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Chapter 39: Yishi surrenders his troops!

They were all starved to the point of losing their temper, and were like logs waiting to be shed.

"We are the Red Scarf Rebels. I think we are all sons of the Han family and have no choice but to work for Meng Tatar. Marshal Zhu pities you and has decided not to kill you!"

"Expelling the Tartars and restoring China is the duty of men of the Han family!"

"If any of you are willing to join the rebel army, you will receive a monthly salary of two taels of silver, enough food and clothing, and no default!"

"If you don't want to join, it doesn't matter. Marshal Du has also decided to release you and go home, and give each of you 500 yuan for travel expenses!"

As soon as Zhu Han finished speaking, the prisoners, who had been in a dead silence, suddenly opened their eyes wide, with expressions of surprise and suspicion.

They couldn't believe this was true.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang had promised not to kill them when they were captured, but even if he did not kill them, the fate of being captured would definitely not be good. Either they would be treated as army coolies like cattle and horses, or they would be driven into battle in the future.


No one has ever thought that these red scarf thieves would release them and give them travel expenses?

Just when the prisoners were all confused, the crowd suddenly let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction.

"Hmph! If you want to kill or behead me, come after grandpa, don't use these underhanded methods!"

Zhu Hanxun looked around and saw that this man looked fierce, like the black whirlwind Li Kui.

He immediately understood that there was definitely a big conspiracy because these prisoners did not believe they would be released and even paid travel expenses.

Sure enough, after this fake Li Kui spoke, many prisoners looked filled with indignation.

One of the ways that the Mongolian Tatars often tortured and killed criminals was to pretend to release them, allowing the prisoners to escape, and then the Mongols would hunt and kill them on horseback for fun.

These prisoners have all seen this trick before.

"Hahaha, what kind of status is Marshal Du? Do you think that talking like those Mongolian Tatars doesn't count? If you want to stay, you can stay. If you are willing to leave, you will never be forced to stay!" Zhu Han said loudly.

The words had been spoken so clearly that the prisoners were basically relieved.

Many of them knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to express their thanks.

"Marshal Du is so kind and kind!"

"Marshal Du is so kind, we will never dare to offend him in the future!"

"Marshal Gaohou Wandai!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at these surrendered prisoners who were kneeling and thanking him, and he admired Zhu Han's countermeasures in his heart.

After these people go back, even if they join the Yuan Army again, they will only make the Yuan Army less motivated to fight against them!

Zhu Han waited until they had finished kneeling and cheering, then continued.

"However, before I let you go, I want you to promise one thing!"

When the prisoners below heard this, their hearts tightened again.

"Sir, I don't know what's going on?"

The prisoner in the front row asked boldly.

Zhu Han looked solemn and said loudly.

"Marshal Du will let you go back and give each of you five hundred coins. Then you must promise not to rob or steal on the road, nor to harass the people!"

Zhu Han's words immediately moved these surrendered soldiers.

They all secretly thought in their hearts: What kind of rebels are they? Surrender without killing or torture, release the prisoners, pay back travel expenses, and care about the people on the road. They are really full-fledged rebels!

They looked at the banner of "Practice for Heaven" behind Zhu Han and felt it was so shocking.

"Don't worry, sir, we agree!"

"Sir, if I steal a piece of grass on the road, I will die badly!"

"Marshal Renyi, we will use our lives to promise not to rob the people!"

These surrendered soldiers made real or fake guarantees one after another.

"Okay, those who decide to stay and join the rebels should stand on my left side, and those who are willing to go home should go to my right side to collect their travel expenses!"

Zhu Han stretched out his left and right hands to direct.

Most of the prisoners chose to go back, and ran to Zhu Han's right side to collect their travel expenses.

However, there were still a dozen prisoners standing on the left side.

One of the leaders was none other than the black-faced fake Li Kui who yelled just now.

"Brother, I didn't expect that someone really wanted to stay?" Zhu Han was a little surprised when he saw this.

He thought that all these prisoners must have run away because they were afraid of involving the rebels.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the Yuan Army were not refugees. Many of them had families, land and property.

It is impossible to risk the whole family and join the rebel army just for the sake of a full meal.

What's more, the rebels are rebels at best, but they are rebels at worst.

Since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, the most indispensable thing has been rebels from all walks of life.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also a little surprised.

He nodded, and then said: "It seems they have some strength, come with us to have a look!"

"Okay!" Zhu Han nodded gently.

When the two came to several prisoners, the leading black-faced man immediately clasped his fists and saluted.

"The villain Chen Baodao has met Marshal Du!"

"Chen Baodao, where are you from? Why don't you go home and stay to join the rebel army?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked with a serious look on his face.

"Marshal Du, I am a native of Yingzhou. He beat and killed people in his hometown and joined the army. He has no home to return to for a long time! I think Marshal Du is a real hero. Since we are all serving as soldiers to feed ourselves, then we should follow a good general."

!" Chen Baodao said loudly.

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he burst out laughing.

He saw that Chen Baodao was a straightforward man, but he was also a useful talent.

"Haha, you said we are true heroes, how did you know that?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"Marshal Du can fight and dare to fight. He killed Timur and defeated him, yet he refused to surrender. He also loves the people. Although I am a rough man, I also know what a good person is. A good person who has the ability is a hero!" Chen Baodao said!



Zhu Yuanzhang immediately decided to accept Chen Baodao and others.

"Little brother, I will leave Chen Baodao and the others to you!" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Zhu Han nodded and agreed.

He has also seen that this Chen Baodao is courageous and knowledgeable, not an ordinary prostitute. If he practices it well, it can indeed be of great use.

"Chen Baodao, from now on you will follow Shuai Fu Ya and Zhu Han as servants!" Zhu Yuanzhang ordered loudly.

Zhu Han helped his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang to control the personal soldiers. According to the practice at this time, he held the official position of Ji Ya.

"Chen Baodao, let's see how strong your arms are. How are your skills?" Zhu Han asked.

"Back to Aiya, I am a sword player in the Tatar army!" Chen Baodao said proudly.

Sword and shield players, also known as sword and shield soldiers, not only need soldiers to master the coordination of sword and shield, but also have enough courage to attack the enemy formation at critical moments. Many battle formation gaps are often opened by close attacks by sword and shield players.

If you are not an elite member of the military, it is generally difficult for you to serve in this branch of the military.

Zhu Han nodded with satisfaction. As long as he could win over their hearts, he would have found a treasure.

Although the three thousand soldiers and horses of Longxing Temple are quite powerful, they all rely on formation and coordination.

The soldiers' personal martial arts are all a shortcoming. Once they get into a stalemate, they lack sword and shield assault soldiers with strong individual capabilities.

This chapter has been completed!
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