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Chapter 286: Go to Saibei and transform the Ming Dynasty

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When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Han's words, he slapped his thigh excitedly: "Qiwu, what you said makes sense, it must be like this!"

"No matter where the people are, they are all our subjects! No matter whether it is fertile or barren land, it is our land! No matter how poor or remote the place is, it is still under our rule!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said a lot in one breath, all of which were in agreement with Zhu Han: "Qiwu, we will do whatever you say!"

Zhu Han said: "Build roads! Open roads across mountains, build bridges over water, eliminate all difficulties, and turn natural chasms into roads!"

"I remember the chieftain of Yungui said that there is a place where people live in the mountains, and they are still on the top of a mountain with no roads. It takes half a month to get in and out. How can this be possible? They have nothing to do with the world, but they don't know

The world has changed outside! We have to find a way to let them know... They are now the people of the Ming Dynasty, and no matter where they live, the Ming Dynasty will never forget them!"

"Now the Ming Dynasty is developing rapidly, but the income of the people cannot keep up with the speed of the development of the Ming Dynasty. We must find a way to increase the income of the people."

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded repeatedly: "Just do as you say, and we will let them do it during the court meeting."

When Zhu Han talked about building roads, he only said that this would benefit the people and at the same time enhance the Ming Dynasty's status in the hearts of the people. But there was another point Zhu Han did not mention, that is, once the roads are open, it means that the government orders are accessible.

Zhu Yuanzhang's decrees could be spread to all corners of the Ming Dynasty in the shortest possible time.

It must be repaired!

After Zhu Yuanzhang agreed to Zhu Han, he immediately asked another question: "Who are you going to leave this matter to?"

Now that you have raised all the problems, you must have a solution, right?

The most important thing is who does it.

Zhu Han?


Zhu Han can find problems, but he won't do anything because he finds it troublesome.

Zhu Han said a name: "Liu Ji!"


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Han mention Liu Bowen, he hesitated: "Is he suitable?"

"He is a son of an aristocratic family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and he represents the interests of the gentry. But as a minister of the Ming Dynasty, he must represent the interests of the Ming Dynasty and your will."

Zhu Han knew that Liu Bowen was not suitable, but he still chose him. He just wanted to tell Liu Bowen that in the future, it would be the most correct interest to give up your so-called noble family interests and follow Zhu Yuanzhang honestly.

Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Han's words and nodded to express his understanding and support.

"Okay, let Liu Ji do it."

At the court meeting, Zhu Yuanzhang promulgated his new decree.

Ordered the well-intentioned doctor Liu Bowen to go to Yunnan and Guizhou to conduct a survey on the entire population in the Yunnan-Guizhou area. No matter how remote, no one should be left behind... At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry to cooperate with Liu Bowen to conduct a survey on the population in the Yunnan-Guizhou area.

The roads were repaired and reconstructed, money, food, and craftsmen were mobilized to fully cooperate with Liu Bowen.

When Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Liu Bowen, he also ordered state officials across the country to make statistics and inventory where the people in their territories gathered. Whenever they encountered rugged roads or no way to go, they would report the statistics after counting, and then report them to the authorities.

Funds from the court and local governments were allocated at the same time to repair roads within the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Bowen stood in the court with a very ugly face.

He was just a well-endowed doctor with a false position, but Zhu Yuanzhang chose to focus on him.

To build roads for the people... This is completely inconsistent with Liu Bowen's cognition.

In his opinion, those who can help Zhu Yuanzhang govern the world and make the Ming Dynasty long-term and stable are the scholar-officials and the nobles of the Ming Dynasty. As long as Zhu Yuanzhang gives these scholar-officials enough benefits, they can help Zhu Yuanzhang manage the people.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen to do things for the people. In Liu Bowen's view, this was forcing him to betray the scholar-bureaucrat class.

"There must be some trace of Zhu Han in this."

Nowadays, things are happening everywhere in the Ming Dynasty. The war between Timur and Xu Da on Yin Li's side has not ended yet. Chen Youliang and Wang Baobao have not yet been resolved. The Ming Dynasty is expanding to the outside world. Memorials are floating in front of Zhu Yuanzhang like snowflakes every day. There are so many

Where does Zhu Yuanzhang still have time and energy to consider other things?

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Besides, the policy before the Ming Dynasty was to relocate people from remote areas to places with convenient transportation and fertile land. There was no need to go to Yunnan and Guizhou to do statistics and build roads.

It's totally a thankless job.

Liu Bowen felt that Zhu Yuanzhang was wasting people and money by doing this. There was not much money in the treasury to begin with, so it had to be spent wisely.

Liu Bowen, who was opposed to Zhu Yuanzhang's order in his heart, did not dare to oppose Zhu Yuanzhang in the court, because Zhu Yuanzhang just said that no matter where it is, as long as it is within the territory of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty court has the responsibility and obligation to build it well.


Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a commoner. In less than ten years, the population of Ming Dynasty exceeded 200 million, and his contribution far exceeded that of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Liu Bang and Li Shimin were brothers to Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang ambitiously wanted to become the emperor of the ages, and the order given today is

Zhu Yuanzhang was an important step on his way to becoming an emperor throughout the ages. How dare Liu Bowen become an obstacle to Zhu Yuanzhang?

"My lord, I obey the order!"

Liu Ji accepted Zhu Yuanzhang's order bitterly in his heart. He was already sure in his heart that when the scholar-officials knew what he had done for Zhu Yuanzhang, they would regard him as a traitor among the scholar-officials.

Zhu Han doesn't care whether Liu Ji becomes a traitor or not.

Is the scholar-bureaucrat class very powerful? They can control the court by relying on the class they have formed over thousands of years?


Absolutely impossible!

Zhu Han also knew in his heart that the scholar-official class would not be eliminated. Even ordinary people who grew up from the bottom, as long as they had a certain amount of wealth, or someone in their family became an official of the Ming Dynasty, they would become the scholar-official class... and then

The cycle begins over and over again.

Since it cannot be eradicated, then turn the poor people at the bottom into the scholar-bureaucrat class.

Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang did this in order to imitate the concept of the scholar-bureaucrat class and make the class disappear.

The general trend is the general trend, let alone Liu Ji, even if all the current scholar-bureaucrats are tied together, there is no way to stop the general trend!

After giving Zhu Yuanzhang advice, Zhu Han was going to take Liu Sanniang for a spin to the north, and by the way, Natalie, Sophia, and Zhou Zhiruo were also going to play in the north together.

In fact, it’s just to escape the heat.

Now Yingtian Mansion is about to usher in the dog days of summer. Although there is an ice cellar and the place where we live is warm in winter and cool in summer, we can't stay in the house all the time, right?

Simply, Zhu Han took his people to the north and had a nice walk on the grassland.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care about him. Knowing that Zhu Han was going out to play, he just kindly reminded Zhu Han that he still had few children and had to quickly think of ways to have more children, so that Zhu Han could work hard while he was out playing.

The old Zhu family is blooming again.

Zhu Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this, but thinking that if he didn't agree, Zhu Yuanzhang would keep nagging him, so he agreed readily.

"Qiwu, don't take it seriously."

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Han's perfunctory and said to him seriously: "Look, how many times has the territory of Ming Dynasty expanded? It is both land and sea. Nowadays, our transportation is not convenient. It may even take a long time to go back and forth.

In half a year, how will we manage it in the future? We still have to rely on ourselves, right?"

"The Ming Dynasty is the Ming Dynasty of the old Zhu family. The governance of the Ming Dynasty has to rely on our old Zhu family."

Zhu Han nodded in agreement and replied very seriously: "What the elder brother said is that I will work harder."

Zhu Yuanzhang was satisfied with Zhu Han's answer: "That's pretty much it."

As Zhu Yuanzhang's biological brother and the only British king in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Han will receive a lot of attention wherever he goes.

Even though Zhu Han was going out to play, officials along the way had already begun to inquire about Zhu Han's movements before Zhu Han left Yingtian Mansion.

Of course, Zhu Han's entourage will also tell them Zhu Han's whereabouts. This is to make Zhu Han's journey easier and eliminate certain troubles. Besides, officials everywhere have the responsibility to welcome court officials. Zhu Han

As the King of England, Zhu Han must be treated with great ceremony in the local area.

Zhu Han also knew it, but he did not stop him. They entertained, and how to satisfy Zhu Han depends on their own wisdom.

After crossing the Yangtze River, Zhu Han's first stop was Chuzhou, which is also where Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang really started their careers. Zhu Yuanzhang walked out of Haozhou here, got rid of his identity as a red scarf, and then crossed the Yangtze River step by step, directly to the

Jiqing Road...

The removal of the state was of great significance to the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Han's first stop for rest was in Chuzhou, which was within the expectations of many people.

The governor of Chuzhou Prefecture is called Wei Chengbo. He is a member of Wei's family in Chuzhou. He is also a Jinshi in the former Yuan Dynasty. Although he won the Jinshi, he was not reused. In addition, the Yuan Dynasty was full of wars. Wei Chengbo was just sent to

Chuzhou was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang. Wei Chengbo saw... OK, anyone who follows him is a gangster, so he simply took refuge in Zhu Yuanzhang, and then started as a clerk, step by step to become a governor, and became a governor of the state.

The biggest person.

When Zhu Han arrived at the southern city of Chuzhou, Wei Chengbo and a group of officials from Chuzhou were already waiting outside. When Zhu Han approached, he led the officials to kneel on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, Wei Chengbo, has met His Royal Highness."

"Get up."

Zhu Han asked Wei Chengbo to stand up, and he took Liu Sanniang and others to the city. After Wei Chengbo stood up, he quickly came to Zhu Han and said to Zhu Han: "His Royal Highness, I heard that you were passing through Chuzhou at night.

At that time, a small banquet will be prepared in a restaurant in the city, and other preparations are also in the city."

Zhu Han heard the meaning of Wei Chengbo's words: "Oh? Are you letting me wander around Chuzhou City at will?"

"Except that the city has doubled in size and can accommodate 400,000 people. How long can your Majesty live alone?"

Wei Chengbo shook his head and instead said to Zhu Han: "Not only you, your entourage can also move anywhere in the city. If there is any violation of discipline and unreasonableness, you and your entourage are welcome to put forward opinions on the development of Chuzhou. I will lower my official position."


"Hahaha, you are quite interesting."

Zhu Han agreed, "Okay, as you said, Hu Yiba, I will give the brothers a day off today and let them go to Chuzhou City to play. Each of them will receive ten taels of silver, so you can spend it!"

Hu Yiba immediately agreed: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Han said he would give the brothers a holiday, but Hu Yiba did not leave. Instead, he followed Zhu Han with more than 30 people.

Under the leadership of Wei Chengbo, Zhu Han came to the trade market in Nancheng. Many people came in and out of the market, and those who came out were holding purchased necessities.

Wei Chengbo was explaining to Zhu Han: "Your Highness, there are two similar trade markets in Chuzhou, one in Nancheng and one in Xicheng. These two districts have the largest number of people, and they also need the trade market the most, not only for food and clothing.

It can also be used as a leisure place. You can take your family to the trade market and take a rest. In order to cope with the flow of people, enough passages were specially set aside during the construction..."

"Dongcheng is a wealthy area. Many businessmen and big families live in Dongcheng. They also have a trading market there, but it is relatively high-end. I found some people whose family conditions are not good but who work quickly go there, such as vegetables or vegetables.

The fruits are washed and then sold, which has won the trust of people in Dongcheng. The money earned can not only satisfy their own lives, but also improve the conditions of their families. The ownership of Dongcheng's trading market is owned by the government, and it rotates every three years...


Wei Chengbo told Zhu Han some of his policies in Chuzhou, and Zhu Han was very happy after hearing it: "Yes, you managed Chuzhou well... Wei Chengbo, after we left, you put the policies you formulated in Chuzhou,

The implementation method was written down and handed to His Majesty, asking him to promote the governance method of eliminating states in the Ming Dynasty."


Zhu Han asked Wei Chengbo some questions, and Wei Chengbo answered them one by one calmly. It can be seen that what Zhu Han saw in Chuzhou was not put together to welcome him.

How can such officials not be reused?

In the evening, Zhu Han went to attend the banquet hosted by Wei Chengbo. He found that except for the officials in the city, everyone was very convinced of Wei Chengbo and almost no one had second thoughts. Zhu Han gave him another label: not only was he capable, but he was also smart.

He was very tough. When he returned to his place of residence, Zhu Han wrote a letter about Wei Chengbo's situation and asked his attendants to hurry up and deliver it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

At the end of Zhu Han's letter to Zhu Yuanzhang, he left the most important sentence: Wei Chengbo, Liu Ji should be replaced!

Wei Chengbo was born in the Wei family of Chuzhou, and Liu Ji was also a nobleman from Jiangsu and Zhejiang... But why did Wei Chengbo do so many practical things for the people, and why did you, Liu Bowen, have to grind and procrastinate to do something?

Even if Wei Chengbo is not as good as Liu Bowen, Zhu Han is still willing to use Wei Chengbo. The most important thing is that their hearts are of the same mind, unlike Liu Ji who wavers between the two camps of the Ming Dynasty and the scholar-bureaucrats.

Zhu Han will not give up on Liu Bowen. If he can make changes, Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang will give him greater rights. But if he is still stubborn and still wavering between the two camps, Liu Bowen will definitely be given up.


It is true that the Ming Dynasty is short of officials, but it will not leave official positions to people who have nothing to do.

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