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Chapter 438 The prince fights side by side with the people

Everyone in the entire Ruiqi camp was confused.

What's going on?

It's not like they haven't fought before, or in this period of Ming Dynasty, there really aren't many troops that haven't fought before.

But they have really never seen this scene today.

Why would those ordinary people suddenly attack them?

These people are absolutely unmistakable to the common people.

Just look at the weapons they use.

Shovels, pickaxes, even hoe, rolling pin and kitchen knives.

Although these weapons are not very easy to use, they can still kill people.

Caught off guard, it caused considerable losses to the soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion.

In the past, when they attacked the city, few people in the city directly confronted the officers and soldiers.

It was better when we were defending the city, and some people dared to help the defenders.

But as long as the city is destroyed, the people will basically not dare to do anything else.

But today, these people actually dare to attack the government troops?

However, the people are the people after all.

Although they are considered brave and brave, they are in no way comparable to real soldiers, especially the organized army.

After the initial shock, the soldiers of Ruiqi Battalion quickly calmed down and began to fight back.

Facing the military formation of the Ruiqi Battalion, the civilians soon suffered a large number of casualties.

Zhu Han, who had been sitting firmly in the carriage, saw this and could no longer sit down.

Of course, Zhu Han was also very distressed when his bodyguards died.

But they are all professional soldiers, and this is what they eat.

Those ordinary people were different. Zhu Han could not sit back and watch these ordinary people sacrifice themselves like this.

Zhu Han lifted the curtain in front of the carriage and got out of the carriage regardless of Liu Shenhong's objections.

He shouted at the common people who were still charging towards Ruiqi Camp's military formation: "Common people, I have received your wishes."

"But please step back, this is a war between me and certain people, and you really need to pay your lives for it."

Some people retreated after hearing Zhu Han's words. After all, the rightful owner didn't need them to save him, so there was no need for them to risk their lives, right?

But more people simply didn't listen to Zhu Han's words.

Still minding his own business, he launched an attack on the soldiers of Ruiqi Camp.

They were able to gain some advantages before, but that was because the soldiers of Ruiqi Battalion were not prepared at all.

It was only after being caught off guard that ordinary people got their hands on it.

Now that they are prepared, when they face those ordinary people, it will be a massacre.

The door of a residential building next to the street opened, and seven or eight people in shabby clothes rushed out, brandishing various weapons.

But as soon as they rushed onto the street, they ran into a forest of guns.

The weapons such as shovels and hoes in their hands are completely inferior to the spears of the Rui Cavalry Battalion.

Often, before they even encounter the people from the Rui Cavalry Camp, they are pierced by several spears.

He vomited blood to donate blood, fell to the ground and lost his life on the spot.

However, among these people, there are also those who have been on the battlefield before, or are relatively brave people, who can also cause some damage to the sharp cavalry camp.

But soon, they will be killed by soldiers from other sharp cavalry battalions.

The ratio of exchanges between the two sides was simply shocking.

Although the soldiers of the Ruiqi Battalion were powerful, the number of civilians who rushed out was too great.

There is an endless stream, like a river rushing to the sea.

If you kill one, two more will appear.

No matter how little their losses were, they could not withstand the large number of people.

Zhu Han saw with his own eyes that the people were constantly making sacrifices to save him, and his eyes almost turned red.

He was still trying his best to persuade me before.

"People, please go back."

"I will be fine for sure, there is no need for you to fight so hard."

"Zhao Hong, if you dare to attack these people again, believe it or not, I will kill all nine of your tribes!"

Zhao Hong's face was ashen, but he didn't take Zhu Han's words to heart at all.

"I don't need to worry about it, my lord. Before I came here today, the general had already sent the whole family to that other side."

Damn it!

Zhu Han couldn't help being shocked. He had never seen someone so cruel.

What kind of game is this?

But thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with Liu Hong's choice.

Whether this thing succeeds or not today, he will die.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that this guy will not end well.

But even if he succeeds, there is absolutely no way this guy can survive.

It is impossible for those people behind to allow a person who knows the inside story to continue to live.

By then, Zhao Hong and his family will definitely not be able to escape death.

Zhu Han felt strange as to what method those people used to force a smart man like Zhao Hong to submit.

Seeing that he really couldn't persuade these people, Zhu Han simply stopped trying.

"Common people, your kindness to me, Zhu Han, will never be forgotten by me, Zhu Han!"

"Today, for all those who died in battle, the imperial court will be responsible for supporting your parents, wives and children. For those who were injured, the imperial court will be responsible for providing for your retirement and ensuring that your whole family will have enough food and clothing!"

After making this promise, Zhu Han stretched out his hand to the side: "Here comes the knife!"

Liu Shenhong hurriedly took out a knife and handed it to Zhu Han.

Zhu Han holds the handle of the knife in his hand.


The long sword was unsheathed, its light shining sharply.

"You all fight for me, Zhu Han, but I, Zhu Han, will not just watch."

"Today, let me, Zhu Han, fight side by side with you and live and die together!"

Zhu Han roared angrily and jumped down from the carriage.

Holding the knife in both hands, he charged towards the direction of the Ruiqi Camp.

Seeing this scene, the people who came to help were full of energy.

"As expected of His Majesty the King of England, you are indeed magnificent. I will have no regrets even if I die now."

"Everyone, rush forward to protect His Majesty the King of England. We cannot let these rebellious officials and traitors get to His Majesty the King of England."


The loud shouts of killing seemed to poke a hole in the sky of Yanjing.

Not far after Zhu Han rushed out, Liu Shenhong suddenly exclaimed: "My lord, be careful!"

I saw an arrow missing, passing through the crowd silently, and heading straight for Zhu Han's face.

Look in the direction the arrow came from.

Zhao Hong, the commander of the Ruiqi Battalion, was maintaining his archery posture.

Zhao Hong, who took action, had an extremely complicated look on his face.

Although it is not that he has never met Zhu Han, the status difference between him and Zhu Han is really too big.

When meeting Zhu Han, he, the commander of the sharp cavalry battalion, was basically on the sidelines.

You can also take a look at what Zhu Han looks like from a distance.

Although I have heard of the various deeds of His Royal Highness Zhu Han.

But in Zhao Hong's opinion, that's just flattery.

Just like belittling the enemy, it is just a way to boost the morale of one's own soldiers.

But today, after meeting Zhu Han in person.

Zhao Hong was surprised to find that His Royal Highness was completely different from everyone he had seen before.

Change it to anyone, even him.

In this desperate situation, support suddenly came.

I will definitely jump for joy, this is simply a chance of survival from a desperate situation.

But Zhu Han was not like that. Instead of being ecstatic, he tried hard to persuade the people not to sacrifice for him.

In the end, he even jumped out of the safety of the carriage and wanted to fight side by side with the people.

From the perspective of a battlefield commander, Zhu Han's behavior was simply stupid.

But if you look at it from the perspective of an ordinary soldier or a common person.

People like Zhu Han are the ones they are willing to sacrifice everything for.

Zhao Hong felt extremely emotional in his heart, if he had encountered the same thing as Zhu Han before.

Is it true that it will not be reduced to this point?

Although Zhao Hong had all kinds of thoughts in his mind.

However, when he strikes, he shows no mercy at all.

Seeing Zhu Han rushing up, he directly used the cover of the crowd to launch cold arrows to attack Zhu Han.

When Zhu Han discovered it, the arrow was already less than a foot away from his eyes.

This distance is simply fleeting for a flying arrow.

Seeing that Zhu Han was about to be hit by an arrow.

A huge force suddenly passed through Zhu Han's shoulders.

It turned out that Liu Shenhong pushed Zhu Han aside at the critical moment.

It's just him, but he doesn't have time to escape.

Zhu Han watched helplessly as the arrow missed and pierced Liu Shenhong's spine.

Although he really wanted to see Liu Shenhong's current situation, Zhu Han knew that he couldn't do this.

This is a battlefield, and people are dying every moment.

He had more important things to do than checking Liu Shenhong's injury.

The only thing that could reassure Zhu Han was that the arrow just now was probably stuck in a bone, and it didn't seem like the part that penetrated his body was deep.

As long as the internal organs are not injured, the power of a missed arrow is not as great as imagined.

"Kill!" Zhu Han roared with red eyes and rushed directly into the military formation of Ruiqi Camp.

The previous formation of the Rui Cavalry Battalion had been broken up by the Jinyi guards and guards protecting Zhu Han.

At this time, if Zhu Han launches an attack on them again, the danger will be much less than before.

There was almost no decent counterattack.

A soldier from the Rui Cavalry Battalion in front had just blocked the sword of the Jinyi Guard Captain.

Then they saw Zhu Han, who looked as ferocious as a ghost from hell, holding a knife in both hands and slashing it with all his strength.

In the flash of sword light, the long sword directly cut off half of the soldier's neck.

When the man behind him saw this, he immediately thrust out his spear, hoping to take the opportunity to kill Zhu Han.

But his spear was only half the size, and a Zhu Handi guard had already opened the spear with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Another Jinyi guard stepped forward sideways, avoiding the person in front who was killed by Zhu Han, and rushed directly in front of the Ruiqi battalion soldiers who attacked Zhu Han.

He raised the knife with his hand and wiped it cleanly across his neck.

In the blink of an eye, a life was lost. The Jin Yiwei who took action seemed to have used no strength at all.

When fighting on the battlefield, the use of force is of course extremely important. However, those who know how to kill the enemy at the minimum cost can live longer.

Although Zhu Han is considered to have been in battle for a long time, there is still a big gap between him and these people who are really licking blood with their swords.

Zhu Han, the British King of the Ming Dynasty, personally picked up a sword to kill people, which was a huge boost to morale.

Whether it's the common people, the guards around Zhu Han, or the guards in royal robes.

They all became more and more courageous as they fought more and more, and the soldiers of the Rui Cavalry Battalion were defeated step by step.

Even the formation can no longer be maintained.

At this critical moment, the sound of a military horse neighing came from far away.

Zhao Hong, who was wearing armor, galloped on his horse and rushed straight towards Zhu Han.

There were still more than ten meters away, and the tip of the spear in his hand was already pointed at Zhu Han like a poisonous snake.

How could those imperial guards and bodyguards allow Zhao Hong, who was riding a war horse, to rush towards Zhu Han unscrupulously?

They all roared angrily and rushed towards Zhao Hong.

These people are not brave.

However, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

This guy Zhao Hong is covered in armor, and even the horse he rides on is also armored.

Regardless of whether Jin Yiwei's Xiuchundao struck Zhao Hong's body or the war horse, except for leaving a trail of sparks, it did not cause any real damage to Zhao Hong.

But Zhao Hong can easily harvest their lives.

Zhao Hong didn't even need to do anything. He just rode his horse and ran wildly, breaking the bones and tendons of those who attacked him.

Some people also try to deal with the horse's legs directly.

However, how could they easily deal with the galloping war horses?

Often before the knife is handed out, the hooves of the war horse have already stepped on him.

Zhao Hong's weight now weighs almost 500 kilograms, including the man and the armor, not counting the weight of the horse.

A war horse with such a huge weight has one leg stepping on a person...

No matter who you step on, the person's flesh and blood will immediately explode like a tomato hit by a hammer.

It sounds like a long time, but in fact it all happened in the blink of an eye.

In Zhu Han's opinion, it was Zhao Hong who was charging towards him on horseback.

Several Jin Yiwei rushed forward to stop him.

But the people who organized Zhao Hong were either knocked away by the war horses, or trampled to a pulp by the war horses.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Hongren had rushed in front of Zhu Han, and the tip of the spear exuded heartbreaking murderous intent.

Zhu Han wanted to hide, but his body didn't obey his orders at all.

It's not that he's afraid, it's just that his body's reaction speed can't keep up with his brain's thinking speed.

"Your Highness, get out of here!" Liu Shenhong, who covered his shoulders and struggled to get up from the ground, reminded Zhu Han anxiously.

Looking at his appearance, if he wasn't too far away from Zhu Han, he might have pushed Zhu Han away again and used his own life to save Zhu Han.

Just when Liu Shenhong finished speaking.

A huge wooden box spun and flew towards Zhao Hong.

Zhao Hong felt his vision go dark, and then a wooden box hit him heavily.

With a crash, the wooden box shattered and the apples in the box flew in all directions.

Zhao Hong himself was also knocked out by the wooden box and fell heavily to the ground.

Falling off a horse is painful enough even at ordinary times.

What's more, Zhao Hong is still wearing iron armor.

That kind of painful feeling is really indescribable to outsiders.

But he is a military commander after all, and his physical fitness is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He quickly got up again and drew out the long sword from his waist.

"King of England, please die!"

He roared angrily and continued to kill Zhu Han.

But before he could rush out.

His vision went dark, and another wooden box spun and flew over.

This chapter has been completed!
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