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Chapter 295: Promote commerce! Great Ming Dynasty!

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"Brother, actually we still have a way."

Zhu Han seemed to have a countermeasure, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang confidently: "Bonds! Let's continue to issue bonds!"

"Issuing bonds again? No!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and refused, "Didn't you tell us before that if we keep issuing bonds, the people will not trust us and Ming Dynasty will fall into a credit crisis? No! We can't let the people poke our spine."

Zhu Yuanzhang refused. As expected by Zhu Han, he remained calm and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Brother, the issuance of this bond does not necessarily have to be by us...or it does not have to be the court."

Zhu Han looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's interested look, and then slowly said: "The imperial court is responsible for taking an overview of the overall situation and formulating a development plan. The local government is responsible for completing the imperial court plan according to the different environments and actual local conditions. That is,

Said...the place where bonds can be issued does not have to be a court, local bonds can also be issued."

"For example, in Yingtian, in order to revitalize Yingtian's economy, Yingtian Mansion can independently issue a certain number of bonds, let the people hand over the money to Yingtian Mansion, and they will return the money to the people according to the agreement... For example, the East India Company, that is our

The company of the Ming Dynasty Chaotang, I call it a state-owned enterprise of the Ming Dynasty. The Chaotang is directly responsible for it. Companies can also be established locally. I call them local state-owned enterprises... Brother, if there are two in each city,

With three local state-owned companies, they can spend less money and complete more work..."

"Think about it, brother, when people invest their money, there is business right at their doorstep. They can keep an eye on it all the time. How can they not be excited?"

Zhu Han's words were clear and logical, but Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think what Zhu Kai was talking about was good business. He said to Zhu Han: "Qiwu, you may not know much about the people's thoughts. We used to... forget it, then

When you were still young, there were some things you didn’t understand, and no one among the common people was willing to take the initiative to take out their money, do you understand?"

Zhu Han nodded: "I understand, but there are always people who are willing to eat crabs. As long as there is one, there will be a second one. I call it the sheep effect."

In future generations, why are there so many people playing in the stock market?

Rich people pursue excitement, while people who have no money and participate in it want to get rich overnight in the stock market, but those who make money are just the first sheep after all, that is, the first person to eat the crab.

In later generations, those people had an unpleasant and ridiculing name: leeks!

Leeks don’t think they are leeks, so they go on and on... Of course, this is the financial industry, but in the manufacturing industry, this effect is called the sheep effect.

Whoever is the first to eat the crab will get more.

When the people see the "Tou Sheep" making a lot of money, they are naturally tempted and will do some business within their ability.

Zhu Han told Zhu Yuanzhang his idea. Zhu Yuanzhang listened thoughtfully. Zhu Han continued: "And local enterprises are doing things that the people can see and touch. How can they not make money?"

"If the first person does it, there will be a second person, a third person, and even more people will participate. When all the people start to learn to do business, that will be the time for us to conquer the world. By that time

We don’t need to lead the people, the people will do it themselves! Population, land, commerce, outward expansion... will all exist."

"Wait, you wait first."

Zhu Yuanzhang held his head. He was frightened by what Zhu Han said. All the people were going to do business. How could there be so much business?

However, it sounds interesting.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Han: "Qiwu, what you said, can we see it in this life?"

"Of course I can see it!"

Later generations also did this, and many companies have developed into local pillar companies, so Zhu Han knew a lot about this.

As for Zhu Yuanzhang's body... Zhu Han is not worried at all. As one of the few Liver Emperors in history, Lao Zhu can live for many years. The situation now is much better than it was back then. The disobedient generals were all driven out to serve overseas.

Now that the disaster is gone and there is nothing to worry Zhu Yuanzhang, shouldn't he live longer than before?

Hearing what Zhu Han said, Zhu Yuanzhang became interested: "Qiwu, please tell us in detail."


Zhu Han didn't say too much, but just used reality as an example: "For example, Yingtian Mansion needs a weaving workshop, but they don't have that much money. They can find businessmen to cooperate and divide the equity according to the investment ratio...or in other words, locally

It must occupy an absolute controlling stake. It does not require money, but it can be supported by policies. For example, the local weaving workshops in Yingtianfu can collect less taxes, while the external weaving workshops still pay taxes according to the original plan... In this way, the gap will appear.


After explaining to Zhu Yuanzhang how to speed up local economic development, Zhu Han also said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "There will be certain disadvantages in doing this, but judging from the current situation, it is impossible to achieve perfection overnight. We can only

I will add more later, brother, this is my suggestion. Businesses such as salt, iron, and sugar must be controlled by the company of the court and accept the decree of the court. Other businesses can be safely handed over to the local government. This can activate the local economy and promote

With their development, on the other hand, we can also take this opportunity to find the most suitable talents for Ming Dynasty, killing two birds with one stone!"

"Well, what you said...is quite interesting."

Zhu Yuanzhang scratched his head and said to Zhu Han: "As for the candidates, what do you think of Wei Chengbo and Meng Duan? You discovered these two people, and we will leave them to you now."

"One of these two people is radical and the other is sophisticated. They can't pee in the same pot."

Zhu Han doesn't think it's a good thing to bring Wei Chengbo and Meng Duan together. Wei Chengbo is radical in his approach to things. He talks about the law without prohibitions and is free. He is more likely to go off-topic when doing things. Meng Duan is an old guy and does everything smoothly. Even if you want to find problems with him, it's not good.

Look, to put it harshly, this old guy is just a veteran.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The two of them spend more time arguing than they spend working together.

However, Zhu Han did not refute Zhu Yuanzhang's words, but said to him: "Brother, we can let two of them take charge of one side. Wei Chengbo goes to Guangdong and Guangxi, and Meng Duan is transferred to Qilu. Qilu is the northern seaport and has excellent ports. Guangdong and Guangxi

The area is in the south, and the merchant ships that go out are basically there. Both sides have their own advantages, so we can let them both try it and see what they can do."

"Well, this is a good idea."

Zhu Yuanzhang patted his thigh and said with satisfaction: "That's it!"

The matter of local development has been solved, and what is left is the issue of the expeditionary army: "There is also the issue of the expeditionary army. We have sent an army of 200,000, and now we are basically unable to make ends meet. Everywhere is fighting with the locals, or it is Huairou

Their policies made them succumb to Ming Dynasty, but development is always a problem, what should we do?"

“Easy to handle!”

Zhu Han laughed, and his smile was very sinister: "Aren't there a lot of corrupt officials in our country? Send them out. The Ming Dynasty does not allow these worms to exist, but they are all well-read in poetry and books, and have the experience of serving as officials.

It would be good for people with experience to lead a group of barbarians to develop places. At least the troops fighting outside will not go hungry... At the same time, they promise benefits and let them lead the development of those places. "Warning" did something wrong to them.

For punishment, we can also make a "Confessions", with officials who have done a good job in developing the region, giving them a chance to change their ways. I think many people want to seize such a good opportunity, and they have accomplished their goals.

We can give them the opportunity to return to their hometowns to retire, but if that doesn’t work, we might as well let them live out their lives in the wilderness.”

"Hahahaha, Qiwu, Qiwu, your idea is really sinister...but we like it."

Zhu Yuanzhang happily slapped his thigh, and then waved his hand: "Okay, let's do it! Those moths will have to drain all their oil and water!"

Zhu Yuanzhang put his hands on the table and tapped regularly. Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's posture, Zhu Han also knew that he was thinking, so he sat aside and drank tea without disturbing him: "This is a good idea, let's do it, haha...

…In less than three years, development will begin outside.”

"Three years? Brother...it's a bit long, at most one year, they have to complete these tasks."

Zhu Han held out a finger and said, "The place we conquered is basically spring-like all year round, and you can grow food all year round. If they can't meet the needs of the army in one year, there will be no need for them to come back."


"Okay, just one year."

Zhu Yuanzhang readily agreed to Zhu Han, and he was willing to believe in Zhu Han unconditionally.

After talking about national affairs, the rest was private matters. Looking at Zhu Han, Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Are those two foreign women pregnant?"

Zhu Han nodded: "Yes."

"Oh, tell me...what good are those foreign women? How can our old Zhu family tolerate them in the future?"

Zhu Yuanzhang also had a headache. In the genealogy of the old Zhu family for generations, there was no one like Zhu Han. In the future, when Zhu Han was included in the genealogy, he couldn't include those two foreign women, right? He felt uncomfortable no matter what.


Zhu Han was dissatisfied: "Brother, what are you talking about? We call it glory for the country. We can not only defeat their country, but also conquer their women. We are glory for the Ming Dynasty, okay? Brother

...How about I go back and find two for you and let you take them to the palace to try? It won’t be a good experience.”


Zhu Yuanzhang's face turned red when Zhu Han said that. He glared at Zhu Han fiercely and blamed him for speaking out, but then he felt a little embarrassed: "We, we have it in the palace."

"Yo? It's okay, brother!"

Zhu Han laughed and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Then we brothers will win glory for the country together!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was not as shameless as Zhu Hanhou. He was a little embarrassed when he heard Zhu Han's words: "Go, go, what kind of glory for the country is this? There is another thing I almost forgot, Lan Yu was beaten by us. This kid

If you get some results, just stick to your tail. You were right to send him out in the first place. If you put him in the country, you don't know how big the trap he will be."

Zhu Han nodded: "That boy Lan Yu... he can't come back. He's impatient and petty. He'll attack when someone provokes him. This boy... you have to find someone to watch him carefully."

"That's not bad, but the only one who can keep an eye on him is you."

Zhu Yuanzhang paused for a moment, and then said to Zhu Han: "Don't you want to go to Yinzhou in the future? Let him follow you there. He can keep his tail behind you."


Zhu Han nodded in agreement, and then said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Are you okay? Can you go back and have dinner? I miss the food cooked by my sister-in-law."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Zhu Yuanzhang pulled Zhu Han out and said, "After your sister-in-law found out that those two foreign women were pregnant, she complained about you for a long time, saying that you were still irritable even though you were an adult. At that time, she almost went to find you, hehe... then...

It’s inevitable to listen to your sister-in-law’s nagging.”

"A sister-in-law is like a mother, that's what I hear."

Zhu Han responded with a smile, and then walked with Zhu Yuanzhang towards Kunning Palace where Ma Xiuying lived.

While eating, listening to Ma Xiuying's nagging, and Zhu Yuanzhang helping to cover up and being nagged together... Zhu Han felt extremely warm.

It's just... Ma Xiuying's body must be taken good care of.

Zhu Han remembered that Ma Xiuying died very early.

When Lan Yu left Yingtian Mansion, Zhu Han had not returned yet, which made Lan Yu feel very sorry.

I originally thought that after meeting Zhu Han, I would apologize to him, admit my mistakes to him, and promise to never do it again... Lan Yu is such a person, he is petty, and if others show no respect for him, he will find ways to do it

He will take revenge on you, but if you are kind to him, he will always remember it and pay it back tenfold.

Moreover, Zhu Han was not only kind to Lan Yu, but also supportive.

When he led the troops out, there were actually many generals with more seniority than him who were more qualified to lead the troops, but Zhu Han chose Lan Yu against all opinions. I heard that many generals were a little dissatisfied with Zhu Han.


It was Zhu Han's efforts against all opinions that gave Lan Yu the opportunity to lead troops in the war, so Lan Yu always remembered Zhu Han's kindness.

What now?

He did something wrong before he finished the work. In other words... Lan Yu is now guilty. Instead of repaying Zhu Han's trust in him with actual actions, he caused a lot of trouble. This

How could Lan Yu be so arrogant? He was thinking about apologizing to Zhu Han all the time, but he didn't wait until Zhu Han came back. He could only hide this feeling in his heart and wait for the battle with Wang Baobao to be over.

After winning the battle, talk to Zhu Han.

I came to East India because this is the front line.

In fact, attacking Eastern Rome from land was a better option, but Zhu Yuanzhang did not do so. The reason is very simple. Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to train his troops, especially the navy.

On land, the Ming army could sweep through everything, but the combat power of the navy was not very strong. Moreover, after switching from the army to the navy, there were still certain differences in the combat methods and techniques of the soldiers.

Zhu Han told Zhu Yuanzhang that although future wars will eventually be resolved on land, the war at sea is the most important. Ming Dynasty needs an invincible navy to compete for the future world.

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