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Chapter 326: Ming students: Yinzhou, we are here!

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"Why should I choose Wadao? Why should I agree to Fang Guozhen and help him handle his affairs?" Lan

Sha Qiliang was wailing in his heart. His two classmates were working so smoothly now, which made Sha Qiliang feel very uncomfortable. It even made Sha Qiliang deeply doubtful about himself: "Could it be that I am not capable?


When Liu Bin and Zhou Lin saw that Sha Qiliang was silent, they thought he had encountered many difficulties, so they persuaded Sha Qiliang to talk about the problems he encountered, and everyone worked together.

"Brother Qiliang, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. No matter what, the three of us are more capable than the cobblers, right? Tell us about the problems you encounter, and we can figure out a solution together?"

Liu Bin spoke very sincerely and said to Sha Qiliang: "We came here together. If possible, we would naturally leave together, right? If you don't talk about the problems you encounter, how can we help you?"

Zhou Lin also tried to persuade him: "Yes, Brother Liu is right. If Brother Qiliang has any unspeakable secrets, let's find a solution together."

Faced with the fighting spirit of two classmates and friends, Sha Qiliang no longer concealed anything and told what happened to him: "His Royal Highness said that when we come overseas, the most important thing is to treat overseas

The indigenous people in the enclave are educated, but on the Japanese island... there is no need for education at all. We can only help Zhenhaigong handle government affairs. Brother Liu and Brother Zhou, you don't know that before we came, their government affairs were almost zero.

, Zhenhaigong’s secretary is just a scholar who has attended a private school for two years. His writing is sloppy, and the things recorded are basically running accounts. He only records what he did today, and nothing else. Originally, I wanted to sort out all these records.

I came out and left a history book that was true enough for Japan, but I found that there was no way to keep records. The secretary seemed to not want me to keep these records, and kept talking to me every day..."

Faced with the problems he encountered, Sha Qiliang didn't want to talk at first, but after he spoke, he became eloquent: "If we give up the records of these years, Japan Island will disappear for eight years for no reason... I

I have accepted my fate. If this period of history is covered up, at least it will not leave a stain on the history books of the Ming army. It is just a pity that my time this month has been wasted on meaningless wrangling." Lan.

Sha Qiliang seemed particularly uncomfortable at this time. On the one hand, it was because of the work that made no progress and wasted time; on the other hand, it was also because Zhou Lin and Liu Bin had already achieved certain results, and he had a deep sense of his own abilities.


It's very uncomfortable.

"Brother Qiliang, don't worry about this. The work we do is just a very simple record. You are different. You are facing the entire Japanese island. The work you do is much more difficult than us."

Zhou Lin comforted Sha Qiliang, and then continued to him: "Brother Qiliang, you must be very talented, otherwise Fang Guozhen would not name you to do such a huge workload. The burden on your shoulders is very heavy.

, the work at the beginning may be difficult to carry out, but once you do it well, it will be a huge contribution, and Brother Qiliang's future is limitless."

Liu Bin felt that what he wanted to say to comfort Sha Qiliang had been said by Zhou Lin, and it would be meaningless for him to say anything else, so he nodded violently from the side, indicating that Zhou Lin was right.

Faced with the persuasion of two classmates and friends, Sha Qiliang felt much better, but the feeling of disappointment was still there. He was now doubting his ability: "Now, what else do I think about the credit and future, how can I do my job well?"

The results are pretty good.”


The next day, Sha Qiliang went to find Fang Guozhen and received warm hospitality from Fang Guozhen.

Fang Guozhen knew very well that he was an executioner, and he was also a military general. Sha Qiliang, Liu Bin, and Zhou Lin did not respect him as much as they seemed on the surface. In addition, Fang Guozhen killed many people on the Japanese island. These literati

It didn't matter to Fang Guozhen that they looked down upon him. No matter how much they looked down on him, it had no influence on him.

You come to me and I will give you a warm welcome.

At other times, we don't interfere with the river. If Fang Guozhen from the province sees them, if he can't restrain his murderous intention, it would be bad to kill them.

If Zhu Han hadn't specially written to him to make arrangements, Fang Guozhen wouldn't have cared about these scholars at all.

It's meaningless, and there's no use caring about it.

When Sha Qiliang saw Fang Guozhen, he was not polite and told him his purpose directly: "Mr. Zhen Guo, your records on the Japanese island are just a running account and have no meaning to my work. I am going to go out and take a look and see what the Japanese are doing."

The situation on the island has been compiled into a document." Lan

"Okay, okay, just do it."

Fang Guozhen supported Sha Qiliang's work with both hands, and also said to Sha Qiliang: "It's okay for you to go and do your work, but you must be protected by guards, and you must have all-round protection... It's not me who sends people to monitor you.

It’s some Japanese people on the Japanese islands who refuse to accept being invaded by us and have been trying to find ways to resist. They usually behave like obedient people, but once someone is left alone, they will suddenly rise up and kill."

Sha Qiliang's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

Damn it... I'm actually worried about my life.

Why did you, Fang Guozhen, want to cause massacre?

If we had peacefully coexisted with the Japanese people on the Japanese islands, how would what happened now happen?

Of course, Sha Qiliang also keenly discovered another problem: "Mr. Zhen Guo, it has been eight years since you came to Japan, right? Why haven't you dealt with this problem for such a long time?" Lan

"There's nothing I can do about this. Who knew those Japanese were so cunning?"

Fang Guozhen spread his hands and expressed that he had little to do with him: "At the beginning, they all chose to surrender and obeyed the orders honestly, but they were still killing people, looking for opportunities to resist and try to drive us away."

Any literate nation would not watch its country being invaded by foreign enemies, right? Sha Qiliang felt that even if it were him, he would not easily succumb to the invaders.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As for persuading Fang Guozhen to give up killing, it is basically impossible. Fang Guozhen stayed on the Japanese island for eight years. It is impossible that no one asked Zhu Han during these eight years.

Zhu Yuanzhang complained, but Fang Guozhen's identity as the "King of Japan Island" was as stable as Mount Tai, which explains the problem.

Sha Qiliang will not make fun of his own life. Since Fang Guozhen said that he may be in danger, he must protect himself: "Okay, then please ask Zhenhai Gong to prepare some guards for me."


Fang Guozhen still sent his secretary in charge, and also sent 3,000 Ming army guards to Sha Qiliang, asking them to follow Sha Qiliang.

Unlike the situation in Japan, the people in Australia are living a pretty good life.

Australia has little cultural heritage, and they don't seem to know how to speak. After Ming Dynasty announced that he became the owner of this land, the indigenous Australians had no idea what it meant.

Against the Australian aborigines, swords were of no use; food was enough to make them submit.

When students from the Ming Dynasty came to this land, they were warmly received by Cao Zhen, the leader of the garrison, Jingchuan Hou.

These Australian people were a kind of torture to Cao Zhen and other Ming soldiers. They knew nothing and lived entirely on the gifts of this land, such as farming and blacksmithing... They didn't know how to do it, and they still use stones.

and weapons like sticks for hunting.

The sergeants under Cao Zhen can fight, farm, and forge iron...but they don't have the ability to teach people who can't even speak.

Fortunately, students from the Ming Dynasty came. More than 300 people came. Cao Zhen was very happy and treated them as guests.

"Dear students, on behalf of the Ming Dynasty's troops stationed in Australia, I welcome you all. The burden on you is... very heavy."

Cao Zhen talked about the problems they encountered, and then complained to the students: "The people here can't even speak, and they can't teach them step by step. My soldiers are so anxious that they almost kill people. What's next?"

It's up to you...you go and educate them."

When the students heard this, they immediately became interested.

Isn't this a savage? It's really interesting to teach savages how to read and write...

Facing Cao Zhen's request, they all happily accepted the task of educating the savages.


Students heading to Indonesia have also arrived, and the Southeast Peninsula... the farthest one is heading to Yinzhou. The students heading to Yinzhou are still on the boat.

The ship that sent the students to Yinzhou was the most advanced sea-going ship in the Ming Dynasty. The ship's deck was as big as two football fields. In today's world, it is also a unique ship.

Moreover, it is not just one ship, but a fleet. One ship is filled with students, and the other ships are filled with supplies.

Not only for these bachelors and students, Zhu Han also took great care of every Ming Dynasty person who went overseas. Not to mention all the ship tickets, there were a lot of ingredients on the ship.

Vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, milk, poultry...everything is available.

Moreover, bachelors and students can eat and drink as they like, as long as they don't waste it, no one will say anything to them.

"Why hasn't it arrived yet?" Lan

Mei Fang sat on the deck and looked at the sea in the distance...as far as the eye could see was the color of the ocean. It had been the same color after sailing for several months, which made him very upset.

As an out-and-out northerner, Mei Fang had never touched water or been on a boat, so he was seasick. However, after drifting on the boat for several months, Mei Fang started to vomit as soon as he got on the boat.

Now I can walk on the boat as if on flat ground. I can also play with my classmates, exercise, and even go to other boats to play.

Anyway, except not being able to swim, Mei Fang has mastered all the skills on the boat.

Dududu... The trumpet that sounded every day on the ship rang again. Mei Fang reluctantly stood up and gathered on the deck honestly.

Not only him, but others also came out of the ship. They all lay down on the ground, started doing push-ups, sitting on their backs, and then running on the deck... This was the order given to them by the captain of the ship.

It’s time to study and play, but there should be two hours of exercise time every day, no less than a quarter of an hour.

The captain said that overseas conditions are harsh, and although they are prepared with everything they should have, the body is the capital of all work, and having a good body is the most important, so they started exercising from the first day they boarded the ship.

When she first asked to be trained, Mei Fang also felt resentful. They were scholars, so studying would be fine. Why did they have to exercise? They were not soldiers, so it didn't matter whether they exercised or not.

Many bachelors and students are very averse to physical exercise, but on the ship, the captain's requirements are very strict, and they are not given the opportunity to cheat or slip up. They must complete the amount of exercise every day. Anyone who dares to be lazy will be punished.

Mei Fang was indeed opposed to exercise at first, but after exercising for a period of time, Mei Fang found that her energy level improved a lot, and she was filled with endless energy all day long, and she could also concentrate more when reading...

Is this a benefit of exercising?

Mei Fang couldn't help being happy, and gradually she no longer objected to physical exercise, but actively participated in it.

However, Mei Fang found it boring no matter how he did the same thing day after day, and his mood became more and more irritable.

This is also the reason why they have never traveled such a long distance, and they are still at sea, with no entertainment facilities at all, which is very annoying.

The captain seemed to know that these students were suffering right now, so in addition to the necessary exercise and reading, he also asked the officers and men on the ship to prepare more entertainment activities, such as a barbecue in the evening... which was very relaxing.

When sailing on the sea, barbecue and wine are the most suitable tools to relieve fatigue. This is what they did on the ship. Although the bachelors considered themselves to be higher than the crew, the smell of barbecue was really fragrant. With the help of the wine, they quickly became friends.

They get together and even become brothers of the opposite sex.

On this day, it was time to have a barbecue on the boat again. Mei Fang and several classmates had already set up the stove very skillfully, then lit the charcoal, and started roasting the sheep tied on the rack.

Being at sea for a long time made them very agitated, and they even got together to discuss the matter while having a barbecue.

"Did we go the wrong way? Is Yinzhou so far away?"

"Didn't His Majesty the King say that the world is a big place, let us go out and broaden our horizons?"

"It has indeed broadened our horizons. We have been wandering at sea for several months... We really want to broaden our horizons, but broadening our horizons and now are completely different things. How long do we have until we reach Yinzhou? There is nothing on the sea, no

Could it be that I went the wrong way?" Lan

"No, isn't there a sea compass?"

"We don't believe in ourselves, but we have to believe in a so-called compass?"

"Didn't I tell you that when we came here? The captain who brought us here often travels between Yinzhou and Daming, so he should be right."

Everyone was busy discussing. Mei Fang did not participate in the discussion, but he also had doubts in his mind...Have he gone the wrong way?

Perhaps I heard the call in everyone's heart. At the end of the sea level, there seemed to be a shadow, and if I continued forward... it seemed like a continent.

At this time, the captain and crew shouted and cheered in unison... Mei Fang couldn't help but feel refreshed... Is this the time?

"We're here! This is Yinzhou!" Lan

The captain's words gave everyone reassurance, and as the fleet approached, a flag with the word "明" flying high, Mei Fang could now be convinced: Yinzhou has really arrived.

After six months of wandering at sea, we finally arrived.

Mei Fang couldn't help but clenched his fists... This is the stage where he will perform in the future!

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