grassland." Zhu

Han said.

In today's Mongolian grassland, due to the strong intervention of the Ming Dynasty, various tribal leaders and princes have been wiped out, and they have strong control over the grassland herdsmen.

Moreover, in recent years, Zhu Han has provided a large number of sheep with high-quality wool.

The lives of the grassland herdsmen have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Each of the several herdsmen made a fortune selling high-quality wool.

Therefore, the pilot project of Daming Bank in the grassland is the most suitable place.

The herdsmen have money, but what they need are various practical supplies. The excess gold and silver are of no use to them, and they also have to worry about being stolen and robbed.

And if you have Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes, it will be much more convenient. No matter how many treasure banknotes you have, you can easily carry it with you.

After Zhu Han and his brother Zhu Yuanzhang finished discussing the matter of the Daming Bank, they were about to go to the back hall to have a meal when the eunuch from the inner court outside the door came in to report.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Li Shanchang on the left and Prime Minister Liu Bowen on the right want to see you!"

"Let them come in!" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly.

He is so preoccupied with government affairs that he often skips meals in order to summon ministers.

Zhu Han's stomach growled with hunger, so he could only stay with his brother.

Soon, Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen walked in together.

"See Your Majesty!"

"See His Royal Highness!"

For two people to salute, Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and saved them from saluting.

"Why do you two come to see us together?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Li Shanchang took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, I am here to congratulate Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations? What happy event?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"What a great joy in the prosperous age!" Liu Bowen said immediately.

It turns out that not long ago, the Ming court organized the first census of the Ming Dynasty based on Zhu Han's suggestion.

Today, the DPRK and Chinese cabinets compiled data from various places and got a number that surprised everyone.

During the Ming Dynasty, the country was peaceful and the people were safe. There had been no war troubles for many years. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment. The national power developed rapidly and the population began to grow explosively.

In just a few years, the population has grown to nearly 200 million.

This is still the result of a rough census from top to bottom in the imperial court.

I believe that if we include some mountain residents, former refugees, etc., the number will definitely exceed 200 million.

The reason why the population has grown so rapidly in recent years is also because Zhu Han has vigorously promoted corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and other crops in recent years.

This greatly alleviates the pressure of people's survival.

The yield of these grains is extremely high, and even though they taste bad, the people can still eat enough.

If there is no war, if the officials are in charge and can have enough food and clothing, the population development will naturally be greatly accelerated!

However, although these can be used as staple food substitutes, they cannot be compared with rice, wheat, and corn.

"Really? Great, show us the documents quickly!" Zhu Yuanzhang said happily.

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang is becoming more and more happy as he sees the Ming Dynasty's rapidly increasing population.

However, Zhu Han on the side had his own considerations.

"You two, the population of the Ming Dynasty has grown so fast, right? The yamen in various places should have discovered many hidden dangers and problems through censuses, right?" Zhu Han asked Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen.

With the population swelling to more than 200 million, the population in various parts of the Central Plains has become very dense, and the living space of the people has naturally begun to shrink.

Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen were naturally aware of this problem.

Although it seems that this problem has just begun to emerge.

However, it cannot be ignored.

The two prime ministers did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to Zhu Han various problems reported by the yamen in various places.

After Zhu Han listened, he nodded and said nothing.

People in the Ming Dynasty no longer have to endure hunger, so the population will naturally increase.

However, this situation cannot last long.

If the population grows too fast, the living standards of the people will not improve much because of the small area of ​​cultivated land.

Zhu Han immediately pointed out the potential risks of excessive population growth.

"Gentlemen, do you have any solution?"

Zhu Han asked the two prime ministers.

Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen touched their heads and made eye contact.

Liu Bowen said directly: "Your Majesty, I think it would be more appropriate to relocate the population from the densely populated areas of the Central Plains."

Zhu Han and his brother Zhu Yuanzhang were looking at the Ming Dynasty territory map.

"Then where do you think it is more appropriate to move?"

Zhu Han has no objection to immigration, which is considered an optimal solution.

The world is so big, and since there is a sufficient population, a larger territory should be encircled.

It definitely can’t be your first time immigrating!

But now he is thinking too far, and his gaze has temporarily fallen to the north.

Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen also came to the map and pointed at it to draw towards the Lingnan area.

"Your Majesty, the south has a sunny and rainy climate and a suitable climate, which is very suitable for rice to mature. There are even records of two and three crops a year. I think it is more appropriate to develop Annan and move the population of the Central Plains southward."

Obviously the two prime ministers thought so. After speaking, they both looked at Zhu Han together, waiting for his decision.

Zhu Han's idea was exactly the opposite to theirs, "What you said actually makes sense, but I think Liaodong and Western Xinjiang are more suitable places."


Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen were both surprised when they heard this.

Liaodong is covered with ice and snow, with short spring and autumn and long winter. How can the weather be compared with that in the south?

When the two of them were about to open their mouths to dissuade them, Zhu Han waved his hands and said, "There is actually a basis for that. You said that the population of the Central Plains is moving south. The population of the Central Plains actually belongs to the north. It snows in winter, is hot in summer, and has four distinct seasons."

"But will they really be able to adapt when they get to the south?"

"Looking at it this way, northerners don't like hot, humid and miasmatic places. There are many mosquitoes, snakes, ants and various diseases in Annan. If they go there and try to adapt, many people will probably fall down."

"On the contrary, the Liaodong region has fertile land, thousands of miles of fertile fields, and vast plains. As long as it is properly planned and planted on a large scale, both wheat and rice will have a bumper harvest, and they can even serve as one of the main granaries of the Ming Dynasty."

As soon as Zhu Han finished talking on the phone, both Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen fell silent.

Naturally, I was also thinking about whether what His Royal Highness just said made sense.

After so many years, they have become accustomed to it.

Even though His Royal Highness the King of England always makes some strange remarks from time to time, in the end he can always prove that Zhu Han is right.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shanchang and Li Shanchang said: "If it is true as His Highness said, then it is indeed more appropriate to move to the north. It was my fault before."

"Ah, it's okay. Your original intention was good, but you just ignored Annan's specific situation." Zhu Han waved his hand and didn't take it to heart.

"Qiwu, how many people do you think should be relocated?" Brother Zhu Yuanzhang asked from the side.

"Well, each of these two places needs to have at least one million Han people! However, we cannot force the people to sign up. We have to guide the people to sign up voluntarily. It is best to come up with some system to attract people to Liaodong and Western Xinjiang."

Zhu Han was talking with his hands behind his back in the main hall and thinking at the same time.

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